This document provides pricing and contact information for DocuSign implementation services offered by Mansa Systems, a boutique systems integration company specializing in enterprise cloud technologies like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, NetSuite, Oracle, and SAP. Mansa Systems offers basic DocuSign implementation for $1,972 as well as customization, development using APIs, and integration services for DocuSign customers. Contact information including email, phone number, and website are provided to learn more.
Este documento resume los resultados de la 34a edici┏n del Torneo La Caja de Canarias de lucha canaria. Castro Morales se convirti┏ en el nuevo l┴der de la categor┴a principal despu└s de derrotar a Almogar└n. En la categor┴a de plata, Maninidra y Adargoma San Jos└ lideran despu└s de vencer a sus oponentes. La liga juvenil termin┏ con Vecinos Unidos y Pollo Buen Lugar disputando la final.
This document provides pricing and contact information for DocuSign implementation services offered by Mansa Systems, a boutique systems integration company specializing in enterprise cloud technologies like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, NetSuite, Oracle, and SAP. Mansa Systems offers basic DocuSign implementation for $1,972 as well as customization, development using APIs, and integration services for DocuSign customers. Contact information including email, phone number, and website are provided to learn more.
Este documento resume los resultados de la 34a edici┏n del Torneo La Caja de Canarias de lucha canaria. Castro Morales se convirti┏ en el nuevo l┴der de la categor┴a principal despu└s de derrotar a Almogar└n. En la categor┴a de plata, Maninidra y Adargoma San Jos└ lideran despu└s de vencer a sus oponentes. La liga juvenil termin┏ con Vecinos Unidos y Pollo Buen Lugar disputando la final.
Harness the Power of the Web to Promote Your Online EventReadyTalk
You've completed the initial to-do's for your webinar: speaker, date, description - check. Now you want to get the word out. When do you start? Where do you post your event link? Where do you find the best audience for your topic? And, most importantly, how do you compel people to actually sign-up once they've landed on your registration page? Here's a webinar that covers all the best practices for promoting your webinars.
In this event, Rachel Levy - Founder/CEO of WebinarListings, and Simone Verhulst - Webinar Series Manager for ReadyTalk will cover:
-Promotional timelines leading up to your event
-Registration form best practices
-Where to find your ideal target audience and how to capture their attention (think social & digital media - some of them are out there searching for your topic!)
-Diverse promotional platforms available to get you up and running
It doesn't matter how great your topic is if there's no one there to listen. Make sure you are getting the most out of the time leading up to your webinar - join us and learn actionable items to boost your registration and reach with online events!
Web experience analysis for local climate change group.Topics covered: purpose,audience,analysis of current website including navigation, content sources, keywords, planning posts, platform, web usability.
La rueda es uno de los inventos m│s importantes de la humanidad. Se cree que fue inventada en Mesopotamia alrededor del a?o 3500 a.C. y se us┏ inicialmente en alfarer┴a. M│s tarde se aplic┏ en carros y ayud┏ a mejorar el transporte terrestre. La rueda evolucion┏ de un simple disco de madera a una rueda con radios que permiti┏ veh┴culos m│s ligeros y r│pidos. La rueda ha sido fundamental para el progreso humano y la industrializaci┏n moderna ser┴a inconcebible sin
1. Columns are vertical structural elements that transmit loads from above to the foundation below through compression.
2. Concrete columns are commonly used in buildings to support beams, floors, and roofs. They can be cast-in-place or prefabricated and take different shapes like circular, rectangular, or square.
3. Reinforced concrete columns contain steel reinforcement, usually longitudinal bars and lateral ties or spirals, to strengthen the column and improve its load-bearing capacity. The type and amount of reinforcement depends on the size and load on the column.
Testing your app with Selenium on Travis CIYusuke Ando
This document discusses using Selenium on Travis CI for testing web applications. It provides an overview of Travis CI, explaining that it allows running tests on multiple versions and operating systems in parallel. It then discusses how to set up Selenium testing on Travis CI, including installing dependencies like Firefox, Xvfb, and Java, and running Selenium tests via PHPUnit. It concludes by asking if developers really want to maintain their own testing infrastructure instead of using Travis CI.