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Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Name : Elnick Alnur
Place and Date of Birth : Pekanbaru, Sept 29, 1982
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married +1
Nationality : Indonesian
Religion : Muslim
Address : Sembilang Street RT 003 RW 002 Kelurahan Limbungan Kecamatan Rumbai
Pesisir, Pekanbaru City, Riau Provence, Postcode 28261
Email : elnickalnur@gmail.com
Mobile Phone : +6281371671636
Passport : A 8659290
Working Experiences
1. June 2016 thru Now : PT. SURVEYOR INDONESIA (Persero)
Bukit Indah Street 1, Pekanbaru 28284, Riau - Indonesia
Tel. No. +62 761 848878
Position : HES Officer
Location : Pertamina RU II Dumai
Operation : Soil Investigation Pertamina RU II Dumai for Sonding and Boring
Responsibility and Authority
General Description:
 Advise Team Leader and workforce on the safety requirements for the operation in terms of
statutory, Company and client requirements and of good industry practice.
 Monitor the operation of the Companys Project and advise Team Leader of any potential deviations
from agreed guidelines.
 Co-ordinate with the Team Leader and Section Heads to organize risk assessments for all areas of
work and ensure that necessary safety precautions are followed.
 Co-ordinate with the Team Leader and the Client to ensure that safety meetings are arranged
according to Client Company guidelines and when situations requiring additional meetings occur.
 Coordinate or conduct safety inspections/ audit to ensure that rig equipment, plant operations,
and safe working practices comply with Client company standards and procedures.
 Assist with the investigation of incidents, accidents, and illnesses per Client Company procedures.
 Permit to Work Coordinator.
 Assist on JSAs and Risk Assessments, maintain and promote the use of Standard Operating
 Maintain Safety Reporting up to date.
 Assist as required in case of emergency.
Documentation & Record Responsibilities:
 Recording Time Sheet Project
 Recording Absence Attendant List crew
2. Dec 2013 thru Feb 2016 : PT. PETRO PAPUA ENERGY
Drilling & Well Services
WTC 5 Building, 11th
Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920 -
Tel. No. +62 21 525 6242 or +62 21 5712596 Fax No. +62 21 525 0308
Position : QHSE Advisor or Rig Safety Training Coordinator (RSTC).
Location : Riau (Client Rig Constructor of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia)
Operation : Drilling Rig 1000 HP (Rig KS Discoverer 6)
New Well and Development, Exploration Well, Directional Well,
Horizontal Well.
Responsibility and Authority
General Description:
 Advise rig management and workforce on the safety requirements for the operation in terms of
statutory, Company and client requirements and of good industry practice.
 Monitor the operation of the Companys Management System and advise rig management of any
potential deviations from agreed guidelines.
 Co-ordinate with the Rig Manager and Section Heads to organize risk assessments for all areas of
work and ensure that necessary safety precautions are followed.
 Co-ordinate with the Rig Manager and the Safety Coordinators to ensure that safety meetings
are arranged according to Company guidelines and when situations requiring additional meetings
 Consider and recommend modifications which may improve the Safety Management System
contingency planning, safety devices and other matters which fall within his area of
 Monitor and follow up pending corrective actions. Maintain Key Performances Indicator up to date
in cooperation with the Rig Manager.
 Monitor and follow-up Training Matrix and validity of personnels certificate
 Inform the Rig Manager of all relevant conditions within his working area.
 Implement and promote the safety policies, plans, safety procedures, environmental controls,
emergency response and associated documentation specific to the rig, as well as rig-specific HSE
goals/objectives and HSE activity plan.
 Organize Rig Safety Induction for new arrival.
 Coordinate or conduct safety inspections/ audit to ensure that rig equipment, plant operations,
and safe working practices comply with Company standards and procedures.
 Assist with the investigation of incidents, accidents, and illnesses per Company procedures.
 Inspect the rig to ensure the rig equipment, operations, and safety practices meet Company
standards, operating parameters, and operating procedures.
 Make sure appropriate safety equipment is readily available and used correctly. Maintain record of
Safety Equipment in use.
 Ensure MSDS are available on site for all hazardous products in use. Ensure that assessments
are carried out and recorded when any new materials or techniques are introduced.
 Permit to Work Coordinator.
 Carry out in-house/onboard training as required
 Act as liaison between onshore QHSE department and rig management and supervision
 Promote the STOP Safety Program.
 Assist on JSAs and Risk Assessments, maintain and promote the use of Standard Operating
 Maintain Safety Reporting up to date.
 Assist as required in case of emergency.
Documentation & Record Responsibilities:
 Maintain statistical records of all reported incidents and accidents.
 Maintain certification of all the personnel.
 Maintain certification of safety equipment up to date.
 Monitor the completion of Permit to Work prepared by Permit to Work Administrator.
 Assist the Rig Manager in maintaining the legislative library.
3. Dec 2012 thru Dec 2013 : PT. BORMINDO NUSANTARA
Drilling, Workover & Well Services
Equity Tower, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) 40-41 Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Lot 9 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 29035033 (Hunting) / Fax: +62 21 29035030 / +62 21
Position : HES Officer
Location : Riau (Client Rig Constructor of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia)
Operation : Drilling Rig 650 HP (Rig SKYTOP BREWZTER)  Duri Steam Field / DSF Area
New Well and Development, Directional Well, Horizontal Well.
Responsibility and Authority
General Description
 Trainer for Safety Management System
 Inspection all safety equipment of rig
 Prepared all safety reporting such as Operation Excellent 24 hours, Behavior Based Safety, At Risk
Unsafe Condition, Near Miss, Safety Sling Inspection, Fire Extinguisher Inspection, and Safety Drill
 Conduct the Daily Crew Safety Meeting, Pre Job Meeting and Coordination Safety Meeting,
 Conduct Revised of Job Safety Analysis.
 Conduct Revised of Safe Work Procedure.
 Observation of work force for use of personal safety and protective equipment.
 Attend Incident Review Team (IRT) Meeting.
 Prepared the all HES Performance report (Weekly report, Monthly report, Leading Indicator, KM
driven record, addressed to Drilling PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
 Prepared Journey Management Plan, Road Mapping and SIMOP for Rig Moving
 Prepared document for CHSEM
4. Dec 2010 thru Dec 2012 : PT. MATRA UNIKATAMA
Drilling & Workover Services
Jl. Duri  Dumai Km. 12 Kulim Duri  Riau
Phone: (0765) 560021 Fax: (0765) 560022
Position : RIG CLERK
Location : Riau (Client Rig Constructor of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia)
Operation : Drilling Rig 550 HP (Rig XJ)
New Well Development, Directional Well.
Responsibility and Authority
 Prepared and reported all document for daily rig operation administration and called the Service
2015 KS Drilling Corporate  HSE Competency Program Riau, Indonesia
2014 DNV GL Business Assurance Singapore  Incident Investigation Reporting (SCAT) Training 
Singapore, Singapore
2014 KS Drilling Corporate  Maximo  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Ergonomics  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Safe Forklift Operation & Practicces  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  lockout / Tagout & Energy Control  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Electrical Safety  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Confined Spaced  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Job Safety Analysis (JSA)  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Respiratory Protection  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Hearing Conservation  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Office Safety  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Hazard Communication (HAZCOM)  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Slips, Trips, and fall  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Working At Height  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Housekeeping  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Hand Safety & Injury Prevention  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Fire Watcher  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Drop Awareness  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Chemical Handling  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Safe Use of Ladder and Stepladder  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Scafolding Awarenenss  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Safe Rigging  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  H2S Awareness  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Man Riding Operation  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Stop Card by Dupont, Indonesia
2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy  Basic Solid Control Operation by Step Oils Tools  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Indosafe Pratama  Advance First Aids  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia  Training IIF by Rekind Worley Parsons  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia  E Colour Awareness  Riau, Indonesia
2014 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia  Rig Assessment  Riau, Indonesia
2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara  SWA & BBS Training  Riau, Indonesia.
2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara  Drop Object  Riau, Indonesia.
2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara  FSWP/MSW  Riau, Indonesia.
2013 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia  Tutor of Training SIMOPS at Kutilang Office PT. CPI  Riau, Indonesia.
2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara  Driving Defence Course  Riau, Indonesia.
2012 PUSDIKLAT MIGAS  Sertifikasi K3 Migas No. 71.1981.12, Cepu  Jawa Tengah, Indonesia  Sertifikat
valid 10 Mei 2016 (waiting for certification from Pusdiklat Migas)
2011 PT. PRASHETYA QUALITY  Sertifikasi Ahli K3 Umum Depnaker No. Ser. 1255/AK3/U/V/2011, Duri 
Riau, Indonesia  Sertifikat valid 27 Mei 2014
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  OHSAS 18001  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  Fundamental Safety Work Practice  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  Hazard Identification  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  Behaviour Base Safety  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  Working at High  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  High 5  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  Driving Defence Course  Riau, Indonesia
2011 PT. Matra Unikatama  Job Safety Analysis (JSA)  Riau, Indonesia
Education Background
2001  2007 UNISBA  Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Majoring Management
GPA: 2.90 / 4.00
a. Language
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
English Good Good Good Good
Bahasa Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
b. Computer Skill
Able to operate application for WINDOWS such as Ms-Office (Certificate), hardware, software, etc.
Name Position Company Phone Number Email
Mulyadi Rig Supt PT. EPI +6281365758428 mulyadi.bore@gmail.com
Suadrif Piliang
Drilling Site
PT. Chevron Pasific
Yova Febrian
PT. Chevron Pasific
+6281371240008 yova.febrian@gmail.com
Novery Irawan
PT. Bormindo
Harry Mulyafit
HES Compliance
PT. Asia Petrocome
Chief Mechanic - +6281225840125 kokotrijatmiko@gmail.com
Fredy Adilla
Top Drive
- +628526660688 fredyfadylw.ff@gmail.com
I declare all statement and detail information in this resume to be true and give my consent to process this
statement and information for purpose describe in application letter.
Elnick Alnur, SE

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Curriculum Vitae Elnick

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE ELNICK ALNUR, SE +6281371671636 elnickalnur@gmail.com
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name : Elnick Alnur Place and Date of Birth : Pekanbaru, Sept 29, 1982 Sex : Male Marital Status : Married +1 Nationality : Indonesian Religion : Muslim Address : Sembilang Street RT 003 RW 002 Kelurahan Limbungan Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir, Pekanbaru City, Riau Provence, Postcode 28261 Email : elnickalnur@gmail.com Mobile Phone : +6281371671636 Passport : A 8659290 Working Experiences 1. June 2016 thru Now : PT. SURVEYOR INDONESIA (Persero) Bukit Indah Street 1, Pekanbaru 28284, Riau - Indonesia Tel. No. +62 761 848878 www.ptsi.co.id Position : HES Officer Location : Pertamina RU II Dumai Operation : Soil Investigation Pertamina RU II Dumai for Sonding and Boring Responsibility and Authority General Description: Advise Team Leader and workforce on the safety requirements for the operation in terms of statutory, Company and client requirements and of good industry practice. Monitor the operation of the Companys Project and advise Team Leader of any potential deviations from agreed guidelines. Co-ordinate with the Team Leader and Section Heads to organize risk assessments for all areas of work and ensure that necessary safety precautions are followed. Co-ordinate with the Team Leader and the Client to ensure that safety meetings are arranged according to Client Company guidelines and when situations requiring additional meetings occur. Safety/Environment: Coordinate or conduct safety inspections/ audit to ensure that rig equipment, plant operations, and safe working practices comply with Client company standards and procedures. Assist with the investigation of incidents, accidents, and illnesses per Client Company procedures. Permit to Work Coordinator. Assist on JSAs and Risk Assessments, maintain and promote the use of Standard Operating Procedures. Maintain Safety Reporting up to date. Assist as required in case of emergency.
  • 3. Documentation & Record Responsibilities: Recording Time Sheet Project Recording Absence Attendant List crew 2. Dec 2013 thru Feb 2016 : PT. PETRO PAPUA ENERGY Drilling & Well Services WTC 5 Building, 11th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920 - Indonesia Tel. No. +62 21 525 6242 or +62 21 5712596 Fax No. +62 21 525 0308 www.ksdrilling.com Position : QHSE Advisor or Rig Safety Training Coordinator (RSTC). Location : Riau (Client Rig Constructor of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia) Operation : Drilling Rig 1000 HP (Rig KS Discoverer 6) New Well and Development, Exploration Well, Directional Well, Horizontal Well. Responsibility and Authority General Description: Advise rig management and workforce on the safety requirements for the operation in terms of statutory, Company and client requirements and of good industry practice. Monitor the operation of the Companys Management System and advise rig management of any potential deviations from agreed guidelines. Co-ordinate with the Rig Manager and Section Heads to organize risk assessments for all areas of work and ensure that necessary safety precautions are followed. Co-ordinate with the Rig Manager and the Safety Coordinators to ensure that safety meetings are arranged according to Company guidelines and when situations requiring additional meetings occur. Consider and recommend modifications which may improve the Safety Management System contingency planning, safety devices and other matters which fall within his area of responsibility. Monitor and follow up pending corrective actions. Maintain Key Performances Indicator up to date in cooperation with the Rig Manager. Monitor and follow-up Training Matrix and validity of personnels certificate Inform the Rig Manager of all relevant conditions within his working area. Safety/Environment: Implement and promote the safety policies, plans, safety procedures, environmental controls, emergency response and associated documentation specific to the rig, as well as rig-specific HSE goals/objectives and HSE activity plan. Organize Rig Safety Induction for new arrival. Coordinate or conduct safety inspections/ audit to ensure that rig equipment, plant operations, and safe working practices comply with Company standards and procedures. Assist with the investigation of incidents, accidents, and illnesses per Company procedures. Inspect the rig to ensure the rig equipment, operations, and safety practices meet Company standards, operating parameters, and operating procedures. Make sure appropriate safety equipment is readily available and used correctly. Maintain record of Safety Equipment in use. Ensure MSDS are available on site for all hazardous products in use. Ensure that assessments are carried out and recorded when any new materials or techniques are introduced. Permit to Work Coordinator. Carry out in-house/onboard training as required
  • 4. Act as liaison between onshore QHSE department and rig management and supervision Promote the STOP Safety Program. Assist on JSAs and Risk Assessments, maintain and promote the use of Standard Operating Procedures. Maintain Safety Reporting up to date. Assist as required in case of emergency. Documentation & Record Responsibilities: Maintain statistical records of all reported incidents and accidents. Maintain certification of all the personnel. Maintain certification of safety equipment up to date. Monitor the completion of Permit to Work prepared by Permit to Work Administrator. Assist the Rig Manager in maintaining the legislative library. 3. Dec 2012 thru Dec 2013 : PT. BORMINDO NUSANTARA Drilling, Workover & Well Services Equity Tower, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) 40-41 Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Lot 9 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia Phone: +62 21 29035033 (Hunting) / Fax: +62 21 29035030 / +62 21 29035032 Position : HES Officer Location : Riau (Client Rig Constructor of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia) Operation : Drilling Rig 650 HP (Rig SKYTOP BREWZTER) Duri Steam Field / DSF Area New Well and Development, Directional Well, Horizontal Well. Responsibility and Authority General Description Trainer for Safety Management System Inspection all safety equipment of rig Prepared all safety reporting such as Operation Excellent 24 hours, Behavior Based Safety, At Risk Unsafe Condition, Near Miss, Safety Sling Inspection, Fire Extinguisher Inspection, and Safety Drill Plan. Conduct the Daily Crew Safety Meeting, Pre Job Meeting and Coordination Safety Meeting, Conduct Revised of Job Safety Analysis. Conduct Revised of Safe Work Procedure. Observation of work force for use of personal safety and protective equipment. Attend Incident Review Team (IRT) Meeting. Prepared the all HES Performance report (Weekly report, Monthly report, Leading Indicator, KM driven record, addressed to Drilling PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Prepared Journey Management Plan, Road Mapping and SIMOP for Rig Moving Prepared document for CHSEM 4. Dec 2010 thru Dec 2012 : PT. MATRA UNIKATAMA Drilling & Workover Services Jl. Duri Dumai Km. 12 Kulim Duri Riau Phone: (0765) 560021 Fax: (0765) 560022 Position : RIG CLERK Location : Riau (Client Rig Constructor of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia) Operation : Drilling Rig 550 HP (Rig XJ) New Well Development, Directional Well.
  • 5. Responsibility and Authority Prepared and reported all document for daily rig operation administration and called the Service Company. Training 2015 KS Drilling Corporate HSE Competency Program Riau, Indonesia 2014 DNV GL Business Assurance Singapore Incident Investigation Reporting (SCAT) Training Singapore, Singapore 2014 KS Drilling Corporate Maximo Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Ergonomics Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Safe Forklift Operation & Practicces Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy lockout / Tagout & Energy Control Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Electrical Safety Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Confined Spaced Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Respiratory Protection Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Hearing Conservation Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Office Safety Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Slips, Trips, and fall Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Working At Height Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Housekeeping Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Hand Safety & Injury Prevention Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Fire Watcher Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Drop Awareness Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Chemical Handling Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Safe Use of Ladder and Stepladder Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Scafolding Awarenenss Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Safe Rigging Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy H2S Awareness Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Man Riding Operation Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Stop Card by Dupont, Indonesia 2014 PT. Petro Papua Energy Basic Solid Control Operation by Step Oils Tools Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Indosafe Pratama Advance First Aids Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia Training IIF by Rekind Worley Parsons Riau, Indonesia 2014 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia E Colour Awareness Riau, Indonesia
  • 6. 2014 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia Rig Assessment Riau, Indonesia 2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara SWA & BBS Training Riau, Indonesia. 2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara Drop Object Riau, Indonesia. 2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara FSWP/MSW Riau, Indonesia. 2013 PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia Tutor of Training SIMOPS at Kutilang Office PT. CPI Riau, Indonesia. 2013 PT. Bormindo Nusantara Driving Defence Course Riau, Indonesia. 2012 PUSDIKLAT MIGAS Sertifikasi K3 Migas No. 71.1981.12, Cepu Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Sertifikat valid 10 Mei 2016 (waiting for certification from Pusdiklat Migas) 2011 PT. PRASHETYA QUALITY Sertifikasi Ahli K3 Umum Depnaker No. Ser. 1255/AK3/U/V/2011, Duri Riau, Indonesia Sertifikat valid 27 Mei 2014 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama OHSAS 18001 Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama Fundamental Safety Work Practice Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama Hazard Identification Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama Behaviour Base Safety Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama Working at High Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama High 5 Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama Driving Defence Course Riau, Indonesia 2011 PT. Matra Unikatama Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Riau, Indonesia Education Background 2001 2007 UNISBA Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Majoring Management GPA: 2.90 / 4.00 Skills a. Language Listening Reading Speaking Writing English Good Good Good Good Bahasa Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent b. Computer Skill Able to operate application for WINDOWS such as Ms-Office (Certificate), hardware, software, etc.
  • 7. Reference Name Position Company Phone Number Email Mulyadi Rig Supt PT. EPI +6281365758428 mulyadi.bore@gmail.com Suadrif Piliang Drilling Site Manager PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia +628127629341 +6281277623676 suad_rif@yahoo.com Yova Febrian Drilling Engineer PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia +6281371240008 yova.febrian@gmail.com Novery Irawan HES Coordinator PT. Bormindo Nusantara +628126818291 novery.irawan@bormindo.com noveryirawan@yahoo.com Harry Mulyafit HES Compliance Coordinator PT. Asia Petrocome Services +6285265335535 hes.compliance@asia-petro.co.id mulyafitharry@yahoo.co.id Koko Trijatmiko Chief Mechanic - +6281225840125 kokotrijatmiko@gmail.com Fredy Adilla Top Drive Specialist - +628526660688 fredyfadylw.ff@gmail.com I declare all statement and detail information in this resume to be true and give my consent to process this statement and information for purpose describe in application letter. Regards, Elnick Alnur, SE