Moodle has gained popularity in the education world for its versatility, flexibility, and because it is a secure platform to host education. There are, however, ways to optimize the benefits it provides to users and institutions. Take a look at these 10 tips on how to better implement and use Moodle for your institution.
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10 Tips for Better Implementation of Moodle
1. 10 Data-Backed Tips to Ensure
Your Students & Staff
successfully and accurately
engage with Moodle
2. improve onboarding times
reduce requests for
cut training costs
enhance productivity
Moodle can be an effective educational tool
that, if used properly, can yield tremendous
results for educational institutions
These tips can help
your institution...
3. Whether a company
runs its own servers
or outsources, it
should make sure
that the choice is
reliable and secure
Invest in Quality Servers
4. Forgotten user passwords
are an obstacle to
Integrating Moodle with 3rd
party user authorization
systems can improve e-
learning productivity and
Employ Automated User Sign-in
5. Making customized user
roles adds unneeded
Instead, use an
intermediate user
interface layer that
helps users do what
they need to do,
without customizing
Work with the built-in Moodle
6. Each time code is changed to achieve a custom
feature, extensive testing must be done to
ensure that the customization works
More often than not, a reliable third party
already maintains a module that performs your
Instead of developing an in-house hack, use
these established modules
Use Robust Moodle Modules, Not
In-house Hacks
7. Find out what users
think of different
modules by reading
Moodle forums
Forums can alert you
to potential usability
or good practices
Make Use of Forums to Evaluate New
Moodle Modules
8. Navigating endless
courses can be
Moodles Collapsed
Topics feature
simplifies endless
scrolling between
and within topics
Improve Course Navigation via
Existing Tools
9. The missing ingredient from
Moodles software is a user-
friendly interface
Onscreen guidance, such as
WalkMe, can guide users on
how to complete certain
WalkMe works both on in-
house Moodle systems and
third party hosters
Offer Real-time Onscreen Guidance
10. In our mobile-driven
world, users expect a
flawless mobile
All the features of
Moodle, including any
onscreen guidance,
should be able to adapt
to mobile as well
Make Mobile Access Just as User-
Friendly as Web
11. It is not just the users that need to engage with
the software. It is just as important for the
administrators to be familiar with it
The better an administrator understands the
software, the better he/she will be able to help
users with their complications
Give Administrators the Tools to Make
Moodle Implementation Better
12. When users are presented with too many
choices and no guidance, confusion is
Less choices with more guidance will yield
better results in achieving the users end goals
Avoid theMultiple-Choice
Functionality Temptation
13. 1. Invest in Quality Servers
2. Employ automated user sign-in
3. Work with the built-in Moodle roles
4. Use robust Moodle modules, not in-
house hacks
5. Make use of forums to evaluate new
Moodle modules
6. Improve course navigation via existing
7. Offer real-time onscreen guidance
8. Make mobile access access just as
user-friendly as web
Conclusion: Tips for Moodle
9. Give administrators the tools
to make Moodle implementation
10. Avoid the multiple-choice
functionality temptation
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