Bram Koster - Waarom biologen de beste marketeers zijnUpstreamPresentatie gegeven door Bram Koster tijdens de uitreiking van de Dutch Marketing Thesis Award 2013.
Dieren bewegen zich veelal in kuddes, zwermen, roedels. Daarbij geldt dat een aantal simpele regels kunnen leiden tot complexe patronen en strategieën. Als mens kunnen we daar veel van leren. Want ook wij zijn een stuk minder individualistisch dan we soms (willen) denken. Voor marketeers is het zinvol, misschien wel noodzakelijk, hierover meer te weten te komen om het gedrag van mensen in sociale netwerken te kunnen begrijpen en erop in te kunnen spelen.
State of economy 2013Nikhil JainThe Indian economy experienced its worst slowdown in nearly a decade in 2012 due to global contractionary forces, domestic macroeconomic imbalances, and reversals in fiscal policy. Key issues included high fiscal and current account deficits, low GDP growth below 5%, and policy uncertainty that weakened business confidence. However, the government implemented reforms in the second half of 2012 to reduce subsidies and attract investment, and inflation declined, signaling prospects for economic recovery, but short-term challenges around deficits and exports remain.
Bram Koster - Waarom biologen de beste marketeers zijnUpstreamPresentatie gegeven door Bram Koster tijdens de uitreiking van de Dutch Marketing Thesis Award 2013.
Dieren bewegen zich veelal in kuddes, zwermen, roedels. Daarbij geldt dat een aantal simpele regels kunnen leiden tot complexe patronen en strategieën. Als mens kunnen we daar veel van leren. Want ook wij zijn een stuk minder individualistisch dan we soms (willen) denken. Voor marketeers is het zinvol, misschien wel noodzakelijk, hierover meer te weten te komen om het gedrag van mensen in sociale netwerken te kunnen begrijpen en erop in te kunnen spelen.
State of economy 2013Nikhil JainThe Indian economy experienced its worst slowdown in nearly a decade in 2012 due to global contractionary forces, domestic macroeconomic imbalances, and reversals in fiscal policy. Key issues included high fiscal and current account deficits, low GDP growth below 5%, and policy uncertainty that weakened business confidence. However, the government implemented reforms in the second half of 2012 to reduce subsidies and attract investment, and inflation declined, signaling prospects for economic recovery, but short-term challenges around deficits and exports remain.
ݺߣsJohn GitachuThis document proposes an interactive video installation that allows users to uncover secrets about prominent political leaders' lives. It would use sensors to detect users and invite them to interact within a designated space. Users would pick up a phone to control the application and learn hidden traits of political figures like Hitler, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mao Zheng through projected videos and QR codes. The goal is to educate people about "the flip sides" of these historical figures and make politics more engaging.
AECT 2015 Creating an intentional web presencePatrick LowenthalThe document discusses strategies for educational technology professionals to create an intentional online presence. It recommends getting a personal website, engaging with social networks like sharing materials and conducting scholarship, and maintaining complete profiles across multiple networks. The key strategies highlighted are to start small, be intentional in online activities, ensure efforts are sustainable, and engage with others by participating and contributing in authentic ways. The final message is that digital presence is about more than just self-promotion and one size does not fit all.
Dbms relational modelChirag vasava“A DBMS that manages data as collection of tables in which all data relationships are represented by common values in related tables.”
Business plan fastrackdeterminant342This marketing plan is presented by five students for Fastrack watches. It introduces Fastrack and their sport and night watch products. The objectives are to become the number one brand in Pakistan with a 20% market share in major cities through moderate pricing and a 55% gross margin. Keys to success include quality products, customer satisfaction, and building brand image. The plan describes the target market, competitors, strategies for segmentation, targeting, positioning, and differentiation. It analyzes the political, economic, social, and technological environment. SWOT and Porter's five forces are examined. The 4Ps of marketing are discussed along with strategies for pricing, placement, promotion, and measuring results.
Comunicação e avaliação do desempenhoMonique QueirozO documento discute comunicação organizacional e avaliação de desempenho. O professor apresenta os tópicos da aula sobre habilidades de comunicação e avaliação de desempenho e convida os alunos para a aula.
ΠΛΗ20 ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 5.3Dimitris Psounis1) Επίπεδο Γράφημα
1.1) Ορισμοί Επίπεδων Γραφημάτων
1.2) Το άθροισμα των Βαθμών των όψεων ≤ 2m
1.3) Ο τύπος του Euler
2) Το θεώρημα Kuratowski
2.1) Το Κ5 δεν είναι επίπεδο
2.2) Το Κ3,3 δεν είναι επίπεδο
2.3) Ομοιομορφικά Γραφήματα
2.4) Το θεώρημα του Kuratowski
3) Δύο ακόμη Θεωρήματα
ΠΛΗ20 ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 5.3 (ΕΚΤΥΠΩΣΗ)Dimitris PsounisThis document summarizes the key details from a longer document about a company's operations. It discusses the company's products and services, including its core product offerings and new product lines. It provides revenue figures for the past year, breaking down revenue sources. It also summarizes initiatives for the coming year, including plans to expand into new markets and develop new technologies.
29. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Как можно назвать рассказ по-
2. Прочитайте, как Зима разукрасила
сосны и ели, кустики и молодые
деревца, рябину?
3. Чьи следы можно увидеть под
деревьями на снегу?
4. Какими словами автор передаёт
отношение к Зиме?