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Organization / Workplace
bacolod Philippines
ESL Instructor
i'm a messed uP persON.. totaLLy comPLicated...
IdentiTy 1:
an indiViduaL with a hopefuL souL... FRee sPiriTed.. veRy Loud.. Outspoken..opTimistic...soMEone whO LoveS to See peopLe Laugh and getS heR heArt Broken When She SeeS them CryiNg and HaviNg a Hard Time wiTh Life.. a HardWorking StuDent..who VaLues FriendsHips and FaMily.. MoVEd bY her FamiLy's DreAms and is DEterMined to fuLfiLL it foR theM... someOne who Wants to fLy but is AfraiD of FaLLing.. a PerSon who Loves DEepLy and EnduRes Pain for the PeopLe she Loves...
IdentiTy 2:
a good for Nothing TeachER..
a Non-exisTent Student of WEst Negros University..
a Lousy Writer..
a Boring PersON..
a Nobody.
Users following Nielmarie Rose Makilan