1. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
一 觀壱 襷ろ
world coordinates(瑚譬)
る瑚 れ襦 讌 螻糾
world window(瑚)
覃伎 蠏碁れ
企Μ ろ襴一
2. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
3. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
*viewport: 吴碁 豌伎
scaling螻 shifting 牛 襷ろ
4. 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
Distortion(螻) 狩る
2)磯企 觀壱語 譬°譟一
world window
5. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
screen window
world window left,top,right,bottom (W.l,W.t,W.r,W.b)蟆所襦 蠍一.
viewport V. l,V.t,V.r,V.b 曙襦 豸′ ろ襴 一 譬螻襦 蠍一.
6. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
覲 牛 襷ろ
sx =Ax+C, sy =By+D
A , B scale 螳
C , D shift(or translate)螳
7. sx =Ax+c, sy =By+d
A and B scale the x,y coordinates,
C and D shift(or translate)
A= V.r-V.l C= V.l-AW.l B= V.t-V.b D= V.b-BW.b
W.r-W.l W.t-W.b
9. Tiling the screen window with the dinosaur motif
a)setWindow(0, 640.0, 0, 440.0); // set a fixed window
for(int i=0; i < 5; i++) // for each column
for (int j=0; j < 5; j++) // for each row
glViewport(i * 64, j * 44, 64,44) // set the next viewport
drawPolylineFile(dino.dat") ; // draw it again
10. Tiling the screen window with the dinosaur motif
b)for(int i = 0; i<5;i++)
for (int j = 0;=0; j<5;j++)
if((i+j) % 2 == O //if (i+j) is even
setWindow (0.0 , 640.0, 0.0, 440.0) // right - side-up window
setWindow(0.0, 640.0, 440.0, 0.0); // upside-down window
glViewport(i * 64, j * 44, 64, 44); // set the next viewport
drawPolylineFile("dino.dat"); //draw it again
11. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
-Zooming and Roaming
float cx = 0.3, cy = 0.2; //center of the window
float H, W = 1.2, aspect = 0.7; // window properties
set the viewport
for(int frame = 0; frame < NumFrames; frame++) // for each frame
clearthescreen // erase the previous figure
W*-0.7; // reduce the window width
H = W * aspect; // maintain the same aspect ratio
setWindow(cx - W, cx + W,. cy._- H, cy + H) ; //set the next window
hexSwirl(); // draw the object
zooming螻朱ゼ 襷り鍵 襷 襷 一 蠍磯ゼ 譴
覃伎 .
center aspect ratio(R) 螻 豈 螳 蠍一 觀壱 蠏碁れ.
12. 3. More Drawing Tool
1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
-Zooming and Roaming
覿 覃伎 襷り鍵
Double buffering
襦 磯ゼ るジ 企螳 覩碁Μ 蠏碁る 覯渚蟆
蠏碁れ 蠏碁殊 ろ伎 讀 覦蠖豺蠍 .
覃覈襴 蠏碁殊 螳 覲 襦 ろ襴 磯 企慨
觚覯朱 伎 豐蠍壱覈 れ 豢螳
glutlintDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE l GLUT_RGB)
-hexSwirl()れ glutSwapBuffers()襯 豢螳
13. 3. More Drawing Tool
2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-setting of the window
る語 覯( 覦企覦)蟲蠍
All the endpoints of the object's lines
are stored in an array
i=0, 2.....,n-1
extreme value of x, y
給襯 至鍵 覯 pass
pass 1: 蠏碁Μ蠍 襭伎 ろ讌襷
れ 蠏碁Μ讌 螻 覯襷 螻.
pass 2: 詞伎 覯襯 螳讌螻 れ 蠏碁.
14. 3. More Drawing Tool
2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio
豌願係襴殊 覃伎 j
a) world window 譬°螳 screen window 譬°覲企 蟆曙 R>W/H
b) world window 譬°螳 screen window 譬°覲企 蟆曙 R<W/H
15. 3. More Drawing Tool
2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio
a)setViewport(0,W,0,W/R) b)setViewport(0,H*R,0,H)
16. 3. More Drawing Tool
2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio
ex)R=1.6, H=200, W=360
case b) 企
a)setViewport(0,W,0,W/R) b)setViewport(0,H*R,0,H)
17. 3. More Drawing Tool
2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-Resizing the Screen Window: the Resize Event
蠍郁 覲蟆暑 語 貊覦燕
//specifies the funtion called
//on a resize event
void myshape(GLsize W, GLsize H);
if (R>W/H) //use window aspect ratio
setViewport(0, W, 0,W/R)
drag else
setViewport(0, H*R, 0, H)
drag: resize event覦