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Advanced Topics in
Database Management
Evgeny Karataev
The instructor
 Evgeny Karataev
 Where/how to 鍖nd:
 In class: Tuesdays, 12:00 noon - 2:50 pm, IS 403
 Of鍖ce Hours: online and by appointment
 email: epk8@pitt.edu
What this class is about
 You know what a relational database and a database
management system are (INFSCI 2710)
 Do you think that [one] [R]DBMS on [single] machine is
enough to handle todays volume, velocity and variety
of the data?
What this class is about
 Topics that will be covered in this class:
 Data Integration (OLAP and Data Warehousing,
Virtual Data Integration)
 Distributed and Parallel Databases (including
distributed transactions and query execution)
 NoSQL databases, NewSQL databases (Main Memory
 Cluster Computing (Hadoop and other animals, Spark)
The textbooks
 Too many to list here
 there is no single book that covers all topics
 so I will post selected chapters of online available
books, blog posts and research papers before or after
each lecture
Class components
 Homework Assignments
 Students DB tools overview presentations
 Term Research & Development Project
 Midterm exam
 Final exam
 Lectures slides will be available online usually a day
before the class.
 Sometime you might be asked to bring your laptop to
the class for lab work.
 Sometimes I will do demos of the DB systems related to
the class material.
Homework Assignments
 So far I planned 4 assignments fairly well spread over the
semester. However this might change to 5, 6 or 3.
 Assignment are usually very practical and are based on
the material learned in the class. You might be need to do
some programing.
 All assignments need to be submitted ONLINE
(assignments will have submission instructions)
 All assignments are group based (2 or 3 people per group)
Students DB tools overview presentations
 Each student (or maybe in groups of 2 or 3) will have to make 10
minutes presentation about a database system sometime during
the term (I will provide the list of the database systems). The
presentation must include:
 Architecture/Main idea/Main approach.
 Advantages and Disadvantages.
 How it differs from other systems.
 When it is applicable and when not.
 Where to learn more about it.
Term Research Project
 An original R&D project in groups of 5-6 people
 Most probably a lot learning and programming
 In class project progress reports/demos every other week (up to 15
minutes max)
 One 鍖nal written report
 One 鍖nal demo
 Project ideas will be provided by me, but you are welcome to
propose yours
 Projects development will be managed via github
 Both Midterm and Final exams are open notes, but no
computers and/or phones.
 Final exam is cumulative.
 No sample exam questions will be posted or
Late Policy
 Homework and Project reports are due at the beginning
of class on the due date. Homework and project reports
can be turned in the following class for a 25% penalty.
Nothing will be accepted after that time.
 This course is being offered for three credits. The
grading is as follows:
 Homework Assignments: 20 %
 DB tool presentation: 10 %
 Midterm exam: 20 %
 Project: 25 %
 Final exam: 25 %
Class Q&A (and more) Management System
 This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion.
The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and
ef鍖ciently from classmates, and myself. Rather than
emailing questions to me, I encourage you to post your
questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or
feedback for the developers, email team@piazza.com.
 Find our class page at: https://piazza.com/pitt/
Piazza Demo
Extra Credits to your grades
 Top 5 most active users on Piazza will get 5 extra points
 Active users are those who:
 ask many and GOOD questions
 answer questions posted by others (preferably
before I answer)

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  • 1. INFSCI 2711 Advanced Topics in Database Management Instructor: Evgeny Karataev
  • 2. The instructor Evgeny Karataev Where/how to 鍖nd: In class: Tuesdays, 12:00 noon - 2:50 pm, IS 403 Of鍖ce Hours: online and by appointment email: epk8@pitt.edu
  • 3. What this class is about Prerequisites: You know what a relational database and a database management system are (INFSCI 2710) Do you think that [one] [R]DBMS on [single] machine is enough to handle todays volume, velocity and variety of the data?
  • 4. What this class is about Topics that will be covered in this class: Data Integration (OLAP and Data Warehousing, Virtual Data Integration) Distributed and Parallel Databases (including distributed transactions and query execution) NoSQL databases, NewSQL databases (Main Memory Databases) Cluster Computing (Hadoop and other animals, Spark)
  • 5. The textbooks Too many to list here there is no single book that covers all topics so I will post selected chapters of online available books, blog posts and research papers before or after each lecture
  • 6. Class components Lectures/Demos/Labs Homework Assignments Students DB tools overview presentations Term Research & Development Project Midterm exam Final exam
  • 7. Lectures/Demos/Labs Lectures slides will be available online usually a day before the class. Sometime you might be asked to bring your laptop to the class for lab work. Sometimes I will do demos of the DB systems related to the class material.
  • 8. Homework Assignments So far I planned 4 assignments fairly well spread over the semester. However this might change to 5, 6 or 3. Assignment are usually very practical and are based on the material learned in the class. You might be need to do some programing. All assignments need to be submitted ONLINE (assignments will have submission instructions) All assignments are group based (2 or 3 people per group)
  • 9. Students DB tools overview presentations Each student (or maybe in groups of 2 or 3) will have to make 10 minutes presentation about a database system sometime during the term (I will provide the list of the database systems). The presentation must include: Architecture/Main idea/Main approach. Advantages and Disadvantages. How it differs from other systems. When it is applicable and when not. Where to learn more about it.
  • 10. Term Research Project An original R&D project in groups of 5-6 people Most probably a lot learning and programming In class project progress reports/demos every other week (up to 15 minutes max) One 鍖nal written report One 鍖nal demo Project ideas will be provided by me, but you are welcome to propose yours Projects development will be managed via github
  • 11. Exams Both Midterm and Final exams are open notes, but no computers and/or phones. Final exam is cumulative. No sample exam questions will be posted or distributed.
  • 12. Late Policy Homework and Project reports are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Homework and project reports can be turned in the following class for a 25% penalty. Nothing will be accepted after that time.
  • 13. Grading This course is being offered for three credits. The grading is as follows: Homework Assignments: 20 % DB tool presentation: 10 % Midterm exam: 20 % Project: 25 % Final exam: 25 %
  • 14. Class Q&A (and more) Management System This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and ef鍖ciently from classmates, and myself. Rather than emailing questions to me, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email team@piazza.com. Find our class page at: https://piazza.com/pitt/ spring2015/infsci2711/home
  • 16. Extra Credits to your grades Top 5 most active users on Piazza will get 5 extra points Active users are those who: ask many and GOOD questions answer questions posted by others (preferably before I answer)