A tool for warehouse managers to explore and find cost-effective solutions that fit best to the logistic parameters of their operation of today and in the future. The configurator intends to support the decision making process in warehouse design.
2. WMExplorer is a tool for warehouse managers to keep up-to-date
with warehouse solutions. Jons warehouse operations is manual
and paper based. He starts using WHExplorer to explore solutions
that 鍖ts the increasing warehousing demands in 3-4 years.
6. In the home page he sees twitter feeds, which are updates about
the latest trends and developments that can be organized by in-
dustry, company or function. He clicks on the menu icon on the
top left
7. and sees several buttons appearing which he will explore later.
First he checks out the button on the top right
8. which is the place to enter information about his operations. He
further explore the units tab.
9. This seems to be the place to enter the warehouse unit types. He
doest have the exact 鍖gures yet and decide to come back to this
part later. Now he feels more like exploring to see what the app
really is about and clicks again on the menu button
14. He looks at the product details and does a quick comparison with
other solutions...
15. ...and clicks on the icon to receive regular updates about this pro-
duct and solution area.
16. Later, he receives several noti鍖cations about upcoming warehouse
fairs, which he quicly adds to his calendar and several product and
solution area updates.
17. After using the service for some time he feels more con鍖dent in
providing the system with detailed operational data...
19. Based on this data, his previous search behaviour and
knowledge from similar industries and operations, the system is
able to make better comparisons and tailored recommendations.