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An Adaptive Bike for Ashleigh...
An adaptive-bike for Ashleigh

Ashleigh Coleman isnt your typical American teenager. She is an earthbound angel. When she
was born her parents SFC Charles & Sharon Coleman were told she would only be here for a
short while and not to expect too much from little Ashleigh. In spite of the doctors diagnosis,
Ashleigh has been touching hearts for the last 16 years, giving everyone she comes in contact
with hope and inspiration that anything is possible as long as you have faith in God and believe
in miracles.

This is Ashleighs story:
Ashleigh Coleman is a freshman at Jackson County Comprehensive High School with a career
concentration in Early Childhood education and development, an active member of Living Word
Worship Center where she participates in all Youth Group activities and volunteers with
Smallville ages 3-5 years. She volunteers with her fathers Military Family Readiness Group
assisting with Events and activities for the youth. Ashleigh enjoys singing, dancing, listening to
music and making new friends.

Ashleigh was born with multiple birth defects to include a cardiac defect, lung, digestive system
and limb deformities. She has endured 15 surgeries and a magnitude of various other medical
procedures to sustain her multiple medical conditions. Her most recent diagnosis of aplastic
anemia has caused the need for many blood transfusions over the last year and will eventually
lead to the need for a bone marrow transplant. Recently her three siblings were tested to see if
they were a bone marrow match, however the results were not what her family hoped for.
Ashleigh will be placed on the bone marrow registry once she reaches the critical phase of
needing blood transfusions every two weeks, per her physician.

Over the last sixteen years Ashleigh has worked with multiple disciplines to include speech
language pathology, occupational and physical therapy to assist her in meeting fine and gross
motor skills necessary to function independently. Ashleigh has managed to meet all goals set for
her over the last 16 years with the exception of one, riding a bicycle. So as most sixteen year
olds are wishing for a new car and passing their drivers test, Ashleigh and her parents only
wish was for her to meet the only goal left unaccomplished, to independently ride a bicycle.

It is not possible for Ashleigh to ride a normal 2 wheeled bike. So a family friend went on a
mission to find away to make Ashleighs Sweet 16th birthday extra special. This friend went to
American Legion Post 251 and told them how amazing Ashleigh was and that for her 16th
birthday we could help her reach yet another milestone. They were totally on board! The
American Legion went out in search of this special bike for Ashleigh. They ordered the bike and
it finally arrived on Wednesday August 9, 2012. Jack Theilman, one of our devoted members,
put all the parts together to form this bike. Thank you Jack!!

The Coleman family was asked to come to the American Legion Post 251 in Duluth, GA for a
secret surprise for Ashleigh! When the Coleman family arrived the American Legion, American
Legion Auxiliary, and Kim Garrett, Family Assistance Coordinator, GA, National Guard
presented Ashleigh with a 3 wheeled bike she could ride independently!
Ashleigh's life milestones and accomplishments have included her first open heart surgery
(5weeks), first stomach surgery and gastric feeding tube placed (2 months), first foot surgery (5
months), sitting up unsupported (11 months), speaking first words (13 months), eating solid
foods by mouth; all liquids were tube fed due to primary aspiration (15months), crawling (18
months), walking (26months), graduate of Challenged Child and Friends special needs school (6
years), kindergarten graduate (8 years), ALL tube feedings ended and gastric feeding tube
removed (9years), Lions Club Writing Award (11 years, 5th grade), Rotary Club Middle School
Leadership Award (15years, 8th grade), Camp Braveheart Courage Award (15 years, 8th year
camper first time completing the zip line) and her most recent accomplishment Riding a bike
Independently (16years). Throughout her life endeavors, developmental delays and many
painful procedures she has continued to grow spiritually in her faith in God, love of her family
and friends and continues to always keep a positive outlook on life with a happy personality.

Ashleigh is the daughter of SFC Charles & Sharon Coleman the sister of Haleigh, CJ & Gabriel
Sergeant First Class Coleman is currently serving with Echo Company, 148th Brigade Support
Battalion, 48th Infantry Brigade, of the Georgia National Guard. SFC Coleman began his
military career in 1990 with the Marine Corps. He served in support of Operations Desert Storm,
Desert Shield, and Liberation of Kuwait with the Marine Corps. SFC Coleman took a break in
service from 1994 to 2000. In October 2000 SFC Coleman joined Charlie 1st of the 121st
Infantry Regiment Mechanized in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He has been married
21 years to his wife Sharon.

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An Adaptive Bike for Ashleigh...

  • 2. An adaptive-bike for Ashleigh Ashleigh Coleman isnt your typical American teenager. She is an earthbound angel. When she was born her parents SFC Charles & Sharon Coleman were told she would only be here for a short while and not to expect too much from little Ashleigh. In spite of the doctors diagnosis, Ashleigh has been touching hearts for the last 16 years, giving everyone she comes in contact with hope and inspiration that anything is possible as long as you have faith in God and believe in miracles. This is Ashleighs story: Ashleigh Coleman is a freshman at Jackson County Comprehensive High School with a career concentration in Early Childhood education and development, an active member of Living Word Worship Center where she participates in all Youth Group activities and volunteers with Smallville ages 3-5 years. She volunteers with her fathers Military Family Readiness Group assisting with Events and activities for the youth. Ashleigh enjoys singing, dancing, listening to music and making new friends. Ashleigh was born with multiple birth defects to include a cardiac defect, lung, digestive system and limb deformities. She has endured 15 surgeries and a magnitude of various other medical procedures to sustain her multiple medical conditions. Her most recent diagnosis of aplastic anemia has caused the need for many blood transfusions over the last year and will eventually lead to the need for a bone marrow transplant. Recently her three siblings were tested to see if they were a bone marrow match, however the results were not what her family hoped for. Ashleigh will be placed on the bone marrow registry once she reaches the critical phase of needing blood transfusions every two weeks, per her physician. Over the last sixteen years Ashleigh has worked with multiple disciplines to include speech language pathology, occupational and physical therapy to assist her in meeting fine and gross motor skills necessary to function independently. Ashleigh has managed to meet all goals set for her over the last 16 years with the exception of one, riding a bicycle. So as most sixteen year olds are wishing for a new car and passing their drivers test, Ashleigh and her parents only wish was for her to meet the only goal left unaccomplished, to independently ride a bicycle. It is not possible for Ashleigh to ride a normal 2 wheeled bike. So a family friend went on a mission to find away to make Ashleighs Sweet 16th birthday extra special. This friend went to American Legion Post 251 and told them how amazing Ashleigh was and that for her 16th birthday we could help her reach yet another milestone. They were totally on board! The American Legion went out in search of this special bike for Ashleigh. They ordered the bike and it finally arrived on Wednesday August 9, 2012. Jack Theilman, one of our devoted members, put all the parts together to form this bike. Thank you Jack!! The Coleman family was asked to come to the American Legion Post 251 in Duluth, GA for a secret surprise for Ashleigh! When the Coleman family arrived the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Kim Garrett, Family Assistance Coordinator, GA, National Guard presented Ashleigh with a 3 wheeled bike she could ride independently!
  • 3. Ashleigh's life milestones and accomplishments have included her first open heart surgery (5weeks), first stomach surgery and gastric feeding tube placed (2 months), first foot surgery (5 months), sitting up unsupported (11 months), speaking first words (13 months), eating solid foods by mouth; all liquids were tube fed due to primary aspiration (15months), crawling (18 months), walking (26months), graduate of Challenged Child and Friends special needs school (6 years), kindergarten graduate (8 years), ALL tube feedings ended and gastric feeding tube removed (9years), Lions Club Writing Award (11 years, 5th grade), Rotary Club Middle School Leadership Award (15years, 8th grade), Camp Braveheart Courage Award (15 years, 8th year camper first time completing the zip line) and her most recent accomplishment Riding a bike Independently (16years). Throughout her life endeavors, developmental delays and many painful procedures she has continued to grow spiritually in her faith in God, love of her family and friends and continues to always keep a positive outlook on life with a happy personality. Ashleigh is the daughter of SFC Charles & Sharon Coleman the sister of Haleigh, CJ & Gabriel Coleman. Sergeant First Class Coleman is currently serving with Echo Company, 148th Brigade Support Battalion, 48th Infantry Brigade, of the Georgia National Guard. SFC Coleman began his military career in 1990 with the Marine Corps. He served in support of Operations Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and Liberation of Kuwait with the Marine Corps. SFC Coleman took a break in service from 1994 to 2000. In October 2000 SFC Coleman joined Charlie 1st of the 121st Infantry Regiment Mechanized in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He has been married 21 years to his wife Sharon.