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Blaire Lindsay Hirt
5231 NW 99th Ave Sunrise FL, 33351
Email: bhirt@mail.usf.edu Phone: 954-805-7767
Goal: My professional goal is to work
in an educational environment that
teaches all ages of youth how to best
navigate the world around them.
University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP)
Anticipated Graduation: December 2016
Bachelor of Art in Interdisciplinary Social Science
Concentrations: Social Work & Psychology
GPA: 3.5
Work Experience
First Grade Religious School Teacher, Temple Beth El: August 2014-Present
 Prepare lesson plans each week including Hebrew and Israel education
 Collaborate with teacher assistant on activities and projects
 Create an organized classroom throughout the year
 Host holiday programs with other teachers
 Prepares class for a student led service at the end of the year
Receptionist in the USFSP Regional Chancellors Suite: July 2013-Present
 Serve as first point of contact for various constituents both in person and on the phone
 Greet the Regional Chancellor and other Vice Chancellors guests
 Maintain conference room scheduling
 Provide support for Chancellors assistant and Vice Chancellors
 Order office supplies for department
 Make and update event reservations
Orientation Leader: March 2016-Present
 Attend weekly training for professional development
 Facilitate small and large group discussion
 Speak and present in front of large audiences
 Plan and execute presentations on diversity and inclusion
 Greet families and answer institutional questions
Volunteer Experience
Community Tampa Bay Internship: January 2016-Present
 Assist with day long workshops in Middle and High
schools in Pinellas county
 Organize office data and input into multiple systems
 Run activities to bring awareness to diversity within peer
 Follow-up with Alumni of the summer conference program
Salvation Armys Sallie House: October 2015-Present
 Work with children in instructional settings
 Organize and manage events
 Work with staff to meet childrens needs
Other Experience
USFSP Ambassador: April 2015- Present
 Vice President of Administrative Affairs
 Take minutes at meetings
 Organize event participation
 Be the liaison between event coordina-
tors and members
 Interaction with high level donors and
friends of the University
Hillel: August 2013-Present
 Vice President & Co-Founder: 2013
 President: 2014-Present
 Organize all events
 Host meetings and elections as well as
posting appropriate documents
 Marketing club on and off campus to
gain involvement
Student Government: August 2013-
 Assistant Deputy in the Community
and Government Relations department
 Attend weekly meetings to plan and
organize events
 Contact community partners for Bulls
in the Burg discount program
 Host campus events as well as collabo-
rate with other clubs on campus
 Committee member of the elections
Broward County School Board
Student Liaison: March 2012-2013
 Represented the voice between the school
board members and students concerns
 Attended weekly board meetings and pre-
pare a student report
 Attended special events hosted by the
board members within the community
Skills & Achievements
Student Employee of the Year
at the University of South
Florida St. Petersburg
Volunteering for Service Hours
Florida Medallion Scholars
(+250) 2010-2013
Susan Allen
Professor at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg
sfallen@mail.usf.edu (727)-385-0043
Lindsey Shevitz
Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
lshevitz@mail.usf.edu (727)-501-6593

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Blaire resume 2016

  • 1. 1 Blaire Lindsay Hirt 5231 NW 99th Ave Sunrise FL, 33351 Email: bhirt@mail.usf.edu Phone: 954-805-7767 Goal: My professional goal is to work in an educational environment that teaches all ages of youth how to best navigate the world around them. Education: University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP) Anticipated Graduation: December 2016 Bachelor of Art in Interdisciplinary Social Science Concentrations: Social Work & Psychology GPA: 3.5 Work Experience First Grade Religious School Teacher, Temple Beth El: August 2014-Present Prepare lesson plans each week including Hebrew and Israel education Collaborate with teacher assistant on activities and projects Create an organized classroom throughout the year Host holiday programs with other teachers Prepares class for a student led service at the end of the year Receptionist in the USFSP Regional Chancellors Suite: July 2013-Present Serve as first point of contact for various constituents both in person and on the phone Greet the Regional Chancellor and other Vice Chancellors guests Maintain conference room scheduling Provide support for Chancellors assistant and Vice Chancellors Order office supplies for department Make and update event reservations Orientation Leader: March 2016-Present Attend weekly training for professional development Facilitate small and large group discussion Speak and present in front of large audiences Plan and execute presentations on diversity and inclusion Greet families and answer institutional questions Volunteer Experience Community Tampa Bay Internship: January 2016-Present Assist with day long workshops in Middle and High schools in Pinellas county Organize office data and input into multiple systems Run activities to bring awareness to diversity within peer groups Follow-up with Alumni of the summer conference program ANYTOWN Salvation Armys Sallie House: October 2015-Present Work with children in instructional settings Organize and manage events Work with staff to meet childrens needs
  • 2. 2 Other Experience USFSP Ambassador: April 2015- Present Vice President of Administrative Affairs Take minutes at meetings Organize event participation Be the liaison between event coordina- tors and members Interaction with high level donors and friends of the University Hillel: August 2013-Present Vice President & Co-Founder: 2013 President: 2014-Present Organize all events Host meetings and elections as well as posting appropriate documents Marketing club on and off campus to gain involvement Student Government: August 2013- Present Assistant Deputy in the Community and Government Relations department Attend weekly meetings to plan and organize events Contact community partners for Bulls in the Burg discount program Host campus events as well as collabo- rate with other clubs on campus Committee member of the elections board Broward County School Board Student Liaison: March 2012-2013 Represented the voice between the school board members and students concerns Attended weekly board meetings and pre- pare a student report Attended special events hosted by the board members within the community Skills & Achievements Student Employee of the Year at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg 2014 Volunteering for Service Hours Florida Medallion Scholars (+250) 2010-2013 References: Susan Allen Professor at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg sfallen@mail.usf.edu (727)-385-0043 Lindsey Shevitz Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance lshevitz@mail.usf.edu (727)-501-6593