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ONE HIT Project
Edward Prasetyo Nugroho
R.M. Funding Bank Sinarmas
Nama : Edward Prasetyo Nugroho
TTL : Jakarta, 4 Juli 1984
Alamat : Jl.Garuda Lorong Garuda 28, Palu,
Status : Menikah
Pengalaman :
2005-2010 PT.AXA Mandiri sebagai F.A.
2010-2014 PT.HM.Sampoerna,Tbk Sebagai
Sales Executive
2014 PT.Bank Sinarmas,Tbk sebagai R.M.
2014- sekarang ASM BNI Life Insurance
First Step
Seek Corporate Consumer
Seek Business Customer (
Personal )
Distribution Company
Finance Company / Group
SPBU / GAS Station
Business Step
Payroll Saving
Insurance Accident
Pension Plan
Profit for
Minimize Risk Cost
Employee Loyalty & Performance Increase
Switch Risk to Bank
Profit for
Increase NOA
Increase Fee of Admin Saving
Fee Base Income Growth
Expand Customer
Employee Development
Employee Achieve KPI Target
Loyal Employee
Increase Skill
Career Path Employee
Senior Marketing

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ONE HIT Project Sinarmas

  • 1. ONE HIT Project Edward Prasetyo Nugroho R.M. Funding Bank Sinarmas
  • 2. Profile Nama : Edward Prasetyo Nugroho TTL : Jakarta, 4 Juli 1984 Alamat : Jl.Garuda Lorong Garuda 28, Palu, Sulteng Status : Menikah Pengalaman : 2005-2010 PT.AXA Mandiri sebagai F.A. 2010-2014 PT.HM.Sampoerna,Tbk Sebagai Sales Executive 2014 PT.Bank Sinarmas,Tbk sebagai R.M. Funding 2014- sekarang ASM BNI Life Insurance
  • 3. First Step ONE HIT Seek Corporate Consumer Seek Business Customer ( Personal ) Distribution Company Finance Company / Group Factory LSM Cafe SPBU / GAS Station Gym
  • 4. Business Step Saving Account Payroll Saving Employee Insurance Accident Protection Pension Plan Profit for Customer Minimize Risk Cost Employee Loyalty & Performance Increase Switch Risk to Bank Profit for Bank Increase NOA Increase Fee of Admin Saving Fee Base Income Growth Expand Customer
  • 5. Employee Development Employee Achieve KPI Target Loyal Employee Increase Skill Career Path Employee Management Development Senior Marketing SDP RM