Health Education Library for People
Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Mumbai Area, India, Maharashtra India
Medical / Health Care / Pharmaceuticals
Patient education is an integral part of health care delivery across medical centers in developed countries thus encouraging active patient participation and ensuring far better compliance and patient satisfaction.
It was this very dream that inspired Dr. Aniruddha and Dr. Anjali Malpani, who founded HELP in 1997, with a dream to make each and every individual in this country aware of his rights and responsibilities as a patient, of ways people could reduce the burden of health care expenses by planning and educating themselves "before" a serious medical problem could strike their family, and how doctors and patients could join hands to achieve health for all.
What started as a resourc...
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health education library for people
help library
dr.aniruddha malpani
health library
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health education
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dr. aniruddha malpani
ms. rukmini iyer
health talks
ms. kinjal pandya
ms. varshha paatkar
putting patients first conference
information therapy
draniruddha malpani
mr. prashant sawant
ms. anu mehta
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health education library
col. amarjit nagi
health literacy
dr. sanjyot pethe
dr. aniruddh malpani
mr. abhay valsangkar
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ms. paulomi pandit
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ms. prema kodical
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ms. paulomi pandit upadhyay
mr. sudhir pai
mr. aminali panjwani
dr. anu mehta
patient community
dr. rahul joshi
myth and mind
ms. ashwini chube
mr. anand ghurye
putting patients first
mr. nilesh mandlecha
dr. darbha aneeta
prof. dr. sushmita bhatnagar
dr. swati joshi
dr. ghazala shaikh
prashant sawant
mr. devang shah
ms. natasha fernandes
second opinion
patient-doctor relationship
mr. ajit telang
helen osborne
ms. veena iyer
dr. ashok balsekar
dr. prakash khalap
pre and post marital therapy
col amarjit nagi
dr. jayshree yeshwante
dr. aditya agrawal
informed patients
how to talk to your doctor
dr. aniruddha malpan
by dr. zubeda tumbi
poisoning with sugar
by ms. swati jadhav
mrs. pooja salvi
mr. vishal mandot
drdhananjay gambhire
mr. ajit vidyadharan
emotional intelligence
ms. varshha pattkar
health and happiness
mrs. reeta kamble
patient communication
stress management
by mr. nilesh mandlecha
menstrual cycle
dr. shaikh nikhat
ort help talks
joint pain & heaviness in the body
karuna karma soul healing with dna healing
sant kabir and mental health - part 1
magic of subconscious mind for healthy life
ms. nalini dave
managing anxiety
ms. jai bapat
dr uday shah
listen to nature 7 year cycles of life
laws of karmas
meditation passive and active
col.amarjit nagi
applications of nlp part 5: the milton model
applications of nlp: part 6- metaphors
applications of nlp part 8: collapsing anchor
applications of nlp part 9: fast phobia cure
bach flower therapy part 6: the type remedies
bleeding per rectum in children
prof. sushmita n. bhatnagar
mr johnson thomas
depression and how we combat it for suicide preven
divine relationship
emotional intelligence – understand and manage y
mr. indra p narang
sai vibrionics a divine gift for mankind
mrs. milan s. dhople
four noble truths: nine fold path to happiness &
healthy food habits in children
dr. sapna shah
prevent heart attack - simple tips by mr.imtiyas k
mr.imtiyas kondkari
how to improve chances of delivering a healthy bab
understanding and treating major urological proble
bollywoods effect on mental health of indians
lose fat not your weight
homeopathic remedies for uterine fibroids
identifying and treating abdominal lump in childre
how to solve problems with effective communication
how to tackle relations using emotional intelligen
hypno birthing
neuro dynamic programming
does your child have a hernia ? inguino genital co
applications of nlp part 3: the swish pattern
cervical pain
sujok acupressure for back
sujok acupressure knee
tips on diabetes & back pain
vedic neuro linguistic programming (nlp)
mrs. sadhana gangan
god knows only four words
ms. parveen sharma
karuna yog
by mr. vishal mandot
personality development in spirituality - part 1
overcoming shame
diabetes etc
sujok accupressure specially tips for joints pain
you have to become a question itself before you st
yoga for holistic health
ms. kamlesh lakhera
yoga for hypertension
ms. vasumathi sriganesh
how to search online for reliable health informati
emotions - hurt
shame and anger
ms. susmita mitra
cancer awareness
holistic healing through brain power
mr. sushant mysorekar
improve your brain power
ms. khyati jain
boosting metabolism
healing journey – choices & solutions after abus
corporate spirituality
sensitivity strongne personified natram muriaticum
astrology for good health – the yin yang conundr
ancient wisdom for modern problems
applications of nlp part 2: modalities and represe
injuries in children
fears & phobia
society’s greatest torture - suppression of sex
skin ailments psoriasis
secrets of infinite happiness
mr. shaam kodilkar
art therapy for prevention of suicide
preksha meditation for emotional & psychological h
mrs. meena sabadra
successful struggle of polio free india
past life regression
dr. uday shah
patient’s rights and duties
parenting : be the best friend of your child
dr imtiyaz kondkari
brain diseases: ocd & bdd
obesity self control
miracles of brain
mindful awareness-– sans choice
health & healing
mental ailments --not a stigma
jaundice in children
mr.devang shah
ms.prema kodical
hypothyroidism..... not just a woman's disease
what are you doing with your precious life?
what am i doing with my precious life
vomiting in children
mrs. chandra nagi
the power of compassion
power of your dreams
the challenge of finding the true causes of diseas
mr. sunny dasgupta
learning about thalassemia
dr. raksha shah
the science of tapa (austerities) – its true ess
super- skilling the human brain
mr.sushant mysorkar
stretch... release... go...
spiritual psychology
patient education center
satellite library
dr dinesh toprani
juice therapy
mrs deepti bansal seth
weight loss
cleansing processes
shanti chawhan
dratul pednekar
self empowerment
dr shreeram vaidya
heart burn
role of patients in the healthcare system
helping doctors to become more patient-centric
drshalini ratan
indian doctors and uk doctors what can we learn fr
dr abeezar i sarela
drnikhil datar
promoting patient safety
mrparag vora
producing patient educational material in india
social need for cost effective clinical practice
puuting patients first conference
dr s v nadkarni
drzinobia madan
internet for patients
vandana gupta
patient empowerment
corporate social responsibility
national network of patient education
drabhijeet redij
drshreeram vaidya
cleansing therapy
female sex
google transliteration
google translate
indic ime
my healthpedia
edit in hindi
health education wiki
drpiyush saxena
wetpaint wiki
health wiki
dr gayatridevi
dr rohan bartake
help libary
old age
senior citizens
drdhanamjay gambhire
face yoga
help libray
eye yoga
drsanjay mongia
drsandeep kataria
dr aniruddha malpani
how to secure your mental health
johnson thomas
meaning of life by col amarjit nagi
meaning of life
constipation in infants & children
an approach to life religion vs spirituality
mystery of life and death:mankinds greatest parado
dr rita savla
trauma care management and role of homeopathy
mind to no mind
brain programming- part ii
ekam dhyanam new chakras and kundalini
easy to read
asthma management
nrip nihalani
engaging patients
dr.dilip nadkarni
manish kumar
soul tracking: life after life
bach flower therapy part 4: remedies for lonelines
bach flower therapy part 3
bach flower therapy part 2
ms jai bapat
assertiveness training
brain programming
col amarjit nagi
are you living a life true to your hearts calling
an interlude: hypertension – alzheimer’s
yoga for alzheimer's disease
devang shah
col amarjit nagi
are you living your life or waiting for your death
effects of financial health on physical health
simple yogic kriyas for hygiene of senses
kamlesh lakhera
how to improve emotional health
past-present-future...: the mystic karmic connecti
support group
support groups
developing nations
medical intern
medical student
sources of health information
legal rights
legal information
information technology
how to research your medical problem
medical journals
preventing medication errors
mrk s sankar medimanage
how health insurance companies can empower patient
msvandana gupta
what i wish every doctor knew the patients perspe
harshad kamdar
patient advocacy
role of health libraries
medha joshi
promoting health literacy to put patients first
philipa bragman
radhika sachdev
health radii
dr.jaya bajaj
dr.anita patil deshmukh
anemia hindi
pamphlet anemia
hindi pamphlet
pamphlet acne
medical curriculum
patient expectations
learning disabilities
mrrajendra p gupta
r. sanjyot pethe
relevance to health
personal boundaries
dengue fevers
story of life
placebo effect on health
power of mind
relationship and communication
be unstoppable for success
mr. pavan badllani
healing emotional pain
trauma and spirituality
dr. sanjyot pethe
21st century
leadership tenets
transform to perform
ms. amruta deshpande bhatia
mind exercises for a healthy pregnancy
anger management through dance movement therapy (d
aarogyam dhansampada
mr. anant ghanekar
responsibility and health
advanced nlp series part 9 meta programmes
rukmini iyer
adverse childhood experiences
extra mile
mr. sid shah
healthy lessons from the movie "corporate"
healthy life style and diet – an ayurvedic perspec
healthy life style and diet
healthy life style
dr. sangita medi
advanced nlp series part – 8 : ‘integration of str
advanced nlp series part - 7 : path to success
paradigm & principles for healthy mind & body
anger is a crucial emotion… don’t ignore
relationships & health
personal transformation series part 2 : working be
bipolar depression through yoga
bipolar depression
bipolar disorder
trauma and nlp
ms. pratima shah
happiness and harmony in life
reiki for health
3d body imaging & molecular medicine
dr. hemant khatri
mr. johnson thomas
positive pep-talks to root out negativity from our
smoking and it's ill effects
health information
ask the health expert
senior health tips
senior health issues
healthy aging
transform to perform - leadership tenets for the 2
dr. rajeev puri
body connection
common digestive disorders
layers of the mind
advanced nlp series part 5: shifting states
advanced nlp series part- 6 : the stroop effect
total health
mental emotional and physical
dr.ashok balsekar
non perfect
mr.nilesh mandlecha
mud therapy
spiritual wellbeing
5 layers of the body & living a good life
soft skills and patient management in health care
health talk
making relationships better part 2
dr.tejswi kamble
optimum cellular health
mr. hemant doshi
good decisions
abhay valsangkar
conquer your fears
fear to courage
ms. mitchelle d’mello
social media
liver cirrhosis
decoding our mind
connecting to creative self
life skills
resilience of vibhishana
cardiac psychology
understanding intuition of your body
10 myths
about your health
story of osiris
dr. arunaagiri mudaaliar
home makers
dance movement therapy
ms. usha mishra
how to deal with depression and anxiety
ms. anita chandnani
the body connection
fixed mindset
growth mindset
sexual health
therapeutic use of play
child well-being
sort stress with matrix reimprinting
help talks health education library for people
how did they do it?
the nervous system
health- a state of mind
why do people lie
what is stress according to meta health
understanding child birth
why retreats are important
marital discord and divorce
understanding ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder
respect…..second name for love
adverse childhood experiences and its impact on he
inner world
access consciousness - bars
stories for healing
inner prometheus
archetype of arjuna
shades of ego
life beyond pain
ms. dipika belapurkar
emotions affect your health
self esteem
learning disability
ms. mitchelle d'mello
5 easy steps to reprogram your mind
food and chakras
ms. rita gandhi
vertical relationship
understanding childbirth part 2
student's stress buster
joint pain
by mr. aminali panjwani
back pain & diabetes
by ms. varshha paatkar
unconscious mind
angelic reiki- part 2
by mr. shubham jain
psychological soul karma
know the hidden quality of your child
by mrs. devaki shetty
nutrition for healthy growth in children
neuro dynamic management– fat loss
by mr. anand ghurye
wellbeing: an introduction of the holistic health
by mr. vatsal doctor
do miracles happen?
by col. amarjit nagi & mrs. chandra nagi
counselling skills for layman
by ms. prema kodical
fitness - protect your lower back
by ms. nalini dave
mr. ramesh bandaram
live your dreams
management of obesity in unani system of medicine
ms. shaikh nikhat
ms. pushpalata gadde
know your hidden potential through graphology
corporate parenting
children psychology
ms. nisha sangoi
how to read person like a book
mrs. pradnya mandlecha
art of giving
ms. zenobia khodaiji
healing your body
success principles of life
rights and duties of doctors - part 2
internal family systems part 3: understanding the
integrated approach of yoga therapy
can water heal?
art of healing
tips on knee pain
by ms. rukmini iyer
angelic reiki
abdominal pain in children
mind games -- power of words
good mental health of a child
panchkosh: 5 layers of existence in humans
manisfesting dreams
ms.swati jadhav
meeting your angels
mind and body connection
col.amarjeet nagi
inculcate self confidence & self belief
how patient advocacy can heal a sick healthcare sy
dr. imtiyaz kondkari
obesity - best way to manage your weight
mrs. radhika bhalerao
child safety
mrs vasumathi sriganesh
find health information on the internet – using
dr. harshavardhan kale
prevention of frailty in old people – a public h
channelizing with higher masters
winning mindset and healing
swadisthan chakra
muladhara chakra
nirvana and enlightment
manipur chakra
integrated healing
internal family systems part 1: an introduction
defense mechanisms: our in-built coping strategies
corporate couching and improving mental health amo
brain programming - part 3
mystery mix of meta-health and luscher color syste
the importance of yogic diet for complete well bei
osteoporosis of bones
by dr. prakash khalap
by mr. sunil chhaya
introduction to the law of attraction
nutrition for the elderly
by mrs. reeta kamble
bringing about change
applications of nlp: part-10
maintaining body balance through probiotics
mr. hussian sabuwala
life is meant to be lived not suffered
do marks on your body say something about you
how can angels help us!!!
art of thinking clearly - using mind
what is happiness and how to be happy?
burn that belly fat
essence of life - wisdom of the 'idiots'
delving into the feminine part 4: the stages of an
how we generate karma & how to heal karma
psychosomatic disorders in unani system
skin problems and meta- health
money karma by mr. vishal mandot
menopause and andropause
lifestyle and mental health
ms. vijayanka shah
how to increase consciousness
management of pcos in unani system
mr. munish khanna
healthy heart
floss and brush teeth
blood pressure
trans fat
fruits and vegetable
quit smoking
how i overcame asthma: some tips
do’s & don’ts
dr. jayshree yeshwant
yoga therapy
karma destiny and reincarnation
delving into the feminine part 9 maintaining congr
delving into the feminine part 8 being fluid
how to use mirror for perfect health
why relationships fail
mind body healing for awareness expansion
short help talks
delving into the feminine part 6 :cultivating pres
how to deal with work place stress
mr. rajesh jauhari
handwriting reflects mental and physical health
falls in elderly
effect of media on children’s health
dr. forum shah
delving into the feminine part 1: the archetype
spiritual law of giving for perfect health
what is aura
mrs. swati patankar
teenage and sexual problems
improve your memory
road safety- safer and defensive driving
dr. rita savla
spiritual reality consciousness
maintaining the body balance with probiotics
mr. hussain sabuwala
aura chakra- soul
mind and meditation
neuro dynamic management -think & lose fat
internal family systems
healing the mind: law of attraction
energy healing – violet flame healing
emotional healing
why someone gets depressed
delving into the feminine part 3: the gender spect
delving into the feminine part 2: the heroine's jo
cosmic energy and human consciousness
understanding facts and myths about cancer and its
dr. sunita polampalli
7 spiritual laws of perfect health
total health for age 50 + yoga help
straighten your back… look taller
astrology and health
ms. sonal jain
religion and spirituality
women’s health issues- period problems
misuse of feminism
mind management: understanding time
thoughts and emotions by mr. sudhir pai
mind consciousness
what is medical negligence
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