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4P Business
Distribution Financial Services
Business To
Business :
Business to Customer :
1. The Right Product is seeing 2 aspect
from Outlet and Customer
2. Optimize Product depends on the
highest Volume and SOM of Selling
3. Registered Outlet
Business To
Business :
1. Highest Profit
from Fee Base
Business to Customer :
1. The Right Product is seeing 2 aspect from
Bank and Customer
2. Optimize Product depends on Bank to Support
& Self Will from Employee
3. Trust Factor in contribute
For Me : Product approachment To Business Outlet or To Customer is almost the same
but the different from how we approach and the composition of approachment
20% 10%
Trust Selling Skill Volume
Trust Selling Skill Volume
Distribution Financial Services
Business To
Business :
Business to Customer :
6. Payment
Business To
Business :
1. Permanent Price
Business to Customer :
1. Price is could be manage by Selling
by retail / stick / eceran
2. Price setter is from Outlet Bussines
and to control price so top to bottom
is fair distributed
1. Price is Classified to Segment Customer
2. Price could not adapt or negotiate to customer
so need a trick : Retail Segmentation : Closing
retail but a lot account
Creativity Program Price Negotiation
Creativity Program
Composition of Strategy is need for controlling Price to the Business and Customer
Distribution Financial Services
Business To
Business :
1. Size of The Outlet
2. Owner Behaviour
3. Area
4. Visibility Space &
Engage Area
Business to Customer :
1. Behaviour
Business To
Business :
1. Size of The Outlet
2. Boss Behaviour
3. Approvement
Business to Customer :
1. Behaviour of Transaction
Creativity Program Negotiation
Negotiation Supporting
There a bit space on Financial services , that is Approvement and Budget will need a
good negotiation
Distribution Financial Services
Business To
Business :
1. Cluster Outlet
2. Segment Product
3. Brand Area
Business to Customer :
6. Payment
Business To
Business :
1. Target Area
2. DPK Spreading
Business to Customer :
1. Non Insurance Customer
2. DPK Power
1. Enggagement To Outlet & Customer
to Get Target Area
2. Increase SOM & Continious
Improvement Product
1. Achieve Target Area,Team &
In Distribution there is a process to get result, in Financial Services Result Oriented

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4P Business

  • 2. Distribution Financial Services Business To Business : 1. VOLUME OUTLET 2. SHARE OF SELLING OUT 3. TERRITORY Business to Customer : 1. BEHAVIOUR 2. BUDGET/INCOME 3. OCCUPATION 4. TERRITORY 5. EDUCATION 6. PaymentAPPROACHMENT : 1. The Right Product is seeing 2 aspect from Outlet and Customer 2. Optimize Product depends on the highest Volume and SOM of Selling Out 3. Registered Outlet Business To Business : 1. Highest Profit from Fee Base Business to Customer : 1. BEHAVIOUR 2. BUDGET/INCOME 3. OCCUPATION 4. EDUCATION 5. TRUST APPROACHMENT : 1. The Right Product is seeing 2 aspect from Bank and Customer 2. Optimize Product depends on Bank to Support & Self Will from Employee 3. Trust Factor in contribute For Me : Product approachment To Business Outlet or To Customer is almost the same but the different from how we approach and the composition of approachment 70% 20% 10% Trust Selling Skill Volume 20% 30% 50% Trust Selling Skill Volume
  • 3. Distribution Financial Services Business To Business : 1. PROFIT MARGIN 2. COMPETITION PRICE Business to Customer : 1. BEHAVIOUR 2. BUDGET/INCOME 3. OCCUPATION 4. TERRITORY 5. EDUCATION 6. Payment Business To Business : 1. Permanent Price Business to Customer : 1. BEHAVIOUR 2. BUDGET/INCOME 3. OCCUPATION 4. TERRITORY 5. EDUCATION APPROACHMENT : 1. Price is could be manage by Selling by retail / stick / eceran 2. Price setter is from Outlet Bussines and to control price so top to bottom is fair distributed APPROACHMENT : 1. Price is Classified to Segment Customer 2. Price could not adapt or negotiate to customer so need a trick : Retail Segmentation : Closing retail but a lot account 20% 30% 50% Creativity Program Price Negotiation 90% 10% Creativity Program Composition of Strategy is need for controlling Price to the Business and Customer
  • 4. Distribution Financial Services Business To Business : 1. Size of The Outlet 2. Owner Behaviour 3. Area 4. Visibility Space & Engage Area Business to Customer : 1. Behaviour Business To Business : 1. Size of The Outlet 2. Boss Behaviour 3. Approvement Business to Customer : 1. Behaviour of Transaction 20% 30% 50% Creativity Program Negotiation 90% 10% Negotiation Supporting There a bit space on Financial services , that is Approvement and Budget will need a good negotiation
  • 5. Distribution Financial Services Business To Business : 1. Cluster Outlet 2. Segment Product 3. Brand Area Business to Customer : 1. BEHAVIOUR 2. BUDGET/INCOME 3. OCCUPATION 4. TERRITORY 5. EDUCATION 6. Payment Business To Business : 1. Target Area 2. DPK Spreading Business to Customer : 1. Non Insurance Customer 2. DPK Power APPROACHMENT : 1. Enggagement To Outlet & Customer to Get Target Area 2. Increase SOM & Continious Improvement Product APPROACHMENT : 1. Achieve Target Area,Team & Personal In Distribution there is a process to get result, in Financial Services Result Oriented