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Organization / Workplace
Davao City
Guest Room Attendant
>jUdge mE aLL,bUt kEep tHe vERdiCt to yoUrsElf...
>iVe aLways wAntEd to hAve a bEtter liFe...
>iVe alWays wAntEd tO hAve a pRomisiNg cAReer...
>bUt i cAn nEver gEt wHat i wanTed..
>aS of nOw,iM stiLL sEarchiNg fOr tHe riGht pAtch anD stiLL stePping fOr my gOals iN liFe...
>pEopLe jUdge mE frOm wHat thEy sAw, yEt thEy nEver kNow tHe rEal mE...
>sOme sAid iM jOLLy,hAppy peRsoN bUt bEhiNd tHat loVely smiLes arE my hiDDen loneliNesS...
>mY friEnds loVeD mE fOr wHAt i aM,bUt riGht nOW,yOu cAn nEver hAve a rEal fRieNd wHO alWAYS at yoUr siDE.fRiends aRe rAre,tHats wHy i tReaSUred sOme wHO aRe tRUE tO me...
>i NeVer hAve a pERfect fAMily,yEt stILL i cAn nEver cAll it hoME eitHER
Users following Sharyl Jane Alo