konsep dasar pada teknologi dan informasi yang memudahkan kita memahami cara memberikan informasi dengan teknologi.
Merupakan segala hal yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan alat bantu untuk memproses dan mentransfer data dari perangkat satu ke lainnya.
This document summarizes a dissertation submitted by Xi Zhu to the University of Bristol examining differences in compliment responses between Chinese ESL students in the UK and native British speakers. The study used questionnaires and interviews to collect compliment response data from 12 students in each group across various scenarios varying social variables like gender and social status. The results showed both groups generally preferred to accept compliments, except for personality compliments which were often evaded. Chinese ESL students were less likely to reject compliments and more ambiguous. Both groups considered social relations and power differences but not gender. The study provides insights into cross-cultural similarities and differences in politeness strategies between the groups.
The document is a risk registry for emergency situations in Romania listing various types of risks and indicating which localities and emergency response units have capabilities to respond immediately to each type of risk. It includes natural risks like floods, snowfalls, fires, landslides as well as technological and man-made risks like industrial accidents, transport accidents, nuclear incidents, pollution and infrastructure collapses. Each locality's emergency response unit is assessed for its immediate intervention capabilities regarding each of the listed risks.
The document discusses corruption and its negative impacts on society. It notes how corruption has become normalized and allows the guilty to go free while widening wealth gaps. It questions whether corruption has become the accepted way of life and if people are unwilling or unprepared to end it. The document supports those who have tried to stand up against corruption, like Anna Hazare. It expresses hope that prosperity can be achieved by putting society first and reforming corrupted minds.
LILO is a bootloader that loads Linux and other operating systems from hard disks or floppy disks. It uses configuration settings stored in /etc/lilo.conf to define boot options and locations of operating system images. LILO builds tables mapping sectors used by files needed for booting and must be reinstalled when changes are made. It loads operating systems by BIOS routines and has limitations including slow loading, limited number of boot options, and BIOS restrictions on disk access.
The document provides an overview and agenda for Struts 2.x. It discusses Struts Introduction, Struts Web Flow, Struts Architecture, Struts Basic Example, Dynamic Method Invocation, Multiple Struts.xml files, IOC and DI, Interceptors, Validation, Internationalization, Control Tags, Struts2 with Jquery, Build in Interceptor, Custom Interceptor, and I18N.
Minor Presentation - Distributed file systemiamumr
This document proposes a distributed file system that stores data by indexing the locations of file blocks within the infinite non-repeating decimal expansion of pi. It would divide files into fixed or variable sized blocks, search for the block locations in pi using algorithms like Gauss-Legendre or Browein's, and store an index mapping files to block locations. Data could then be retrieved by computing the value of pi at the indexed locations using the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula. However, the system has problems with high computation costs and potential for large index sizes. It suggests addressing this through GPU clustering and a virtual filesystem to enable cloud-based cold storage applications with high storage optimization.
Cook County Health and Hospitals System has provided care to millions of patients regardless of their ability to pay since 1835. It operates two hospitals, 15 community health centers, pharmacies that fill 1.9 million prescriptions annually, and is the largest provider of HIV/AIDS care in the Midwest. With over 6,736 employees including 1,600 doctors and 650 nurses, and an annual budget of $1.7 billion, Cook County Health and Hospitals System is a major healthcare provider in the region.
The document provides population and voter registration projections for several counties in Kenya between 2009 and 2017. It summarizes voter turnout data from 2013 and uses the figures to project numbers of eligible voters, registered voters, projected voter turnout, and total lost votes for each county in 2017. Counties included are Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu, Mombasa, Kisumu, Bungoma and others. Assumptions are made about population growth rates, death rates, percentages of populations that will register to vote and turnout rates.
The document discusses corruption and its negative impacts on society. It questions why people continue to accept and breathe in corruption despite acknowledging that it chokes and kills. Corruption widens the gap between rich and poor, yet society continues in the same way without change. It reflects on whether adjusting to corruption has become the accepted way of life, without taking a break to rethink and reform. It supports those who have tried to stand up against corruption, like Anna Hazare. Overall, the document raises many questions about corruption and society's willingness or ability to end it.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo manipular diapositivas en una presentación, incluyendo cómo insertar nuevas diapositivas, seleccionar, copiar, duplicar, mover y eliminar diapositivas existentes. Explica los pasos para cada una de estas acciones.
Learn the basics of diving before attempting a dive from a starting block. Place one foot at the edge of the block and the other shoulder-width behind, facing the pool. When instructed, crouch down low by bending at the thighs and grabbing the front of the block. Push off powerfully with arms and legs, streamlining the body to enter the water without injury. Perfect your dive technique with a coach's guidance to have the fastest start in a race.
The document is a website for Soccer for Peace that uses soccer to promote peace. It contains information about their programs, which use athletics, education and dialogue, and excursions and activities to break down barriers and bring people together. The programs aim to be fun for participants and include team building, age-appropriate lessons, and opportunities for families to be involved.
LILO is a bootloader that loads Linux and other operating systems from hard disks or floppy disks. It uses configuration settings stored in /etc/lilo.conf to define boot options and locations of operating system images. LILO builds tables mapping sectors used by files needed for booting and must be reinstalled when changes are made. It loads operating systems by BIOS routines and has limitations including slow loading, limited number of boot options, and BIOS restrictions on disk access.
The document provides an overview and agenda for Struts 2.x. It discusses Struts Introduction, Struts Web Flow, Struts Architecture, Struts Basic Example, Dynamic Method Invocation, Multiple Struts.xml files, IOC and DI, Interceptors, Validation, Internationalization, Control Tags, Struts2 with Jquery, Build in Interceptor, Custom Interceptor, and I18N.
Minor Presentation - Distributed file systemiamumr
This document proposes a distributed file system that stores data by indexing the locations of file blocks within the infinite non-repeating decimal expansion of pi. It would divide files into fixed or variable sized blocks, search for the block locations in pi using algorithms like Gauss-Legendre or Browein's, and store an index mapping files to block locations. Data could then be retrieved by computing the value of pi at the indexed locations using the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula. However, the system has problems with high computation costs and potential for large index sizes. It suggests addressing this through GPU clustering and a virtual filesystem to enable cloud-based cold storage applications with high storage optimization.
Cook County Health and Hospitals System has provided care to millions of patients regardless of their ability to pay since 1835. It operates two hospitals, 15 community health centers, pharmacies that fill 1.9 million prescriptions annually, and is the largest provider of HIV/AIDS care in the Midwest. With over 6,736 employees including 1,600 doctors and 650 nurses, and an annual budget of $1.7 billion, Cook County Health and Hospitals System is a major healthcare provider in the region.
The document provides population and voter registration projections for several counties in Kenya between 2009 and 2017. It summarizes voter turnout data from 2013 and uses the figures to project numbers of eligible voters, registered voters, projected voter turnout, and total lost votes for each county in 2017. Counties included are Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu, Mombasa, Kisumu, Bungoma and others. Assumptions are made about population growth rates, death rates, percentages of populations that will register to vote and turnout rates.
The document discusses corruption and its negative impacts on society. It questions why people continue to accept and breathe in corruption despite acknowledging that it chokes and kills. Corruption widens the gap between rich and poor, yet society continues in the same way without change. It reflects on whether adjusting to corruption has become the accepted way of life, without taking a break to rethink and reform. It supports those who have tried to stand up against corruption, like Anna Hazare. Overall, the document raises many questions about corruption and society's willingness or ability to end it.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo manipular diapositivas en una presentación, incluyendo cómo insertar nuevas diapositivas, seleccionar, copiar, duplicar, mover y eliminar diapositivas existentes. Explica los pasos para cada una de estas acciones.
Learn the basics of diving before attempting a dive from a starting block. Place one foot at the edge of the block and the other shoulder-width behind, facing the pool. When instructed, crouch down low by bending at the thighs and grabbing the front of the block. Push off powerfully with arms and legs, streamlining the body to enter the water without injury. Perfect your dive technique with a coach's guidance to have the fastest start in a race.
The document is a website for Soccer for Peace that uses soccer to promote peace. It contains information about their programs, which use athletics, education and dialogue, and excursions and activities to break down barriers and bring people together. The programs aim to be fun for participants and include team building, age-appropriate lessons, and opportunities for families to be involved.
Actify's Product solution Presentation in Simplified Chinese
1. Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
检视 / 协同作业 / 交流共享
Product Data Anywhere
Alen Hung-Pin, Kuo
Regional Sales Manager
Actify Inc.
E-mail: aguo@actify.com
2. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
对于 Actify Inc.
? 成立于 1996 年
? 公司总部位于美国旧金山
? 全球超过 45 个国家的客户与经销合作伙伴
? 全球超过 1,000 个公司使用超过 13,000 的用户
? 为制造公司及供应链,建立 CAD 2D/3D 设计信息无
? 提供产物数据智能型解决方案
? SpinFire 产物支持九种语言版本
4. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Actify 产物系列
? 客户端 (解决方案) -- SpinFire
? SpinFire Professional
? 可直接 开启/检视 多种不同的 2D / 3D CAD 图檔
? 计算 体积、表面积、重量、厚度、角度、拔模角度、圆弧…等及
? 剖面切割、标注、批注、分析、爆炸、装配… 等功能
? SpinFire Reader
? 免费的 SpinFire Reader主要提供给只需要看图的用户
? 可开启由 SpinFire Professional / Centro 所 储存/转换 的 .3D 档案
? 可大致测量模型的外观尺寸,无法进行精确的量测
? 可对模型进行剖面切割
5. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SpinFire 作业流程
SpinFire Reader
SpinFire Professional
CAD 图档
.3D 档案
.3D WorkSpace
.3D 档案
.3D .3DCAD
6. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Actify 产物系列
? 公司解决方案 (Server) – Centro
? Centro Publisher (File Watcher)
? CAD 图档自动转换中心
? CAD 图档转换成简洁的 .3D 檔案、JPG 图片
? Centro Catalog
? 简易的网页操作界面
? 快速搜寻已发布的图檔
? 可与既有的 LOB 系统结合 (如 PDM, PLM, ERP….)
? Centro Search
? 以零件 3D 外形进行搜寻
? SpinFire Web
? 零下载的客户端 CAD 图档浏览器
? 需搭配 Centro Catalog 使用
? 支援移动装置
7. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Centro 作业概述
File System
Mail and other
Web User
SpinFire Pro.
8. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
附加功能 (Add-on)
? 3D CAD2CAD Translator
? 可附加于 SpinFire Professional 和 Centro
? 将主流的 CAD 原始格式转换成: 3D PDF, STEP, ACIS, IGES,
9. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
附加功能 (Add-on)
? CAD Extended
? 可附加于 SpinFire Professional 和 Centro
? 从原生的 CAD 模型撷取附加的产物数据
? 如文件名、零件号码、材料、版本、定义、名称、描述、定义、批注和其他…..
? 撷取的资料可导出成 xml 或 txt 档案
? 不需要任何原始的 CAD 系统
17. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Centro Publisher (File Watcher)
? 在背景中作业 (隐藏于背景)
? 服务器应用程序
? 单一档案或批次流程(多线程处
? 以哨兵(Sentinel)方式建立多种
? 藉由图档上传至文件目录或工
? 具有预先处理和后处理能力
18. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Centro Catalog
3D, 2D 模型和产物
19. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SpinFire Web (3D & 2D)
? 客户端零下载
? 从任何浏览器对 3D / 2D 进行检视、批注、和测量
PC Tablet Laptop SmartphoneAnd YES an iPad
20. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Centro Search
(3D Search Technology)
“When you consider that the annual carrying cost for each new part can range from $4,500 to $23,000 per
item, the value of a part reuse strategy that includes advanced search tools to help significantly reduce part
redundancy is clear.”
Jim Brown, VP Global Product Innovation & Engineering Research at Aberdeen Group
零件重复利用 零件合理化 零件分类 零件编号 找到重复零件
21. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
以外形搜寻零件 – Centro Search
23. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3D Search
完整的 3D
CAD 图档的
CAD 图档库和元数
SpinFire Web
3D / 2D CAD Importers
Extended Importers
3D CAD2CAD Translator
View 1.0 Viewing 2.0
24. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Viewing 2.0 with Centro
25. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MSFT Office Docs
3D PDF (Adobe)
STEP, etc.
Line-of-Business 应用程序
o MS SharePoint
o Spreadsheet
o Etc...
Centro Connectors
26. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Viewing 2.0 Being Applied
Inalfa Roof Systems
27. Copyright 2005 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright 2006 Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
? Actify Suite of Products 提供完善安全的设计信息交流平台,高
压缩比 (平均1:10) 的 .3D web 交流格式,保证您可以在最短时
? 公司设计信息的交流时间至少缩短 50% 以上,产物上市时间亦相
同缩短 50%。
? 完整的安全沟通交流作业,大幅降低因生产错误产生的废料问题。
? 完全避免公司珍贵的设计智慧财产外流,确保公司的市场形象。
? 建立无纸化的设计信息沟通交流环境
? 有效率的设计信息交流协同作业,对公司竞争力的提升是无价的。
28. Actify, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
更多产物信息请拜访 Actify 官方网
Alen Hung-Pin, Kuo
Regional Sales Manager
Actify Inc.
E-mail: aguo@actify.com