A code geek, open source committer, conference speaker and Android Software Developer at Intel. Experienced in developing Mobile (native/html5), Java, Web, Flex, GWT, JavaEE and OSGi applications besides teaching courses and mentoring.
Eclipse committer in Eclipse Libra project. GDG Istanbul organizer since 2009
and a Conference Speaker..
Mobile Java with mGWT, Still “Write once run everywhere”, GWT.Create, San Francisco 2013
Paranoid Android, jDays, Gothenburg 2013
Zodiac of OSGi: Meet Eclipse Libra, Virgo and Gemini, jDays, Gothenburg 2013
Zodiac of OSGi: Meet Eclipse Libra, Virgo and Gemini, JavaOne, San Francisco 2013
Mobile Java with mGWT, Still “Write once run everywhere”, JavaOne...