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Unit I
1. Describe major phases of project management life cycle.
2. Who are stakeholders? List out the key stakeholders in an organization.
3. Explain the functions of Management in brief.
4. Explain SWOT analysis in brief with a case study.
5. Give Distinction between Taylors Scientific Management and Henry Fayols Principles
of Management.
6. What are the processes and levels of management?
7. Explain Project concept, Proposal and contract in brief.
8. What is crisis? Describe the types and causes.
9. What is Strategy? Explain the types and process of strategic planning.
10. Explain Fayols administrative theory.
Unit II
1. Explain the process involved in developing project time schedule.
2. What are the tools and techniques for Schedule development.
3. Explain activity duration estimation in brief.
4. Define work break down structure for budgeting and collecting costs.
5. On a large project it is often b e the responsibility of a team leader to allocate tasks to individuals.
Why might it b e unsatisfactory to leave such allocations entirely to the discretion of the team
6. Name metrics for reliability, SW cost, effort, SW complexity with examples
7. Explain project scope management with following points:
a. Planning
b. Definition
c. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
d. Verification
e. Control
8. Explain the process of critical path method on the PERT chart shown in figure 5a with
requirements, coding and system test taking 4 weeks each and others taking 2 weeks
9. Compare between CPM and PERT.
10. Explain PERT network and CPM network alongwith their limitations.
11. Explain the design principle of work breakdown structure in detail.
12. Explain Cost estimation and effort estimation approaches in brief.
13. Explain top down estimation and bottom up estimation.
Unit III
1. What are the skills and competencies required for a project manager?
2. What are the key elements of conflict? Explain any one in brief.
3. Can Interference become a major reason of conflict? How?
4. What are the skills of a conflict manager?
5. Explain five conflict resolution techniques in detail.
6. What are the roles and responsibilities of individuals in IT Project?
7. What are the steps in identifying project roles? Name any five 5 project roles
and the skills needed for them.
8. Define the decision making framework.
9. What are the steps of decision making?
10. Identify three unconscious factors that may affect your negotiation effectiveness and
explain why or how that phenomenon may occur.
11. What is negotiation? Describe the process of negotiation.

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  • 2. 9. Compare between CPM and PERT. 10. Explain PERT network and CPM network alongwith their limitations. 11. Explain the design principle of work breakdown structure in detail. 12. Explain Cost estimation and effort estimation approaches in brief. 13. Explain top down estimation and bottom up estimation. Unit III 1. What are the skills and competencies required for a project manager? 2. What are the key elements of conflict? Explain any one in brief. 3. Can Interference become a major reason of conflict? How? 4. What are the skills of a conflict manager? 5. Explain five conflict resolution techniques in detail. 6. What are the roles and responsibilities of individuals in IT Project? 7. What are the steps in identifying project roles? Name any five 5 project roles and the skills needed for them. 8. Define the decision making framework. 9. What are the steps of decision making? 10. Identify three unconscious factors that may affect your negotiation effectiveness and explain why or how that phenomenon may occur. 11. What is negotiation? Describe the process of negotiation.