Yalarad is my AD&D 1st ed. campaign world and a life work. The latest incarnation has hand drawn backgrounds now being coloured and adding cities, trade routes, and political boundaries.
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Yalarad Maps - Full Graphic Treatment (In Progress)
2. Welcome to Yalarad
Yalarad is a fantasy game world created for
Dungeons and Dragons campaigns but applicable
to any fantasy role-playing system
The first version of the place was created
somewhere around 1980
The second version was created between 1982-
88 but was lost
This third version was first drawn somewhere
around 1990
The third iteration of Yalarad started with an
overview map
4. Scale
It is a large place, I wanted a setting that
would take a lifetime to explore and which
was large enough to legitimately have all
different climate and vegetation types
This has resulted in a continent that is
approximately the size of North America
Canada, including the Arctic territories fits
easily inside Yalarad
6. Political & City Maps
Once you have a land mass you need to
populate it or your campaign will be rather
My goal was to create a place that was
teeming with cultures and peoples all the
classic fantasy RPG races made popular in
Tolkiens works
To this end I developed country and city
9. Scale Change Maps
I was reasonably happy with the world so far,
but I had a craving for a deeper level of detail,
a way to flesh out my creation and make it
come to life
At some point I came up with the idea of
drawing a larger hex grid on the standard
paper, this would allow me to blow up the
maps at a consistent ratio
I chose 7:1
12. Results
The drawing of the scale change maps was a
giant undertaking
Every coastline, mountain, hill, river, and lake
was drawn by hand
48 maps were needed to cover off the
detailed areas of the continent map and each
map took a solid 8 hours of drawing with
calligraphy pens
This is only somewhere around 360-400 hours
of work but was conducted sporadically and
took 10 years
13. The Problem
These maps were detailed, but they were just
the raw geography, they lacked the detail
needed to conduct a campaign
Cities, roads, political boundaries; all of these
things were missing
So, for another 10 years I ignored them and
conducted only sporadic experiments to see if
I could get the details I wanted on the stark
black ink drawings
15. Inspiration
During the intervening years I met my wife,
had two children, and continued building a
career but never stopped playing D&D
And never stopped wanting to find a way to
bring my scale change maps to life
Then during the winter holidays of 2014
everything came together: I had time, I had
discovered a free graphics editing program
with layers (Paint.net), and I decided to try
just one
17. Im in Trouble
I liked the result
It took 6 hours to retrace the land mass, add
the cities and roads, and label everything
I knew other maps would be faster or slower
but would probably average 6 hours each
That was going to be another 280-300 hours
But I had some time so I dove in
Thanks to the head start I got over the
holidays, a few weeks later I was done
21. That is the Scale Change
The rest of this deck is low resolution versions
of the maps to provide the details for players
or anyone who is interested
This work remains my own and is under
By posting it here I am allowing for personal
use only, no commercial use is permitted