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David Fletcher-Janzen
721 Wexford court
Lafayette, Indiana 47905
david.fletcherjanzen@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/pub/david-fletcher-janzen/7/277/496/
Professional Experience
Springstone Health February 2012  Present
CEO, Sycamore Springs Hospital
Lafayette, Indiana
Profit and loss responsibility for a 10.2 million dollar operating budget with a 130
employee workforce in a 48 bed behavioral health and addictive disorders hospital
including inpatient, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient services.
 Initiated fiscal and clinical accountability systems, from start-up, establishing a
culture of high achievement, employee engagement and excellence in patient care,
customer service and community relations.
 Provided professional development and mentorship to three Directors two of
whom were promoted to corporate and one to a CEO position at one of our
 In order to grow the business implemented key revenue producing strategies
through a concerted referral source relationship development program:
o Implemented a relational-based business development model emphasizing
interactive problem-solving and trouble shooting.
o Developed and activated a Purdue University Mobile Assessment Team in
partnership with University Police, Student Counseling and Residential
o Expanded PHP services to include mental wellness, sober living and co-
occurring disorders.
o Expanded PHP to include a Purdue student focus including evening
o Implemented a direct admit process for emergency departments to
expedite admissions and eliminate speed of acceptance as a barrier.
 Growth initiatives coupled with effective cost controls resulted in (FYE 2012 
FYE 2014):
o 4.5 million dollar increase in EBITDAR (235%).
o 802 increase in admissions (130%).
o 8868 increase in patient days (220%).
o 2484 increase in PHP visits (116%).
o 2 successful Joint Commission surveys.
o Patient Satisfaction scores - 4.10 of 5 overall.
Clinical and Organizational Consulting July 2011-Feruary 2012
Provide expertise to psychiatric hospitals, and chemical dependency rehabilitation
centers for the effective integration of fiscal growth and clinical excellence.Attempted to
launch during economic downturn without success.
Lutheran Social Services of the South March 2010-July 2011
CEO, Krause Childrens Center
Katy, Texas
Profit and loss responsibility for a 65-bed non-profit residential treatment center for
children and adolescents.
 Directed development efforts of over 1-million dollars.
 Implemented Trauma Informed Care Model.
 Initiated a cultural change process resulting in increased accountability, improved
quantifiable program metrics and a positive therapeutic milieu.
Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. March 2008-February 2010
CEO, Windsor Laurelwood Center
Willoughby, Ohio
Profit and loss responsibility for a 160-bed psychiatric and addictive disorders facility
including multi-site outpatient services and residential treatment center for addictive
 Merged two facilities into one operating entity: creating a culture of
accountability; restructuring service delivery models; reducing cost and
improving patient care.
 Oversaw multi-site outpatient counseling centers.
 Exceeded budget goals.
 Facilitated improvement in dashboard and clinical indicators resulting in
outstanding 2009 CMS survey.
 Increased partial hospital visits YTD by 23%.
 Increased EBITDA YTD by 18%.
UHS, Inc. December 2005-March 2008
CEO, River Crest Hospital
San Angelo, Texas
Profit and loss accountability for an 80-bed psychiatric and addictive disorders facility.
 Exceeded budget goals.
 Increased contribution margin by 6% year over year.
 Increased employee engagement scores by 8% year over year.
 Navigated JCAHO and CMS surveys to successful outcomes.
 Increased contribution margin by 6% year over year.
Previous employment in both private for-profit and non-profit companies including The
Devereux Foundation, Charter Medical Corp.and The Brown Schools in the following
positions: mental health worker, program manager/director, eating disorders program
coordinator, clinical services director, business development director, COO and CEO in
residential treatment centers and acute care psychiatric hospitals.
 Implemented data-driven metrics to ensure clinical and financial success.
 Initiated development of group home services in two companies.
 Developed and implemented eating disorders program for adults.
 Directed a 2.4 million dollar turnaround in a residential treatment center.
 Identified a market niche and converted 41 beds to program for developmentally
disabled with dual diagnosis resulting in a 1.7 million-dollar turnaround in one
fiscal year.
M.Ed., Counseling, Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas
B.S.E., Education, University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Professional Credentials
Licensed Professional Counselor, Texas
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Ohio
National Certified Counselor, National Board of Certified Counselors
Professional Affiliations
Board of Governors, Indiana Hospital Association
Western District President, Indiana Hospital Association

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David Fletcher Janzen 2016

  • 1. David Fletcher-Janzen 721 Wexford court Lafayette, Indiana 47905 440-655-0919 david.fletcherjanzen@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/pub/david-fletcher-janzen/7/277/496/ Professional Experience Springstone Health February 2012 Present CEO, Sycamore Springs Hospital Lafayette, Indiana Profit and loss responsibility for a 10.2 million dollar operating budget with a 130 employee workforce in a 48 bed behavioral health and addictive disorders hospital including inpatient, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient services. Initiated fiscal and clinical accountability systems, from start-up, establishing a culture of high achievement, employee engagement and excellence in patient care, customer service and community relations. Provided professional development and mentorship to three Directors two of whom were promoted to corporate and one to a CEO position at one of our facilities. In order to grow the business implemented key revenue producing strategies through a concerted referral source relationship development program: o Implemented a relational-based business development model emphasizing interactive problem-solving and trouble shooting. o Developed and activated a Purdue University Mobile Assessment Team in partnership with University Police, Student Counseling and Residential Life. o Expanded PHP services to include mental wellness, sober living and co- occurring disorders. o Expanded PHP to include a Purdue student focus including evening programming. o Implemented a direct admit process for emergency departments to expedite admissions and eliminate speed of acceptance as a barrier. Growth initiatives coupled with effective cost controls resulted in (FYE 2012 FYE 2014):
  • 2. o 4.5 million dollar increase in EBITDAR (235%). o 802 increase in admissions (130%). o 8868 increase in patient days (220%). o 2484 increase in PHP visits (116%). o 2 successful Joint Commission surveys. o Patient Satisfaction scores - 4.10 of 5 overall. Clinical and Organizational Consulting July 2011-Feruary 2012 CEO Provide expertise to psychiatric hospitals, and chemical dependency rehabilitation centers for the effective integration of fiscal growth and clinical excellence.Attempted to launch during economic downturn without success. Lutheran Social Services of the South March 2010-July 2011 CEO, Krause Childrens Center Katy, Texas Profit and loss responsibility for a 65-bed non-profit residential treatment center for children and adolescents. Directed development efforts of over 1-million dollars. Implemented Trauma Informed Care Model. Initiated a cultural change process resulting in increased accountability, improved quantifiable program metrics and a positive therapeutic milieu. Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. March 2008-February 2010 CEO, Windsor Laurelwood Center Willoughby, Ohio Profit and loss responsibility for a 160-bed psychiatric and addictive disorders facility including multi-site outpatient services and residential treatment center for addictive disorders. Merged two facilities into one operating entity: creating a culture of accountability; restructuring service delivery models; reducing cost and improving patient care. Oversaw multi-site outpatient counseling centers. Exceeded budget goals. Facilitated improvement in dashboard and clinical indicators resulting in outstanding 2009 CMS survey. Increased partial hospital visits YTD by 23%.
  • 3. Increased EBITDA YTD by 18%. UHS, Inc. December 2005-March 2008 CEO, River Crest Hospital San Angelo, Texas Profit and loss accountability for an 80-bed psychiatric and addictive disorders facility. Exceeded budget goals. Increased contribution margin by 6% year over year. Increased employee engagement scores by 8% year over year. Navigated JCAHO and CMS surveys to successful outcomes. Increased contribution margin by 6% year over year. Previous employment in both private for-profit and non-profit companies including The Devereux Foundation, Charter Medical Corp.and The Brown Schools in the following positions: mental health worker, program manager/director, eating disorders program coordinator, clinical services director, business development director, COO and CEO in residential treatment centers and acute care psychiatric hospitals. Implemented data-driven metrics to ensure clinical and financial success. Initiated development of group home services in two companies. Developed and implemented eating disorders program for adults. Directed a 2.4 million dollar turnaround in a residential treatment center. Identified a market niche and converted 41 beds to program for developmentally disabled with dual diagnosis resulting in a 1.7 million-dollar turnaround in one fiscal year. Education M.Ed., Counseling, Texas State University San Marcos, Texas B.S.E., Education, University of Texas Austin, Texas Professional Credentials Licensed Professional Counselor, Texas Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Ohio National Certified Counselor, National Board of Certified Counselors Professional Affiliations Board of Governors, Indiana Hospital Association
  • 4. Western District President, Indiana Hospital Association