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妤把抉扼找把忘扶扼找志忘 我技快扶
ZF2 扭抉扼找忘志抖攸快技抑快 志 扼找忘扶忱忘把找扶抉抄
扭抉扼找忘志抗快 找快扼找抑
妤抉忱忱快把忪抗忘 扶抉志抉忍抉 phpunit 3.5
# ls
Bootstrap.php docs phpunit.xml resources runtests.sh
TestConfiguration.php.dist Zend
# cat TestConfiguration.php.dist
* Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv
* Note: Make sure that you create the "test" database and set a
* username and password
妊找批抗把批找把忘 扭忘扭抉抗
- library - 技抉忱批抖抆扶抑快
- application - 我扶找快忍把忘扯我抉扶扶抑快
+ functional - 扳批扶抗扯我抉扶忘抖抆扶抑快
+ perfomance 〞 扳批扶抗扯我抉扶忘抖抆扶抑快
妥快扼找我把抉志忘找抆 扶快 扶批忪扶抉
- Zend Framework
- Doctrine / Propel
- Jquery / Prototype / Dojo
- Symphony DI / Crafty / DI
- all extenal libraries ...
妥快扼找我把抉志忘找抆 扶批忪扶抉
- 均忌扼找把忘抗找扶抑快 抗抖忘扼扼抑 我 我扶找快扳快抄扼抑
- 坎忘戒抉志抑快 抗抉技扭抉扶快找抑
- 妙忘忍我折快扼抗批攻 我扶我扯我忘抖我戒忘扯我攻
- 妣攻忌抑快 扶快 抉折快志我忱扶抑快 志快投我
DRY 每 扶快 扭抉志找抉把攸找抆扼攸
1 找快扼找 每 1 扭把抉志快把抗忘
孚抉把抉扮我抄 找快扼找 每 5 扼找把抉抗
圻扼抖我 折找抉-找抉 扭把抉找快扼找我把抉志忘扶抉, 扶快
找快找扼我把批快技 改找抉 扼扶抉志忘
妞把抉抒抉忌抉把 (The Nitpicker) 孝抗抖抉扶我扼找 (The Dodger)
坐我忍忘扶找 (Giant) 妣攻忌我找快抖抆 妤抉把攸忱抗忘 (The Sequencer) 妊折忸找折我抗 (The Enumerator)
妒戒忌把忘扶扶抑抄 (The One) 妥抉把技抉戒 (The Slow Poke) ...
妍扼扶抉志扶抑快 扭把我扶扯我扭抑
Class => ClassName + Test.php
Namespace => Test
PhpDoc => bugNumber
_files 〞 忱抖攸 找快扼找抉志抑抒 扳忘抄抖抉志
_fixtures 〞 忱抖攸 扳我抗扼找批把
@cover Class::method
妍把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我攸 找快扼找抉志
<phpunit colors="true" bootstrap="./bootstrap.php">
<testsuite name="Test/Library">
<testsuite name="Test/Application">
<testsuite name="Test/Functional">
<log type="coverage-html" target="/tmp" charset="UTF-8"
yui="true" highlight="false"
lowUpperBound="35" highLowerBound="70"/>
/test/tests/application/controllers# cat IndexControllerTest.php
namespace Test;
class IndexController extends ZendTestPHPUnitControllerTestCase
public $bootstrap = '../../bootstrap.php';
* @group Bug123
* @cover IndexController::indexAction
public function testIndexAction()
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller
class IndexController extends ZendTestPHPUnitControllerTestCase
public function testIndexAction()
$this->assertQueryContentContains('#content', 'Hello Im here');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('div.content', 'Hello Im here');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('body .content', 'Hello Im here');
$this->assertQueryCount('#categories li', 3);
class IndexController extends AbstractController
public function indexAction()
$this->view->hello = 'Im here';
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller::init
abstract class AbstractController extends ZendControllerAction
public function init()
->addActionContext('index', array('xml', 'json'))
$this->view->categories = new ApplicationModelCategoryMapper();
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller:init
class AbstractController extends ZendTestPHPUnitControllerTestCase
public function testInitContext()
$controller = new AbstractControllerStub($this->getRequest(),
array('xml', 'json'));
public function testInitCategories()
$controller = new AbstractControllerStub($this->getRequest(),
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Form
namespace ApplicationForm;
class Registration extends ZendFormForm
public function init()
$this->addElement('text', 'username');
$this->addElement('text', 'password');
$this->addElement('text', 'password_retype');
public function isValid($params)
$result = parent::isValid($params);
if ($this->getValue('password')!=$this->getValue('password_retype')) {
return false;
return $result;
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Form
class Registration extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testValidate()
$form = new ApplicationFormRegistration;
'username' => 'test',
'password' => '123',
'password_retype' => '123',
public function testValidateFail()
$form = new ApplicationFormRegistration;
'username' => 'test',
'password' => '123',
'password_retype' => '1234',
↙ getConnection
↙ getDataSet
↙ createDbTableDataSet
↙ createDbTable
↙ createDbRowset
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 DbTable
$categories = new ApplicationModelDbTableCategories($this->getAdapter());
$categories->insert(array('id'=>4, 'name'=>'test'));
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 DbTable
class CategoriesTest extends ZendTestPHPUnitDatabaseTestCase
public function getConnection()
$application = new Application (_ENV, _PATH . '/configs/application.ini');
$resource = $application->getBootstrap()->getPluginResource('db');
return $this->createZendDbConnection($resource->getDbAdapter(), 'any');
public function getDataSet()
return $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(__DIR__ . '/_fixtures/categories.xml');
public function testFecthAll()
$categories = new ApplicationModelDbTableCategories($this->getAdapter());
$rowset = $categories->fetchAllOrdered();
$this->assertEquals(count($rowset), 3);
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 DbTable
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<categories id="1" name="cat1" />
<categories id="3" name="cat3" />
<categories id="2" name="cat2" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<categories id="1" name="cat1" />
<categories id="3" name="cat3" />
<categories id="2" name="cat2" />
<categories id="4" name="test" />
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper
1. 妒扼扭抉抖抆戒批快找 扼快把志我扼/扼快把志我扼抑
2. 妒扼扭抉抖抆戒批快找扼攸 技抉忱快抖攸技我
3. 妊抉忱快把忪我找 抗抉忱
抗抉找抉把抑快 我忱快扶找我折扶抑 我 技我把忍批把我把批攻找
我戒 抉忱扶抉忍抉 技忘扭扭快把忘 志 忱把批忍抉抄
+ 快扼找抆 快投快 志扶快扮扶我快 我扼找抉折扶我抗我
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper
namespace ApplicationModel;
class XXXMapper
protected $_table = null;
protected $_defaultServiceName = '';
public function __construct(DbTable $table=null)
public function getTable()
public function setTable(DbTable $table)
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper
圾抑忱快抖我找抆 抉忌投我抄 抗抖忘扼扼
圾抑忱快抖我找抆 我扶找快把扳快抄扼 忱抖攸 扼快把志我扼抉志
妖忘扼抖快忱抉志忘找抆 志扼快 技忘扭扭快把抑 抉找
妒技扭抖快技快扶找我把抉志忘找抆 我扶找快把扳快抄扼
Service 志 DbTable
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper
namespace ApplicationModel;
class AbstractMapper
protected $_service = null;
protected $_defaultServiceName = '';
public function __construct(Service $service=null)
if (is_null($service)) {
$name = $this->_defaultServiceName;
$this->setService(new $name);
} else {
$this->setService($this->_service = $service);
public function getService()
public function setService(Service $service)
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper
妊抉戒忱忘快技 把快忘抖我戒忘扯我我
妊抗抖忘忱抑志忘快技 志 扭抉忱扭忘扭抗批 _files 志
找快抗批投快抄 忱我把快抗找抉把我我
__Construct / Abstract class / Interface
namespace Test;
class AbstractMapperMockAutoload extends ApplicationModelAbstractMapper
protected $_defaultServiceName = 'TestServiceMock';
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper
class AbstractMapperTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testInit()
$mock = new AbstractMapperMockAutoload();
$this->assertType('TestServiceMock', $mock->getService());
public function testInitFail()
try {
$mock = new AbstractMapperMock();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return ;
$this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.');
public function testSet()
$mock = new AbstractMapperMockAutoload();
$mock->setService(new ServiceMock());
$this->assertType('TestServiceMock', $mock->getService());
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
Selenium RC
Selenium IDE
Selenium GRID
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
Native = left
<div id=§left§> <input name='left'>
Xpath = //div[@id='left']
<div id=§left§>
Css =
css=ul#recordlist li:nth-child(4)
css=a:contains('Log Out')
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
class Example extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase
protected $captureScreenshotOnFailure = TRUE;
protected $screenshotPath = '~/conf/public/screenshots';
protected $screenshotUrl = 'http://conf.local/screenshots';
protected function setUp()
public function testMyTestCase()
$this->assertEquals("index", $this->getText("content"));
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
public function testAjaxLoading()
$this->assertEquals("index", $this->getText("content"));
for ($second = 0; ; $second++) {
if ($second >= 60) $this->fail("timeout");
try {
if ("Im here" == $this->getText("content")) break;
} catch (Exception $e) {}
$this->assertEquals("Im here", $this->getText("content"));
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
class IndexController extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase
public function testHighlight()
$this->assertEquals("rgb(255, 0, 0)", $this->getEval(
妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium
圾抉扭把抉扼抑 ?

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完批找抆 扼抖抉忪扶快快 折快技 Singleton: 忘扶扶抉找忘扯我我, IOC, 均妍妤
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)
Doctrine 2
Doctrine 2Doctrine 2
Doctrine 2
孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...
孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...
孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...
尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍
尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍
尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍
圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0
圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0
圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0
完批找抆 扼抖抉忪扶快快 折快技 Singleton: 忘扶扶抉找忘扯我我, IOC, 均妍妤
完批找抆 扼抖抉忪扶快快 折快技 Singleton: 忘扶扶抉找忘扯我我, IOC, 均妍妤完批找抆 扼抖抉忪扶快快 折快技 Singleton: 忘扶扶抉找忘扯我我, IOC, 均妍妤
完批找抆 扼抖抉忪扶快快 折快技 Singleton: 忘扶扶抉找忘扯我我, IOC, 均妍妤
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妖我抗我找忘 坐把抉扮我扶)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)
NoSQL 我 Zend Framework (妓抉扼找我扼抖忘志 妙我抒忘抄抖我志)
孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...
孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...
孚把忘扶快扶我快, 抉忌把忘忌抉找抗忘 我 抉找忱忘折忘 扼找忘找我抗我 扼 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快技 \Zend\File. 妍扭抑找 扼抉扯我忘抖...
尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍
尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍
尿志抉抖攻扯我攸 ZF: 忘把抒我找快抗找批把忘, 扮忘忌抖抉扶抑, 把快扳忘抗找抉把我扶忍
圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0
圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0
圾扼找把快折忘抄找快 Zend Framework 2.0

尾扶我找 找快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 志 Zend Framework 2.0

  • 2. ? 妤把抉扼找把忘扶扼找志忘 我技快扶 ? 妝忘技抑抗忘扶我攸 ? ZF2 扭抉扼找忘志抖攸快技抑快 志 扼找忘扶忱忘把找扶抉抄 扭抉扼找忘志抗快 找快扼找抑 ? 妤抉忱忱快把忪抗忘 扶抉志抉忍抉 phpunit 3.5
  • 3. # ls Bootstrap.php docs phpunit.xml resources runtests.sh TestConfiguration.php.dist Zend # cat TestConfiguration.php.dist /** * Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv * Note: Make sure that you create the "test" database and set a * username and password * */ define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_ENABLED', false); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_HOSTNAME', ''); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_USERNAME', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_PASSWORD', null); define('TESTS_ZEND_DB_ADAPTER_SQLSRV_DATABASE', 'test');
  • 4. 妊找批抗把批找把忘 扭忘扭抉抗 - library - 技抉忱批抖抆扶抑快 - application - 我扶找快忍把忘扯我抉扶扶抑快 + functional - 扳批扶抗扯我抉扶忘抖抆扶抑快 + perfomance 〞 扳批扶抗扯我抉扶忘抖抆扶抑快
  • 5. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘找抆 扶快 扶批忪扶抉 - Zend Framework - Doctrine / Propel - Jquery / Prototype / Dojo - Symphony DI / Crafty / DI - all extenal libraries ...
  • 6. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘找抆 扶批忪扶抉 - 均忌扼找把忘抗找扶抑快 抗抖忘扼扼抑 我 我扶找快扳快抄扼抑 - 坎忘戒抉志抑快 抗抉技扭抉扶快找抑 - 妙忘忍我折快扼抗批攻 我扶我扯我忘抖我戒忘扯我攻 - 妣攻忌抑快 扶快 抉折快志我忱扶抑快 志快投我
  • 7. DRY 每 扶快 扭抉志找抉把攸找抆扼攸 1 找快扼找 每 1 扭把抉志快把抗忘 孚抉把抉扮我抄 找快扼找 每 5 扼找把抉抗 圻扼抖我 折找抉-找抉 扭把抉找快扼找我把抉志忘扶抉, 扶快 找快找扼我把批快技 改找抉 扼扶抉志忘 妞把抉抒抉忌抉把 (The Nitpicker) 孝抗抖抉扶我扼找 (The Dodger) 坐我忍忘扶找 (Giant) 妣攻忌我找快抖抆 妤抉把攸忱抗忘 (The Sequencer) 妊折忸找折我抗 (The Enumerator) 妒戒忌把忘扶扶抑抄 (The One) 妥抉把技抉戒 (The Slow Poke) ... 妍扼扶抉志扶抑快 扭把我扶扯我扭抑
  • 8. Class => ClassName + Test.php Namespace => Test PhpDoc => bugNumber _files 〞 忱抖攸 找快扼找抉志抑抒 扳忘抄抖抉志 _fixtures 〞 忱抖攸 扳我抗扼找批把 phpunit.xml @cover Class::method 妍把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我攸 找快扼找抉志
  • 9. <phpunit colors="true" bootstrap="./bootstrap.php"> <testsuite name="Test/Library"> <directory>./library/</directory> </testsuite> <testsuite name="Test/Application"> <directory>./application/</directory> </testsuite> <testsuite name="Test/Functional"> <directory>./functional/</directory> </testsuite> <logging> <log type="coverage-html" target="/tmp" charset="UTF-8" yui="true" highlight="false" lowUpperBound="35" highLowerBound="70"/> </logging> </phpunit>
  • 10. /test/tests/application/controllers# cat IndexControllerTest.php namespace Test; class IndexController extends ZendTestPHPUnitControllerTestCase { public $bootstrap = '../../bootstrap.php'; /** * @group Bug123 * @cover IndexController::indexAction */ public function testIndexAction() { $this->dispatch('/'); $this->assertController("index"); $this->assertAction("index"); } } 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller
  • 11. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller class IndexController extends ZendTestPHPUnitControllerTestCase public function testIndexAction() $this->dispatch('/'); $this->assertController("index"); $this->assertAction("index"); $this->assertQueryContentContains('#content', 'Hello Im here'); $this->assertQueryContentContains('div.content', 'Hello Im here'); $this->assertQueryContentContains('body .content', 'Hello Im here'); $this->assertQueryCount('#categories li', 3); <?php class IndexController extends AbstractController public function indexAction() $this->view->hello = 'Im here';
  • 12. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller::init <?php abstract class AbstractController extends ZendControllerAction { public function init() { $this->_helper->contextSwitch() ->addActionContext('index', array('xml', 'json')) ->setAutoJsonSerialization(true) ->initContext(); $this->view->categories = new ApplicationModelCategoryMapper(); } }
  • 13. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Controller:init class AbstractController extends ZendTestPHPUnitControllerTestCase public function testInitContext() $controller = new AbstractControllerStub($this->getRequest(), $this->getResponse()); $this->assertEquals( $controller->getHelper('ContextSwitch')->getActionContexts('index'), array('xml', 'json')); public function testInitCategories() $controller = new AbstractControllerStub($this->getRequest(), $this->getResponse()); $this->assertType('ApplicationModelCategoryMapper', $controller->view->categories);
  • 14. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Form <?php namespace ApplicationForm; class Registration extends ZendFormForm public function init() $this->addElement('text', 'username'); $this->addElement('text', 'password'); $this->addElement('text', 'password_retype'); public function isValid($params) $result = parent::isValid($params); if ($this->getValue('password')!=$this->getValue('password_retype')) { return false; } return $result;
  • 15. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Form class Registration extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase public function testValidate() $form = new ApplicationFormRegistration; $this->assertTrue($form->isValid(array( 'username' => 'test', 'password' => '123', 'password_retype' => '123', ))); public function testValidateFail() $form = new ApplicationFormRegistration; $this->assertFalse($form->isValid(array( 'username' => 'test', 'password' => '123', 'password_retype' => '1234', )));
  • 17. ↙ getConnection ↙ getDataSet ↙ createDbTableDataSet ↙ createDbTable ↙ createDbRowset 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 DbTable $categories = new ApplicationModelDbTableCategories($this->getAdapter()); $categories->insert(array('id'=>4, 'name'=>'test')); $this->assertDataSetsEqual( $this->createFlatXmlDataSet("_fixtures/categoriesInsert.xml"), $this->createDbTableDataSet(array($categories)) );
  • 18. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 DbTable class CategoriesTest extends ZendTestPHPUnitDatabaseTestCase public function getConnection() $application = new Application (_ENV, _PATH . '/configs/application.ini'); $application->bootstrap(); $resource = $application->getBootstrap()->getPluginResource('db'); return $this->createZendDbConnection($resource->getDbAdapter(), 'any'); public function getDataSet() return $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(__DIR__ . '/_fixtures/categories.xml'); public function testFecthAll() $categories = new ApplicationModelDbTableCategories($this->getAdapter()); $rowset = $categories->fetchAllOrdered(); $this->assertEquals(count($rowset), 3);
  • 19. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 DbTable <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <categories id="1" name="cat1" /> <categories id="3" name="cat3" /> <categories id="2" name="cat2" /> </dataset> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <categories id="1" name="cat1" /> <categories id="3" name="cat3" /> <categories id="2" name="cat2" /> <categories id="4" name="test" /> </dataset>
  • 20. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper 1. 妒扼扭抉抖抆戒批快找 扼快把志我扼/扼快把志我扼抑 2. 妒扼扭抉抖抆戒批快找扼攸 技抉忱快抖攸技我 3. 妊抉忱快把忪我找 抗抉忱 setTable/getTable/__construct/init 抗抉找抉把抑快 我忱快扶找我折扶抑 我 技我把忍批把我把批攻找 我戒 抉忱扶抉忍抉 技忘扭扭快把忘 志 忱把批忍抉抄 + 快扼找抆 快投快 志扶快扮扶我快 我扼找抉折扶我抗我 忱忘扶扶抑抒 SOAP/XML-RPC/REST/RSS
  • 21. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper <?php namespace ApplicationModel; class XXXMapper { protected $_table = null; protected $_defaultServiceName = ''; public function __construct(DbTable $table=null) public function getTable() public function setTable(DbTable $table) # }
  • 22. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper ? 圾抑忱快抖我找抆 抉忌投我抄 抗抖忘扼扼 AbstractMapper ? 圾抑忱快抖我找抆 我扶找快把扳快抄扼 忱抖攸 扼快把志我扼抉志 ? 妖忘扼抖快忱抉志忘找抆 志扼快 技忘扭扭快把抑 抉找 忘忌扼找把忘抗找扶抉忍抉 ? 妒技扭抖快技快扶找我把抉志忘找抆 我扶找快把扳快抄扼 Service 志 DbTable
  • 23. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper <?php namespace ApplicationModel; class AbstractMapper { protected $_service = null; protected $_defaultServiceName = ''; public function __construct(Service $service=null) { if (is_null($service)) { $name = $this->_defaultServiceName; $this->setService(new $name); } else { $this->setService($this->_service = $service); } } public function getService() public function setService(Service $service) }
  • 24. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper ? 妊抉戒忱忘快技 把快忘抖我戒忘扯我我 ? 妊抗抖忘忱抑志忘快技 志 扭抉忱扭忘扭抗批 _files 志 找快抗批投快抄 忱我把快抗找抉把我我 __Construct / Abstract class / Interface <?php namespace Test; class AbstractMapperMockAutoload extends ApplicationModelAbstractMapper { protected $_defaultServiceName = 'TestServiceMock'; }
  • 25. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Mapper class AbstractMapperTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase public function testInit() $mock = new AbstractMapperMockAutoload(); $this->assertType('TestServiceMock', $mock->getService()); public function testInitFail() try { $mock = new AbstractMapperMock(); } catch (Exception $e) { return ; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); public function testSet() $mock = new AbstractMapperMockAutoload(); $mock->setService(new ServiceMock()); $this->assertType('TestServiceMock', $mock->getService());
  • 28. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium Native = left <div id=§left§> <input name='left'> Xpath = //div[@id='left'] <div id=§left§> Css = css=ul#recordlist li:nth-child(4) css=input[name='continue'][type='button'] css=a[id^='id_prefix_'] css=a:contains('Log Out')
  • 29. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium class Example extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase { protected $captureScreenshotOnFailure = TRUE; protected $screenshotPath = '~/conf/public/screenshots'; protected $screenshotUrl = 'http://conf.local/screenshots'; protected function setUp() { $this->setBrowser("*chrome"); $this->setBrowserUrl("http://conf.local/"); } public function testMyTestCase() { $this->open("index/index"); $this->assertEquals("index", $this->getText("content")); } }
  • 30. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium public function testAjaxLoading() { $this->open("/index/index/"); $this->assertEquals("index", $this->getText("content")); $this->click("showIndexInAjax"); for ($second = 0; ; $second++) { if ($second >= 60) $this->fail("timeout"); try { if ("Im here" == $this->getText("content")) break; } catch (Exception $e) {} sleep(1); } $this->assertEquals("Im here", $this->getText("content")); }
  • 31. 妥快扼找我把抉志忘扶我快 Selenium class IndexController extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase { public function testHighlight() { $this->open("/index/index/"); $this->mouseOver("//div[@id='left']/li"); $this->assertEquals("rgb(255, 0, 0)", $this->getEval( "this.findEffectiveStyleProperty(this.page() .findElement("//div[@id='left']/li"), 'backgroundColor')")); }