This document discusses calculating and managing counterparty risk on environmental liabilities. It defines counterparty risk as the risk of financial exposure if other parties responsible for environmental liabilities default. It outlines seven types of environmental counterparties, five types of environmental liabilities, and methods for valuing and managing counterparty risk through tools like credit scoring and probability of default modeling. The document advocates measuring and managing counterparty risk explicitly according to GAAP in order to avoid unintended consequences and properly steward capital.
Erci mar2015 webinar fair value measurementjohnrosengard
This document provides an outline and slides for a webinar on fair value measurement of environmental liabilities. It discusses the transition to fair value measurement under GAAP, observations on legacy behaviors that do not reflect fair value, and examples of how to document a fair value calculation and efficiently transition an organization to the fair value approach. The speaker recommends building consensus for a pilot project to gain experience applying fair value concepts to environmental obligations.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang standar kandungan dan pembelajaran aspek seni bahasa di sekolah. Ia menjelaskan objektif pembelajaran untuk memastikan murid dapat menyebut, memahami, dan menghasilkan lirik lagu, cerita, dan dialog dengan sebutan dan intonasi yang tepat serta bahasa tubuh yang sesuai.
The document appears to be a notification from Google+ that a user named BeckyPadgett N has updated their profile photo. It includes a link to view the new photo on their Google+ profile page. In fewer than 3 sentences, it summarizes that a user has changed their profile photo on Google+ and provides a link to view the updated photo on their profile.
Erci mar2015 webinar 2014 10 k reports on environmental liabilities - trendsjohnrosengard
This document summarizes a webinar presented by John Rosengard on trends seen in environmental liability disclosures in 2014 10-K reports. Some of the key findings from the webinar include: disclosures of environmental liabilities are not always uniform; 17 of 18 companies reviewed showed growing environmental liabilities from 1995 to 2014; and most companies claim to use fair value measurement for liabilities but only metals/mining say they apply it to environmental liabilities. The webinar also included case studies on environmental liability balances and spending at various large companies over time.
Este documento presenta fotos de la juventud de varios l¨ªderes mundiales actuales y pasados como Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Jos¨¦ Mujica, Dilma Rousseff, Michelle Bachelet, Fidel Castro, Cristina Fern¨¢ndez, Luiz In¨¢cio Lula da Silva, Hugo Ch¨¢vez, Silvio Berlusconi, Barack Obama, Evo Morales, Nicol¨¢s Sarkozy y Mariano Rajoy, mostrando c¨®mo luc¨ªan en su juventud antes de alcanzar posiciones de liderazgo.
Estimating and Disclosing Environmental Liabilitiesjohnrosengard
Learn why compliance with GASB49 is an important best practice for your agency, and why compliance with ASC 410-30 is an important best practice for your corporation. The webinar will focus on ASC codification - both the how, and the why. When is the best time to capitalize remediation spending? How best do we capture reserve escalation? Finally, learn how to identify counterparties and calculate risk to comply with Fair Value Measurement (GASB72, ASC820). Is your agency or corporation in compliance?
Puisi ini menceritakan tentang bertanya kepada berbagai hewan tentang alasan mereka melakukan tindakan tertentu, dimulai dari bertanya kepada tupai mengapa lalai hingga akhirnya serai bertemu dengan langau. Puisi ini ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu dengan gaya bertanya balas antara hewan-hewan.
Gene therapy involves inserting a normal gene into a genome to replace a faulty gene that causes disease. It works by utilizing viral vectors to deliver the normal gene. One application is for Parkinson's disease, where gene therapy aims to increase the neurotransmiter GABA to reduce motor symptoms. Two clinical trials of a GAD gene therapy for Parkinson's showed no serious side effects and up to 25% improvement in motor function after one year. However, gene therapy still faces challenges like short-term results requiring repeat treatment and potential immunological reactions.
El documento describe la importancia de la gesti¨®n en los programas de educaci¨®n temprana. Una buena gesti¨®n incluye una administraci¨®n democr¨¢tica, la integraci¨®n de avances cient¨ªficos, y un enfoque en el desarrollo emocional de los ni?os. Tambi¨¦n es importante dise?ar programas efectivos y pertinentes mediante el di¨¢logo y la reflexi¨®n.
El documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre la estructura at¨®mica. Explica que los ¨¢tomos est¨¢n compuestos de un n¨²cleo central rodeado por una nube de electrones. Describe las part¨ªculas subat¨®micas como protones, neutrones y electrones, y los n¨²meros at¨®mico y de masa. Tambi¨¦n define conceptos como n¨²cleo, configuraci¨®n electr¨®nica y n¨²meros cu¨¢nticos.
This document provides instructions for using colored pencils to create a color grid. It lists the available pencil colors as Poppy Red, Crimson Red, Canary Yellow, Lemon Yellow, True Blue, Ultramarine Blue, White, and a blending pencil. By combining the primary colors of red, blue, and yellow, 144 different secondary colors can be made. Mineral spirits or nail polish remover can be used as a solvent to blend the colors. The document includes a color wheel and instructions to create a 12 by 12 grid on bristol board using each of the 144 unique colors without solvents. A recommended book for learning basic colored pencil techniques is also listed.
La teor¨ªa sociocultural del aprendizaje de Vygotsky analiza c¨®mo el desarrollo cognitivo y el aprendizaje ocurren a trav¨¦s de la interacci¨®n social en cuatro ¨¢mbitos: filogen¨¦tico, hist¨®rico, ontogen¨¦tico y microgen¨¦tico. Vygotsky argumenta que el aprendizaje ocurre primero en la zona de desarrollo pr¨®ximo a trav¨¦s de la interacci¨®n con otros, lo que lleva al desarrollo real del individuo.
El documento describe los elementos clave de la comunicaci¨®n oral y escrita. La comunicaci¨®n oral utiliza el canal auditivo y las palabras desaparecen una vez dichas, mientras que la comunicaci¨®n escrita utiliza el sentido de la vista y las palabras permanecen en el tiempo. Ambas formas de comunicaci¨®n son importantes y cumplen funciones distintas. Adicionalmente, la comunicaci¨®n no verbal tambi¨¦n juega un papel importante en la interacci¨®n humana.
Erci mar2015 webinar 2014 10 k reports on environmental liabilities - trendsjohnrosengard
This document summarizes a webinar presented by John Rosengard on trends seen in environmental liability disclosures in 2014 10-K reports. Some of the key findings from the webinar include: disclosures of environmental liabilities are not always uniform; 17 of 18 companies reviewed showed growing environmental liabilities from 1995 to 2014; and most companies claim to use fair value measurement for liabilities but only metals/mining say they apply it to environmental liabilities. The webinar also included case studies on environmental liability balances and spending at various large companies over time.
Este documento presenta fotos de la juventud de varios l¨ªderes mundiales actuales y pasados como Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Jos¨¦ Mujica, Dilma Rousseff, Michelle Bachelet, Fidel Castro, Cristina Fern¨¢ndez, Luiz In¨¢cio Lula da Silva, Hugo Ch¨¢vez, Silvio Berlusconi, Barack Obama, Evo Morales, Nicol¨¢s Sarkozy y Mariano Rajoy, mostrando c¨®mo luc¨ªan en su juventud antes de alcanzar posiciones de liderazgo.
Estimating and Disclosing Environmental Liabilitiesjohnrosengard
Learn why compliance with GASB49 is an important best practice for your agency, and why compliance with ASC 410-30 is an important best practice for your corporation. The webinar will focus on ASC codification - both the how, and the why. When is the best time to capitalize remediation spending? How best do we capture reserve escalation? Finally, learn how to identify counterparties and calculate risk to comply with Fair Value Measurement (GASB72, ASC820). Is your agency or corporation in compliance?
Puisi ini menceritakan tentang bertanya kepada berbagai hewan tentang alasan mereka melakukan tindakan tertentu, dimulai dari bertanya kepada tupai mengapa lalai hingga akhirnya serai bertemu dengan langau. Puisi ini ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu dengan gaya bertanya balas antara hewan-hewan.
Gene therapy involves inserting a normal gene into a genome to replace a faulty gene that causes disease. It works by utilizing viral vectors to deliver the normal gene. One application is for Parkinson's disease, where gene therapy aims to increase the neurotransmiter GABA to reduce motor symptoms. Two clinical trials of a GAD gene therapy for Parkinson's showed no serious side effects and up to 25% improvement in motor function after one year. However, gene therapy still faces challenges like short-term results requiring repeat treatment and potential immunological reactions.
El documento describe la importancia de la gesti¨®n en los programas de educaci¨®n temprana. Una buena gesti¨®n incluye una administraci¨®n democr¨¢tica, la integraci¨®n de avances cient¨ªficos, y un enfoque en el desarrollo emocional de los ni?os. Tambi¨¦n es importante dise?ar programas efectivos y pertinentes mediante el di¨¢logo y la reflexi¨®n.
El documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre la estructura at¨®mica. Explica que los ¨¢tomos est¨¢n compuestos de un n¨²cleo central rodeado por una nube de electrones. Describe las part¨ªculas subat¨®micas como protones, neutrones y electrones, y los n¨²meros at¨®mico y de masa. Tambi¨¦n define conceptos como n¨²cleo, configuraci¨®n electr¨®nica y n¨²meros cu¨¢nticos.
This document provides instructions for using colored pencils to create a color grid. It lists the available pencil colors as Poppy Red, Crimson Red, Canary Yellow, Lemon Yellow, True Blue, Ultramarine Blue, White, and a blending pencil. By combining the primary colors of red, blue, and yellow, 144 different secondary colors can be made. Mineral spirits or nail polish remover can be used as a solvent to blend the colors. The document includes a color wheel and instructions to create a 12 by 12 grid on bristol board using each of the 144 unique colors without solvents. A recommended book for learning basic colored pencil techniques is also listed.
La teor¨ªa sociocultural del aprendizaje de Vygotsky analiza c¨®mo el desarrollo cognitivo y el aprendizaje ocurren a trav¨¦s de la interacci¨®n social en cuatro ¨¢mbitos: filogen¨¦tico, hist¨®rico, ontogen¨¦tico y microgen¨¦tico. Vygotsky argumenta que el aprendizaje ocurre primero en la zona de desarrollo pr¨®ximo a trav¨¦s de la interacci¨®n con otros, lo que lleva al desarrollo real del individuo.
El documento describe los elementos clave de la comunicaci¨®n oral y escrita. La comunicaci¨®n oral utiliza el canal auditivo y las palabras desaparecen una vez dichas, mientras que la comunicaci¨®n escrita utiliza el sentido de la vista y las palabras permanecen en el tiempo. Ambas formas de comunicaci¨®n son importantes y cumplen funciones distintas. Adicionalmente, la comunicaci¨®n no verbal tambi¨¦n juega un papel importante en la interacci¨®n humana.
Presentazione Sito Web Vetrina AmministrabileWeb Station
Realizzazione sito web vetrina con le seguenti caratteristiche:
- Vi proporremo un layout grafico sulla base delle Vs. indicazioni e preferenze sottoponendolo alla Vs. approvazione. Qualora non fosse in linea con i Vs. gusti, Vi proporremo fino a 3 modelli differenti.
- Installeremo un pannello di controllo per la gestione autonoma dei contenuti delle pagine web (testi ed immagini) e di una galleria fotografica (con funzionalit¨¤ di aggiunta e cancellazione di foto);
- Configureremo 10 pagine web di contenuti (testi ed immagini);
- Ottimizzeremo il codice per i motori di ricerca;
- Caricheremo la galleria fotografica che potr¨¤ contenere max 100 foto;
- Configureremo una pagina contatti con form per l'invio di richieste dal sito;
- Inseriremo a richiesta una mappa dinamica zoomabile connessa con Google Maps, con cui gli Utenti potranno calcolare il proprio percorso per raggiungerVi.
Creating digital presence for Architects and Design brandsFIRE digital agency
Responsive design
Social Media Marketing
E-commerce Web Development
Search Engine Optimisation
PPC Advertising
Digital Strategy
Mobile Apps
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grazie ad un programma di collaborazione tra professionisti, associazioni, e pi¨´ in generale PMI che condividendo obiettivi,
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Come strutturare un design semplice ed efficace per
Guarda il webinar qui:
Come si pu¨° fare a dare un aspetto chiaro e professionale al proprio sito WordPress senza avere competenze specifiche di design?
WordPress ¨¨ ormai il CMS pi¨´ utilizzato al mondo per la realizzazione e gestione di blog, siti web ed eCommerce: ¨¨ quindi importante conoscerlo e rimanere aggiornati su tutte le novit¨¤ che offre.
Con Laura Lonighi, web designer e brand stylist freelance, vediamo:
- L¡¯importanza di una buona Visual Identity per il proprio progetto web
- I 3 livelli di design attraverso i quali realizzare un¡¯interfaccia web
- Come pu¨° venirci in aiuto WordPress per realizzare in maniera pi¨´ semplice il design del nostro sito
- Alcuni strumenti utili per lavorare meglio
Global Trust presenta i servizi per le aziende e l'opportunit¨¤ per la rete commerciale.
maggiori informazioni a:
Microsis Informatica ¨¨ una delle migliori realt¨¤ italiane nella consulenza sulla virtualizzazione dei processi.
Cerca Business Partner per ampliare la propria presenza in Italia
Smart up ¨¨ la soluzione di Smart Work Group per le aziende Innovative.
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Smart Work ¨¨ una delle principali aziende di consulenza Italiane, opera in Italia e in oltre 30 paesi esteri.
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Che regime fiscale.
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per maggiori informazioni: aiuta le aziende Italiane a sopravvivere alla cristi.
per informazioni operative su come delocalizzare la propria impresa, su come aprire una nuova societ¨¤ in Serbia:
Cos'¨¨ il Privete Equity? Quando vi si pu¨° accedere? Quali sono i rischi? Una veloce guida a questo strumento ed opportunit¨¤
Primo: non perderre!
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