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ELIZABETH A HOYT 412 Sapphire Ct, Seneca,SC 29672
Home: 864-973-6985 - Cell:404-993-3357 - Email:angelkisses30076@yahoo.com
SkilledLevel headedhealthcare professional thatremains calm and effective inextremelydifficultand
stressful situations in healthcare environment.Strong beliefinimportance of companionshipand
support in patientcare Patient-focusedcare Companionshipandemotional support Compassionate;
Efficientand reliable teamplayer; Committedteamplayer; Adaptable Workswell under pressure;
Flexible Customerservice-oriented;Articulate andwell-spoken;Excellentcommunication skills;
Accurate and detailed;Professional phone etiquette;TrainedinHIPPA compliance;Sharp critical
thinker;Exceptional communication skills;Quick learner;Creditcard processing;Multi-line phone
talent; Medical terminologyknowledge;Exceptional interpersonal communication;Skilledtrainer;
Excellenttime managementskills;Effective problemsolver;Effective workflow management;
Adherence to highcustomer service standards; Exceptional telephone etiquette;Creative problem
solver;Project managementauthority Analytical thinker;Accomplishedleader;Supervisorytraining;
Independentjudgmentanddecisionmaking; Promotespositive behavior;Patient
evaluation/intervention;Active listeningskills;Computerliterate Personable;Natural leader.
07/2011 to 07/2015 patientservice representative personalizedhealthcare concierge practice / front
deskMedical manager CMED/MDVIP – 5667 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, Ga 30342patient
service representative forpersonalizedhealthcare concierge medical practice/frontdesk medical
manager Maintainedaccurate records of patientcare, condition,progress and concerns.Performedall
clerical duties,such as word processing,data entry, answeringphonesand filing.Documentsobjective
data and routine aspects of patientcare. Effectivelymanageda high-volume ofinboundand outbound
customer calls.Addressedand resolvedcustomerproduct complaintsem-patheticallyprofessionally.
Accurately documented,researchedandresolvedcustomer service issues.Managedpatientcalls
effectivelyandefficientlyina complex,fast-pacedhealthcare practice Managed high call volume with
tact professionalism.PatientenrollmentandinteractionwithMDVIP patient schedulingof
appointmentsprintingdaily information/encountersforphysiciansfor chart documentation/ charges
confirmationof all prior authorizations for prescriptionsand coordinationof specialistappointments
online communicationand schedulingchart documentand scanning for all patientinformation
creating patientaccounts emailingand correspondence betweendoctorsand patientsand phoning all
Rx prescriptionsper doctor's requestall insurance verificationdailyvia website or phone annual
membershipfeescollectionofdailyco-pays perinsurance requirementscollectionofall MDVIP
annual membershipfeesschedulingmeetandgreetsfor the physiciansfor theirperspective patience
coordination ofenrollmentinthe physician'spractice withMDVIP scanning all medical information
attaching emr to patientcharts.
01/2008 to 02/2011 patientservice representative / liaisonto MDVIP concierge managementSandy
Springs internal medicine personalizedhealthcare medical concierge practice 755 Mount Vernon
Highway north east suite 500 Atlanta Georgia30342 Managed highcall volume with tact and
professionalism.Prepared reportsand communicationfor seniormanagementand clients.Managed
customer callseffectivelyandefficientlyinacomplex,fast-pacedand challenginghealthcare
environmentMasteryof customer service managementsystemsand databases. Accurately
documented,researched and resolvedpatientcustomerservice issues.Addressedand resolved
patientcomplaints em patheticallyand professionally.Patientenrollmentandinteractionwith MDVIP
patientschedulingof appointmentsprintingdaily information/encountersforphysiciansfor chart
documentation/ charges confirmationof all prior authorizationsfor prescriptionsand coordination of
specialistappointmentsonline communicationand schedulingchart documentand scanningfor all
patientinformation creatingpatient accounts emailingand correspondence betweendoctorsand
patientsand phoningall Rx prescriptionsper doctor'srequestall insurance verificationdaily via
website or phone annual membershipfeescollectionofdailyco-pays perinsurance requirements
collectionofall MDVIP annual membershipfeesschedulingmeetandgreetsfor the physiciansfor
theirperspective patience coordinationof enrollmentinthe physician'spractice with MDVIP scanning
all medical informationattaching emr to patient charts.
10/2007 to 01/2008 recruiterAxiom staffingrecruiter – Alpharetta Highway Alpharetta,30023, GA
Hired employeesandinitiatedthe newhire paperwork process.Organizednew employee orientation
schedulesforall new hires.Promptlycorrespondedwith all applicantsand coordinatedand
conductedinterviews.Ledthe creation of recruitingplans for all open positions.Networkedwith
industry contacts, association membershipsand associates.Screenedall resumesprior to sending
them to corporate hiring managers for consideration.Screened all applicantsbased on their
qualificationsand background. Tracked candidates and pushedfor feedbackon disqualifications,
time-to-fill statisticsandother variables.Recruitedmanagementfor full and part time positionsfor
Fortune 500 companiesHP VerizonAT&TSierra Wirelessgeneral online searchforcandidates for
market source staffingmeans creating jobacquisitionsinterviewcandidatesfor all levelsofjob
openingsand positionsinternetproficientinsearching for resumeshandle incomingcandidate calls in
screeningdetailedphone and screeninginterviews
10/2005 to 02/2007 Medical front deskfloat for dermatology practice Medical front deskflowedfor
dermatologypractice – JohnsonFerry Road Marietta Georgia30062
Effectivelymanageda high-volume ofinboundand outbound patientcalls. Gatheredand verifiedall
requiredpatientinformationfor tracking purposes.Addressedand resolvedpatientcomplaintsem
patheticallyand professionally.Accuratelydocumented,researchedand resolvedpatientservice
issues.Effectivelyandefficientlyinacomplex,fast-pacedand challengingofHealthcare environment.
Managed highcall volume with tact and professionalism.Actedprofessionallyandpatientlywhen
addressingnegative customer feedback.Responsible forpatientcheck inand checkoutschedulingof
patientappointmentsposting charges and payments8 to 10 incomingoperator board collectionof co-
pays per insurance requirementsmedical recordsfilingpullingcharts daily reports insurance data
payments assistinggoals medical assistance and phone numberswith prescriptionrefill balance of
daily charges and reports computerdaily backup for all data systemsand reportstraining of new
employeeswithall aspects of job responsibilities.
05/2004 to 09/2005Medical front desk receptionist/ assistant supervisorurban family practice
Medical front deskassistant supervisor– WindyHill Road Marietta Georgia30068
Managed various general office dutiessuchas answeringmultiple telephone lines,completing
insurance forms and mailingmonthlyinvoice statementsto patients. Managedvarious general office
dutiessuch as answering multiple telephone lines,completinginsurance formsandmailingmonthly
invoice statementsto patients.Demonstrated abilityto lead and motivate outstandinghealthcare
teams. Managedteam of medical support personnel.
03/2002 to 08/2004Front deskCoordinator Venture physical therapy – 631 Campbell Hill St., Suite 200
Marietta, GA30060
Performedclerical duties,such as word processing,data entry, answeringphonesand filing.
Schedulingpatientsappointmentssixline operator board insurance verificationcheckin check out
computer data entry billingpostingscollectionofco-pay filingfaxingreferralsbillingstatement
schedulinginservice employee healthcare compliance courses employee managementsupervise
Worker'sComp.insurance collectionsLiaisedwithvendorsto order and maintain inventoryof office
supplies.Verifiedandcreatedclaim numbersby communicating withvarious insurance companies.
Oversaw inventoryand office supplypurchases. Oversaw dailyoffice operationsfor staff of 4
employees.Trainednewemployeesonmultiple medical billingprogramsand data entry software.
Performedaccounts receivable dutiesincludinginvoicing,researchingcharges,discrepanciesand
reconciliations.Contactedpatientsregarding unpaid and underpaidaccounts to resolve any issues.
Located, checkedin and pulledmedical records for appointmentsand incomplete patient charts.
Quickly respondedtoand resolvedall customer service issues ina timelymanner.Investigatedand
resolvedpatientinquiriesandcomplaints in a timelyand empathetic manner. Ensured superior
patientexperience byaddressingcustomer concerns,demonstratingempathy and resolvingproblems
on the spot. Directedcalls to appropriate individualsand departments.Reviewed medical records for
completenessandfiledrecordsin alphabeticand numeric order. Organizedforms, made photocopies,
filedrecordsand preparedcorrespondence and reports.
04/1998 to 09/2001Front deskreceptionist/office assistantCobbCountytractor dealership – Cobb
Pkwy., Highway 41 Marietta Georgia
Answeredand quicklyredirectedup to 200+ incomingcalls daily 10 line Operator board ?Plannedand
coordinatedlogisticsand materialsfor board meetings,committee meetingsandstaff events.
Orderedand distributedoffice supplieswhile adheringtoa fixedoffice budget.Managedoffice
supplies,vendors,organizationand upkeep.Directedguestsand routeddeliveriesandcourier
services.Answeredand managed incomingand outgoingcalls while recordingaccurate messages.
Openedand properlydistributedincoming mail. Greetednumerousvisitors,includingVIPs,vendors
and interviewcandidates.Helpeddistribute employee noticesandmail around the office.Maintained
a cleanreceptionarea, includinglounge and associated areas. Compiledcompanyinformationand
relatedmaterial and distributedit to candidates.Assessedurgencyand prioritiesbefore acceptingor
decliningappointmentsandmeetingswith the CEO. Screenedall visitorsand directedthem to the
correct employee office.Obtainedsignaturesforfinancial documents and internal and external
invoices.Answeredan average of 200+ calls per day by addressingcustomer inquiries, solving
problemsand providingnew product information.Politelyassistedcustomersin personand via
telephone.Greetedcustomersenteringthe store to ascertain what each customer wantedor needed.
Providedan elevatedcustomerexperience togenerate a loyal clientele.Effectivelycommunicated
with and supportedsales,marketing and administrative teams on a daily basis. Handleddaily heavy
flowof paperwork and cooperatedwith the accounting department invoicingand shippingproblems.
Servedas the main liaisonbetween customers,managementand sales team.Ensured superior
customer experience byaddressingcustomerconcerns,demonstrating empathyand resolving
problemson the spot. Builtlong-termcustomer relationshipsandadvised customerson purchases
and promotions. Routinelyansweredcustomerquestionsregarding merchandise and pricing.
Monitoredfront desksecurity system.
01/1994 to 09/1997 laboratory secretary Promina healthcare systems – Smyrna GeorgiaPerformed
clerical duties,such as word processing,data entry, answeringphonesand filing.Quicklyrespondedto
and resolvedall customerservice issuesin a timely manner. Enterednumerical data into databases in
a timelyand accurate manner. Scanned documentationand enteredinto the database. Organized
forms, made photocopies,filedrecordsand prepared correspondence and reports.Addednew
material to file recordsand creatednew records. Reviewedandupdated clientcorrespondence files
and schedulingdatabase. Assistedwithreceptionistduties,file organizationand researchand
04/1991 to 06/1992 Front deskmedical receptionist/assistantto accounting supervisorNorthside
sports medicine – JohnsonFerry Rd., Atlanta, GA 30342
Quickly respondedtoand resolvedall customer service issuesina timelymanner.Answeredan
average of 200+ calls per day by addressinginquiries,solvingproblemsandprovidingnew product
information.Greetedpatient'senteringthe healthcare facilityto ascertain what eachpatient's
wanted or needed.Earnedmanagementtrust by servingas key holder,responsiblyopeningand
closingstore. Providedan elevatedcustomerexperience togenerate a loyal clientele.Developed
reputationas an efficientservice providerwithhigh levelsof accuracy. Investigatedand resolved
patientinquiriesand complaintsin a timelyand empathetic manner. Ensuredsuperiorpatient
experience byaddressingcustomerconcerns, demonstratingempathy and resolvingproblemson the
spot. Processed150 patients’ encountersdaily invoicesand billedrenewedinvoicestoclients.
Directedcalls to individuals/departments.Enterednumerical data into databases ina timelyand
accurate manner.Obtained scannedrecords and uploadedthem into the database. Reviewedmedical
records for completenessandfiledrecordsin alphabeticand numericorder. Addednewmaterial to
file recordsand creatednew records. Reviewedandupdated clientcorrespondence filesand
schedulingdatabase.Managed various general office dutiessuch as answeringmultiple telephone
lines,completinginsurance formsand mailingmonthlyinvoice statementsto patients. Provided
EDUCATION; High School Diploma: Mahopac highschool - Mahopac NewYork
Advanced businessaccountingclerical skillstyping payroll etc
Professional reference:Dr.GregKoval work#404-250-4861 cell#404 423-8397
Professional reference:Dr.Sanford Schwartz work#404-250-4862 cell#404-788-3678
Professional reference practice manager:Pragna Adule work#404250-4875 cell#404-673-5858
Professional reference:Dr.David Rodriguezcell#678-662-5190
Professional reference:Paul Matsonowner directorwork# 770-424-6787
Professional andpersonal reference:Shamice Rogerscell#404-729-5835
Personal reference:LisaSaenger home#678-540-8953 cell#404–769-5730
Personal/patient reference:BetsyVancura cell#404-996-2667

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  • 1. ELIZABETH A HOYT 412 Sapphire Ct, Seneca,SC 29672 Home: 864-973-6985 - Cell:404-993-3357 - Email:angelkisses30076@yahoo.com SkilledLevel headedhealthcare professional thatremains calm and effective inextremelydifficultand stressful situations in healthcare environment.Strong beliefinimportance of companionshipand support in patientcare Patient-focusedcare Companionshipandemotional support Compassionate; Efficientand reliable teamplayer; Committedteamplayer; Adaptable Workswell under pressure; Flexible Customerservice-oriented;Articulate andwell-spoken;Excellentcommunication skills; Accurate and detailed;Professional phone etiquette;TrainedinHIPPA compliance;Sharp critical thinker;Exceptional communication skills;Quick learner;Creditcard processing;Multi-line phone talent; Medical terminologyknowledge;Exceptional interpersonal communication;Skilledtrainer; Excellenttime managementskills;Effective problemsolver;Effective workflow management; Adherence to highcustomer service standards; Exceptional telephone etiquette;Creative problem solver;Project managementauthority Analytical thinker;Accomplishedleader;Supervisorytraining; Independentjudgmentanddecisionmaking; Promotespositive behavior;Patient evaluation/intervention;Active listeningskills;Computerliterate Personable;Natural leader. 07/2011 to 07/2015 patientservice representative personalizedhealthcare concierge practice / front deskMedical manager CMED/MDVIP – 5667 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, Ga 30342patient service representative forpersonalizedhealthcare concierge medical practice/frontdesk medical manager Maintainedaccurate records of patientcare, condition,progress and concerns.Performedall clerical duties,such as word processing,data entry, answeringphonesand filing.Documentsobjective data and routine aspects of patientcare. Effectivelymanageda high-volume ofinboundand outbound customer calls.Addressedand resolvedcustomerproduct complaintsem-patheticallyprofessionally. Accurately documented,researchedandresolvedcustomer service issues.Managedpatientcalls effectivelyandefficientlyina complex,fast-pacedhealthcare practice Managed high call volume with tact professionalism.PatientenrollmentandinteractionwithMDVIP patient schedulingof appointmentsprintingdaily information/encountersforphysiciansfor chart documentation/ charges confirmationof all prior authorizations for prescriptionsand coordinationof specialistappointments online communicationand schedulingchart documentand scanning for all patientinformation creating patientaccounts emailingand correspondence betweendoctorsand patientsand phoning all Rx prescriptionsper doctor's requestall insurance verificationdailyvia website or phone annual membershipfeescollectionofdailyco-pays perinsurance requirementscollectionofall MDVIP annual membershipfeesschedulingmeetandgreetsfor the physiciansfor theirperspective patience coordination ofenrollmentinthe physician'spractice withMDVIP scanning all medical information attaching emr to patientcharts. 01/2008 to 02/2011 patientservice representative / liaisonto MDVIP concierge managementSandy Springs internal medicine personalizedhealthcare medical concierge practice 755 Mount Vernon Highway north east suite 500 Atlanta Georgia30342 Managed highcall volume with tact and professionalism.Prepared reportsand communicationfor seniormanagementand clients.Managed customer callseffectivelyandefficientlyinacomplex,fast-pacedand challenginghealthcare
  • 2. environmentMasteryof customer service managementsystemsand databases. Accurately documented,researched and resolvedpatientcustomerservice issues.Addressedand resolved patientcomplaints em patheticallyand professionally.Patientenrollmentandinteractionwith MDVIP patientschedulingof appointmentsprintingdaily information/encountersforphysiciansfor chart documentation/ charges confirmationof all prior authorizationsfor prescriptionsand coordination of specialistappointmentsonline communicationand schedulingchart documentand scanningfor all patientinformation creatingpatient accounts emailingand correspondence betweendoctorsand patientsand phoningall Rx prescriptionsper doctor'srequestall insurance verificationdaily via website or phone annual membershipfeescollectionofdailyco-pays perinsurance requirements collectionofall MDVIP annual membershipfeesschedulingmeetandgreetsfor the physiciansfor theirperspective patience coordinationof enrollmentinthe physician'spractice with MDVIP scanning all medical informationattaching emr to patient charts. 10/2007 to 01/2008 recruiterAxiom staffingrecruiter – Alpharetta Highway Alpharetta,30023, GA Hired employeesandinitiatedthe newhire paperwork process.Organizednew employee orientation schedulesforall new hires.Promptlycorrespondedwith all applicantsand coordinatedand conductedinterviews.Ledthe creation of recruitingplans for all open positions.Networkedwith industry contacts, association membershipsand associates.Screenedall resumesprior to sending them to corporate hiring managers for consideration.Screened all applicantsbased on their qualificationsand background. Tracked candidates and pushedfor feedbackon disqualifications, time-to-fill statisticsandother variables.Recruitedmanagementfor full and part time positionsfor Fortune 500 companiesHP VerizonAT&TSierra Wirelessgeneral online searchforcandidates for market source staffingmeans creating jobacquisitionsinterviewcandidatesfor all levelsofjob openingsand positionsinternetproficientinsearching for resumeshandle incomingcandidate calls in screeningdetailedphone and screeninginterviews 10/2005 to 02/2007 Medical front deskfloat for dermatology practice Medical front deskflowedfor dermatologypractice – JohnsonFerry Road Marietta Georgia30062 Effectivelymanageda high-volume ofinboundand outbound patientcalls. Gatheredand verifiedall requiredpatientinformationfor tracking purposes.Addressedand resolvedpatientcomplaintsem patheticallyand professionally.Accuratelydocumented,researchedand resolvedpatientservice issues.Effectivelyandefficientlyinacomplex,fast-pacedand challengingofHealthcare environment. Managed highcall volume with tact and professionalism.Actedprofessionallyandpatientlywhen addressingnegative customer feedback.Responsible forpatientcheck inand checkoutschedulingof patientappointmentsposting charges and payments8 to 10 incomingoperator board collectionof co- pays per insurance requirementsmedical recordsfilingpullingcharts daily reports insurance data payments assistinggoals medical assistance and phone numberswith prescriptionrefill balance of daily charges and reports computerdaily backup for all data systemsand reportstraining of new employeeswithall aspects of job responsibilities.
  • 3. 05/2004 to 09/2005Medical front desk receptionist/ assistant supervisorurban family practice Medical front deskassistant supervisor– WindyHill Road Marietta Georgia30068 Managed various general office dutiessuchas answeringmultiple telephone lines,completing insurance forms and mailingmonthlyinvoice statementsto patients. Managedvarious general office dutiessuch as answering multiple telephone lines,completinginsurance formsandmailingmonthly invoice statementsto patients.Demonstrated abilityto lead and motivate outstandinghealthcare teams. Managedteam of medical support personnel. 03/2002 to 08/2004Front deskCoordinator Venture physical therapy – 631 Campbell Hill St., Suite 200 Marietta, GA30060 Performedclerical duties,such as word processing,data entry, answeringphonesand filing. Schedulingpatientsappointmentssixline operator board insurance verificationcheckin check out computer data entry billingpostingscollectionofco-pay filingfaxingreferralsbillingstatement schedulinginservice employee healthcare compliance courses employee managementsupervise Worker'sComp.insurance collectionsLiaisedwithvendorsto order and maintain inventoryof office supplies.Verifiedandcreatedclaim numbersby communicating withvarious insurance companies. Oversaw inventoryand office supplypurchases. Oversaw dailyoffice operationsfor staff of 4 employees.Trainednewemployeesonmultiple medical billingprogramsand data entry software. Performedaccounts receivable dutiesincludinginvoicing,researchingcharges,discrepanciesand reconciliations.Contactedpatientsregarding unpaid and underpaidaccounts to resolve any issues. Located, checkedin and pulledmedical records for appointmentsand incomplete patient charts. Quickly respondedtoand resolvedall customer service issues ina timelymanner.Investigatedand resolvedpatientinquiriesandcomplaints in a timelyand empathetic manner. Ensured superior patientexperience byaddressingcustomer concerns,demonstratingempathy and resolvingproblems on the spot. Directedcalls to appropriate individualsand departments.Reviewed medical records for completenessandfiledrecordsin alphabeticand numeric order. Organizedforms, made photocopies, filedrecordsand preparedcorrespondence and reports. 04/1998 to 09/2001Front deskreceptionist/office assistantCobbCountytractor dealership – Cobb Pkwy., Highway 41 Marietta Georgia Answeredand quicklyredirectedup to 200+ incomingcalls daily 10 line Operator board ?Plannedand coordinatedlogisticsand materialsfor board meetings,committee meetingsandstaff events. Orderedand distributedoffice supplieswhile adheringtoa fixedoffice budget.Managedoffice supplies,vendors,organizationand upkeep.Directedguestsand routeddeliveriesandcourier services.Answeredand managed incomingand outgoingcalls while recordingaccurate messages. Openedand properlydistributedincoming mail. Greetednumerousvisitors,includingVIPs,vendors and interviewcandidates.Helpeddistribute employee noticesandmail around the office.Maintained a cleanreceptionarea, includinglounge and associated areas. Compiledcompanyinformationand relatedmaterial and distributedit to candidates.Assessedurgencyand prioritiesbefore acceptingor decliningappointmentsandmeetingswith the CEO. Screenedall visitorsand directedthem to the
  • 4. correct employee office.Obtainedsignaturesforfinancial documents and internal and external invoices.Answeredan average of 200+ calls per day by addressingcustomer inquiries, solving problemsand providingnew product information.Politelyassistedcustomersin personand via telephone.Greetedcustomersenteringthe store to ascertain what each customer wantedor needed. Providedan elevatedcustomerexperience togenerate a loyal clientele.Effectivelycommunicated with and supportedsales,marketing and administrative teams on a daily basis. Handleddaily heavy flowof paperwork and cooperatedwith the accounting department invoicingand shippingproblems. Servedas the main liaisonbetween customers,managementand sales team.Ensured superior customer experience byaddressingcustomerconcerns,demonstrating empathyand resolving problemson the spot. Builtlong-termcustomer relationshipsandadvised customerson purchases and promotions. Routinelyansweredcustomerquestionsregarding merchandise and pricing. Monitoredfront desksecurity system. 01/1994 to 09/1997 laboratory secretary Promina healthcare systems – Smyrna GeorgiaPerformed clerical duties,such as word processing,data entry, answeringphonesand filing.Quicklyrespondedto and resolvedall customerservice issuesin a timely manner. Enterednumerical data into databases in a timelyand accurate manner. Scanned documentationand enteredinto the database. Organized forms, made photocopies,filedrecordsand prepared correspondence and reports.Addednew material to file recordsand creatednew records. Reviewedandupdated clientcorrespondence files and schedulingdatabase. Assistedwithreceptionistduties,file organizationand researchand development. 04/1991 to 06/1992 Front deskmedical receptionist/assistantto accounting supervisorNorthside sports medicine – JohnsonFerry Rd., Atlanta, GA 30342 Quickly respondedtoand resolvedall customer service issuesina timelymanner.Answeredan average of 200+ calls per day by addressinginquiries,solvingproblemsandprovidingnew product information.Greetedpatient'senteringthe healthcare facilityto ascertain what eachpatient's wanted or needed.Earnedmanagementtrust by servingas key holder,responsiblyopeningand closingstore. Providedan elevatedcustomerexperience togenerate a loyal clientele.Developed reputationas an efficientservice providerwithhigh levelsof accuracy. Investigatedand resolved patientinquiriesand complaintsin a timelyand empathetic manner. Ensuredsuperiorpatient experience byaddressingcustomerconcerns, demonstratingempathy and resolvingproblemson the spot. Processed150 patients’ encountersdaily invoicesand billedrenewedinvoicestoclients. Directedcalls to individuals/departments.Enterednumerical data into databases ina timelyand accurate manner.Obtained scannedrecords and uploadedthem into the database. Reviewedmedical records for completenessandfiledrecordsin alphabeticand numericorder. Addednewmaterial to file recordsand creatednew records. Reviewedandupdated clientcorrespondence filesand schedulingdatabase.Managed various general office dutiessuch as answeringmultiple telephone lines,completinginsurance formsand mailingmonthlyinvoice statementsto patients. Provided patienteducation.
  • 5. EDUCATION; High School Diploma: Mahopac highschool - Mahopac NewYork Advanced businessaccountingclerical skillstyping payroll etc PROFESSIONAL/PERSONAL REFERENCES; Professional reference:Dr.GregKoval work#404-250-4861 cell#404 423-8397 Professional reference:Dr.Sanford Schwartz work#404-250-4862 cell#404-788-3678 Professional reference practice manager:Pragna Adule work#404250-4875 cell#404-673-5858 Professional reference:Dr.David Rodriguezcell#678-662-5190 Professional reference:Paul Matsonowner directorwork# 770-424-6787 Professional andpersonal reference:Shamice Rogerscell#404-729-5835 Personal reference:LisaSaenger home#678-540-8953 cell#404–769-5730 Personal/patient reference:BetsyVancura cell#404-996-2667