Class Actguest5144a4This very short document appears to be a title that is repeated multiple times without any further context or body. It mentions "Images from class" but does not provide any images or additional details about a class.
sheNatiGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThis poem explores the different facets of a woman and how she can represent many things. In 3 sentences, the poem discusses how she may embody beauty or beast, famine or feast, heaven or hell. She represents the dreams, smiles, and shell of the subject. She is also the reason for survival, the why and wherefore of being alive, and the one cared for through the years.
The Perfect PresentationAlan DohertyDigital presentations are increasingly important within schools. "Death by PowerPoint" is also common in schools. Technology and graphic design are famously neutral. It is people that are boring! It is time to reflect on our use of digital presentations and perhaps explore different approaches. It is also time to give some consideration to the design of the individual slides and the most effective ways of getting our message across. Enjoy!
If you are a geography teacher and you have the time, please consider filling in the questionnaire which accompanies this presentation and return it to Much appreciated. Thanks!
Online Makeover: As Technology Changes, So Should Your Web SiteChris GeeOnline Makeover: As Technology Changes, So Should Your Web Site. Article from PR News dated September 20, 2010 featuring Chris Gee, Managing Director of Proof Integrated Communications.
Project overviewjexxonThe document provides an overview of a project to transform the textiles and clothing industry by 2025 through establishing an "irresistible global movement". Key points include:
- Returning 5% of manufacturing capacity locally and reducing the industry's eco-footprint by 20% through business labs for design, production, and community development.
- Creating an ecosystem of over 1,000 organizations and a customer-driven service environment through business pilots, knowledge resources, and business services.
- The project aims to launch business labs and pilots, build out its online presence and community, and define its frameworks by a milestone in March 2016. Open issues include balancing open vs closed innovation and effectively building and engaging the local community.
TV Hackday - OpportunitiesBertram GugelThis document discusses opportunities in the evolving TV landscape. It notes that video now accounts for over 90% of consumer internet traffic and is driving massive growth in mobile networks. TV is transitioning from a medium and piece of hardware to a form of content that can be accessed across multiple screens. The document outlines 3 main opportunities: 1) Making broadcast content a first-class citizen on the web, 2) Internet-enabled TV sets allowing apps and content on the main screen, and 3) The emergence of "Next TV" driven by personalized, high-resolution content and algorithms that define programming and topics. It argues this shift will change how TV is consumed, programmed and packaged.
The Looking Glassjin.fanThe Looking Glass is an audiovisual interactive installation that responds to individuals by creating an altered representation of users. Participants enter a dark room with a fibre optic wall, which is activated by the movement and projects a distorted silhouette of the participants through the individual glowing strands of fibre optics. Any sound emitted by the user will be echoed and cause the projections to change colour based on volume. The installation allows participants to develop an awareness of an alternative self, which encourages interaction and reflection. It explores the line between the digital and physical using fibre optic.
CBS Outdoor 1 of 5somethingtochewonThe document discusses outdoor advertising and its growing audience. It notes that people spend over 60% more time out of the home now than 25 years ago. When outside the home, people are exposed to outdoor media like billboards. Billboards have been shown to move consumers to action. The document also lists some of the major cities and regions where CBS Outdoor provides coverage across different outdoor advertising platforms like billboards, street furniture, bus shelters and rail stations.
SheGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThe document is a song lyric that explores the different possibilities of who or what "She" represents. In three verses, it describes She as representing beauty or beast, famine or feast, and as potentially being the reason for survival or the meaning of life. The lyric uses repetition of "She may be" to suggest She could take on many forms or meanings.
_Tim Chou on the Economics of On-Premise vs. On-Demand ApplicationsCallidus SoftwareThe document discusses the evolution of software and technology businesses over time. It notes that transactional software born in the 1980s evolved into more specialized SaaS products in the 1990s. Graphs show the growth of revenues for a company called Nifty Nine from 2001-2006. The document questions where businesses will go next and discusses how specialization has become important. It also examines how the world of work is changing and jobs are becoming more specialized, autonomous or constrained. People and community are seen as still being important parts of new machine-driven systems and technologies.
Blue Raster Presentation for Earth Observation in the Cloud Demo DayAmazon Web ServicesNancy Harris, a research manager at the World Resources Institute, spoke about analyzing data in three dimensions. She emphasized the importance of looking at data from an environmental, social, and economic perspective to better understand complex issues. Considering multiple factors at once allows for a more holistic view that can help address sustainability challenges in a comprehensive manner.
Sales Training ROI: An Oxymoron No MoreCallidus Softwarepresented by Pete Peterson, Director of the Program for Sales Leadership at the University of Connecticut, at the TrueConnection 2008 Sales Performance Management Conference, hosted by Callidus Software
Authentic ResearchDrJimThe document discusses planning for authentic student research tasks. It covers defining authentic research, setting up research tasks, scaffolding the process for students, and considerations for assessment. Authentic research involves having students gather and evaluate information from multiple sources to make decisions and justify their conclusions. Teachers should focus on learning outcomes, provide guidance on research strategies, and explicitly assess students' work.
Callidus Software On-Premise To On-Demand MigrationCallidus Software- The document discusses migrating from an on-premise sales performance management (SPM) system to Callidus Cloud's on-demand SPM solution, including benefits of the migration, strategies and processes for migrating data, and costs.
- Key benefits of migrating include reducing total cost of ownership, focusing internal resources on core activities, and gaining access to the latest SPM features through Callidus Cloud's software updates.
- The migration process involves moving different components like data, reports, and configuration to Callidus Cloud's platforms and tools. Sample costs for migrating different amounts of data are provided.
- Callidus Cloud can help minimize migration costs and risks through standardized approaches, lever
Houses of the worldmarblocsGerard's favorite house is a stilt house. He lists different types of houses including tent, houseboat, tepee, treehouse, hut, cave, flat, igloo, and regular house. Gerard concludes by stating again that his favorite is a stilt house.
A territorial approach to regional innovationjexxonThe document discusses regional innovation and the concept of territorial living labs. It describes how innovation approaches have evolved from a sectoral to a more systemic and user-driven view. Living labs take a user-centered open innovation approach and territorial living labs apply this to a region. The document outlines several EU-funded projects taking a living lab approach to regional innovation, including smart cities and smart macro-regions. It argues that a balanced, participatory regional ecosystem can effectively support innovation through a living lab network.
Mens healthFrank MeissnerMen face higher risks of mortality and disease compared to women across many health issues. They are more likely to engage in risky behaviors like unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol and drug use, and risk-taking behaviors. As a result, men have higher rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, suicide, and accidental death. Screening and preventative care can help address these issues. Regular health checks including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, cancer screenings, immunizations, and lifestyle counseling are recommended starting in a man's 20s and 50s to catch problems early and improve health outcomes.
The Looking Glassjin.fanThe Looking Glass is an audiovisual interactive installation that responds to individuals by creating an altered representation of users. Participants enter a dark room with a fibre optic wall, which is activated by the movement and projects a distorted silhouette of the participants through the individual glowing strands of fibre optics. Any sound emitted by the user will be echoed and cause the projections to change colour based on volume. The installation allows participants to develop an awareness of an alternative self, which encourages interaction and reflection. It explores the line between the digital and physical using fibre optic.
CBS Outdoor 1 of 5somethingtochewonThe document discusses outdoor advertising and its growing audience. It notes that people spend over 60% more time out of the home now than 25 years ago. When outside the home, people are exposed to outdoor media like billboards. Billboards have been shown to move consumers to action. The document also lists some of the major cities and regions where CBS Outdoor provides coverage across different outdoor advertising platforms like billboards, street furniture, bus shelters and rail stations.
SheGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThe document is a song lyric that explores the different possibilities of who or what "She" represents. In three verses, it describes She as representing beauty or beast, famine or feast, and as potentially being the reason for survival or the meaning of life. The lyric uses repetition of "She may be" to suggest She could take on many forms or meanings.
_Tim Chou on the Economics of On-Premise vs. On-Demand ApplicationsCallidus SoftwareThe document discusses the evolution of software and technology businesses over time. It notes that transactional software born in the 1980s evolved into more specialized SaaS products in the 1990s. Graphs show the growth of revenues for a company called Nifty Nine from 2001-2006. The document questions where businesses will go next and discusses how specialization has become important. It also examines how the world of work is changing and jobs are becoming more specialized, autonomous or constrained. People and community are seen as still being important parts of new machine-driven systems and technologies.
Blue Raster Presentation for Earth Observation in the Cloud Demo DayAmazon Web ServicesNancy Harris, a research manager at the World Resources Institute, spoke about analyzing data in three dimensions. She emphasized the importance of looking at data from an environmental, social, and economic perspective to better understand complex issues. Considering multiple factors at once allows for a more holistic view that can help address sustainability challenges in a comprehensive manner.
Sales Training ROI: An Oxymoron No MoreCallidus Softwarepresented by Pete Peterson, Director of the Program for Sales Leadership at the University of Connecticut, at the TrueConnection 2008 Sales Performance Management Conference, hosted by Callidus Software
Authentic ResearchDrJimThe document discusses planning for authentic student research tasks. It covers defining authentic research, setting up research tasks, scaffolding the process for students, and considerations for assessment. Authentic research involves having students gather and evaluate information from multiple sources to make decisions and justify their conclusions. Teachers should focus on learning outcomes, provide guidance on research strategies, and explicitly assess students' work.
Callidus Software On-Premise To On-Demand MigrationCallidus Software- The document discusses migrating from an on-premise sales performance management (SPM) system to Callidus Cloud's on-demand SPM solution, including benefits of the migration, strategies and processes for migrating data, and costs.
- Key benefits of migrating include reducing total cost of ownership, focusing internal resources on core activities, and gaining access to the latest SPM features through Callidus Cloud's software updates.
- The migration process involves moving different components like data, reports, and configuration to Callidus Cloud's platforms and tools. Sample costs for migrating different amounts of data are provided.
- Callidus Cloud can help minimize migration costs and risks through standardized approaches, lever
Houses of the worldmarblocsGerard's favorite house is a stilt house. He lists different types of houses including tent, houseboat, tepee, treehouse, hut, cave, flat, igloo, and regular house. Gerard concludes by stating again that his favorite is a stilt house.
A territorial approach to regional innovationjexxonThe document discusses regional innovation and the concept of territorial living labs. It describes how innovation approaches have evolved from a sectoral to a more systemic and user-driven view. Living labs take a user-centered open innovation approach and territorial living labs apply this to a region. The document outlines several EU-funded projects taking a living lab approach to regional innovation, including smart cities and smart macro-regions. It argues that a balanced, participatory regional ecosystem can effectively support innovation through a living lab network.
Mens healthFrank MeissnerMen face higher risks of mortality and disease compared to women across many health issues. They are more likely to engage in risky behaviors like unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol and drug use, and risk-taking behaviors. As a result, men have higher rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, suicide, and accidental death. Screening and preventative care can help address these issues. Regular health checks including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, cancer screenings, immunizations, and lifestyle counseling are recommended starting in a man's 20s and 50s to catch problems early and improve health outcomes.
7. ... dívají se jiným směrem , protože nemohou vidět žádnou krev , volají o pomoc , zatímco ... Muži ...
8. ... se na koberci tvoří nepřehlédnutelná skvrna ... Muži ...
9. ... se musí nejprve posadit a za nimi se táhne krvavá stopa – jako při štvanici na divou zvěř ... Muži ...
10. ... vyprávějí hlasem zlomeným bolestí všem, kteří jim přispěchali na pomoc , že jim asi budou muset amputovat ruku ... Muži ...
11. ... vrací nabízené náplasti , protože jsou příliš malé na velkou ránu ... Muži ...
12. ... zatímco si v lékárně kupují velkou náplast, tajně nahlíží do zdravotní příručky , jak velkou ztrátu krve může přežít průměrný dospělý člověk ,... Muži ...
13. ... s hrdinským výrazem ve tváři si nechávají nalepit náplast ... Muži ...
14. ... vyžadují si k večeři velký steak , aby urychlily tvorbu červených krvinek ... Muži ...
15. ... zatímco se pro ně peče maso, opatrně uléhají s nohama nahoru ... Muži ...
16. ... naléhavě se dožadují několika piv proti bolestem ... Muži ...
17. ... během jízdy k pumpě, kam si jedou pro pivo, nadzdvihují náplast, aby viděli, zda rána ještě krvácí ... Muži ...
18. ... tak dlouho mačkají okolí rány, dokud nezačne znovu krvácet ... Muži ...
19. ... a vyčítají , že náplast nebyla nalepena dostatečně pevně ... Muži ...
20. ... statečně potlačují fňukání , když je jim stržena a znovu přilepena náplast ... Muži ...
21. ... nemohou s Vámi bohužel na základě tohoto zranění hrát tenis a místo toho se utěšují sledováním Evropského poháru ... Muži ...
22. ... v době, kdy se namáháte odstranit z koberce skvrny ... Muži ...
23. ... v pravidelných intervalech se v noci plíží z postele aby v koupelně hledali podezřelé příznaky otravy krve ... Muži ...