This is a curriculum vitae for AA. Ngurah Ari Suryawan Kencana. He has over 10 years of experience in downhole tool maintenance and repair, primarily working for Halliburton in several countries in Asia. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and has technical skills in downhole tools, specifically GeoPilot rotary steerable systems. His most recent role was as a QA/QC supervisor for GeoPilot maintenance and repair in Malaysia.
Pipe line activities To know about fabrication and modifications work Instal...mkpq pasha
Pipe line activities
To know about fabrication and modifications work
Installations reactive drawings
Pipe line activities
To know about fabrication and modifications work
Installations reactive drawings
Pipe line activities
To know about fabrication and modifications work
Installations reactive drawings
Pipe line activities
To know about fabrication and modifications work
Installations reactive drawings
This article helps you understand the term NPSH, how it is calculated and its importance when selecting a centrifugal pump. This basic knowledge of NPSH will help you go a long way in identifying potential problems in your pump even before they occur.
Piping For Cooling Water Circulation between Cooling Tower and CondenserIJSRD
In thermal power plant, as we know that exhaust steam from turbine goes to heat recovery unit and from there the exhaust stem goes to the condenser to condense. In shell and tube heat exchanger, cooling water as a cooling medium running inside the tubes whereas steam is inside the shell. So to have sufficient amount of cooling water, we require continuous flow of water from the cooling tower. Our main project aim is to provide a piping between condenser and cooling tower. So in this particular project, we will make basic documents such as pfd, p&id, plot plan, equipment layout, piping ga drawing, isometrics, mto, piping specifications, pump specification, calculations, and stress analysis etc.
In Engineering Mechanics the static problems are classified as two types: Concurrent and Non-Concurrent force systems. The presentation discloses a methodology to solve the problems of Concurrent and Non-Concurrent force systems.
This document discusses stresses and deformations in thin and thick cylindrical and spherical shells. It begins by defining thin shells and examining stresses in thin cylinders due to internal pressure, including hoop, longitudinal and radial stresses. Equations are provided for stresses and strains in thin cylinders. The document then considers thick cylinders and spheres using Lame's theory, which accounts for varying circumferential stress through the thickness. Several example problems are presented and solved for thin and thick cylindrical and spherical shells.
Industrial Fluid power ppt for Ifp ch. no. 3 oil hydraulic circuit, By Prof. Kokare A.Y.
Lecturer at Babasaheb phadtare polytechnic, Kalamb-Walchandnagar.
This document provides solutions for determining the forces in members of truss structures. It analyzes trusses using the method of joints, applying equations of equilibrium at each joint to calculate member forces. For the truss shown, it determines that member FCD carries 5.21 kN of compression, FCB carries 2.36 kN of tension, and FAD carries 1.46 kN of compression.
This document contains solutions to various problems involving annuities, perpetuities, and present/future value calculations with interest applied annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly. The problems cover topics like calculating monthly loan payments, determining present/future values over time, calculating lump sums needed to fund periodic withdrawals or payments, and finding amounts needed to fully fund obligations. Formulas are provided for present/future value, annuity, perpetuity, and other time value of money calculations.
There are two main types of views used in piping drawings: orthographic and pictorial. Orthographic views like plans and elevations are used along with section details where needed. Pictorial isometric views are used to illustrate complex piping systems more clearly. Piping layout is developed in plan and elevation views showing equipment positions, piping routes, insulation, and other relevant details. Dimensioning and labeling ensure accurate construction and installation of the piping system.
1. The document provides definitions and explanations of various engineering mechanics concepts including force, moment, couple, torque, centroid, moment of inertia, parallel axis theorem, and principal axes.
2. Methods for calculating centroids, moments of inertia, and products of inertia are presented using integrals and theorems like the parallel axis theorem.
3. Formulas are given for finding centroids and moments of inertia for regular shapes like triangles, rectangles, circles, and composite shapes.
this is a ppt on centroid,covering centroid of regular figures and there is a example of a composite figure,it has applications,uses of centroid,it is use ful for engineering students,it has 15 slides.
by -nishant kumar.
The document discusses analyzing complex stresses and strains within an airplane wing using strain gauge data. It introduces concepts of plane strain, including normal and shear strain components, and provides equations to transform strain measurements between different element orientations. Examples are given to calculate principal strains, maximum shear strains, and transformed strain measurements using a 30属 orientation change and Mohr's circle analysis.
1. The document discusses problems related to resultant of coplanar forces including the law of parallelogram of forces, component law of forces, Varignon's theorem, and finding the resultant and its properties for various force systems.
2. It provides 17 figures showing different force systems and problems require calculating the resultant, its magnitude and direction, and in some cases locating its position.
3. The document also includes theory questions related to definitions of force, laws of mechanics, characteristics of couples, and calculating resultants of concurrent and non-concurrent forces.
The blocks and ladder problems can be summarized as follows:
1) The documents provide diagrams of blocks on inclined planes or ladders against walls, connected by cords or as single structures.
2) Frictional forces are calculated using coefficients of friction for each surface.
3) Force and moment sums are used to relate normal and frictional forces to weights, angles, and applied forces to determine minimum/maximum values for motion to occur.
Centrilift provides electrical submersible pumping systems and services globally. They have sales and service facilities in over 30 countries listed in the document. Centrilift offers comprehensive training for their engineers, as well as applications engineering support, project management services, optimization services, monitoring and automation tools, and a variety of pump and motor designs suited for different well conditions.
1. The document discusses shear force and bending moment diagrams. It defines shear force as a force that causes sliding, and bending moment as a force that causes rotation.
2. It provides an example of calculating the shear force and bending moment at a section for a simply supported beam with three point loads. The maximum shear force is 13.2 kN and the maximum bending moment is 39.2 kN-m.
3. The key steps to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams are outlined as calculating reactions, shear forces at sections, bending moments at sections, and then plotting the diagrams.
Este documento descreve o c叩lculo das tens探es m辿dias no concreto e no a巽o de uma coluna de concreto armado submetida a uma carga axial. A coluna tem 4 barras de a巽o de 18mm de di但metro cada e 辿 submetida a uma carga de 800kN. O resumo calcula que a tens達o m辿dia no concreto 辿 de 8,24MPa e no a巽o 辿 de 65,9MPa.
The document provides solutions to 22 trigonometry problems involving topics like distance traveled along a circle, distance between initial and final locations along a circle, angles subtended by lines, heights of balloons using trigonometric ratios, angles subtended by flagpoles and pedestals, lengths of poles, velocities of boats factoring currents, distances between circle centers, angles of inclination of hills, distances between ships traveling at different velocities and directions, trigonometric identities, and solving for unknowns in trigonometric equations. The final problem uses the law of cosines to solve for the length of side a of a spherical triangle given two angles and the opposite side.
Pressure is defined as force per unit area. It can be measured as absolute pressure with respect to a perfect vacuum or gauge pressure with respect to atmospheric pressure. Pressure increases linearly with depth or elevation in a fluid according to the equation p = 粒h, where 粒 is the specific weight of the fluid and h is the change in elevation. Manometers and pressure gauges can be used to measure pressure differences by using the fluid properties and elevations within the device.
CapSense Capacitive Sensors Sigma Delta AlgorithmRuth Moore
Cypress' CapSense Sigma-Delta algorithm (CSD) uses switched capacitor circuitry and analog/digital components to convert changes in capacitance from a sensor electrode into a digital bit stream. The bit stream is analyzed to determine if a conductive object is present by measuring the change in counts over measurement windows. CSD modulates the sensor capacitance using a switched capacitor network and comparator to create a variable duty cycle bit stream. This enables low power capacitive sensing for touch interfaces.
Problems on simply supported beams (udl , uvl and couple)sushma chinta
1) A simply supported beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load (UDL) over part of its span and a couple moment at one end.
2) Shear force and bending moment diagrams are drawn by dividing the beam into sections and analyzing each section.
3) The maximum bending moment occurs where the shear force is zero and is calculated to be 3761.59 N-m located at 2.637 m from the left support.
Solution Manual for Structural Analysis 6th SI by Aslam Kassimaliphysicsbook
Solution Manual for Structural Analysis - 6th Edition SI Edition
Author(s): Aslam Kassimali
Solution Manual for 6th SI Edition (above Image) is provided officially. It include all chapters of textbook (chapters 2 to 17) plus appendixes B, C, D.
This document contains sample problems and solutions related to interest rates and time-money relationships. Some key points:
- Problems calculate simple and compound interest rates for various investment amounts and time periods.
- Questions determine future and present values of investments, loans, and annuities using compound interest formulas.
- Examples find equivalent uniform annual costs, retirement fund amounts, loan balances, and other financial calculations.
- Solutions walk through setting up and solving the compound interest and time value of money equations for each problem.
This document discusses key concepts from the 15th edition of the textbook "Engineering Economy" by William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks, and C. Patrick Koelling. It covers topics like cost categorization, cost-driven design optimization, and present economy studies. The document provides examples and explanations of fixed, variable, and incremental costs. It also discusses determining optimal production levels by calculating total revenue and costs. Key terms like sunk costs, opportunity costs, and life-cycle costs are defined.
This document discusses centrifugal pumps, including their basic principles, classification, components, and potential issues. Centrifugal pumps work by imparting a whirling motion to liquid using a rotating impeller with backward curved vanes, forcing the liquid to move from the center to the outer edge and discharge from the casing. Pumps can be classified based on the number of impellers, shaft disposition, or developed head. Cavitation, where bubbles form and implode inside pumps, can cause damage and should be avoided by ensuring the net positive suction head available exceeds the required level.
1) The document discusses various loading mechanisms that act on shafts, including loads from gears, belts, chains, and unbalanced masses. It also covers stresses in shafts such as bending, torsional, and axial stresses due to different loads.
2) Formulas are presented for calculating loads and stresses on shafts from common mechanical components like gears, belts, and chains. Examples of engineering problems are also given to calculate forces and loads on rotating shafts.
3) Rotating shafts are complex mechanical elements that experience many different types of loads that must be properly analyzed and accounted for in shaft design.
This Data Spotlight provides data and statistics on the attributes of boards of directors of publicly traded companies in the United States. This data supplements the issues introduced in the Quick Guide Board of Directors: Structure and Consequences.
There are two main types of views used in piping drawings: orthographic and pictorial. Orthographic views like plans and elevations are used along with section details where needed. Pictorial isometric views are used to illustrate complex piping systems more clearly. Piping layout is developed in plan and elevation views showing equipment positions, piping routes, insulation, and other relevant details. Dimensioning and labeling ensure accurate construction and installation of the piping system.
1. The document provides definitions and explanations of various engineering mechanics concepts including force, moment, couple, torque, centroid, moment of inertia, parallel axis theorem, and principal axes.
2. Methods for calculating centroids, moments of inertia, and products of inertia are presented using integrals and theorems like the parallel axis theorem.
3. Formulas are given for finding centroids and moments of inertia for regular shapes like triangles, rectangles, circles, and composite shapes.
this is a ppt on centroid,covering centroid of regular figures and there is a example of a composite figure,it has applications,uses of centroid,it is use ful for engineering students,it has 15 slides.
by -nishant kumar.
The document discusses analyzing complex stresses and strains within an airplane wing using strain gauge data. It introduces concepts of plane strain, including normal and shear strain components, and provides equations to transform strain measurements between different element orientations. Examples are given to calculate principal strains, maximum shear strains, and transformed strain measurements using a 30属 orientation change and Mohr's circle analysis.
1. The document discusses problems related to resultant of coplanar forces including the law of parallelogram of forces, component law of forces, Varignon's theorem, and finding the resultant and its properties for various force systems.
2. It provides 17 figures showing different force systems and problems require calculating the resultant, its magnitude and direction, and in some cases locating its position.
3. The document also includes theory questions related to definitions of force, laws of mechanics, characteristics of couples, and calculating resultants of concurrent and non-concurrent forces.
The blocks and ladder problems can be summarized as follows:
1) The documents provide diagrams of blocks on inclined planes or ladders against walls, connected by cords or as single structures.
2) Frictional forces are calculated using coefficients of friction for each surface.
3) Force and moment sums are used to relate normal and frictional forces to weights, angles, and applied forces to determine minimum/maximum values for motion to occur.
Centrilift provides electrical submersible pumping systems and services globally. They have sales and service facilities in over 30 countries listed in the document. Centrilift offers comprehensive training for their engineers, as well as applications engineering support, project management services, optimization services, monitoring and automation tools, and a variety of pump and motor designs suited for different well conditions.
1. The document discusses shear force and bending moment diagrams. It defines shear force as a force that causes sliding, and bending moment as a force that causes rotation.
2. It provides an example of calculating the shear force and bending moment at a section for a simply supported beam with three point loads. The maximum shear force is 13.2 kN and the maximum bending moment is 39.2 kN-m.
3. The key steps to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams are outlined as calculating reactions, shear forces at sections, bending moments at sections, and then plotting the diagrams.
Este documento descreve o c叩lculo das tens探es m辿dias no concreto e no a巽o de uma coluna de concreto armado submetida a uma carga axial. A coluna tem 4 barras de a巽o de 18mm de di但metro cada e 辿 submetida a uma carga de 800kN. O resumo calcula que a tens達o m辿dia no concreto 辿 de 8,24MPa e no a巽o 辿 de 65,9MPa.
The document provides solutions to 22 trigonometry problems involving topics like distance traveled along a circle, distance between initial and final locations along a circle, angles subtended by lines, heights of balloons using trigonometric ratios, angles subtended by flagpoles and pedestals, lengths of poles, velocities of boats factoring currents, distances between circle centers, angles of inclination of hills, distances between ships traveling at different velocities and directions, trigonometric identities, and solving for unknowns in trigonometric equations. The final problem uses the law of cosines to solve for the length of side a of a spherical triangle given two angles and the opposite side.
Pressure is defined as force per unit area. It can be measured as absolute pressure with respect to a perfect vacuum or gauge pressure with respect to atmospheric pressure. Pressure increases linearly with depth or elevation in a fluid according to the equation p = 粒h, where 粒 is the specific weight of the fluid and h is the change in elevation. Manometers and pressure gauges can be used to measure pressure differences by using the fluid properties and elevations within the device.
CapSense Capacitive Sensors Sigma Delta AlgorithmRuth Moore
Cypress' CapSense Sigma-Delta algorithm (CSD) uses switched capacitor circuitry and analog/digital components to convert changes in capacitance from a sensor electrode into a digital bit stream. The bit stream is analyzed to determine if a conductive object is present by measuring the change in counts over measurement windows. CSD modulates the sensor capacitance using a switched capacitor network and comparator to create a variable duty cycle bit stream. This enables low power capacitive sensing for touch interfaces.
Problems on simply supported beams (udl , uvl and couple)sushma chinta
1) A simply supported beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load (UDL) over part of its span and a couple moment at one end.
2) Shear force and bending moment diagrams are drawn by dividing the beam into sections and analyzing each section.
3) The maximum bending moment occurs where the shear force is zero and is calculated to be 3761.59 N-m located at 2.637 m from the left support.
Solution Manual for Structural Analysis 6th SI by Aslam Kassimaliphysicsbook
Solution Manual for Structural Analysis - 6th Edition SI Edition
Author(s): Aslam Kassimali
Solution Manual for 6th SI Edition (above Image) is provided officially. It include all chapters of textbook (chapters 2 to 17) plus appendixes B, C, D.
This document contains sample problems and solutions related to interest rates and time-money relationships. Some key points:
- Problems calculate simple and compound interest rates for various investment amounts and time periods.
- Questions determine future and present values of investments, loans, and annuities using compound interest formulas.
- Examples find equivalent uniform annual costs, retirement fund amounts, loan balances, and other financial calculations.
- Solutions walk through setting up and solving the compound interest and time value of money equations for each problem.
This document discusses key concepts from the 15th edition of the textbook "Engineering Economy" by William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks, and C. Patrick Koelling. It covers topics like cost categorization, cost-driven design optimization, and present economy studies. The document provides examples and explanations of fixed, variable, and incremental costs. It also discusses determining optimal production levels by calculating total revenue and costs. Key terms like sunk costs, opportunity costs, and life-cycle costs are defined.
This document discusses centrifugal pumps, including their basic principles, classification, components, and potential issues. Centrifugal pumps work by imparting a whirling motion to liquid using a rotating impeller with backward curved vanes, forcing the liquid to move from the center to the outer edge and discharge from the casing. Pumps can be classified based on the number of impellers, shaft disposition, or developed head. Cavitation, where bubbles form and implode inside pumps, can cause damage and should be avoided by ensuring the net positive suction head available exceeds the required level.
1) The document discusses various loading mechanisms that act on shafts, including loads from gears, belts, chains, and unbalanced masses. It also covers stresses in shafts such as bending, torsional, and axial stresses due to different loads.
2) Formulas are presented for calculating loads and stresses on shafts from common mechanical components like gears, belts, and chains. Examples of engineering problems are also given to calculate forces and loads on rotating shafts.
3) Rotating shafts are complex mechanical elements that experience many different types of loads that must be properly analyzed and accounted for in shaft design.
This Data Spotlight provides data and statistics on the attributes of boards of directors of publicly traded companies in the United States. This data supplements the issues introduced in the Quick Guide Board of Directors: Structure and Consequences.
El documento habla sobre los peligros del sexting. Explica que el sexting involucra el env鱈o de fotos o videos sexuales a trav辿s de tel辿fonos celulares. Luego presenta el caso real de Audrie Pott, una adolescente de 15 a単os que fue asaltada sexualmente en una fiesta y fotos de la violaci坦n fueron publicadas en l鱈nea, lo que la llev坦 a suicidarse. Finalmente, el documento proporciona 10 recomendaciones para evitar los riesgos del sexting.
The Study Space App was designed by students for students as an additional resource to supplement the university's learning management system. It aims to support social learning and enable feedback between students, academics, and communities in an anonymous, app-based format aligned with how young people use technology. An initial pilot of the app involved around 140 pharmacy students and received positive feedback. The developers are conducting more trials across various university units and welcome further input on ideas to enhance the app.
This document contains contact information and a resume for Akhmad Mahdi. It summarizes his work experience including positions as an Accounting Supervisor, Head of Administration, and Administrative Assistant at several oil palm plantations in Indonesia. It also lists his qualifications, education, computer skills and training courses.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang ujian di daar el-qolam. Ujian tengah semester atau UTS dilakukan di kelas, sedangkan ujian akhir semester atau UAS dilakukan di ruangan terpisah untuk mencegah kecurangan. UAS terdiri atas ujian lisan dan tulis, dengan ujian tulis berlangsung selama 2 minggu. Ada risiko ketahuan jika mencoba mencuri pandang dari teman.
Earthing is a new sport that combines running and swimming while promoting environmental education and conservation. It is practiced in outdoor or indoor pools by running on a track next to the pool and then diving in to swim. Competitions involve choosing an environmental cause to support with prize money. Earthing has already been introduced in schools in Denmark, combining sport with lessons on wildlife and climate change. The creator of Earthing has 25 years of experience as a swimming coach and wants to use the sport to develop children and promote environmental stewardship.
The document discusses repurposing children's literacy games as reflective tools for graduate students. It summarizes Peter Reilly's presentation at the IGBL Conference at Trinity College Dublin on September 2nd 2016. The presentation explores using games to help graduate students develop critical self-awareness and identify their preferred learning styles based on Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It also outlines Sternberg's five-step process for creativity and strategies for developing motivation and challenging conventions.
Usaha Hamonangan Sitorus provides his curriculum vitae, including personal details, education history, work experience, and job description. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and has over 15 years of experience in maintenance roles. His work experience includes managing maintenance programs and facilities, implementing continuous improvement projects, and ensuring safety and regulatory compliance. Currently he is responsible for leadership, maintenance planning, contractor oversight, and supporting production at a pulp and paper plant through preventative maintenance and reliability efforts.
C.V. Lenin has over 8 years of experience in construction and marine safety roles in Singapore. He currently works as a Workplace Safety and Health Officer and Environmental Control Officer for Green Safe International Pte Ltd, overseeing safety on projects like schools, residential developments, and infrastructure. Previously he was a HSE Engineer and E&I Engineer on marine projects. He holds qualifications in NEBOSH, fire safety, environmental management, and occupational health and safety.
Leo Damar Kencono is a drilling QHSE advisor with over 14 years of experience in health, safety, training and environment roles on offshore and onshore drilling rigs. He has a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and numerous safety certifications. Kencono is currently an EHS specialist for Saka Indonesia, where his responsibilities include assisting with safety management systems, reviewing contractors' safety plans, ensuring compliance with regulations, conducting training, and investigating incidents.
Stewart Spence Maintenance Manager CV 2015Stewart Spence
Stewart Spence is a Maintenance Manager for Schlumberger Oilfield Services based in Australia and Indonesia. He has over 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, working internationally in locations such as the UK, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, Oman, Singapore, South Korea, Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Russia. As Maintenance Manager, he is responsible for maintenance support across several countries in East Asia, overseeing 50 maintenance supervisors and technicians and equipment worth $130 million.
This document contains the resume of Siswanto, a 45-year-old Indonesian man with 25 years of experience in maintenance roles. He is currently a Supervisor of Mechanical Maintenance at a petrochemical company in Indonesia, where his responsibilities include safety planning, maintenance work supervision, and data analysis. Previously he held maintenance roles in other petrochemical and pulp and paper companies. He has extensive experience working on various machinery and seeks new opportunities to utilize his technical skills.
Leo Kencono Resume-Updated December 2015Leo Kencono
Leo Damar Kencono has over 14 years of experience in health, safety, training, and environment roles on offshore and onshore drilling rigs. He currently works as an EHS Specialist for Saka Indonesia, where his responsibilities include planning drilling campaigns, developing safety procedures and KPIs, ensuring compliance with regulations, and conducting audits and reviews. He has a degree in Industrial Engineering and numerous safety certifications.
Roberto Rigos Salvio is a mechanical engineer from the Philippines with over 20 years of experience in various roles including project engineer, commissioning engineer, project manager, and maintenance engineer in industries such as power plants, mining, oil and gas, and infrastructure. He has worked on projects in the Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and British Virgin Islands. His resume provides details of his educational background, licenses, work history, safety training, and awards.
Elnick Alnur has over 10 years of experience in health, environment, and safety roles for oil and gas drilling companies in Indonesia. He currently works as an HES Officer for PT. Surveyor Indonesia, where he is responsible for advising on safety requirements and monitoring operations. Prior to this role, he held similar HES advisory positions and has extensive training in safety, environmental, and operational areas.
The document is a resume for Anthony M. Fabular. It summarizes his objective to maintain quality health, safety and environment standards. It then outlines his educational background in electronics and communication engineering. The bulk of the resume summarizes his professional experience working in health, safety, and environment roles for various companies in Abu Dhabi, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and the Philippines. It lists his duties and responsibilities, training, awards, qualifications and references.
Rico Z. Conde is applying for the position of Manufacturing Manager. He has over 15 years of experience in manufacturing, including his current role as Assistant Manufacturing Manager at SunPowerPhils. Inc. since 2008. Previously, he held roles such as Manufacturing Supervisor at Nidec Philippines from 2007-2008. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and has extensive training in lean manufacturing, quality management, and safety. He is proficient in both English and Tagalog.
Giovanni Koolman is applying for the position of Site Coordinator in Angola. He has over 30 years of experience in electrical engineering and maintenance roles. Most recently, he has worked as an Electrical Engineer in Angola for Saipem SA. He has also held roles as Maintenance Coordinator, Project Manager, and Maintenance Superintendent at refineries and power plants in several countries. Koolman has strong leadership skills and experience managing teams for maintenance and project work. He is proficient in safety practices and technical skills related to electrical systems.
The document provides a resume for Juan Carlo D. Arcebal. It summarizes his objective of attaining professional and personal growth as an Electronics & Communications Engineer. It outlines his relevant skills and experience, which include over 10 years of experience in instrument operation, troubleshooting, and preventative maintenance for various semiconductor manufacturing machines. It also lists his educational background of a Bachelor's degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering from Saint Louis University, and provides references from engineers in the semiconductor industry.
This document contains a resume for Rigel Raquagara, an Indonesian petroleum engineer. It summarizes his personal details, education history, work experience, skills, training, and practical experience. For his current role at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga since 2013, his responsibilities as a Loading Master include ensuring safe loading and record keeping activities. He previously worked as a Proposal Engineer at PT Sarana Instrument coordinating tender responses. Raquagara holds a Bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering and has participated in several industry training programs and seminars.
Vincent Le Cornu has over 16 years of experience in the coal mining industry as an electrician and maintenance planner in Australia and South Africa. He has extensive experience planning and scheduling maintenance, creating work orders, and ensuring safe and efficient equipment operations. He holds qualifications in mine electrical engineering and various mining certifications.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Rensus Partogian Sinaga. It provides biographical information including his name, date and place of birth, education history, training, experience, skills, and work history. He received a degree in Instrumentation Electronics from Padjajaran University. He has over 15 years of experience working for PT. McDermott Indonesia in administrative and structural fitting roles. He is currently a Structural Fitting Foreman and has worked on numerous oil and gas projects throughout his career.
This document contains a summary of qualifications and work experience for Owen Lucero Bautista, who is applying for manufacturing and production department head or quality control department head positions. It outlines his 10+ years of experience in tooling, die, metal stamping, fabrication and casting industries. It also provides details of his past roles and responsibilities in production, quality control, and as a pollution control officer. Finally, it lists his education qualifications and extensive training history.
Eri Yulius Elvys is a mid-career professional with over 16 years of experience in human resources development, training, and management. He has held positions such as Head of Engineering and Innovation, Head of Production, and Head of Maintenance. He has expertise in mechanical engineering, maintenance, machining, and fabrication. Elvys is seeking a managerial position that utilizes his engineering and leadership skills.
Siti Nadhirah binti Abdullah is a 26-year-old Malaysian citizen seeking a career in engineering. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Biosystems Engineering from Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Her past work experience includes four years as a Proposal Engineer at HVAC Experts, where she was involved in tender preparation and project planning. She also has experience as a Drafter at Success Electronics & Transformers. Her skills include AutoCAD, Solidworks, Microsoft Office, and programming languages.
Ankit Agrawal is seeking managerial roles in engineering, production, and commissioning. He has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and certifications in NDT levels and safety courses.
He has over 7 years of experience in commissioning marine equipment on jack-up rigs for a shipyard in Singapore, including drilling equipment, cranes, engines, pumps, and HVAC systems. Previously, he worked as a mechanical engineer commissioning main propulsion systems and auxiliaries for a shipyard in India.
Ankit aims to lead teams to achieve organizational goals with effective processes. He emphasizes safety and has skills in troubleshooting, planning, inventory management, and coordinating cross-functional activities.
Jettle Francis is seeking a challenging position in the oil and gas industry utilizing their experience in technical roles, operations, and project management. Their resume outlines over 10 years of relevant work experience, including positions as a supply base supervisor, project manager, crew chief, and senior field supervisor. They have a range of qualifications and skills related to logistics, warehouse operations, equipment installation and maintenance, and safety compliance.
1. Page 1 of 9
Curriculum Vitae
AA. Ngurah Ari Suryawan Kencana;
RT.65 Sepinggan Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur
Phone/Mobile: +62542760356 / +6281251471064
2. Page 2 of 9
Full Name AA. Ngurah Ari Suryawan Kencana
Place of Birth Denpasar, Bali
Date of Birth March 28th
, 1981
Gender Male
Religion Moslem
Marital Status Merit
Nationality & Citizenship Indonesia
Contact Address
RT.65 Sepinggan Balikpapan Kalimantan
Phone / Phone Number +62542-760356 / +6281251471064
Email /
EEDDUUCCAATTIIOONNaall bbaacckkggrroouunndd
Bachelor Degree
Field of Study : Mechanical Engineering
Institute : National Institute Of Technology, Malang, Indonesia
GPA : 3.28/4
Graduation Date: 4 December 2004
EEmmppllooyymmeenntt HHiissttoorriieess
1. Downhole Tool Mechanical / Electrical Rotary Steerable System GeoPilot
QA/QC and Supervisor ( April 2014 26th
March 2016)
Job Assignment as GeoPilot Labuan QA/QC and Supervisor
Halliburton Drilling Service, Malaysia
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Performs all duties associated with R&M GeoPilot Supervisor and QA/QC
2. Mainly Part of Malaysia Quality Management team for API Q2 certification
3. Organize and coordinate all Geopilot Technician team member daily roles and
duties for Job process execution according to the Job Planning as per
schedule Maintenance GeoPilot level-1 and Level-2 for 9600/7600 and 5200
3. Page 3 of 9
4. Supervises the work to promote a high standard of service quality all
technicians on the R&M GeoPilot service team, including processes,
procedures, paperwork accuracy, safety, etc.
5. Mentors R&M Technicians GP Tech III, GP Tech II,GP Tech I and GP tech
6. Assists R&M Technicians GP Tech III, GP Tech II,GP Tech I and GP tech
Trainees and R&M Manager - in their roles when necessary
7. Perform an internal spot audit regularly every month to ensure Technicians
perform the task according to procedure, fill up the E-Manual build sheet
properly and utilize a valid calibration equipment every time while execute the
8. Perform competency assessment/RPM to all GeoPilot technicians to close the
gap regularly.
9. Monitoring down-hole GeoPilot equipment operations, and perform a failure
investigation accurately and timely preliminary and provides to Operation
Manager and FSQC, in case any issue occurs during tool downhole to find the
root caused and to mitigate the same issue from repeating in the future.
10.Perform repair cost budget for maintenance GeoPilot tool including cost for
upgrade the tool as per NOMEM to get approval from Country Manager
11.Coordinates with R&M Manager and Operation Manager - GeoPilot to plan
daily equipment priorities and service requirements
12.Reports inventory and asset issues to R&M Manager
13.Maintains all workshop equipment and tools, ensures they are kept in good
condition; all calibrations and certifications are up to date; and the
documentation for both is kept.
14.Maintains a clean and safe work environment, keeping it efficiently organized,
and equipped with necessary supplies and tools.
15.Verifies required service records and documentation prepared by technician
team are completed accurately and kept up to date, electronic copies are
online and hard copies filed.
16.Utilizes all Service Delivery Halliburton management systems including
service records pertaining to service line R&M applications (INSITE, SAP,
Data Reliability, MOC, NCRs, RTA, etc.).
4. Page 4 of 9
17.Performs various other duties and activities as assigned by R&M Manager
within the physical constraints of the job.
18.Demonstrates a personal commitment to Quality, Health, Safety and the
a safe and healthy workplace for all employees;
enforcing all safety precautions and practices;
promoting safe work practices;
Attending mandatory safety meetings and maintaining Company property
and equipment in safe operating conditions at all times.
19.Knows, understands, and promotes (HMS )Halliburton Management system
Process and the Quality Policy and complies with all requirements of the
Quality Systems Manual, Operating and Technical Procedures and Workplace
2. Downhole Tool Mechanical / Electrical GeoPilot Lead Tech (November 2012
March 2014)
Halliburton Drilling Service, Vietnam
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Organize and coordinate activities surrounding the repair and maintenance of
GeoPilot Tool.
2. Instruct GeoPilot Technician on the proper operation and maintenance of
equipment, train new technicians, and develop skills of current workers
3. Monitoring down-hole GeoPilot equipment operations, ensuring that
maintenance and safety procedures are followed, maintaining inventory,
quality improvement process awareness, and teamwork.
4. Promote safety awareness and environmental consciousness, and comply
with all applicable safety and environmental procedures and regulations.
5. Page 5 of 9
3. Downhole Tool Mechanical / Electrical Technician III (February 2007
November 2012)
Halliburton Drilling Service, Indonesia
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Under general supervision, diagnoses, repairs and performs maintenance on
down-hole tool electronics and other equipment used in the application for
down-hole operations
2. Assembles and disassembles all down-hole tools as per procedure
3. Promote safety awareness and environmental consciousness, and comply
with all applicable safety and environmental procedures and regulations.
4. Sales and Marketing Coordinator (November 2005 December 2006 )
PT. Franklin Offshore Indonesia
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Implements marketing and advertising campaigns by assembling and
analyzing sales forecasts; preparing marketing and advertising strategies,
plans, and objectives; planning and organizing promotional presentations;
updating calendars.
2. Supports sales staff by providing sales data, market trends, forecasts,
account analyses, new product information; relaying customer services
Field work Practice
1. PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) UP V Balikpapan in Enj-Pem/JPK Dept
Emphasis on engines maintenance, Manufacturing Process, Energy Conversion, Turbine
and Compressor Engine Performance Testing.
Emphasis on Diesel Engine, Overhaul of Heavy Equipment Engine, and Hydraulic
6. Page 6 of 9
Event Vendor Place Duration
Sperry Drilling Leadership Boot
Camp Training in Houston North
Halliburton Energy
North Belt
1 week ( July 2014 )
Internal Auditor Training
Quality WBT Centre -
Malaysia 1 Week ( June 2014 )
Geo Pilot 7600 & 9600 Power
Unit Course ( Top Student )
Halliburton Energy
Singapore 3 weeks (2011)
Geo Pilot 7600 & 9600 Level 1
Course ( Top Student )
Halliburton Energy
Singapore 3 weeks (2011)
Geo Pilot 7600 & 9600 Level 2
Halliburton Energy
Singapore 10 Months (2007)
Geo Pilot 7600 & 9600 Actuator
Course ( Top Student )
Halliburton Energy
Singapore 3 weeks (2007)
Crane Operating Course
Halliburton Energy
Singapore 1 day (2007)
HHiigghhlliigghhtt ooff ddeelliivveerreedd dduuttiieess
Job Description Company Place Duration
Support Geopilot repair and
Halliburton Energy
Perth Australia 19 Sept 6 Oct 2013
Failure investigation for several
Geopilot tool fail during
downhole work closed with
Global Geopilot adviser and
Asia-Pacific Region Reliability
Halliburton Energy
3 24 May 2013
Set up Geopilot Shop in new
facility and support Geo Pilot
repair and maintenance
Halliburton Energy
Vung Tau
15 July 16 August 2012
Support Geopilot Repair and
Halliburton Energy
28 Jan 28 Feb 2012
Set up Geopilot Shop in new
facility and support Geo Pilot
repair and maintenance
Halliburton Energy
Perth Australia 16 Sept 17 Oct 2011
Set up GeoPilot shop for Exxon
Halliburton Energy
14 October 25 November
Support Geo Pilot Repair and
Halliburton Energy
May 02 27 May,2010
Support Geo Pilot Repair and
Halliburton Energy
Singapore Nov 10, 2008 - Jan 4, 2009
Support Geo Pilot Repair and
Halliburton Energy
Jakarta Aug 20 18 Sep,2009
Support Geo Pilot Repair and
Halliburton Energy
Singapore Nov 10, 2008 - Jan 4, 2009
7. Page 7 of 9
Honest, Fast learner, Highly motivated, Dynamic, Team player.
Strong communication, organizing, troubleshooting, and multi-tasking skills, especially when under pressure
and in demanding conditions
Positive attitude, with a high degree of self-discipline and self-motivation, work well with others, can work
Thorough knowledge of Rotary steerable GeoPilot products and services
Mechanically inclined
Thorough technical knowledge of Drilling service line products and services
Excellent communication, organization, troubleshooting, and teamwork skills.
Geo-Pilot INSITE, MS Office (Ms Excel, Ms Word, MS Power point, Ms Visio, Ms Access), and other MS
Windows based application, SAP
English : Good / Active
Indonesian Language : Mother tongue.
Jim Inglis
Email :
Position : R&M Manager Sperry Drilling Services Labuan, Malaysia
Relation : Direct Manager
Brian Clark
Email :
Position : R&M Manager Sperry Drilling Services Asia Pacific
Relation : Regional Manager
Pulung Setiyawan
Email :
Position : Customer Representative Quality Assurance & Control
8. Page 8 of 9
Juniwan Sihotang
Email :
Position : Customer Representative Quality Assurance & Control
Riza Pahlevi
Email :
Position : Customer Representative Quality Assurance & Control
Jimmy Yulianto
Email :
Position : Customer Representative Quality Assurance & Control
I declare the details are stated to be true and complete.
Balikpapan, 1st April 2016
AA Ngurah Ari Suryawan Kencana