The Genesis digital camera from Panavision offers a film-like workflow with reliability and proven technology. It uses the same lenses, accessories, and ergonomics as Panavision's film cameras. The Genesis captures uncompressed 12.4 megapixel images with a color science that seamlessly integrates with film. It provides on-set image processing and monitoring tools to ensure quality without complex post-production steps.
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Genesis速 with Panavision速 SSR-1 Solid State Recorder mounted on its rear port
WHY CHOOSE PANAVISION AND designed to work with Panavisions extremely
GENESIS? broad range of accessories, hundreds of
The Genesis is Panavisions premier digital special tools like filter tilting matte boxes, tools
camera. It offers an unmatched track record you cant get anywhere else.
for reliability and a proven industry standard
Genesis was designed to make
workflow for on-set efficiency and trouble free
pictures like a film camera. Footage
post production. Genesis is more than a
from Genesis cuts beautifully with film because
camera; its a complete system that answers
we paid special attention to the color filters on
your need for high quality recording formats, a
the sensor so the camera has virtually identical
sophisticated onset color display for oops-free
color and light response with film. In test after
filming and an on-set real time DPX creation
test, when film and Genesis comparisons are
tool that can help catch problems before you
shown on the big screen the audience cant tell
leave the location.
them apart.
Genesis is designed for use by film
crews. Its modeled on Panavision film
cameras so your crew can adapt to it easily
instead of using their energy learning to cope
with evolving technologies - that translates into
time and money savings on the set. Genesis is Continued on next page -->
6219 DE SOTO AVENUE, WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 818-316-1000 FAX 818-316-1111 WWW.PANAVISION.COM.
Copyright 息2009 Panavision Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications may change without notice.
06.2009 v.1
2. T
Genesis makes great pictures because its post procedures before you can view your
12.4 megapixel Super 35mm size sensor picture. Thats because we build the image
captures images with the same depth of field as processing right into the camera. You can see
our film cameras. Another reason is the your true image even during shooting and
cameras extremely high MTF - modulation make changes while the camera is rolling --
transfer function. MTF, not resolution is the term pretty powerful!
most imaging experts use to describe sharpness
and Genesis has MTF to spare. Genesis MTF GDP the Genesis Display Processor is
translates directly into tack sharp pictures on Panavisions answer to the problem of viewing
the screen. your images on the set and being comfortable
they will look the same when they get to the
Genesis sees pretty well in the dark screen. Panalog captures a much broader
Weve developed a strong reputation for range of tones than any monitor can properly
shooting at night without much in the way of present. The GDP is a powerful LUT creation
lights but we want to point out that translates tool that transforms the Panalog camera output
into extra time during the day as well. Many into repeatable, easy to view images for
producers report they get up to an extra hour immediate on-set judgment of picture quality.
of shooting time when the light is fading you GDP LUTs are easily carried forward to post
figure out what thats worth. and DI to speed final color correction.
Genesis doesnt compromise your Great pictures start with great lenses.
image with compression using SSR, At Panavision we know the image never gets
Panavisions on-board solid state recorder you any better than the lens so Genesis uses the
can capture up to forty-two minutes of same lenses as our film cameras including the
completely uncompressed 4:4:4 footage - legendary Primos. Panavision has over fifteen
unmatched for green screen and demanding thousand lenses in our inventory so regardless
CGI applications. SSR reduces the weight of of the look you want from right this minute to
Genesis, F35 and F23 by eight pounds. period lenses going back to the mid-fifties we
Steadicam and hand-held operators will tell can help you get your vision on the screen
you what that means to their work.
Panavision training and technical
Panalog Digital cameras capture light in a support at Panavision you get expert help
linear mode but humans see in log. Panalog is as well as a camera. We do more industry
Panavisions exclusive method of transforming training than anybody and spend as much time
linear to log in a way that captures every bit of as your crew needs to be confident before you
the light from the sensor and delivers it go out to shoot. And if questions arise we
optimized for the human eye. have more experienced technical support
people ready to help you than any other rental
Genesis delivers its pictures ready to company. At Panavision we never hand you a
view and easy to work with. With box and leave you to sink or swim.
Genesis there are no complex and unnecessary
3. T
Panavision is available around the We promise to save you money - Youre
world in almost fifty locations experienced; you know the number on the
wherever you go you can count on our quote doesnt represent the total cost of the
continuity and support. Need an extra camera equipment. When you factor in rental cost plus
body for a stunt or a special lens? Panavision the efficiency with which you work, plus maybe
is nearby, ready to help you. Shooting a longer day when you need it and add in the
Monday in Paris, Texas and Wednesday in costs of post operations, no other camera beats
Paris, France? Panavision promises you the Genesis at delivering you a great picture and a
same high quality experience and equipment great all-in deal.
wherever you go.
You can trust us weve already been
Panavision offers more different kinds there - With over a hundred features viewed
of cameras than anybody else. And not on screens all over the world and the majority
just cameras, Panavision has more lens of digitally photographed one hour dramas
choices, more remote heads and cranes and photographed on Genesis, its no wonder
probably more lighting than anyone else. producers trust Panavision to deliver the
What that means to you is freedom to choose goods.
the right tools for your project and unbiased
advice from people who offer all the systems
not just one or two answers.
Panavision, the Filmakers Choice Genesis, the Look of the Movies
T Proven on hundreds of feature, television and commercial projects
T A film camera that shoots digital
T Super 35mm-sized sensor
T Uses all existing 35mm Panavision spherical lenses, notably the Primo速 series
T 1-50 fps
T EI of 400
T Wide color gamut easily intercuts with film
T Uses most Panavision accessories
4. T
T Super 35mm sized sensor T Lightweight
T Equivalent to 35mm depth of field T Low power consumption
T Utilizes all existing spherical 35mm lenses, T Mounts on Genesis for cable-free,
including Primo Primes and Zooms camera-controlled operation
T Size, weight and ergonomics suitable T Uncompressed 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 recording
T 42 minute capacity in 23.98 fps
for studio, hand-held or Steadicam modes
T Utilizes virtually all existing Panaflex速 4:4:4 SP mode
T 84 minute capacity in 23.98 fps
T Dockable SSR-1 or Sony SRW-1 VTR 4:2:2 LP mode
T Built-in 525/625 down-converter
(no cables) on rear or top
T 1 to 50 frames per second for Steadicam use
T 12.4 mega pixel, true RGB sensor
(not Bayer pattern) SONY SRW-1 FIELD RECORDER
T Dynamic range equivalent to 5218 T HDCAM-SR recording facilitates delivery
T Nominal exposure index of 400
to videotape post-production workflows
Usable EI as high as 1600 T Maximum 50 minutes recording per
T 10 bit log per color output
cassette at 24fps
T Production sound and meta-data recording
T Wide color gamut for film intercut
applications T Instant playback of full resolution
T Dual viewfinder outputs
color image
T On location, real-time tape cloning
T Full bandwidth, dual link 4:4:4 and off-line copy creation*
T Internal 3-2 pull down capability*
HDSDI outputs
T Single 4:2:2 HDSDI monitor output
T 12 channels of audio recording*
T Digital lateral color aberration compen-
sation for improved visual effects T Multi-frame rate
T Camera LCD display provides user- T 4:4:4 RGB recording
definable access to camera functions T Detachable control panel
T Metadata input and recording
* Requires SRPC-1 adapter