Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Assistant Manager - Projects
If I had to tell you, "Some things about me",
What would they be?, Hmm, let's see,,
There's so many things that I have done,
I First learned to walk, then I learned to run,
I prefer baths to showers, baths for hours,
I was BROKEN by the loss of the World Trade Towers,
I fear nothing more, for myself, and me,
Than being stranded, treading water, in the sea,
I've driven a car, I've flown on a plane,
I've taken the bus, I've toured on a train,
I probably should, but don't wear my glasses,
In school I slept through many classes,
I enjoy the taste of fine wine and cheeses,
I say Bless You when someone else sneezes,
When sleeping, I sleep on my right side,
A Bike is my choice of cho
Users following Abhilash Nair