The document is a song lyric telling a love story between two young people, Romeo and Juliet, who fall in love despite their families' opposition. They meet at a party and have a secret romance, sneaking out to see each other in the garden. Romeo promises to take Juliet away from their town so they can be together. Eventually, Romeo proposes marriage to Juliet to prove his love and so they will never have to be apart.
Manual ini memberikan panduan tentang administrasi saringan literasi tahun ke-5 untuk murid-murid tahun ke-2 di Malaysia. Saringan ini bertujuan mengukur 12 konstruk literasi untuk menentukan tahap penguasaan murid dan menempatkan mereka dalam program pembelajaran yang sesuai. Manual ini menjelaskan proses, instrumen, dan tindakan yang diambil berdasarkan hasil saringan untuk memastikan seluruh murid mencapai standar literasi yang ditetapkan
Este es un movimiento que aboga por abrir los ojos de la humanidad a un nuevo y mejor mundo m¨¢s equilibrado donde no existan la mayor¨ªa de los problemas m¨¢s serios que existen hoy en d¨ªa.
In Japan, media such as television and newspapers are the top sources of health information, more so than conversations with healthcare professionals. While the majority of Japanese people validate information from other sources with their healthcare provider, traditional media sources are relied on more heavily than the global average for finding health information. Personal relationships with family and friends are also important influences on health behaviors in Japan.
The document discusses several Christmas traditions and symbols including:
1) The Christmas tree in New York City's Rockefeller Center.
2) Santa Claus or Father Christmas.
3) The nativity scene or manger depicting the birth of Jesus.
4) Decorations and gifts associated with Christmas.
This document provides possible royalty-free images that could be used for Men's Health Week 2010 promotions. It suggests positive, happy images depicting a firefighter to represent protection, as well as images showing people from working class and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The document requests that the recipient notify the sender if any images will be used.
Responsive design provides an optimal viewing experience across devices by using fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and media, and media queries. Key elements include fluid grids based on percentages, media queries that detect device capabilities and alter styles, and flexible typography that scales with the base font size. Popular frameworks like Bootstrap simplify the process but can limit customization. Plugins also help add responsive features to sites.
This document is a clipping from 2010 that provides no substantive information in its current state. It contains only the words "Hotel Alpestre" with no other details, context, or content.
Manual ini memberikan panduan bagi pentaksir untuk menilai 12 konstruk literasi membaca murid tahun 2 melalui instrumen saringan 5. Instrumen ini ditadbir secara lisan dan berterusannya selama pelajaran bahasa melayu. Hasil penilaian digunakan untuk menentukan sama ada murid akan dimasukkan ke program LINUS atau arus perdana.
El documento repite varias veces que un grupo va a ver las culturas de roden en la Plaza de Santo Domingo en Murcia, Espa?a en marzo de 2012. Fueron estudiantes de 4 a?os de la escuela primaria Nuestra Se?ora del Carmen.
This document summarizes and comments on chapters 1-4 and the conclusion of the book "Terrorist Assemblages". It discusses key concepts from the book like homonationalism, the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, and the Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court case. Several sections analyze how queer and Muslim identities have been constructed and surveilled through nationalist and militarized means. The document raises questions about how bodies become militarized and surveyed, and whether the concept of "assemblages" provides a better framework than intersectionality for understanding identity politics.
Hannah Gibson outlines 25 green changes individuals can make, including unplugging unused items, using power bars and fluorescent light bulbs, buying organic food and riding bikes instead of driving, recycling various materials, taking shorter showers and only running major appliances with full loads, planting trees, and purchasing items with less packaging. The list aims to save energy, water, and reduce waste and environmental impact through more sustainable habits at home.
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript have opened up many design possibilities. Web design nowadays is very interactive; it is no longer limited by static layouts. The five sites listed here demonstrate great examples of interactive web design.
This document provides information about library services and resources at Citrus College Library. It summarizes the library staff, hours, services, and resources. The library has 7 full-time librarians and 12 support staff. Services include reference assistance, library orientations, circulation, reserves, copying and printing. Resources include a collection of print and audiovisual materials, access to ebooks and databases, study rooms, and computer workstations. The document outlines policies and procedures for borrowing materials, accessing the online catalog and other electronic resources.
An initial work on coming out with specialized postgraduate programme focusing on software testing and quality, both for full-time and part-time studies. Presented at Malaysian Software Engineering Conference 2014 (MySEC14) in Langkawi, Malaysia.
Leadership Training Brisbane - Circles of Trust
Trust is at the heart of performance, engagement and healthy relationships at work. While trust is often difficult to define, we all know when it is absent.
Research published in the Harvard Business Review suggests that more than fifty percent of managers don¡¯t trust their leaders. Carolyn Morgan from the Australian Institute of Management says that Australian organisations are facing a ¡®crisis of trust¡¯.
While there may be some trust factors that are outside of our control, as managers there are many that are 100% within our control. If you would like to build more trusting relationships at work and break the negative cycle of mistrust, then this Short Shot is for you.
Circles of Trust is a leadership training course available in Brisbane. Facilitate by James McNamar from The Impact Factory, this leadership training coiurse takes a refreshingly practical look into trust at work. This session examines the behaviours that build trust and those that lead to mistrust. Grass roots strategies that build trust within teams are explored in detail.
La campagna ¡°Parchi a cavallo¡± organizzata da Legambiente e da TurismoACavallo, nasce con l¡¯obiettivo di promuovere il turismo equestre nei parchi e nelle aree protette del nostro paese.
This document provides possible royalty-free images that could be used for Men's Health Week 2010 promotions. It suggests positive, happy images depicting a firefighter to represent protection, as well as images showing people from working class and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The document requests that the recipient notify the sender if any images will be used.
Responsive design provides an optimal viewing experience across devices by using fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and media, and media queries. Key elements include fluid grids based on percentages, media queries that detect device capabilities and alter styles, and flexible typography that scales with the base font size. Popular frameworks like Bootstrap simplify the process but can limit customization. Plugins also help add responsive features to sites.
This document is a clipping from 2010 that provides no substantive information in its current state. It contains only the words "Hotel Alpestre" with no other details, context, or content.
Manual ini memberikan panduan bagi pentaksir untuk menilai 12 konstruk literasi membaca murid tahun 2 melalui instrumen saringan 5. Instrumen ini ditadbir secara lisan dan berterusannya selama pelajaran bahasa melayu. Hasil penilaian digunakan untuk menentukan sama ada murid akan dimasukkan ke program LINUS atau arus perdana.
El documento repite varias veces que un grupo va a ver las culturas de roden en la Plaza de Santo Domingo en Murcia, Espa?a en marzo de 2012. Fueron estudiantes de 4 a?os de la escuela primaria Nuestra Se?ora del Carmen.
This document summarizes and comments on chapters 1-4 and the conclusion of the book "Terrorist Assemblages". It discusses key concepts from the book like homonationalism, the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, and the Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court case. Several sections analyze how queer and Muslim identities have been constructed and surveilled through nationalist and militarized means. The document raises questions about how bodies become militarized and surveyed, and whether the concept of "assemblages" provides a better framework than intersectionality for understanding identity politics.
Hannah Gibson outlines 25 green changes individuals can make, including unplugging unused items, using power bars and fluorescent light bulbs, buying organic food and riding bikes instead of driving, recycling various materials, taking shorter showers and only running major appliances with full loads, planting trees, and purchasing items with less packaging. The list aims to save energy, water, and reduce waste and environmental impact through more sustainable habits at home.
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript have opened up many design possibilities. Web design nowadays is very interactive; it is no longer limited by static layouts. The five sites listed here demonstrate great examples of interactive web design.
This document provides information about library services and resources at Citrus College Library. It summarizes the library staff, hours, services, and resources. The library has 7 full-time librarians and 12 support staff. Services include reference assistance, library orientations, circulation, reserves, copying and printing. Resources include a collection of print and audiovisual materials, access to ebooks and databases, study rooms, and computer workstations. The document outlines policies and procedures for borrowing materials, accessing the online catalog and other electronic resources.
An initial work on coming out with specialized postgraduate programme focusing on software testing and quality, both for full-time and part-time studies. Presented at Malaysian Software Engineering Conference 2014 (MySEC14) in Langkawi, Malaysia.
Leadership Training Brisbane - Circles of Trust
Trust is at the heart of performance, engagement and healthy relationships at work. While trust is often difficult to define, we all know when it is absent.
Research published in the Harvard Business Review suggests that more than fifty percent of managers don¡¯t trust their leaders. Carolyn Morgan from the Australian Institute of Management says that Australian organisations are facing a ¡®crisis of trust¡¯.
While there may be some trust factors that are outside of our control, as managers there are many that are 100% within our control. If you would like to build more trusting relationships at work and break the negative cycle of mistrust, then this Short Shot is for you.
Circles of Trust is a leadership training course available in Brisbane. Facilitate by James McNamar from The Impact Factory, this leadership training coiurse takes a refreshingly practical look into trust at work. This session examines the behaviours that build trust and those that lead to mistrust. Grass roots strategies that build trust within teams are explored in detail.
La campagna ¡°Parchi a cavallo¡± organizzata da Legambiente e da TurismoACavallo, nasce con l¡¯obiettivo di promuovere il turismo equestre nei parchi e nelle aree protette del nostro paese.
F?rel?sning f?r easyFair - intro till sociala medierFredrik Pallin
F?rel?sning f?r easyFairs och Kistam?ssan om sociala medier. Den h?r presentationen handlar om vad sociala medier ?r och hur kommunikationsbranschen har f?r?ndrats.
Att s?ka jobb via Social Media ?r egentligen ingenting nytt utan det ?r ett gammalt s?tt fast i ny infrastruktur som g?r de betydligt mycket snabbare och effektivare! Ett gammalt v?l bepr?vat s?tt, fast i nya kanaler, l?s, ta l?rdom och inspireras och effektivisera ditt jobbs?k.
Dolda Jobb
Hur kan sociala media locka fler bes?kare till V?stmanlandPer Lagerstr?m
En presentation av Per Lagerstr?m om sociala media och dess m?jligheter att locka fler bes?kare till V?stmanland. Fr?n workshop i V?ster?s den 19 januari 2010.
Na? framga?ng i Almedalen med Twitter och hashtagsMarketinghouse
Twitter ?r det social medium som anv?nds mest under Almedalsveckorna. M?nga f?retag ?r nya i Almedalen och p? Twitter. Den h?r guiden ?r skriven f?r f?retag som vill n? ut i Almedalen med era budskap, seminarier etc och vill anv?nda Twitter.
F?rel?sning f?r Roseng?rds personal om Dolda Jobb och Social Media av Tanja P...Dolda Jobb
Den 17 Nov hade jag en f?rel?sning kring i hur man hittar de Dolda Jobb samt hur man anv?nder Social Media i sitt jobbs?k f?r personal p? Roseng?rds AIC (Arbets-och integrationscenter). En lyckad f?rel?sning som fick mycket media uppm?rksamhet och d?r enhetschefen f?r Roseng?rd AIC, Torgny var en riktigt klippa till f?rebild!
Sociala Medier i Statens Tj?nst Informationsf?reningen 20100121Jacob Lapidus
F?rel?sning av Jacob Lapidus, Gullers Grupp, f?r Informationsf?reningens Stockholmskrets 2010-01-21 p? temat "Sociala medier i Statens tj?nst". Fokus l?g p? att kopplat ihop kommunikation och konversation i sociala medier med ef?rvaltning och de utmaningar som uppst?r f?r den offentliga sektorns organisationer.
6. Transparens - Vad vill du visa?
Du har m?jlighet att reglera vad som visas av
dig sj?lv och dina statusuppdateringar.
Man kan ha slutna grupper f?r till exempel
familjen, n?ra v?nner, intressen mm
Finns inget samband mellan st?lder och
8. Bambuser - i demokratins tj?nst
Bambuser - Svensk videostreamingtj?nst som
under den Arabiska v?ren haft stor betydelse
f?r framg?ngen att genomf?ra revolutionerna i
Tunisien, Egypten, Libyen och nu finns det live
video fr?n Damaskus
Bilden och videon f?r en allt mer betydande
roll f?r budskap.
9. Vikten av att tagga meddelanden
Man hashtaggar (#=hash) allt oftare
meddelanden och texter till bilder (ex
Instagram) detta f?r att de ska bli l?ttare att
hitta vid s?kning.
Exempel p? det ?r t.ex. #sigtunalitt, #mel2012
#os2012, #twitboll
Man f?r ocks? en anknytning till andra genom
att tagga meddelanden och bilder.
10. Slutord om Sociala Medier
Bygga sitt eget varum?rke, anv?nd ditt eget
namn s? l?ngt det g?r.
Anv?nda f?r att s?ka nytt arbete, n?r man
s?ker p? dig i Google, finns du d??
D?rr?ppnare - Man f?r l?ttare att f? kontakt
med 'r?tt' m?nniskor