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Caroline L. Lewis
Current Address: 300 North Washington Street. Gettysburg, PA 17325 P.O Box 1369
Permanent Address: 11 Independence Ct. Madison, NJ 07940
Cell: 973-271-8165 Email: lewica03@gettysburg.edu
Gettysburg College, Bachelor of Arts Gettysburg, PA
Major: Women¨s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Minor: Political Science Expected: May 2018
Current GPA: 3.50
Work Experience
The Bar Method of Summit Summit, NJ
Head of Social Media Winter 2016 C Present
Devote roughly 4 hours per weeks. Update Facebook and Instagram pages on a daily basis to reflect studio happenings,
promotions, and inspirational posts.
Receptionist Summer 2013 CPresent
Devote roughly 30 hours a week. Open and close the studio, prep studios for classes, deal directly with client concerns,
and sales of both classes and merchandise.
The Odyssey Fall 2015 C Present
Contributing Writer
Devote roughly 3 hours per week. Write articles to be published online on a weekly basis.
Leadership Experience
Central PA Consortium on Topics in Women¨s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Gettysburg, PA
Presenter/Panelist Spring 2016
Presented research on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Served on a panel of Gettysburg College
students on ^Bodies in Negotiation ̄ and the 2015 speaker series at the college.
Gettysburg College Vagina Monologues Gettysburg, PA
Co-Director Winter 2016
Plan show, recruit cast, distribute monologues, and perform during show.
Gettysburg College Social Justice Committee Gettysburg, PA
Greek Life Representative Winter 2016 C Present
Meet and collaborate with various diversity groups on campus, discuss bias incidents, create guidelines for Greek
events, and analyze the exclusive nature of recruitment in order to create an inclusive Greek community.
Volunteer Work
Half The Sky New Jersey Summit, NJ
Volunteer, Panelist Fall 2014- Present
Work with Half the Sky New Jersey to spread awareness of gender equality and women¨s rights. Organized several
events for occasions such as the UN¨s International Day of the Girl and a ^Bring Back Our Girls ̄ march.
El Centro Tutoring Program Gettysburg, PA
Tutor Fall 2014 C Present
Tutor children at the local elementary school whose parents do not speak English, and therefor cannot assist the kids
with their homework.
Honors/ Awards
? Dean¨s Honors List December 2015
? The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi October 2015
? Basic Spanish Skills
? Proficient with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop

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  • 1. Caroline L. Lewis Current Address: 300 North Washington Street. Gettysburg, PA 17325 P.O Box 1369 Permanent Address: 11 Independence Ct. Madison, NJ 07940 Cell: 973-271-8165 Email: lewica03@gettysburg.edu __________________________________________________________ Education Gettysburg College, Bachelor of Arts Gettysburg, PA Major: Women¨s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Minor: Political Science Expected: May 2018 Current GPA: 3.50 Work Experience The Bar Method of Summit Summit, NJ Head of Social Media Winter 2016 C Present Devote roughly 4 hours per weeks. Update Facebook and Instagram pages on a daily basis to reflect studio happenings, promotions, and inspirational posts. Receptionist Summer 2013 CPresent Devote roughly 30 hours a week. Open and close the studio, prep studios for classes, deal directly with client concerns, and sales of both classes and merchandise. The Odyssey Fall 2015 C Present Contributing Writer Devote roughly 3 hours per week. Write articles to be published online on a weekly basis. Leadership Experience Central PA Consortium on Topics in Women¨s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Gettysburg, PA Presenter/Panelist Spring 2016 Presented research on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Served on a panel of Gettysburg College students on ^Bodies in Negotiation ̄ and the 2015 speaker series at the college. Gettysburg College Vagina Monologues Gettysburg, PA Co-Director Winter 2016 Plan show, recruit cast, distribute monologues, and perform during show. Gettysburg College Social Justice Committee Gettysburg, PA Greek Life Representative Winter 2016 C Present Meet and collaborate with various diversity groups on campus, discuss bias incidents, create guidelines for Greek events, and analyze the exclusive nature of recruitment in order to create an inclusive Greek community. Volunteer Work Half The Sky New Jersey Summit, NJ Volunteer, Panelist Fall 2014- Present Work with Half the Sky New Jersey to spread awareness of gender equality and women¨s rights. Organized several events for occasions such as the UN¨s International Day of the Girl and a ^Bring Back Our Girls ̄ march. El Centro Tutoring Program Gettysburg, PA Tutor Fall 2014 C Present Tutor children at the local elementary school whose parents do not speak English, and therefor cannot assist the kids with their homework. Honors/ Awards ? Dean¨s Honors List December 2015 ? The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi October 2015 Skills ? Basic Spanish Skills ? Proficient with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop