The document discusses the benefits of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation practice can help calm the mind and body by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Studies have shown that meditating for just 10-20 minutes per day can have significant positive impacts on both mental and physical health over time.
Un concurso de arte en la Galera de Arte Moderno Hirshhorn en Washington D.C. solicit a los artistas crear representaciones de cmo Dios cre al amigo utilizando una sola hoja de papel. Los participantes exploraron el tema a travs de sus obras de arte bidimensionales con recursos limitados.
The speaker met someone at a party who they felt an immediate physical attraction to. Though they didn't initially like some of the person's habits, they grew to accept them. The speaker feels the person is their soulmate, best friend, and greatest love. They see the person as timeless, elegant, and the subject of every love song. The speaker knows they have the best relationship and doesn't want to lose the warmth and love they have found.
The samurai were powerful warriors in Japanese history that dominated politics and society from the 12th to 19th centuries. They followed a strict code of honor and ethics. The tradition of shudo involved relationships between older samurai mentors and their younger apprentices, which was intended to teach virtue and was considered a cultural norm. However, with the influence of Westernization in the 19th century, traditions like shudo began to disappear as Japan modernized.
National Conference on USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN- UMO2007jagadish chittala
On 30th November, 2007 UsabilityMatters.Org and allied organizations will join communities across the world to mark the celebrations for World Usability Day 2007 in Hyderabad.
The goal of the event is to promote the fields of Usability Engineering and User-Centered Design. The theme for this year is "Design Innovation in health care ". The event is designed to raise awareness about the importance of 'Good design for Better Living'. Here with we invite all those who are playing their part both actively and passively in making things easy.
Este documento uma transcri??o da msica "Amazing Grace" cantada por Elvis Presley. A msica descreve como a gra?a de Deus salvou uma pessoa pecadora e como ela estava cega mas agora enxerga gra?as gra?a divina que a guiar em seguran?a para casa.
Este documento presenta un proyecto educativo sobre la gestin de residuos slidos urbanos. El proyecto contiene cinco bloques con informacin sobre definiciones, tipos y clasificacin de residuos, gestin de residuos slidos urbanos, normativa sobre residuos, y gestin de residuos en la Comunidad de Madrid. Tambin incluye actividades para el alumno, una evaluacin y recursos anexos. El objetivo es mostrar a los estudiantes uno de los problemas ambientales ms importantes, los residuos slidos urbanos, y promover su gestin sosten
Gerard's favorite house is a stilt house. He lists different types of houses including tent, houseboat, tepee, treehouse, hut, cave, flat, igloo, and regular house. Gerard concludes by stating again that his favorite is a stilt house.
The document provides tips and strategies for improving public speaking skills, including analyzing the audience, developing speech content and structure, managing stage fright, and delivering speeches with effective vocal variety, eye contact, gestures and facial expressions. It discusses analyzing the audience to understand their experiences and perspectives in order to connect emotionally with them. It also recommends practicing speeches through various techniques like recording drafts, mirror practice, and interacting with others.
This project has been submitted to the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2008 competition and was awarded the 2nd place. This presentation was the first round concept proposal.
The document discusses the potential for universities and research in Second Life. It provides data on Second Life usage trends over time and by demographic group. It then lists over 50 examples of universities, research centers, and other organizations that have a presence in Second Life. It argues that Second Life allows for new forms of collaboration and education between institutions. Being in-world can foster real-world collaboration and impact individuals and institutions. However, the social aspects of Second Life are inseparable from research and study activities, making it an interesting area for sociological and pedagogical analysis.
Regional Partnerships for Living Labs: the Case of Sicily and the MedLab Projectjexxon
A presentation of the process of building the TLL-Sicily Living Lab partnership and how this experience fed into the MedLab Project, for the eChallenges conference in Istanbul, October 22, 2009
This document discusses building an academic private cloud at the University of Campinas in Brazil. It outlines the drivers like cost optimization and improved availability, as well as constraints like budget and IT skills. It examines options for a private cloud strategy, including building their own cloud or using a one-stop shop solution. It also discusses challenges like changing the "server under the desk" mentality and ensuring proper security, data privacy, and governance with a new cloud model.
(1) Current knowledge sharing tools have evolved from traditional top-down Web 1.0 sites to more collaborative Web 2.0 sites where information is shared bidirectionally and content is continually updated by users.
(2) Popular collaboration tools include wikis, blogs, social networks, and enterprise platforms like SharePoint that facilitate team communication and knowledge sharing.
(3) To solve information problems, organizations should identify information-sharing roles, investigate social software solutions, and encourage hands-on use of collaborative tools.
National Conference on USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN- UMO2007jagadish chittala
On 30th November, 2007 UsabilityMatters.Org and allied organizations will join communities across the world to mark the celebrations for World Usability Day 2007 in Hyderabad.
The goal of the event is to promote the fields of Usability Engineering and User-Centered Design. The theme for this year is "Design Innovation in health care ". The event is designed to raise awareness about the importance of 'Good design for Better Living'. Here with we invite all those who are playing their part both actively and passively in making things easy.
Este documento uma transcri??o da msica "Amazing Grace" cantada por Elvis Presley. A msica descreve como a gra?a de Deus salvou uma pessoa pecadora e como ela estava cega mas agora enxerga gra?as gra?a divina que a guiar em seguran?a para casa.
Este documento presenta un proyecto educativo sobre la gestin de residuos slidos urbanos. El proyecto contiene cinco bloques con informacin sobre definiciones, tipos y clasificacin de residuos, gestin de residuos slidos urbanos, normativa sobre residuos, y gestin de residuos en la Comunidad de Madrid. Tambin incluye actividades para el alumno, una evaluacin y recursos anexos. El objetivo es mostrar a los estudiantes uno de los problemas ambientales ms importantes, los residuos slidos urbanos, y promover su gestin sosten
Gerard's favorite house is a stilt house. He lists different types of houses including tent, houseboat, tepee, treehouse, hut, cave, flat, igloo, and regular house. Gerard concludes by stating again that his favorite is a stilt house.
The document provides tips and strategies for improving public speaking skills, including analyzing the audience, developing speech content and structure, managing stage fright, and delivering speeches with effective vocal variety, eye contact, gestures and facial expressions. It discusses analyzing the audience to understand their experiences and perspectives in order to connect emotionally with them. It also recommends practicing speeches through various techniques like recording drafts, mirror practice, and interacting with others.
This project has been submitted to the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2008 competition and was awarded the 2nd place. This presentation was the first round concept proposal.
The document discusses the potential for universities and research in Second Life. It provides data on Second Life usage trends over time and by demographic group. It then lists over 50 examples of universities, research centers, and other organizations that have a presence in Second Life. It argues that Second Life allows for new forms of collaboration and education between institutions. Being in-world can foster real-world collaboration and impact individuals and institutions. However, the social aspects of Second Life are inseparable from research and study activities, making it an interesting area for sociological and pedagogical analysis.
Regional Partnerships for Living Labs: the Case of Sicily and the MedLab Projectjexxon
A presentation of the process of building the TLL-Sicily Living Lab partnership and how this experience fed into the MedLab Project, for the eChallenges conference in Istanbul, October 22, 2009
This document discusses building an academic private cloud at the University of Campinas in Brazil. It outlines the drivers like cost optimization and improved availability, as well as constraints like budget and IT skills. It examines options for a private cloud strategy, including building their own cloud or using a one-stop shop solution. It also discusses challenges like changing the "server under the desk" mentality and ensuring proper security, data privacy, and governance with a new cloud model.
(1) Current knowledge sharing tools have evolved from traditional top-down Web 1.0 sites to more collaborative Web 2.0 sites where information is shared bidirectionally and content is continually updated by users.
(2) Popular collaboration tools include wikis, blogs, social networks, and enterprise platforms like SharePoint that facilitate team communication and knowledge sharing.
(3) To solve information problems, organizations should identify information-sharing roles, investigate social software solutions, and encourage hands-on use of collaborative tools.