гаджетыAnton SmagThis document discusses gadgets and provides instructions for students to write about their favorite gadgets. It includes a poem about using gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, and MP3 players. Students are asked to write a short report on their favorite gadget, including what it is, what it can do, what it can't do, and what they would like it to do. The document also teaches students how to write cinquains and provides examples of cinquains about gadgets.
AbcAnton SmagThis document contains a list of 26 letters of the alphabet paired with a corresponding word beginning with that letter. Each letter-word pair is on its own line with the letter in uppercase and word in lowercase. The pairs are listed in alphabetical order from A to Z.
презентация к открытому уроку в 2 классеAnton SmagThis open lesson in the 2nd grade at MOBU SOSH No. 1 in Maloyaz was about learning English vocabulary. The teacher led the students in singing songs that highlighted different sounds in English like /æ/, /ð/, /w/, /h/, /ŋ/, /t∧/, and /k/. She also had the students ask and answer simple questions to practice vocabulary like names, where they live, seasons, and parts of the day. Games were played to review the alphabet, locations of family members, and rooms in a house. A story called "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" was read.
What is there in your roomAnton SmagThis document lists furniture and items commonly found in a bedroom such as a bed, table, cupboard, TV, and asks questions to determine if a person or object is located in relation to those items, with answers of yes or no. Sample questions include whether someone is in, on, under, at, behind or in front of furniture like the bed, table, or sofa.
Muzey madam tyussoAnton SmagThe document discusses Madame Tussauds wax museum in London. It opened in 1802 when Madame Tussaud took her exhibition of life-size wax figures from Paris to London. The museum is packed with famous historical characters made of wax, including members of the royal family, politicians, film stars, and pop stars.
Los angAnton SmagLos Angeles is the second largest city in America, famous for being the capital of the world's movie production industry located in its suburb Hollywood. Hollywood is home to major film studios and also where many celebrities live in neighborhoods like Beverly Hills and Malibu, the latter being known for its beautiful beaches. Important sites in Hollywood include famous movie theaters on Hollywood Boulevard like Mann's Chinese Theatre and the Egyptian Theater, as well as the Kodak Theater where the Oscars ceremony takes place each year.
Frankenshtein презентацияAnton SmagThe document outlines the goals for a lesson which include working on exercises from the textbook on specific pages, learning new vocabulary words and phrases, and discussing the topic of cloning. It then provides background information on Mary Shelley and Frankenstein, including details about the characters Victor Frankenstein and the monster. Homework assignments are listed at the end involving exercises from the student book.
English speakingAnton SmagThe document provides information about several English-speaking countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It discusses facts about each country such as their flags, coats of arms, mottos, capitals, currencies, and official languages. It also engages the reader in an imagined role play activity where they take on the identity of teenagers from different parts of the UK meeting at an international conference.
Education in usaAnton SmagThis document outlines the typical structure and progression of education in the United States from preschool through post-secondary education. It provides the grade levels, typical ages of students, and brief descriptions of the core subjects taught at each level, including preschool, kindergarten, elementary school (grades 1-5), middle school, high school, and college. The education system is publicly funded and compulsory through high school graduation, with local, state, and federal governance.
Earth songAnton SmagThe document is lyrics to the song "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson. It questions what humanity has done to damage the planet through things like war, pollution, and destruction of nature. It asks what has happened to dreams of sharing the world's resources and wonders if people will notice the crying of the Earth and the consequences of their actions such as dead children and animals.
8. Берёза
Белая берёза
Под моим окном
Принакрылась снегом,
Точно серебром.
На пушистых ветках
Снежною каймой
Распустились кисти
Белой бахромой.
И стоит береза
В сонной тишине,
И горят снежинки
В золотом огне.
А заря, лениво
Обходя кругом,
Обсыпает ветки
Новым серебром.
9. Кисть - пучок нитей, служащих для
украшения чего-либо.
Бахрома – свободно свисающие нити на
краю ткани. (Обшить скатерть
Кайма – полоса по краю какого-либо
предмета, ткани и т.п., отличающаяся
цветом, узором, материалом. (Юбка с
цветной каймой)
Заря – яркое освещение горизонта перед
восходом и после захода солнца.
(Утренняя заря)
11. Берёза снегом (укрылась,
накрылась, принакрылась).
Укрыться- закрыться со всех
Накрыться- закрыться сверху
Принакрыться- слегка
12. Берёза
Белая берёза
Под моим окном
Принакрылась снегом,
Точно серебром.
На пушистых ветках
Снежною каймой
Распустились кисти
Белой бахромой.
И стоит береза
В сонной тишине,
И горят снежинки
В золотом огне.
А заря, лениво
Обходя кругом,
Обсыпает ветки
Новым серебром.
19. Составить текст на тему «По дороге в школу».
День – морозный, солнечный, ясный.
Небо – голубое, бирюзовое, лазурное, чистое,
высокое, прозрачное, безоблачное.
Воздух – чистый, морозный, прозрачный,
бодрящий, колется.
Снег – белый, пушистый, чистый, блестит, сверкает,
переливается огнями.
Берёза – большая, красивая, нарядная, огромная,
могучая, гордая.
20. Осложненное списывание.
(1) Метель здесь бродит по ___________
тропам и, как лиса, свой заметает след.
(2) Вырвались в _____________ мраке
метели, как кони, из пут.
(3) След __________ в поле как снежок.
(4) На крыше _____________ сосульки – для
грив метельных гребешок.
(5) Всю местность завалили ____________
Слова- подсказки: зверь, утро, сани, длина, край.
21. Упр. 448
Объясните выбор написания Ь на конце
слов. Запишите слова, распределив их
по частям речи