Silabus mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas X semester 1-2 SMK Alhusna Cisalak mencakup 5 kompetensi dasar yang meliputi materi, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan penilaian. Kompetensi dasar tersebut adalah berkomunikasi dalam interaksi sosial, menyebutkan benda dan orang, menghasilkan tuturan sederhana, menjelaskan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi, dan memahami memo serta jadwal.
REFLESS project partners: Chamber of Commerce NisREFLESS Project
The document is a presentation from the Regional Chamber of Economy Ni邸 outlining information about the organization. It discusses that the Chamber has over 1200 members and represents the economic interests of businesses in the Ni邸 region of Serbia, which has a population of over 600,000 across 14 municipalities. The Chamber works to support EU integration, promote international programs, and help strengthen existing businesses and attract new businesses to foster economic development in the region.
REFLESS project partners - University of KragujevacREFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the Faculty of Philology and Arts at the University of Kragujevac in Serbia. It offers three-cycle studies in Serbian, English, French, German, and Spanish languages and literatures, with an undergraduate program of 4+1 years and a graduate program of 3 years. It is working to modernize its curricula and transition to a 3+2+3 cycle structure for its programs in translation, interpreting, and other areas.
This document provides information about CEMS Entrepreneurs, a global platform connecting CEMS students, alumni, faculty, and corporate partners involved in entrepreneurship. The platform aims to connect, inspire, and facilitate collaboration between CEMS participants. Members can expect opportunities to meet other entrepreneurs, learn from experiences, and find potential partners. Anyone can become a member by registering on the website or joining the Facebook group. The team behind CEMS Entrepreneurs includes Ivo Vasilev, Tomas Laboutka, and Ariadna Mas坦, who are CEMS alumni with entrepreneurial experience.
REFLESS project partners - University of Nis REFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the University of Ni邸 and its Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. It provides details about the 13 academic units that comprise the University of Ni邸. It notes that the Faculty of Philosophy was established in 1971 and has around 2600 students across its 10 departments, including three philology departments focusing on English, Serbian, and Russian language and literature. The Faculty of Philosophy is described as the leading institution for foreign language learning in southern Serbia, offering courses in English, French, German, Russian, Modern Greek, and Bulgarian.
The REFLESS TEMPUS project aims to reform foreign language studies in Serbia according to European standards. Led by Prof. Julijana Vuo, the consortium of 18 Serbian and European institutions works on harmonizing language curricula, developing new master's programs in translation/interpretation and Serbian as a foreign language, and implementing reforms. The project aims to position Serbia to have qualified linguistic professionals and help integration with the EU. It has support from Serbian and European policymakers and universities. Risks include insufficient university cooperation and lack of political support.
REFLESS project partners: State university of novi pazarREFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the State University of Novi Pazar, the youngest state university in Serbia. It has 3,600 students and 160 teachers across 6 departments. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs based on Bologna standards and is working to design a master's program in English language teaching based on the needs of students and society. It also discusses the university's participation in 3 TEMPUS projects focused on governance, lifelong learning, and quality assurance.
Foreign investment in India was presented. Foreign direct investment involves investing directly in companies, while foreign institutional investment involves investing through mutual funds. India benefits from FDI due to its large market size, skilled workforce, and economic growth. The government has automatic and prior permission routes for FDI, and certain sectors like defense are prohibited while others like electricity and telecom are fully permitted. Major FDI investments have been made by companies in sectors like retail, IT, oil and energy, and automobiles.
REFLESS project partners - University of KragujevacREFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the Faculty of Philology and Arts at the University of Kragujevac in Serbia. It offers three-cycle studies in Serbian, English, French, German, and Spanish languages and literatures, with an undergraduate program of 4+1 years and a graduate program of 3 years. It is working to modernize its curricula and transition to a 3+2+3 cycle structure for its programs in translation, interpreting, and other areas.
This document provides information about CEMS Entrepreneurs, a global platform connecting CEMS students, alumni, faculty, and corporate partners involved in entrepreneurship. The platform aims to connect, inspire, and facilitate collaboration between CEMS participants. Members can expect opportunities to meet other entrepreneurs, learn from experiences, and find potential partners. Anyone can become a member by registering on the website or joining the Facebook group. The team behind CEMS Entrepreneurs includes Ivo Vasilev, Tomas Laboutka, and Ariadna Mas坦, who are CEMS alumni with entrepreneurial experience.
REFLESS project partners - University of Nis REFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the University of Ni邸 and its Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. It provides details about the 13 academic units that comprise the University of Ni邸. It notes that the Faculty of Philosophy was established in 1971 and has around 2600 students across its 10 departments, including three philology departments focusing on English, Serbian, and Russian language and literature. The Faculty of Philosophy is described as the leading institution for foreign language learning in southern Serbia, offering courses in English, French, German, Russian, Modern Greek, and Bulgarian.
The REFLESS TEMPUS project aims to reform foreign language studies in Serbia according to European standards. Led by Prof. Julijana Vuo, the consortium of 18 Serbian and European institutions works on harmonizing language curricula, developing new master's programs in translation/interpretation and Serbian as a foreign language, and implementing reforms. The project aims to position Serbia to have qualified linguistic professionals and help integration with the EU. It has support from Serbian and European policymakers and universities. Risks include insufficient university cooperation and lack of political support.
REFLESS project partners: State university of novi pazarREFLESS Project
The document summarizes information about the State University of Novi Pazar, the youngest state university in Serbia. It has 3,600 students and 160 teachers across 6 departments. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs based on Bologna standards and is working to design a master's program in English language teaching based on the needs of students and society. It also discusses the university's participation in 3 TEMPUS projects focused on governance, lifelong learning, and quality assurance.
Foreign investment in India was presented. Foreign direct investment involves investing directly in companies, while foreign institutional investment involves investing through mutual funds. India benefits from FDI due to its large market size, skilled workforce, and economic growth. The government has automatic and prior permission routes for FDI, and certain sectors like defense are prohibited while others like electricity and telecom are fully permitted. Major FDI investments have been made by companies in sectors like retail, IT, oil and energy, and automobiles.