Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dawah - Calling to Allah
Had it not been for you O Allah ,we have never been guided nor does we have perform salat & give in charity , let tranquility decends upoun us and make us firm when we met our enemies verily they have
transgress against us and accept our dua's.
And Alhamdulillaah my wall is open and you are free to take advantage of it inshaAllaah.
Brothers feel free to add me inshaAllaah.
Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah
Ahlul-Hadeeth (the People of Hadeeth)
Al-Athariyyah or Ahlul-Athar (the People of Narrations)
Al-Firqah An-Naajiyah (the Saved Sect)
As-Salafiyyah or As-Salafiyoon (the Salafees)
Qutoobis, surooris, the so called ikhwaan al muslimeen, shi'a & barelvis etc., please do not add me :
Users following Mohammed Ubaid