The Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC) addresses workforce challenges in Canada's tourism industry. It developed the "Discover Tourism" brand to attract new workers and change perceptions of tourism careers. 5th business conducted research and developed a multi-channel branding strategy around Discover Tourism, targeting youth, mature workers, and lifestyle seekers. The strategy included websites, advertising, partnerships and an "Employer of Choice" program to recognize best practices. Results included growing an online database of jobs and career information, adoption of the brand by industry groups, and increased profile and funding for CTHRC.
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Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council case study
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Canadian Tourism
Human Resource Council
Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC) is one of 37 national sector
councils whose overall goal is to improve the quality of the Canadian workforce
and assist business verticals critical to the Canadian economy to be more flexible
in meeting changing competitive demands. Funded extensively, but not wholly, by
the Government of Canada, CTHRC responds to the attraction, recruitment and
retention demands of 175,000 tourism businesses and the 1.75 million people
employed in tourism-related occupations.
CTHRC is its industry leader in a number of areas including groundbreaking
work in the area of temporary foreign workers, foreign credential recognition,
comprehensive suite of training and certification resources marketed under the
emerit tourism training brand, aboriginal outreach, stakeholder relationships and
their challenge
There are approximately165,000 new jobs expected to be created in the
Canadian tourism sector by the year 2015, leaving an anticipated industry
workforce shortfall of an estimated 300,000 workers. A focus on identifying,
attracting and supporting quality employees within a high-turnover industry
environment is vital to ensure the industrys future success.
case study Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council 1
2. our strategy
They really took us Competing for qualified workers is a challenge for many sectors of the Canadian
to the next level. economy. There are many misconceptions held by people about certain industries,
so to change behaviour one must change perception.
To address the perception issue, 5th business速 worked with the organizations
Jon Kiely president, marketing leadership team, industry stakeholders and board of directors
Vice President, Marketing to craft and execute a strategy that would cost-effectively deliver repetitive
and Communications, CTHRC messages to various target markets. Our audiences included not only potential
employees but also employers, some of whom are experiencing significant
workforce challenges at present.
Comprehensive market research, best practice analysis and significant national
brand testing with the youth market resulted in an understanding of key drivers to
alter perception to a desired state. Other potential workforce opportunities were
determined with aboriginals, mature and transitioning workers and interestingly,
lifestyle workers. In particular, it was identified that those who enjoy certain
aspects of participating in tourism (i.e. skiing, golfing, etc.) may be more apt to
work in the industry if their employment package can create a work-life balance
including their leisure activity of choice.
CTHRC, being strongly connected to many national, provincial and local tourism
organizations, provided an opportunity ripe for ongoing message distribution
should the chosen direction gain support from the industry.
case study Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council 2
3. our work
To respond to the market research and the go-to-market strategy, we developed
an overarching brand theme of Discover Tourism to represent the essence of the
tourism lifestyle. Imagery reflected various demographics of workers in lifestyle
scenarios, with the brand representing a call-to-action to learn more about the in-
dustry and the employers within it. The aim was for career seekers to self-identify
with the images and language being showcased and then engage with the brand
and its employers to learn more.
An extensive series of bilingual materials, brand standards, sponsorship guides,
advertisements, presentations and interactive websites all combined to showcase
five distinct industries within the sector including Accommodation, Food &
Beverage, Recreation & Entertainment, Transportation, and Travel Services.
Partnerships and cross-promotion activities were also solidified to add strength to
the employee outreach strategy, with 5th business速 working closely with CTHRC
to structure co-branded programs with hotel organizations and tourism destinations
such as Sun Peaks.
As youth were determined to be of primary interest for brand launch, the Discover
Tourism brand was introduced to high schools and universities across Canada
via a targeted print, SEM and e-marketing campaign. The goal was to build
awareness of the industry as a viable career choice, drive traffic to the interactive
website (audience engagement via quizzes and contest entries, etc.) and to build
an e-database for ongoing marketing of job opportunities, online job board,
career information and industry events of interest to career seekers.
In tandem with the Discover Tourism employee-focused brand, 5th business
developed a coordinating employer-focused strategy, branded Discover Tourism
Employer of Choice. The purpose of the Employer of Choice program was
to deliver messages about the benefits of working with mature workers, new
Canadians and persons with disabilities and to show employers how to best
attract and retain them as employees. This augmented their current perception of
youth as preferred temporary and transitional workers.
case study Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council 3
5. our work
Previously non-existent, The program also aimed to help position employers as best-in-class, allowing
a higher likelihood of attracting new workers. A website and comprehensive online
the database is now assessment application was selected as the primary means of delivering the
regularly promoting Employer of Choice program. Employers are rated based on four factors, including
recruitment, retention, employee performance and willingness to adapt to change.
available jobs,
Each factor is then measured in terms of nine strategic question sets completed by
industry information, employers, managers and employees. The results are then compiled and compared
etc. to potential to identify gaps in perception and provide recommendations to assist employers
in becoming a designated Discover Tourism Employer of Choice.
career seekers.
ntroduced a new brand strategy to the market to fill market void left by industry
that has shared challenges but lacks linked approach due to competitive market.
Prior to Discover Tourism, there was no pan-Canadian strategy that connected
potential workers with the industry and rewarded best-in-class employers with
preferred employer status.
romotional efforts have built web traffic to Discover Tourism and related
e-marketing databases into the thousands, across varied demographics. Previously
non-existent, the database is now regularly promoting available jobs, industry
information, etc. to potential career seekers. Career fairs and other outreach
efforts have brand consistency and a focused lifestyle message to attract workers.
large number of industry organizations, including various provincial tourism
organizations, have adopted the Discover Tourism brand.
THRC has vaulted its status as a thought-leader and relationship builder within its
industry and its government funding has been augmented with Discover Tourism
sponsorship revenues from other sources.
case study Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council 5