Chris Robbins has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 5, as certified on July 23, 2015.
Christopher Schwartz has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 3 as of May 19, 2015.
Christopher Schwartz has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of May 19, 2015. The certificate recognizes his achievement in mastering the basic skills for the Pro Tools digital audio workstation software.
Marc Strom has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Post production as of July 24, 2015. The certificate is numbered qZYDBGVrPa.
Christopher Dominguez has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1, as certified on August 10, 2015. The certificate recognizes Chris Dominguez's achievement in mastering the basic skills for the Pro Tools digital audio workstation software.
Thomas Sadowski has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of February 24, 2015.
Christian Hampton received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Post production as of September 26, 2015. The certificate is numbered hwMfTEgZgO.
Chris Robbins has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 3, as certified on August 10, 2015 with the identification code 1F1N7kOTvv.
Steven Miller has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of November 18, 2014 according to the certificate provided.
Caleb Cline has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 3, as certified on September 24, 2015.
This certificate recognizes that Kevin Min has completed the requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 3. Kevin Min earned this certificate of achievement for Pro Tools Tier 3 on May 19, 2015. The certificate is numbered bcyADEKdUR.
Kevin Castaneda has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of April 27, 2015. The certificate recognizes his achievement in mastering the foundational skills for the audio production software Pro Tools.
Danny Renova has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of January 19, 2015. The certificate is numbered 2qnTBg1giH and certifies Danny Renova's achievement.
Kevin Min has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2 software as of February 16, 2015. The certificate is numbered QgLSy2HaH0 and certifies his achievement in audio production using Pro Tools.
This certificate recognizes that Kevin Bum has completed the requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of May 18, 2015. The certificate number is 1SE7xN7QDM.
Matthew Montoya has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on August 4, 2014. The certificate recognizes Montoya's achievement in meeting the CRAS requirements for an advanced level of skills in the Pro Tools digital audio workstation software.
This certificate certifies that Gratian Cioban completed the CRAS requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 on July 20, 2015. The certificate is numbered QBCaAjt6S0.
Tyler Thompson received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 on February 24, 2015. The certificate is numbered XhPdSQWcve.
Christopher Dominguez has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2 as of August 10, 2015. The certificate is numbered 6o8O1Oc13D.
Calvin Williams received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2 on April 27, 2015. The certificate is numbered MnjrjjPvr8 and certifies his achievement.
Coty Sheets has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of February 2, 2015.
Mark Brisbane has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 5, as certified on August 31, 2015.
Lindsay Garcia has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on January 21, 2015 with the identification code YNR9mAWXpO.
Ryan Westover has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Post production as of September 23, 2015. The certificate recognizes Ryan's achievement and mastery of Pro Tools at an advanced post production level.
Justin Burba has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 5, as certified on May 1, 2015.
Ryan Brion has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Music production as of March 20, 2015.
Christopher Schwartz has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on May 19, 2015 with identification number Z4KFeFsnf3.
Brandon Hargrove has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1, as certified on April 27, 2015.
Christopher Togafau has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Post production as of July 3, 2015. The certificate is numbered e9xwQePLKb and certifies his achievement in this area.
1. Kurikulum matematika Indonesia kurang memfokuskan pada penalaran dan pemecahan masalah serta kurangnya topik dan penggunaan kalkulator.
2. Guru matematika Indonesia rendah pendidikannya dan sedikit yang memiliki gelar di bidang matematika serta jarang mengikuti pelatihan.
3. Dukungan sekolah dan rumah kurang memadai untuk pendidikan matematika karena sumber daya terbatas di sekolah dan lingkungan serta pendidikan orang tua
The document discusses how the film "Red Bullet" portrayed its main characters, Jamie and Hunter, through their social class and gender representations to create drama and intrigue. Jamie is portrayed as working class through her plain pink dressing gown and bedroom, though she defies expectations by being ambitious and career-focused rather than passive. Hunter is portrayed as upper class and masculine through his workout routine and blue bedroom. Their morning routines are similar through mise-en-scene to show minimal differences between social classes and genders. The film aims to challenge stereotypes while still reflecting popular 1970s representations for drama.
Caleb Cline has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 3, as certified on September 24, 2015.
This certificate recognizes that Kevin Min has completed the requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 3. Kevin Min earned this certificate of achievement for Pro Tools Tier 3 on May 19, 2015. The certificate is numbered bcyADEKdUR.
Kevin Castaneda has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of April 27, 2015. The certificate recognizes his achievement in mastering the foundational skills for the audio production software Pro Tools.
Danny Renova has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of January 19, 2015. The certificate is numbered 2qnTBg1giH and certifies Danny Renova's achievement.
Kevin Min has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2 software as of February 16, 2015. The certificate is numbered QgLSy2HaH0 and certifies his achievement in audio production using Pro Tools.
This certificate recognizes that Kevin Bum has completed the requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of May 18, 2015. The certificate number is 1SE7xN7QDM.
Matthew Montoya has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on August 4, 2014. The certificate recognizes Montoya's achievement in meeting the CRAS requirements for an advanced level of skills in the Pro Tools digital audio workstation software.
This certificate certifies that Gratian Cioban completed the CRAS requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 on July 20, 2015. The certificate is numbered QBCaAjt6S0.
Tyler Thompson received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 on February 24, 2015. The certificate is numbered XhPdSQWcve.
Christopher Dominguez has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2 as of August 10, 2015. The certificate is numbered 6o8O1Oc13D.
Calvin Williams received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2 on April 27, 2015. The certificate is numbered MnjrjjPvr8 and certifies his achievement.
Coty Sheets has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of February 2, 2015.
Mark Brisbane has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 5, as certified on August 31, 2015.
Lindsay Garcia has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on January 21, 2015 with the identification code YNR9mAWXpO.
Ryan Westover has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Post production as of September 23, 2015. The certificate recognizes Ryan's achievement and mastery of Pro Tools at an advanced post production level.
Justin Burba has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 5, as certified on May 1, 2015.
Ryan Brion has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Music production as of March 20, 2015.
Christopher Schwartz has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on May 19, 2015 with identification number Z4KFeFsnf3.
Brandon Hargrove has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1, as certified on April 27, 2015.
Christopher Togafau has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Post production as of July 3, 2015. The certificate is numbered e9xwQePLKb and certifies his achievement in this area.
1. Kurikulum matematika Indonesia kurang memfokuskan pada penalaran dan pemecahan masalah serta kurangnya topik dan penggunaan kalkulator.
2. Guru matematika Indonesia rendah pendidikannya dan sedikit yang memiliki gelar di bidang matematika serta jarang mengikuti pelatihan.
3. Dukungan sekolah dan rumah kurang memadai untuk pendidikan matematika karena sumber daya terbatas di sekolah dan lingkungan serta pendidikan orang tua
The document discusses how the film "Red Bullet" portrayed its main characters, Jamie and Hunter, through their social class and gender representations to create drama and intrigue. Jamie is portrayed as working class through her plain pink dressing gown and bedroom, though she defies expectations by being ambitious and career-focused rather than passive. Hunter is portrayed as upper class and masculine through his workout routine and blue bedroom. Their morning routines are similar through mise-en-scene to show minimal differences between social classes and genders. The film aims to challenge stereotypes while still reflecting popular 1970s representations for drama.
Tugas matematika kelas VIIIC membahas tentang balok, termasuk pengertian, contoh, unsur-unsur, rumus, dan soal latihan tentang balok. Anggota kelompok Fantastique terdiri atas 5 orang siswa.
Ini naskah powerpoint saya di seminar Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Bahasa Ilmiah yang diadakan di Bukittinggi, 1-3 November 2013 oleh Komisi Ilmu Sosial AIPI.
Menegur Kembali Pentingnya Pembangunan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Secara ringkas, artikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya pembangunan budaya ilmiah melalui pendidikan matematika dan sains di sekolah. Sayangnya, pendidikan matematika dan sains saat ini hanya berfokus pada penghafalan rumus tanpa pemahaman mendalam, sehingga menimbulkan citra negatif di masyarakat. Padahal, tujuan sebenarnya adalah membentuk ketrampilan berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah melalui proses
Kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum 2006 dengan meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan yang seimbang antara soft skills dan hard skills, mengubah pendekatan pembelajaran dari guru berpusat menjadi siswa berpusat, serta mengubah standar penilaian menjadi lebih berbasis proses.
Chris Robbins has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 6, as certified on August 14, 2015.
Chris Robbins has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 1 as of March 19, 2015.
This certificate recognizes that Chris Robbins completed the requirements for and demonstrated proficiency in L'Acoustics Soundvision on August 10, 2015. The certificate is numbered u5YTBCaw96 and certifies Chris' achievement in sound system design software.
This certificate recognizes that Chris Robbins completed the requirements for and demonstrated proficiency in Celemony Melodyne on August 10, 2015. The certificate confirms Chris achieved the CRAS requirements and skills for Celemony Melodyne as of this date.
This certificate recognizes that Chris Robbins completed the CRAS requirements and demonstrated proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 4 Music production skills on August 10, 2015. The certificate is numbered RvIkFxGKqJ.
Chris Robbins has earned a Certificate of Achievement for completing the CRAS requirements and demonstrating proficiency in Pro Tools Tier 2, as certified on August 10, 2015.
This is to certify that
Chris Robbins
has completed the CRAS requirements
and demonstrated proficiency in
Pro Tools Tier 5
July 23, 2015
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