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3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
 一 觀壱 襷ろ

             world coordinates(瑚譬)
              る瑚 れ襦 讌 螻糾

             world window(瑚)
               覃伎 蠏碁れ 

            企Μ ろ襴一
3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
*viewport: 吴碁 豌伎
        scaling螻 shifting 牛 襷ろ

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport

 Distortion(螻) 狩る
 2)磯企 觀壱語 譬°譟一

                    world window



3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport

                                                                 screen window


 world window left,top,right,bottom (W.l,W.t,W.r,W.b)蟆所襦 蠍一.

 viewport V. l,V.t,V.r,V.b 曙襦 豸′ ろ襴 一 譬螻襦 蠍一.
3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
 覲 牛 襷ろ

                   sx =Ax+C, sy =By+D

                   A , B scale 螳
                   C , D shift(or translate)螳
sx =Ax+c, sy =By+d
A and B scale the x,y coordinates,
C and D shift(or translate)

A= V.r-V.l C= V.l-AW.l      B= V.t-V.b D= V.b-BW.b
  W.r-W.l                    W.t-W.b
sx =Ax+c, sy =By+d
(W. l,W.t,W.r,W.b)=(0, 2.0, 0, 1.0)
(V. l,V.t,V.r,V.b)=(40,400,60,300)

sx=180x+40                       glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
sy=240y+60                       glLoadIdentity();
                                  gluOrtho2D(0, 2.0, 0, 1.0);//一れ
Tiling the screen window with the dinosaur motif

     a)setWindow(0, 640.0, 0, 440.0);             // set a fixed window
      for(int i=0; i < 5; i++)              // for each column
        for (int j=0; j < 5; j++)           // for each row
        glViewport(i * 64, j * 44, 64,44)      // set the next viewport
        drawPolylineFile(dino.dat") ;           // draw it again
Tiling the screen window with the dinosaur motif

     b)for(int i = 0; i<5;i++)
         for (int j = 0;=0; j<5;j++)
             if((i+j) % 2 == O                   //if (i+j) is even
                setWindow (0.0 , 640.0, 0.0, 440.0) // right - side-up window
                setWindow(0.0, 640.0, 440.0, 0.0); // upside-down window
             glViewport(i * 64, j * 44, 64, 44);  // set the next viewport
             drawPolylineFile("dino.dat");          //draw it again
3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
-Zooming and Roaming

                       float cx = 0.3, cy = 0.2;              //center of the window
                       float H, W = 1.2, aspect = 0.7;          // window properties
                       set the viewport
                       for(int frame = 0; frame < NumFrames; frame++) // for each frame
                       clearthescreen                   // erase the previous figure
                       W*-0.7;                      // reduce the window width
                       H = W * aspect;                // maintain the same aspect ratio
                       setWindow(cx - W, cx + W,. cy._- H, cy + H) ; //set the next window
                       hexSwirl();                   // draw the object

    zooming螻朱ゼ 襷り鍵  襷 襷 一 蠍磯ゼ 譴
    覃伎 .

    center aspect ratio(R) 螻 豈 螳 蠍一 觀壱  蠏碁れ.
3. More Drawing Tool

1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
-Zooming and Roaming
 覿 覃伎 襷り鍵

  Double buffering
  襦 磯ゼ るジ 企螳 覩碁Μ 蠏碁る  覯渚蟆
  蠏碁れ 蠏碁殊 ろ伎 讀 覦蠖豺蠍 .

  覃覈襴  蠏碁殊 螳 覲  襦 ろ襴 磯 企慨

  觚覯朱 伎 豐蠍壱覈 れ 豢螳

  glutlintDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE l GLUT_RGB)
  -hexSwirl()れ glutSwapBuffers()襯 豢螳
3. More Drawing Tool

2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-setting of the window
 る語 覯( 覦企覦)蟲蠍

                               All the endpoints of the object's lines
                               are stored in an array

                               i=0, 2.....,n-1
                               extreme value of x, y

                               給襯 至鍵  覯 pass

                               pass 1: 蠏碁Μ蠍 襭伎 ろ讌襷
                                     れ 蠏碁Μ讌 螻 覯襷 螻.
                               pass 2: 詞伎 覯襯 螳讌螻 れ 蠏碁.
3. More Drawing Tool

2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio

   豌願係襴殊 覃伎 j  

   a) world window  譬°螳 screen window 譬°覲企  蟆曙 R>W/H
   b) world window  譬°螳 screen window 譬°覲企  蟆曙 R<W/H
3. More Drawing Tool

2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio

       a)setViewport(0,W,0,W/R)              b)setViewport(0,H*R,0,H)
3. More Drawing Tool

2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio

     ex)R=1.6, H=200, W=360

     case b) 企

       a)setViewport(0,W,0,W/R)              b)setViewport(0,H*R,0,H)
3. More Drawing Tool

2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically
-Resizing the Screen Window: the Resize Event
  蠍郁 覲蟆暑 語 貊覦燕

                                   //specifies the funtion called
                                   //on a resize event

                                   void myshape(GLsize W, GLsize H);
                                     if (R>W/H) //use window aspect ratio
                                           setViewport(0, W, 0,W/R)
                            drag     else
                                     setViewport(0, H*R, 0, H)

     drag: resize event覦

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  • 1. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport 一 觀壱 襷ろ world coordinates(瑚譬) る瑚 れ襦 讌 螻糾 world window(瑚) 覃伎 蠏碁れ viewport(觀壱) 企Μ ろ襴一
  • 2. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport
  • 3. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport *viewport: 吴碁 豌伎 scaling螻 shifting 牛 襷ろ (0,0)
  • 4. 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport Distortion(螻) 狩る 1)壱蠍一^ 2)磯企 觀壱語 譬°譟一 300 glViewport(0,0,150,150) world window 300 glViewport(0,0,300,150) glInitWindowSize(300,300)
  • 5. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport screen window viewport world window left,top,right,bottom (W.l,W.t,W.r,W.b)蟆所襦 蠍一. viewport V. l,V.t,V.r,V.b 曙襦 豸′ ろ襴 一 譬螻襦 蠍一.
  • 6. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport 覲 牛 襷ろ sx =Ax+C, sy =By+D A , B scale 螳 C , D shift(or translate)螳
  • 7. sx =Ax+c, sy =By+d A and B scale the x,y coordinates, C and D shift(or translate) A= V.r-V.l C= V.l-AW.l B= V.t-V.b D= V.b-BW.b W.r-W.l W.t-W.b
  • 8. sx =Ax+c, sy =By+d (W. l,W.t,W.r,W.b)=(0, 2.0, 0, 1.0) (V. l,V.t,V.r,V.b)=(40,400,60,300) sx=180x+40 glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); sy=240y+60 glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, 2.0, 0, 1.0);//一れ glViewport(40,400,60,300);//viewportれ
  • 9. Tiling the screen window with the dinosaur motif a)setWindow(0, 640.0, 0, 440.0); // set a fixed window for(int i=0; i < 5; i++) // for each column for (int j=0; j < 5; j++) // for each row { glViewport(i * 64, j * 44, 64,44) // set the next viewport drawPolylineFile(dino.dat") ; // draw it again }
  • 10. Tiling the screen window with the dinosaur motif b)for(int i = 0; i<5;i++) for (int j = 0;=0; j<5;j++) { if((i+j) % 2 == O //if (i+j) is even setWindow (0.0 , 640.0, 0.0, 440.0) // right - side-up window else setWindow(0.0, 640.0, 440.0, 0.0); // upside-down window glViewport(i * 64, j * 44, 64, 44); // set the next viewport drawPolylineFile("dino.dat"); //draw it again }
  • 11. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport -Zooming and Roaming float cx = 0.3, cy = 0.2; //center of the window float H, W = 1.2, aspect = 0.7; // window properties set the viewport for(int frame = 0; frame < NumFrames; frame++) // for each frame { clearthescreen // erase the previous figure W*-0.7; // reduce the window width H = W * aspect; // maintain the same aspect ratio setWindow(cx - W, cx + W,. cy._- H, cy + H) ; //set the next window hexSwirl(); // draw the object zooming螻朱ゼ 襷り鍵 襷 襷 一 蠍磯ゼ 譴 覃伎 . center aspect ratio(R) 螻 豈 螳 蠍一 觀壱 蠏碁れ.
  • 12. 3. More Drawing Tool 1.The Mapping from the Window to the Viewport -Zooming and Roaming 覿 覃伎 襷り鍵 Double buffering 襦 磯ゼ るジ 企螳 覩碁Μ 蠏碁る 覯渚蟆 蠏碁れ 蠏碁殊 ろ伎 讀 覦蠖豺蠍 . glutSwapBuffer 覃覈襴 蠏碁殊 螳 覲 襦 ろ襴 磯 企慨 豐蠍壱 觚覯朱 伎 豐蠍壱覈 れ 豢螳 glutlintDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE l GLUT_RGB) -hexSwirl()れ glutSwapBuffers()襯 豢螳
  • 13. 3. More Drawing Tool 2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically -setting of the window る語 覯( 覦企覦)蟲蠍 All the endpoints of the object's lines are stored in an array pt[i] i=0, 2.....,n-1 extreme value of x, y 給襯 至鍵 覯 pass pass 1: 蠏碁Μ蠍 襭伎 ろ讌襷 れ 蠏碁Μ讌 螻 覯襷 螻. pass 2: 詞伎 覯襯 螳讌螻 れ 蠏碁.
  • 14. 3. More Drawing Tool 2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically -automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio 豌願係襴殊 覃伎 j a) world window 譬°螳 screen window 譬°覲企 蟆曙 R>W/H b) world window 譬°螳 screen window 譬°覲企 蟆曙 R<W/H
  • 15. 3. More Drawing Tool 2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically -automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio a)setViewport(0,W,0,W/R) b)setViewport(0,H*R,0,H)
  • 16. 3. More Drawing Tool 2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically -automatic setting of the viewport to preserve the aspect ratio ex)R=1.6, H=200, W=360 W/H=1.8 case b) 企 setViewport()? setViewport(0,320,0,200) a)setViewport(0,W,0,W/R) b)setViewport(0,H*R,0,H)
  • 17. 3. More Drawing Tool 2.Setting the Window and Viewport Automatically -Resizing the Screen Window: the Resize Event 蠍郁 覲蟆暑 語 貊覦燕 glReshapeFunc(myReshape); //specifies the funtion called //on a resize event void myshape(GLsize W, GLsize H); { if (R>W/H) //use window aspect ratio setViewport(0, W, 0,W/R) drag else setViewport(0, H*R, 0, H) } drag: resize event覦