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Analysis of Survey Results
       Audience Feedback
Survey Results (Focus Group)  Main Product (Music Video)
1.Whats Your    Response          The focus group who participated in the survey were of
Gender?         Count             both genders. A higher percentage of the responses that I
                                  collected were male, implying that the indie-rock genre is
                                  more oriented towards men. I predicted this from the survey
Male            9                 results I obtained from my audience research.
2.How old are   Response Count
you?            6

                                 Much like the audience research carried out previously, the
1-10            0                responses collated fell in the age ranges of 11-20 and 21-30
11-20           9                suggesting that the Genre is more suited to the younger generation.
21-30           4
31-40           2
Over 40 would 0
3.What          Response Count
you rate the
                                 The feedback which has been given via the Focus group is overall
video out of 5?
                                 very positive. The most common rating for the video is 3/4/5
                                 suggesting their views on the video were good but there could be
                                 room for improvement. One member of the focus group disliked the
                                 video. Reasons for this are unknown, however it could be due to
1/5             1                them thinking its too conventional or they dislike the storyline and
                                 or song choice.
2/5             0

3/5             5

4/5             8
Comments if answers (YES
Do You Think The Video Is        Response Count
Conventional?                                           Camera work                Range of shots
4.Camerawork                                                                       loads of camera shots
Yes                              12                                                Different Shots
No                               3                      Editing                    Fast tempo with the
5.Editing                                                                          song
Yes                              9                                                 used cutting and shot
                                                                                   reverse shots
No                               6
                                                                                   Lyrics in sync with the
6.Mise-En-Scene                                                                    music
Yes                              11                     Mise-En-Scene              Settings and costumes
No                               4                                                 were good

Most of the focus group felt that the video was         The comments that were made by the focus
conventional. From the results obtained the most        group answering Yes to whether a key area
convention area of the video was the camera-work        was conventional were all positive. They felt
with most of the audience members commenting            that the camerawork was the strongest area
there were a range of shots. People felt that the     out of the three and editing possibly being the
editing wasnt as conventional as the other two areas   weakest conventional area out of the three.
suggesting that improvements could have been made       This suggests that the editing in the video
to make the editing more conventional                   could be re-assessed to make it look more
                                                        professional and conventional.
Do You think the        Response Count
Video would appeal
to other Audience                        A higher percentage of the people surveyed thought that the
Member?                                  video would appeal to other members of the target audience
                                         outside of the people that were surveyed. This is excellent
                                         feedback to receive as is suggests that the video would be
                                         mainly successful throughout a wider range of people if it
                                         was shown on television. The target audience know what
Yes                     10               they like better than anyone else, so if they believe it will
No                      1                appeal to other audience members it shows we have
                                         addressed the target audience well.
It Might                4

Do you feel the cut-
away scenes portray
band                                     The results collected suggest that the cut-away
togetherness?                            scenes weren't very clear to the audience so a the
                                          narrative of the video wasnt as successful as it
Yes                     8
                                          could have been. To improve the video we could
                                          have possibly focused more on the narrative of
Yes, But its slightly   6
unclear                                   the video rather than the performance of the
No                      1
Ancillary Survey
Rate the magazine     Response count
advert/album out of
5?                                     The feedback gathered from the ancillary products is all in
                                       all quite positive. The results show that the album cover was
Album                                  rated either 3/5 or 4/5 which suggests that the album is
1/5                   0                better than average. Peoples personal opinion about what
                                       looks good on an album and what images would look good
2/5                   0
                                       could have something to do with the fact the album isnt a
3/5                   6                perfect 5/5. The magazine advert was also rated around
4/5                   8                3/5 or 4/5 suggesting that the album and the advert were
5/5                   1
                                       around similar standard.
Advert                                 Its good that the results show positive ratings on both album
1/5                   0                and advertisement as one of them being poor could hinder a
2/5                   2                person actually buying the album. An example being if the
                                       album looked good and professional and the advert looked
3/5                   8
                                       amateur the audience member looking at the advert first
4/5                   5                wouldnt want to buy the album.
5/5                   0
How well do you feel the           Comments:                           The majority of the audience members
products work together to
                                                                       agree that a band identity has been
create a band indentity
                                                                       created through all of the products. The
The images are the same so its    font styles are the same          focus group commented that the same
easily noticed
                                                                       images used on the ancillary products
wearing same iconic clothing in   consistent theme throughout both   and the same costumes worn throughout
the images                        products                           the products were the strongest points
colours schemes are the same     Both products are similar           for creating the band indentity/image.
Do you feel the images worked      Comments:                           The audience felt that the images
well on the products?
                                                                       worked well on the ancillary
yes, the images showed the        the low angle shot made the lead
band how they were in the          singer look like he had more
                                                                       products and portrayed the lead
video                             authority                          singer as the main person in the
the image showed the lead         the image was composed well, I     band due to the low angled shot
singer looking bigger than the     liked the blue background          making him look bigger than the
others                                                                other band members.

 Overall the survey results suggest the audience liked the video and ancillary products but
 feel there is something lacking and there is room for improvement on some aspects and
 areas of the video such as the conventional editing and the narrative of the video.

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Audience Survey feedback

  • 1. Analysis of Survey Results Audience Feedback
  • 2. Survey Results (Focus Group) Main Product (Music Video) 1.Whats Your Response The focus group who participated in the survey were of Gender? Count both genders. A higher percentage of the responses that I collected were male, implying that the indie-rock genre is more oriented towards men. I predicted this from the survey Male 9 results I obtained from my audience research. 2.How old are Response Count Female you? 6 Much like the audience research carried out previously, the 1-10 0 responses collated fell in the age ranges of 11-20 and 21-30 11-20 9 suggesting that the Genre is more suited to the younger generation. 21-30 4 31-40 2 Over 40 would 0 3.What Response Count you rate the The feedback which has been given via the Focus group is overall video out of 5? very positive. The most common rating for the video is 3/4/5 suggesting their views on the video were good but there could be room for improvement. One member of the focus group disliked the video. Reasons for this are unknown, however it could be due to 1/5 1 them thinking its too conventional or they dislike the storyline and or song choice. 2/5 0 3/5 5 4/5 8
  • 3. Comments if answers (YES Do You Think The Video Is Response Count Conventional? Camera work Range of shots 4.Camerawork loads of camera shots Yes 12 Different Shots No 3 Editing Fast tempo with the 5.Editing song Yes 9 used cutting and shot reverse shots No 6 Lyrics in sync with the 6.Mise-En-Scene music Yes 11 Mise-En-Scene Settings and costumes No 4 were good Most of the focus group felt that the video was The comments that were made by the focus conventional. From the results obtained the most group answering Yes to whether a key area convention area of the video was the camera-work was conventional were all positive. They felt with most of the audience members commenting that the camerawork was the strongest area there were a range of shots. People felt that the out of the three and editing possibly being the editing wasnt as conventional as the other two areas weakest conventional area out of the three. suggesting that improvements could have been made This suggests that the editing in the video to make the editing more conventional could be re-assessed to make it look more professional and conventional.
  • 4. Do You think the Response Count Video would appeal to other Audience A higher percentage of the people surveyed thought that the Member? video would appeal to other members of the target audience outside of the people that were surveyed. This is excellent feedback to receive as is suggests that the video would be mainly successful throughout a wider range of people if it was shown on television. The target audience know what Yes 10 they like better than anyone else, so if they believe it will No 1 appeal to other audience members it shows we have addressed the target audience well. It Might 4 Do you feel the cut- away scenes portray band The results collected suggest that the cut-away togetherness? scenes weren't very clear to the audience so a the narrative of the video wasnt as successful as it Yes 8 could have been. To improve the video we could have possibly focused more on the narrative of Yes, But its slightly 6 unclear the video rather than the performance of the band. No 1
  • 5. Ancillary Survey Rate the magazine Response count advert/album out of 5? The feedback gathered from the ancillary products is all in all quite positive. The results show that the album cover was Album rated either 3/5 or 4/5 which suggests that the album is 1/5 0 better than average. Peoples personal opinion about what looks good on an album and what images would look good 2/5 0 could have something to do with the fact the album isnt a 3/5 6 perfect 5/5. The magazine advert was also rated around 4/5 8 3/5 or 4/5 suggesting that the album and the advert were 5/5 1 around similar standard. Advert Its good that the results show positive ratings on both album 1/5 0 and advertisement as one of them being poor could hinder a 2/5 2 person actually buying the album. An example being if the album looked good and professional and the advert looked 3/5 8 amateur the audience member looking at the advert first 4/5 5 wouldnt want to buy the album. 5/5 0
  • 6. How well do you feel the Comments: The majority of the audience members products work together to agree that a band identity has been create a band indentity created through all of the products. The The images are the same so its font styles are the same focus group commented that the same easily noticed images used on the ancillary products wearing same iconic clothing in consistent theme throughout both and the same costumes worn throughout the images products the products were the strongest points colours schemes are the same Both products are similar for creating the band indentity/image. Do you feel the images worked Comments: The audience felt that the images well on the products? worked well on the ancillary yes, the images showed the the low angle shot made the lead band how they were in the singer look like he had more products and portrayed the lead video authority singer as the main person in the the image showed the lead the image was composed well, I band due to the low angled shot singer looking bigger than the liked the blue background making him look bigger than the others other band members. Overall the survey results suggest the audience liked the video and ancillary products but feel there is something lacking and there is room for improvement on some aspects and areas of the video such as the conventional editing and the narrative of the video.