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Agriculture / Forests / Fisheries
I am Ashish sahu. now i am studying in KUFOS kochhi, kerala , India.
fisheries marine bycatch and discard
cifa cife fao
marine icar
ashish sahu
fisheries icar
fish nutrition
the members of the phylum porifera
genetic methods
consisting of jelly-like mesohyl sandwiched betwee
fish base
marine products export development authority (mped
8129 km of coast line
0.72 million ha of upland lakes and 2.02 million k
0.2 million ha of floodplain wetlands
3.15 million ha of reservoirs
which includes those of andaman and nicobar and la
14 major rivers
he common shellfish diseases are listed and the kn
0.9 million ha of back waters and lagoons
and metazoan parasitic and infectious agents. in a
toxic agents
and fouling organisms produce seri- ous economic l
characters most useful in identification of fish e
or oth- erwise
(2) egg size-fish eggs range in size from 0.5 to 2
(3) oil globules-presence or-absence. identificat
silver carp
snakehead and tilapia in still water body of karna
where cage are in the southern usa. around 80 s
since early 1940. modern cage culture in open wate
canada and scotland
tuna and yellowtails in japan
chinese carp in china
and catfish.
various parameter have been used by different auth
snaring and attacking.according to umali (1950)- u
what is biodiversity? father of biodiversity- e.
variability b/w genes
spp. and ecosystem. define fish diversity
eastern himalayas
indo-burma and sundaland that are included amongst
reservoirs) fish diversity. which living organi
482 families about 58 % marine water
41% fresh water and 1% migrants. 2-fisheries reso
000 km of rivers
0.3 million ha of estuaries
cryopreservation of fish gametes
bag and cod end. but their performances differ as
a truck and a tractor. all three nets could be fis
yet the vinge trawl might take only herring
the granton trawl only demersal fish and the shrim
headline height
ground contact
flow of water through the body of the net
otter door spread
length of ground-cables
and so on. the vinge trawl would have the smallest
yet it would take no cod
haddock or shrimp. the shrimp or prawn trawl would
truck and tractor were determined by the size of t
there are the multi-species trawls or combination
plus demersal fish like cod
giant freshwater prawn seed production starts in a
central agricultural research institute (cari)
port blair
have initiated research on breeding and larval rea
ghost fishing is what fishing gear does when it
dumped or abandoned. nets
long lines
fish traps or any man made contraptions designed t
and without anyone profiting from the catches
the exotic varieties of fish have been found to en
three fast growing exotic fishes are introduced al
fish packaging featured snippet from the web modif
oxygen (o2) and nitrogen (n2). the pre-determined
packaging films or layers with a high gas barrier
and birds have paired pharyngeal ultimobranchial g
unique glandular islets found only in the kidneys
secrete a peptide called hypocalcin.
the main divisions of the marine environment. the
while the latter includes the whole mass of water.
penaeus monodon
commonly known as the giant tiger prawn or asian t
is a marine crustacean that is widely reared for f
are a basal metazoa clade as a sister of the diplo
wastewater there are two broad categories of waste
microorganisms and organic matter are main polluta
coloring agents etc are main pollutants. microorga
trawl nets and bottom seines possess an initial se
all are on the sea bed throughout the duration of
iodiversity is vital to boost productivity in ecos
a lot of man-made activities impose huge impacts o
we discuss six of the major threats to biodiversit
habitat loss and degradation
invasive species
over-exploitation and epidemics.
he second mode is that elasmobranchs give birth to
somewhat more complicated than that because there
without a placental connection
until they are sufficiently developed to be able t
9.267属n 77.433属e 鏤 / 9.267
77.433 ramanathapuram district is an administrativ
coldwater fish in terms of the aquarium trade refe
although each species temperature range may vary
corals hen water is too warm
corals will expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living
it is not dead. corals can survive a bleaching eve
but they are under more stress and are subject to
uttar pradesh
matsya jaagat
marine fishes
sea turtle
259 species of vertebrates recognized world
over 30
700 are fish species of which 8
411 ore fresh water while 11
650 are marine. in india 2
163 spp. are fin fishes have been recorded from up
7.26%) warm water of the plain (54
brackish water (182
8.41%) and marine environment (1
63.43%). some of these species are cultured at com
namely catla (catla catla)
rohu (labeo rohita) and mrigal (cirrhinus mrigal)
the three exotic carp such as silver carp (hypoph
grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idella )form the s
decaying organic matter
aquatic plant etc. stomach is absent in the alimen
cage culture is an aquaculture production system w
brackish and marine waters. cages in freshwaters a
brackish and marine water. cage in fresh water are
ranging in freshwater reservoirs from 1 square met
yamuna and ganga at allahabad and for raising com
a fish aggregating device is a man-made object use
tuna and mahi-mahi. they usually consist of buoys
climate change and global warming have severe cons
coral bleaching
and modelling the effects of high temperature on c
corals can respond to rate of temperature change a
and that these changes are primarily due to greenh
mass coral bleaching events and infectious disease
carbon dioxide absorbed into the ocean from the at
through sea level rise
changes to the frequency and intensity of tropical
and altered ocean circulation patterns. when combi
all of these impacts dramatically alter ecosystem
as well as the goods and services coral reef ecosy
introduction several method of employed for preser
onion etc. during storage. delay the ripening o
grains or spices. reduce or eliminate food spoil
fishing crafts are most essential for catching the
different types of crafts and gears are used in
operated in calm water. in the larger rivers an
sturdier plank boats are used. definition
fish transportation
research and training purpose.
fish have the same vertebrate body as all vertebra
... fins. fish have several types of fins
and they may have stiff rays or spines inside of t
then close their mouths and force water..
aquaculture (less commonly spelled aquiculture)
also known as aquafarming
is the farming of fish
aquatic plants
and other organisms. aquaculture involves cultivat
and can be contrasted with commercial fishing
which is the harvesting of wild fish. mariculture
opposed to in freshwater.
biology is the study of life forms and in this und
including shellfishes in the context of fisheries.
rays and skates while shellfishes include crustace
fish and fish products are consumed as food all ov
they provides the world's prime source of high-qua
1416 percent of the animal protein consumed world
bacterial diseases of fishes: bacterial diseases a
protozoan diseases in fishes: i. costia: symptom
ornamental fisheries fish keeping in captivity is
bowls and small tanks that permitted viewing from
types of integrated fish farming: paddy-cum-fish
and man-o-war stings out there. for example
rip currents account for 80 percent of beach rescu
and can be dangerous or deadly if you don't know w
but the majority of signs are universal.
the gili shark conservation project is an award-wi
gili meno
and gili trawangan. the goal of our shark research
how to deal with a dead pet fish remove the dead f
how to breed ghost shrimp p pt ashish sahu
gili trawangan gili trawangan (known as gili t)
gili meno and gili air have great chances to spot
cetacean stranding cetacean stranding
commonly known as beaching
is a phenomenon in which whales and dolphins stran
usually on a beach. beached whales often die due t
collapsing under their own weight
or drowning when high tide covers the blowhole
conic species
are a basal metazoa (animal) clade as a sister of
the ganga is the most important river of india bot
types of ecosystems terrestrial. a terrestrial e
and animals... desert. while you may think of a de
it can also be a cool area. disregarding the... gr
the complete anatomy of a fish piscine body part
my common fisheries related post for jrf matsyajag
mollusca is the second-largest phylum of invertebr
000 extant species of molluscs are recognized. the
000 and 100
000 additional species
i think the best way is to use a toothpick and pla
the eggs in my breeding tank hatched
but overnight the fry either escaped or died
what is a flagship species? a flagship species is
icon or symbol for a defined habitat
campaign or environmental cause. ... flagship spec
and considered to be 'charismatic' in western cult
illegal fishing is a key driver of global overfish
it threatens marine ecosystems
puts food security and regional stability at risk
and is linked to major human rights violations and
a mangrove is a shrub or tree that grows in coasta
also called halophytes
and are adapted to live in harsh coastal condition
ocean acidification reduces the amount of carbonat
a key building block in seawater. this makes it mo
such as coral and some plankton
to form their shells and skeletons
and existing shells may begin to dissolve. ... the
marine fisheries regulation act an act to provide
1980. (2) it extends to the whole of the state of
there is always small... duck-cum-fish farming:. a
the pig dung is useful for conditioning the soil
inporatant question of fisheries for jrf by ashish
three main methods for pond management are adding
water treatments like beneficial bacteria
and weed and algae controls. the single best water
river system
inland fisheries manual by ashish sahu
azolla culture manual by ashish sahu
copyright assigment
how does climate change effect the ocean? 5 ways t
seemingly unstoppable threat. warming oceans alter
oceana magazine
acharya narendra deva university of agriculture an
a coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characteri
whose polyps cluster in groups.
gillnets belize bans deadly fishing gear
protecting countless marine animals magazine optin
and shoppers want alternatives q&a with sam waters
climate change
and his ... ocean council susan rockefeller
founder kelly hallman
vice chair dede mcmahon
and also result in temporary or permanent loss of
a series of studies are needed that systematically
harmful algal bloom (hab)
a harmful algal bloom (hab) is an algal bloom that
mechanical damage to other organisms
or by other means. habs are often associated with
indias daunting challenge: theres water everywhe
and nowhere a 2
400-mile trek across india reveals the allure of i
the mekong giant catfish
which can grow to 660 pounds
is on the brink of extinction in the wild
freshwater fish species have declined by 76 percen
oarfish are large
greatly elongated
pelagic lampriform fish belonging to the small fam
the oarfish family contains three species in two g
the giant oarfish
is the longest bony fish alive
growing up to 8 m in length. wikipedia class: acti
surimi processing involves processing whole or gut
repeated washing of the mince (at mince and water
dewatering (done by manual press
nylon mesh bag method
carps form the mainstay of aquaculture in india co
they are affecting already depleted commercial fis
compilation of package of practices for energy con
introduction marine oil spills can affect the ecos
organisms can get caught in the viscous oil. oil c
which can be damaging for some species of fish whe
2013). there are also several chemicals in the oil
barron et al.
2004). oil can stimulate the formation of marine s
2012) that may subsequently sinks to the ocean flo
oil in the sediment would decay more slowly since
vikeb淡 et al.
2015). this study focuses on the seas around sout
where the currents are dominated by the norwegian
and larvae along the coast. in the northern part o
the ncc flows side by side with the norwegian atla
which is a more saline current also directed north
particularly during winter
and contribute to the upper layer drift. the area
particularly in the frontal region between the fre
there is increasing concern regarding the effect o
many of the lower frequency (under 1
000 hz) sounds are also likely to affect fish. ant
although very little is specifically known about h
conservation tools the iucn red list of threatened
initially formed in 2000 (as the red list consort
the red list partnership provides support for the
the id tools reviewed are: use of scientific exper
taxonomic reference collections
image recognition systems
field guides based on dichotomous keys
interactive electronic keys (e.g. ipofis)
morphometrics (e.g. ipez)
scale and otolith morphology
the id tools reviewed are: use of scientific exper
taxonomic reference collections
image recognition systems
field guides based on dichotomous keys
interactive electronic keys (e.g. ipofis)
morphometrics (e.g. ipez)
scale and otolith morphology
slushed crabs may be transported in the basket or
the lid should be slightly open
and the drain hole should be open to allow air cir
predator-prey relations refer to the interactions
everyone should learn how to stay safe in the surf
and sun. the beach and the ocean hide many hazards
harmful algae
vice chair anonymous samantha bass violaine and jo
centrifugation and screw press till the moisture c
ranges between 80% and 84%) and refining.
aquaponics (/脱kwpn肘ks/) refers to any system t
crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cul
a whale fall occurs when the carcass of a whale ha
000 m
in the bathyal or abyssal zones. on the sea floor
these carcasses can create complex localized ecosy
inc. is a 501 nonprofit ocean conservation organiz
000 headquarters location: washington
united states staff (2017): ~200 revenue: 4.8 cror
the pew charitable trusts
seaweed a quaculture in indonesia ashish sahu
he magnuson-stevens fishery conservation and manag
the msa fosters long-term biological and economic
marine life
or sea life or ocean life
is the plants
animals and other organisms that live in the salt
or the brackish water of coastal estuaries. at a f
marine life affects the nature of the planet. mari
magnusonstevens fishery conservation and manageme
commonly referred to as the magnusonstevens act
is the legal provision for promoting optimal explo
it has since been amended in line with sustainabil
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