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ReferencesAvailable Upon Request
1009 Hoy Circle
Collegeville, PA 19426
E-mail: emily.woolston92@gmail.com
Cell Phone: (610)-731-1018
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh,PA
Bachelor of Science in Education GPA:3.86 Pending May 2015
Certification: Pennsylvania Certification in Early Level Education (PreK  4)
Kerr Elementary School, Pittsburgh,PA
Student Teacher, Second Grade January 2015  Present
 Create and organize student led learning centers to reinforce math concepts,provide challenging material
for early finishers, review English language arts content,and encourage free writing
 Manage the classroom using a strike chart systemto limit negative behavior and reward positive behavior
 Integrate Smart Board Technology,the Document Camera, and iPad Applications into math, reading,
science, writing, and social studies
 Participate in Homework Club after school, Multicultural Night, professionaldevelopment days,weekly
staff meetings, and grade level meetings
 Implement multiple forms of assessment across the curriculum such as authentic assessments forprojects,
oral and written formative assessments, running record, and checklists to monitor student progress
 Collaborate with support staffto educate students who are in learning support and have Individualized
Education Plans
 Interact with studentsfamilies through e-mail, phone conversations,multi-cultural night, and weekly
newsletters to ensure families have the opportunity to be involved in their students learning
 Differentiate instruction by providing material that is in each learners zone of proximal development to
ensure that learners of all abilities have appropriate scaffolding while being challenged
 Incorporate physical activity through brain breaks and various hands-on activities across the curriculum
OHara Elementary School, Pittsburgh, PA
Field Experience, Third Grade September 2014  December 2014
 Created centers using the Ellison Machine for daily word work and math reinforcements
 Led Word Wizard portion of the day where students learned new vocabulary, created their own
definitions, and practiced using their new words in situations
 Taught introductory math lessons on time and measurement to a class of 21 students with one
Individualized Education Plan and one 504
 Assisted teacherwherever needed across the curriculum by grading papers, organizing, and creating
manipulatives for students and the classroom
Dilworth Traditional Academy, Pittsburgh, PA
Field Experience, Kindergarten - Fourth Grade September 2013  April 2014
 Monitored and interacted with students ofall grade levels during recess and lunch duty
 Co-taught social studies lessons on the founding of the original thirteen colonies
 Led discussions with fourth graders during Response to Intervention on the book Dear Mr. Henshaw
Field Experience, Fourth Grade Math September 2013  November 2013
 Worked one on one with students who had difficulty comprehending math concepts
 Created bulletins displaying student work and visuals for students around the roomthat integrated Common
Core ideas on Mathematical Practices
 Taught lesson on multiplying multi-digit numbers to three separate math classes of 25 students
Shady Lane Preschool, Pittsburgh, PA
Field Experience, Four-Year-Old Classroom September 2012  November 2012
 Orchestrated daily centers students completed on the letter of the week
 Joined the head teacher in leading morning activities such as calendar, attendance,music, and math
Woolston 2
Nanny, Collegeville, PA April - August 2012  2014
 Provided care to twin boys (age 4) by preparing their meals, following daily routines, and assisting in
 Practiced phonemic awareness,phonological awareness, concepts about print, geometric concepts,and
number sense through games and activities during each day
 Gave opportunities for gross and fine motor skill development by regularly playing at a park, playing
different sports,creating crafts, working with play-doh, painting, and coloring
SkyZone, Oaks, PA
Party Hostess April 2013  January 2014
 Hosted birthday parties for children ages 2  16 at an Indoor Trampoline Park by successfully managing
time, serving food, interacting with families, and providing quality customer service
Ronald McDonald House, Pittsburgh, PA
Volunteer October 2011  October 2014
 Prepared various meals and interacted with those staying at the Ronald McDonald House
 Planned and participated in holiday events held at the Ronald McDonald House by making crafts, playing
games, and interacting with families
Central Elementary School, Allison Park,PA
Instructional Technology Intern September 2013  November 2013
 Partnered with staff to implement technology in kindergarten to fifth grade classrooms
 Demonstrated knowledge of various forms of technology by providing ways teachers could successfully
integrate technology into their classrooms to better their teaching
Methacton Youth Lacrosse, Eagleville, PA
Assistant Coach April 2011 - June 2012
 Assisted head coach in teaching girls aged 8  10 basic skills of lacrosse during practice and games
Deans List Fall 2011  Fall 2014
Kappa Delta Epsilon (KDE) The Professional Education Fraternity
President Spring 2014  Fall 2014
 Planned and hosted Regional Conference titled Fall into Leadership that provided professional
development for educators around the country
 Led 110 members in KDE during bi-monthly meetings, providing service and fundraising opportunities,
hosting induction, and planning formal
Member Spring 2012 - Fall 2013
Pittsburgh Association of the Education of Young Children (PAEYC)
Co- President Spring 2014  Fall 2014
 Led 50 members during bi-monthly meetings and worked with the executive board to provide service
opportunities,fundraising opportunities,and meeting activities for members
Member Fall 2011  Fall 2013
Pi Lambda Theta The School of Education Honors Society
Treasurer Spring 2014  Fall 2014
Lambda Sigma A Sophomore Honors Society
Member Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Phi Eta Sigma A Freshman Honors Society
Member Fall 2012  Spring 2013
School of Education Ambassador Fall 2012  Present
 Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Apple Pages, Apple Numbers, and Apple Keynote
 Familiar with websites and applications such as Animoto, Blabberize, Go Animate, Glogster, Google Doc,
Google Form, Google Sites, iBook, iMovie, Garage Band, Popplet, Presi, Voki, Weebly, Wix, Wordle

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  • 1. ReferencesAvailable Upon Request EMILY WOOLSTON 1009 Hoy Circle Collegeville, PA 19426 E-mail: emily.woolston92@gmail.com Cell Phone: (610)-731-1018 EDUCATION Duquesne University, Pittsburgh,PA Bachelor of Science in Education GPA:3.86 Pending May 2015 Certification: Pennsylvania Certification in Early Level Education (PreK 4) STUDENT TEACHING AND FIELD EXPERIENCE Kerr Elementary School, Pittsburgh,PA Student Teacher, Second Grade January 2015 Present Create and organize student led learning centers to reinforce math concepts,provide challenging material for early finishers, review English language arts content,and encourage free writing Manage the classroom using a strike chart systemto limit negative behavior and reward positive behavior Integrate Smart Board Technology,the Document Camera, and iPad Applications into math, reading, science, writing, and social studies Participate in Homework Club after school, Multicultural Night, professionaldevelopment days,weekly staff meetings, and grade level meetings Implement multiple forms of assessment across the curriculum such as authentic assessments forprojects, oral and written formative assessments, running record, and checklists to monitor student progress Collaborate with support staffto educate students who are in learning support and have Individualized Education Plans Interact with studentsfamilies through e-mail, phone conversations,multi-cultural night, and weekly newsletters to ensure families have the opportunity to be involved in their students learning Differentiate instruction by providing material that is in each learners zone of proximal development to ensure that learners of all abilities have appropriate scaffolding while being challenged Incorporate physical activity through brain breaks and various hands-on activities across the curriculum OHara Elementary School, Pittsburgh, PA Field Experience, Third Grade September 2014 December 2014 Created centers using the Ellison Machine for daily word work and math reinforcements Led Word Wizard portion of the day where students learned new vocabulary, created their own definitions, and practiced using their new words in situations Taught introductory math lessons on time and measurement to a class of 21 students with one Individualized Education Plan and one 504 Assisted teacherwherever needed across the curriculum by grading papers, organizing, and creating manipulatives for students and the classroom Dilworth Traditional Academy, Pittsburgh, PA Field Experience, Kindergarten - Fourth Grade September 2013 April 2014 Monitored and interacted with students ofall grade levels during recess and lunch duty Co-taught social studies lessons on the founding of the original thirteen colonies Led discussions with fourth graders during Response to Intervention on the book Dear Mr. Henshaw Field Experience, Fourth Grade Math September 2013 November 2013 Worked one on one with students who had difficulty comprehending math concepts Created bulletins displaying student work and visuals for students around the roomthat integrated Common Core ideas on Mathematical Practices Taught lesson on multiplying multi-digit numbers to three separate math classes of 25 students Shady Lane Preschool, Pittsburgh, PA Field Experience, Four-Year-Old Classroom September 2012 November 2012 Orchestrated daily centers students completed on the letter of the week Joined the head teacher in leading morning activities such as calendar, attendance,music, and math
  • 2. Woolston 2 OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCE Nanny, Collegeville, PA April - August 2012 2014 Provided care to twin boys (age 4) by preparing their meals, following daily routines, and assisting in bathroomtraining Practiced phonemic awareness,phonological awareness, concepts about print, geometric concepts,and number sense through games and activities during each day Gave opportunities for gross and fine motor skill development by regularly playing at a park, playing different sports,creating crafts, working with play-doh, painting, and coloring SkyZone, Oaks, PA Party Hostess April 2013 January 2014 Hosted birthday parties for children ages 2 16 at an Indoor Trampoline Park by successfully managing time, serving food, interacting with families, and providing quality customer service Ronald McDonald House, Pittsburgh, PA Volunteer October 2011 October 2014 Prepared various meals and interacted with those staying at the Ronald McDonald House Planned and participated in holiday events held at the Ronald McDonald House by making crafts, playing games, and interacting with families Central Elementary School, Allison Park,PA Instructional Technology Intern September 2013 November 2013 Partnered with staff to implement technology in kindergarten to fifth grade classrooms Demonstrated knowledge of various forms of technology by providing ways teachers could successfully integrate technology into their classrooms to better their teaching Methacton Youth Lacrosse, Eagleville, PA Assistant Coach April 2011 - June 2012 Assisted head coach in teaching girls aged 8 10 basic skills of lacrosse during practice and games CAMPUS ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS Deans List Fall 2011 Fall 2014 Kappa Delta Epsilon (KDE) The Professional Education Fraternity President Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Planned and hosted Regional Conference titled Fall into Leadership that provided professional development for educators around the country Led 110 members in KDE during bi-monthly meetings, providing service and fundraising opportunities, hosting induction, and planning formal Member Spring 2012 - Fall 2013 Pittsburgh Association of the Education of Young Children (PAEYC) Co- President Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Led 50 members during bi-monthly meetings and worked with the executive board to provide service opportunities,fundraising opportunities,and meeting activities for members Member Fall 2011 Fall 2013 Pi Lambda Theta The School of Education Honors Society Treasurer Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Lambda Sigma A Sophomore Honors Society Member Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 Phi Eta Sigma A Freshman Honors Society Member Fall 2012 Spring 2013 School of Education Ambassador Fall 2012 Present TECHNICAL SKILLS Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Apple Pages, Apple Numbers, and Apple Keynote Familiar with websites and applications such as Animoto, Blabberize, Go Animate, Glogster, Google Doc, Google Form, Google Sites, iBook, iMovie, Garage Band, Popplet, Presi, Voki, Weebly, Wix, Wordle