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Associate Professor
I have total 13 years of Teaching and Research Experience. I am worked as Associate Professor in Avanthi Institute Which is Pharmacy College in Hyderabad. Currently i am working as assistant professor in Gitam school of Pharmacy, Gitam Deemed to be university, Hyderabad campus. I Have Completed my PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Telanagana.
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herbal medicine
pie diagram
bar diagram
plant cell constituents
biological sources of pectin
synonyms of pectin
uses of sodium alginate
chemical test of sodium alginate
chemical constituents of sodium alginate
description of sodium alginate
collection of sodium alginate
geographical sources of sodium alginate
biological sources of sodium alginate
synonyms of sodium alginate
uses of bael fruits
chemical test of bael fruits
chemical constituents of bael fruits
description of bael fruits
collection of bael fruits
geographical sources of bael fruits
geographical sources of pectin
preparation of pectin
description of pectin
chemical constituents of pectin
chemical test of pectin
uses of pectin
pectin- carbohydrate from fruits
synonyms of tamarind
biological sources of tamarind
geographical sources of tamarind
preparation of tamarind
description of tamarind
chemical constituents of tamarind
chemical test of tamarind
biological sources of ishabgula
synonyms of ishabgula
spongel seeds
scatter plot
semi-log plot
compound bar diagram
multiple bar diagram
line and bar graph
simple bar diagram
flow charts
wind rose and star diagram
poly graph
line graph
representation of data
uses of tamarind
biological sources of bael fruits
synonyms of bael fruits
aegle marmelos corr plant
indian bael - bael fruits/bel
uses of starch
chemical test of starch
chemical constituents of starch
preparation of starch
geographical sources of starch
biological sources of starch
synonyms of starch
uses of ishabgula
chemical test of ishabgula
chemical constituents of ishabgula
cultivation and collection of ishabgula
geographical sources of ishabgula
data graphics
biological sources of coconut oil
synonyms of coconut oil
coconut oil- copra oil
uses of castor oil
chemical test of castor oil
chemical constituents of castor oil
description of castor oil
preparation of castor oil
geographical sources of castor oil
biological sources of castor oil
synonyms of castor oil
castor oil-ricinus oil-castor bean oil
uses of arachis oil
chemical test of arachis oil
chemical constituents of arachis oil
description of arachis oil
chaulmoogra oil- hydnocarpus oil.
cod liver oil- cod oil
uses of cod liver oil
chemical test of cod liver oil
chemical constituents of cod liver oil
description of cod liver oil
preparation of cod liver oil
geographical sources of cod liver oil
biological sources of cod liver oil
synonyms of cod liver oil
uses of coconut oil
chemical test of coconut oil
chemical constituents of coconut oil
description of coconut oil
preparation of coconut oil
geographical sources of coconut oil
preparation of arachis oil
statistical software
statistical package for the social sciences (spss)
history of spss
first description of spss
features of spss statistics
uses of guar gum
chemical test of guar gum
chemical constituents of guar gum
collection and preparation of guar gum
cultivation of guar gum
geographical sources of guar gum
biological sources of guar gum
synonyms of guar gum
cyamopsis tetragonolobus linn
guar gum
jaguar gum
geographical sources of arachis oil
biological sources of arachis oil
synonyms of arachis oil
uses of almond oil
chemical constituents of almond oil
description of almond oil
preparation of almond oil
geographical sources of almond oil
biological sources of almond oil
synonyms of almond oil
almond oil- mandel- badam
application of spss
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versions of spss
characteristics of spss statistics
research report writing
ethnoguided approach for election of medicinal pl
chemosystematic approach for election of medicinal
ecological approach for election of medicinal plan
randomized approach for election of medicinal plan
medicinal plants in the basic health care from eth
the ethnopharmaceutical approach
techniques and methods for selecting medicinal pla
selection of medicinal plants
election of medicinal plants
practice school
what are important steps to launch herbal medicine
d and c act role in herbal medicines
ayush ka important role in herbal medicines launch
herbal medicines ke liye regulatory requirements
arithmetic line graph
diagrammatic presentation of data
diagrammatic presentation.
tabular presentation of data
textual presentation of data
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conclusion of research report
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structure of a research report
guide to writing a research report
importance of a research report
target audience
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characteristics of a research report
regulatory requirements for herbal medicines
plant cell structure
plant cell diagram
biochemical markers
chemical markers
molecular or dna markers
types of markers
meaning of standardization
factor influencing identification and quality of h
role of markers in standardization of herbal produ
pharmacopoeia commission of india
latest edition of pharmacopoeias
ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of india
history of pharmacopoeia
modern pharmacopoeia
composition of pharmacopoeia
meaning of pharmacopoeia
excretory products.
secretory products
inorganic materials
reserve food
plant cell inclusions
golgi apparatus
central vacuoles
cell membrane
plant cell wall
plant cell functions
plant cell type
comparison of herbal pharmacopoeias
personal hygiene in herbal drug industry
training in herbal drug industry
personnel in herbal drug industry
self-inspection in herbal drug industry
contract production and analysis in herbal drug in
product recalls in herbal drug industry
complaints in herbal drug industry
qualification and validation in herbal drug indust
sanitation and hygiene in herbal drug industry
good manufacturing practice for herbal medicines
quality assurance in the manufacture of herbal med
guidelines on good manufacturing practices for the
uses of honey
chemical tests of honey
chemical constituents of honey
collection of honey
uses of agar
chemical test of agar
chemical constituents of agar
collection of agar
geographical sources of agar
agar- vegetable gelatin
biological sources of agar
synonyms of agar
packaging materials and labeling in herbal drug in
reference samples and standards in herbal drug ind
materials in herbal drug industry
equipment in herbal drug industry
production areas in herbal drug industry
storage areas in herbal drug industry
premises for herbal drug industry
geographical sources of honey
know your herbs
market research for herbal products
requirements for herbal medicines business
uses of acacia
chemical tests for acacia
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cultivation and collection of acacia
geographical source of acacia
biological source of acacia
acacia arabica willd
expected questions for quality control and standar
important questions for qcsh
quality control and standardization of herbals
biosynthesis os carbohydrates
identification tests for carbohydrates
biological sources of honey
synonyms of honey
honey- a complete pharmacognostical profile
hplc in separation of herbal mixture or extracts.
gas chromatography in separation of herbal mixture
thin layer chromatography in separation of herbal
paper chromatography in separation of herbal mixtu
chromatography in standardization of herbal medici
siddha and homoeopathy (ayush
yoga and naturopathy
ministry of ayurveda
drug and cosmetic act
marketing for herbal products
location for herbal products
licensing & registration for herbal products
classification of carbohydrates
ginkgo biloba
different important herbs
nature's 9 most powerful medicinal plants
examples of herbs
top 10 herbs
herbs & sources
popular herbs & sources
herbs & its geographical sources
herbal medicine
herbs vs. spices
uses of pepsin enzyme
preparation of pepsin enzyme
description of pepsin enzyme
biological source of pepsin enzyme
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introduction of plagiarism
plagiarism- a malpractice
momordica charantia
tomato lycopenes
soya products
citrus limonoids
tea catechins
garlic organosulphur compounds
epi info- an statistical software
advantages of experimental research
quasi-experimental research design
true experimental research design
pre-experimental research design
types of experimental research design
situations to conduct experimental research
definition of experimental research
types of experimental design
herbal liniments
herbal suppositories
herbal powders
herbal teas
herbal pastes
herbal soaps
herbal oils
herbal creams
uses of diastase enzyme
description of diastase enzyme
synonyms of diastase enzyme
biological source of diastase enzyme
diastase enzyme- amylase
properties of enzymes
classification of enzymes
effect of ph in enzymes action
effect of temperature in enzymes action
what are enzymes?
enzymes- a catalysts
release history of epi info software
features of epi info software
history of epi info software
periodic transfer to fresh medium
why to preserve bacteria?
preservation methods of bacteria
micromanipulator method
roll tube method
spread plate method
pour plate method
streak plate method
isolation technique of pure culture
pure culture technique
statistical features of r software
r statistical software
minitab job
minitab cost
minitab support
minitab learning
feature of minitab
slideshare of scope of pharmac
what are the scope of pharmaco
pharmacognosy scope
scope of pharmacognosy
obligate anaerobes
facultative anaerobes:
obligate aerobes
anaerobic jar
anaerobic chambers
pre-reduced media
classification of bacteria on the basis of oxygen
cultivation of anaerobes
lyophillization or freeze drying
preservation by overlaying culture with m
storage in sterile soil
preparation of papain
geographical source of papain
biological source of papain
papain - an digestive enzymes
and lipase
pancreatic enzymes
factors for cancer
pancreatin enzyme cancer defence mechanism
biological source of pancreatin
pancreatin- an digestive enzymes
organizational publications
factors that justify reuse
epi info software
storage at low temperature
history of minitab
introduction of minitab
histogram example
probability histogram
symmetric histogram
bimodal histogram
uniform histogram
types of histogram
types of graphs
graphs- a tool to present data
introduction to graphs
uses of papain
chemical constituents of papain
test of papain
characteristics of papain
report writing
generalization interpretation
hypothesis testing
presentation & analysis of results
pilot study & main study
ethical committee approval
determining the sample size
plan research design
literature review for a research
identify the problem in research
introduction to research
research – to find out the truth
role of protein in body
nature of protein
structural details of protein
essential amino acids
configuration of protein
history of herbal medicine
what is herbal medicine?
definition of herbs
herbs as plant materials
classification based on size and shape
catalytic proteins – enzymes regulatory proteins –
classification of proteins based on function
nucleoproteins mucoproteins chromoproteins lipop
conjugated or compound proteins
prolamins glutelins histones protamines albumin
1. albumins
simple proteins
classification based on solubility and composition
classification of protein
write the protocol
uses of linseed oil
chemical constituents of linseed oil
description of linseed oil
preparation of linseed oil
morphology of linseed seeds
collection of linseed oil
geographical sources of linseed oil
biological sources of linseed oil
synonyms of linseed oil
linseed oil- flax seed.
uses of chaulmoogra oil
chemical constituents of chaulmoogra oil
characteristics of chaulmoogra oil
preparation of chaulmoogra oil
geographical sources of chaulmoogra oil
biological sources of chaulmoogra oil
synonyms of chaulmoogra oil
sources of protein
word meaning of protein
definition of proteins
uses of cottonseed oil
chemical constituents of cottonseed oil
preparation of cottonseed oil
geographical sources of cottonseed oil
biological sources of cottonseed oil
cottonseed oil
uses of mustard oil
chemical constituents of mustard oil
preparation of mustard oil
geographical sources of mustard oil
biological sources of mustard oil
synonyms of mustard oil
chemical constituents of malt extract
preparation of malt extract
collection of malt extract
cultivation of malt extract
geographical sources of of malt extract
biological source of malt extract
malt extract
synonyms of malt extract
are the effects main effects and interactions sign
interactions between factors
effects and main effects
experimental design data
experimental design terminology
introduction to the problem
spectrophometric method
nitroprusside test
sakaguchi test
herbal balms
herbal ointments
herbal tablets
herbal capsules
herbal alcoholic beverages (bitters/wines)
herbal glycerites
dosage forms of herbal medicinal products
herbal drug preparation
hordeum vulgare linne
research provides nourishment and exercise for the
research promotes a love of and confidence in writ
research promotes a love of and confidence in read
and seize opportunities.
research find
research support truths
research allows to disprove lies
research helps us succeed in business
research increase public awareness
research understand issues
research facilitating learning.
research as tool for building knowledge
need of research
herbal preparations
modern herbal medicine
mustard oil- sarson ka tel
uses of malt extract
folin test
ninhydrin reaction
biuret test
hopkins-cole reaction
xanthoproteic reaction
millon-nasse reaction
millon’s reaction
detection of proteins
qualitative test for proteins
application of sas software
adoption of sas software
software products of sas software
recent history of sas software
development of sas software
origins of sas software
components of sas software
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