Aceasta prezentare evidentiaza cateva din pericolele utilizarii plaselor de plastic.
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Spune NU plaselor de plastic! - un proiect ECO CLUB Timisoara
ChatThreads-Ogilvy Integrated Social Media Business Impact Study 2011ChatThreads
The full presentation of our ARF Audience Measurement 6.0 presentation on Integrated Social Media Business Impact for the Quick Service Restaurant Category.
The document contains information about several performing art and design projects including the Long Center Performing Art Theater in Austin, Texas designed by Zeidler Partnership Architects, the Riverside Performing Art Theatre in Vero Beach, Florida also designed by Zeidler Partnership Architects, the cruise ship The Serenity designed by Tillberg Design, and the Beach Club Hotel and Resort designed by GarciaStromberg. Photos of different areas of these projects like the audience chambers, atriums, bars, and exterior views are included.
A WebQuest by Adam White for CSU's EDUC331 class. This WebQuest provides soon-to-be band and orchestra students with a good foundation of all the pros and cons of each instrument, and help them to choose what instrument they want to play.
El documento describe a Colombia como un pa鱈s donde hay trabajo para todos, ingenieros mec叩nicos de calidad y originalidad a pesar de las malformaciones. Tambi辿n destaca que en Colombia hay esperanzas y especificidad, trillizos, y que sus ciudadanos entienden mejor las se単ales de tr叩nsito y se preocupan por los animales.
This document outlines the achievements and awards of a GIS organization over 46 years of service including being named Partner of the Year by ESRI in 2001, receiving achievement awards from the Association of Indiana Counties and an Indiana GIS Award, and awards for projects with Hamilton Southeastern Utilities and for public involvement and local involvement.
This document contains a recipe for yellow rice from Italy. It lists the ingredients as olive oil, onion, rice, meat broth, red wine, and saffron. The instructions are to slice and brown the onion in olive oil, then add the rice and toast it before adding hot meat broth, saffron, and cooking for 20 minutes to produce a yummy yellow rice.
For years, the independent film industry has created an unspoken competitive spirit among filmmakers. Competition for festival slots and buyers attention has left many filmmakers bitter at the success of others. As the traditional deals fade away, filmmakers now find themselves at a crossroads as new collaborative models emerge. The production side of filmmaking has been democratised, now it is time to open the discovery and distribution processes. A step in that direction is From Here to Awesome. FHTA is an R&D lab of sorts, an open source project that is focused on experimenting with new business models, creating open tools and standards and making recommendations for best practices.
Este documento presenta una empresa de capacitaci坦n y desarrollo gerencial llamada MAPA Consulting. La misi坦n de la empresa es dise単ar y facilitar programas de capacitaci坦n orientados al desarrollo gerencial y el desempe単o efectivo. Presenta a los tres fundadores de la empresa y sus antecedentes, los programas que ofrecen, su metodolog鱈a de trabajo y sus clientes.
The document discusses modeling and addresses common misconceptions and criticisms about modeling. It argues that modeling is not complex or restrictive, and can improve productivity by automating routine tasks. Modeling provides abstraction and structure that can enhance performance and quality compared to alternatives like pure programming.
Emerging trends in casual gaming culled from my trip to Casual Connect Seattle in July 2009. Includes general trends, specific social gaming trends, iPhone, and perspective from the only venture capitalist invited to speak at this year's conference.
This document discusses the benefits of using illustration on websites. It argues that illustrations can make websites more beautiful, fun, and engaging. Illustrations are a form of art that can personalize websites. They can also help explain complex concepts, guide users, and create a more pleasant experience when errors occur. The document provides many examples of websites that effectively use illustrations and recommends sites to see additional illustration work. is a membership organization that connects the military community to benefits and resources throughout their service and civilian life. It provides trusted information on joining the military, benefits, careers, education, healthcare and finance. serves active duty, veterans, guards/reserves and their families through various online tools and programs supported by the Departments of Defense and Labor.
Felice cavallotti primary school albuzzano italyKatia Calegari
The document summarizes information about the Felice Cavallotti Primary School located in the small town of Albuzzano, Italy. It describes the school as a two-story building with colorful classrooms and modern facilities including a gymnasium, three canteens, an ICT lab, a library, and a courtyard. It has 167 students aged 6-10 and 18 teachers. The school day runs from 8:30am to 4:30pm from Monday to Friday.
The document discusses predicting the risk of cascading power outages. It presents a simulation-based method to identify potential cascading modes and proposes online risk monitoring of both traditional contingencies and potential cascading modes. Higher power transfers and structural degradation can increase the likelihood of cascades. The method aims to assess consequences of initiating events and categorize cascading risks into tiers to better plan for credible and unacceptable scenarios.
This document summarizes the work of a team designing a new primary care system aimed at empowering patients. It describes their generative research activities like interviews and personas. It outlines areas for improvement like communication and tracking. It then presents a new "service moment string" concept where patients' medical data follows them through their journey and is visible to doctors. Examples are given of patients scheduling appointments and receiving treatment using digital tools. Next steps discussed are validating the concept with scenarios and doing more generative research.
1) The study compared the problem-based learning (PBL) process between a video-triggered case and a paper-triggered case with 11 second-year medical students.
2) Results showed that students spent similar amounts of time on problem identification and description in the video-triggered case compared to the paper case, indicating they were not distracted.
3) The study concluded that video triggers can be effectively used in PBL without distracting students from critical thinking stages such as problem identification.
The CrisWare platform is a next generation e-learning and virtual training platform that combines advanced e-learning techniques with 3D graphics. It allows companies to order and share training courses with employees and other companies. The platform features introductory courses as well as simple and advanced process training. Employees can train individually on basic tasks or collaboratively on complex processes. The learning sequence increases capabilities for each employee. New courses are continuously added to the shared learning pool from other subscriber companies. The platform sets up a web-based e-learning environment including a 3D model of the company. Customers pay startup and monthly fees that cover system maintenance, access to shared courses, and design of customized courses.
This document discusses plans for an edited volume on research in problem-based learning (PBL) to be published by Springer. It will aim to build on the growing body of empirical research on PBL evaluations and explore how to support student learning in PBL courses and programs in a theory- and research-driven way. The volume will have editors from the University of Hong Kong and contributors from dentistry, medicine, education and other fields across several countries. Main themes will include investigating student learning outcomes, researching new technologies, exploring the PBL tutorial process, and identifying directions for future research.
A WebQuest by Adam White for CSU's EDUC331 class. This WebQuest provides soon-to-be band and orchestra students with a good foundation of all the pros and cons of each instrument, and help them to choose what instrument they want to play.
El documento describe a Colombia como un pa鱈s donde hay trabajo para todos, ingenieros mec叩nicos de calidad y originalidad a pesar de las malformaciones. Tambi辿n destaca que en Colombia hay esperanzas y especificidad, trillizos, y que sus ciudadanos entienden mejor las se単ales de tr叩nsito y se preocupan por los animales.
This document outlines the achievements and awards of a GIS organization over 46 years of service including being named Partner of the Year by ESRI in 2001, receiving achievement awards from the Association of Indiana Counties and an Indiana GIS Award, and awards for projects with Hamilton Southeastern Utilities and for public involvement and local involvement.
This document contains a recipe for yellow rice from Italy. It lists the ingredients as olive oil, onion, rice, meat broth, red wine, and saffron. The instructions are to slice and brown the onion in olive oil, then add the rice and toast it before adding hot meat broth, saffron, and cooking for 20 minutes to produce a yummy yellow rice.
For years, the independent film industry has created an unspoken competitive spirit among filmmakers. Competition for festival slots and buyers attention has left many filmmakers bitter at the success of others. As the traditional deals fade away, filmmakers now find themselves at a crossroads as new collaborative models emerge. The production side of filmmaking has been democratised, now it is time to open the discovery and distribution processes. A step in that direction is From Here to Awesome. FHTA is an R&D lab of sorts, an open source project that is focused on experimenting with new business models, creating open tools and standards and making recommendations for best practices.
Este documento presenta una empresa de capacitaci坦n y desarrollo gerencial llamada MAPA Consulting. La misi坦n de la empresa es dise単ar y facilitar programas de capacitaci坦n orientados al desarrollo gerencial y el desempe単o efectivo. Presenta a los tres fundadores de la empresa y sus antecedentes, los programas que ofrecen, su metodolog鱈a de trabajo y sus clientes.
The document discusses modeling and addresses common misconceptions and criticisms about modeling. It argues that modeling is not complex or restrictive, and can improve productivity by automating routine tasks. Modeling provides abstraction and structure that can enhance performance and quality compared to alternatives like pure programming.
Emerging trends in casual gaming culled from my trip to Casual Connect Seattle in July 2009. Includes general trends, specific social gaming trends, iPhone, and perspective from the only venture capitalist invited to speak at this year's conference.
This document discusses the benefits of using illustration on websites. It argues that illustrations can make websites more beautiful, fun, and engaging. Illustrations are a form of art that can personalize websites. They can also help explain complex concepts, guide users, and create a more pleasant experience when errors occur. The document provides many examples of websites that effectively use illustrations and recommends sites to see additional illustration work. is a membership organization that connects the military community to benefits and resources throughout their service and civilian life. It provides trusted information on joining the military, benefits, careers, education, healthcare and finance. serves active duty, veterans, guards/reserves and their families through various online tools and programs supported by the Departments of Defense and Labor.
Felice cavallotti primary school albuzzano italyKatia Calegari
The document summarizes information about the Felice Cavallotti Primary School located in the small town of Albuzzano, Italy. It describes the school as a two-story building with colorful classrooms and modern facilities including a gymnasium, three canteens, an ICT lab, a library, and a courtyard. It has 167 students aged 6-10 and 18 teachers. The school day runs from 8:30am to 4:30pm from Monday to Friday.
The document discusses predicting the risk of cascading power outages. It presents a simulation-based method to identify potential cascading modes and proposes online risk monitoring of both traditional contingencies and potential cascading modes. Higher power transfers and structural degradation can increase the likelihood of cascades. The method aims to assess consequences of initiating events and categorize cascading risks into tiers to better plan for credible and unacceptable scenarios.
This document summarizes the work of a team designing a new primary care system aimed at empowering patients. It describes their generative research activities like interviews and personas. It outlines areas for improvement like communication and tracking. It then presents a new "service moment string" concept where patients' medical data follows them through their journey and is visible to doctors. Examples are given of patients scheduling appointments and receiving treatment using digital tools. Next steps discussed are validating the concept with scenarios and doing more generative research.
1) The study compared the problem-based learning (PBL) process between a video-triggered case and a paper-triggered case with 11 second-year medical students.
2) Results showed that students spent similar amounts of time on problem identification and description in the video-triggered case compared to the paper case, indicating they were not distracted.
3) The study concluded that video triggers can be effectively used in PBL without distracting students from critical thinking stages such as problem identification.
The CrisWare platform is a next generation e-learning and virtual training platform that combines advanced e-learning techniques with 3D graphics. It allows companies to order and share training courses with employees and other companies. The platform features introductory courses as well as simple and advanced process training. Employees can train individually on basic tasks or collaboratively on complex processes. The learning sequence increases capabilities for each employee. New courses are continuously added to the shared learning pool from other subscriber companies. The platform sets up a web-based e-learning environment including a 3D model of the company. Customers pay startup and monthly fees that cover system maintenance, access to shared courses, and design of customized courses.
This document discusses plans for an edited volume on research in problem-based learning (PBL) to be published by Springer. It will aim to build on the growing body of empirical research on PBL evaluations and explore how to support student learning in PBL courses and programs in a theory- and research-driven way. The volume will have editors from the University of Hong Kong and contributors from dentistry, medicine, education and other fields across several countries. Main themes will include investigating student learning outcomes, researching new technologies, exploring the PBL tutorial process, and identifying directions for future research.
Aceasta este inscrierea Marioara Pascu in concursul "Planeta esti TU", organizat de Ambasada britanica.
1. Trista istorie a nevinovatelor pungi de plastic , care ne sunt oferite at但t de uor de marile magazine
2. Informa釘ia emis de ctre Agen釘ia de protec釘ie a mediului 樽nconjurtor a Statelor Unite , arat c se consum 樽n fiecare an 樽n lume mai mult de 500 de miliarde de pungi de plastic . ( Not 樽n National Geographic din 2 septembr i e 2003)
3. Mai pu釘in de 1% dintre ele se recicleaz . Cost mult mai mult reciclarea unei pungi dec但t producerea uneia noi . - Ziarul Monitorului tiin釘ei Cretine
4. Exist o econom ie dur 樽n spatele reciclrii pungilor de plastic . Procesarea i reciclarea unei singure tone de pungi de plast ic c ost $ 4000: aceeai cantitate se vinde pe pia釘a materiilor prime cu $ 32 . - Jared Blumenfeld ( Director a l Departament ului Mediului 樽nconjurtor din San Francisco )
6. Un studiu din 1975 a demonstrat c 樽mbarca釘iunile transoceanice aruncau 樽mpreun 3700 de tone de plastic pe an 樽n oceane . Motivul pentru care cei mai mari productori de gunoaie ai lumii nu erau inunda釘i de plastice era pentru c majoritatea lor terminau 樽n ocean . - Academia Na 釘 ional de tiin釘e a SUA
10. Pungile 樽i gsesc drum ctre mare 樽n canale i pe conducte. - 16 noiembrie 2007
11. S-au gsit pungi de plastic plutind la nord de Cercul Arctic, aproape de Spitzbergen , chiar i mai la sud, 樽n insulele Malvin e - Anchet antarctic britanic
12. Pungile de plastic reprezint mai mult de 10% din deeurile care ajung pe malurile coastelor SUA . - Program de urmrire a deeurilor, al Marinei Na釘ionale
13. Pungile de plastic se fotodegradeaz : cu trecerea timpului se descompun 樽n petropolimeri mai mici i toxici. - 16 noiembr i e 2007
14. care 樽n final contamineaz solul i cile fluviale - 16 noiembr i e 2007
15. Ca i consecin釘 , particule microscopice pot intra 樽n lan釘ul alimentar - 16 noiembr i e 2007
19. Aproape 200 de specii diferite de via釘 marin , incluz但nd balene, delfini, foci i broate 釘estoase mor din cauza pungilor de plastic - R a port WWF 2005
20. Mor dup ce 樽nghit pungile de plastic pe care le confund cu m但ncarea. - R a port WWF 2005
26. Dac doar una din cinci perso ane 樽n 釘ara noastr fcea acest lucru , am fi economisit 1.330.560.000.000 de pungi 樽n timpul vie釘ilor noastre.
27. Bangladesh a interzis pungile de plastic. - 8 martie 2007
28. China a interzis pungile de plastic gratuite - 9 ianuarie 2008
29. Irlanda a fost prima 樽n Europa care a pus impozite pe pungile de plastic 樽n 2002. n acest fel a redus consumul cu 90%. BBC tiri 20 august 2002
30. n 2005, Rwanda le-a interzis de asemenea. - Associated Press
31. Israel, Canad a , Caraibe, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, A frica de Su d , Taiw a n i Singap ore de asemenea le-au interzis, sau sunt pe cale s le interzic. - 16 februarie 2008
32. Pe 27 mar tie 2007, San Francisco s-a con vertit 樽n primul ora al SUA care a interzis pungile de plastic. - (National Public Radio)
33. Oakland i Boston sunt pe cale s o fac. - The Boston Globe 20 mai 2007
34. Pungile de plastic sunt fcute din polietilena : un termoplastic care se ob釘ine din petrol. - 16 noiembrie 2007
35. Reduc但nd folosirea pungilor de plastic, se va diminua consumul de petrol , resurs neecologic i care produce at但tea ne樽n釘elegeri ...
36. China油 va economisi 37 mil i o a ne de baril i de petr ol 樽n fiecare an, datorit interzicerii pungilor de plastic gratuite. - 9 ianuarie 2008
37. Es te posib i l ... Sunt 樽nc oameni care ignor toate acestea dar tu nu ACUM TII !!!
38. Este doar o problem de comoditate ; i odat trecut problema comodit釘ii, va deveni obinuin釘 (ca i 樽nainte) plasa sau sacoa de p但nz .