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P.O.BOX 910454 AMMAN 11191 JORDAN
PHONE +962 791420446
E-mail: halanamous@hotmail.com
To attain a convenient position in a growing environment where I can utilize my
experience to the maximum, participate in achieving the organizations goals and
improving my knowledge and experience in Computer Information Systems.
 Date of Birth: 12-September-1991
 Place of Birth: Amman-Jordan
 Nationality: Jordanian
 Gender: Female
 Marital Status: Married.
 Bachelor Degree in Computer Information System
Jordan University  Jordan
(GPA: 3.69 out of 4)
Rating : Excellent
2009 - 2013
 High School Certificate
AL Orouba School -Amman, Jordan
Information Management Stream
Graduation Date: 2009
 Online Examination System for schools
Using Vb.net and SQL server.
 Arabic: Fluent; Spoken and written.
 English: Fluent; Spoken and written.
 Microsoft: Word, PowerPoint and outlook
 VB.Net : Very Good
 3D MAX : Good
 Illustrator : Good
 C# : Good
 ASP.net: Basic Knowledge.
 Training at Umniah Telecommunication Company
1 July 2012  26 July 2012
Training at the IT Department at Umniah Telecommunication Company
focusing on the basics of Oracle.
 Illustrator: From the University of Jordan
September 2011
30 Hour Training Course focusing on using the different tools in Illustrator.
 ASP.net: From Microsoft Student Partner Tech Club
February 2012
30 Hour Training Course focusing on the basics of ASP.net language for
designing web pages.
- Asamiah International School (AIS)
15 June 2013 - Present
Job Title : E-Systems supervisor and Social Media coordinator
Job responsibilities :
 Eskadenia system administrator :
1. Adding new Programs.
2. Adding new Streams.
3. Making new Plans.
4. Adding new Courses.
5. Making complex courses.
6. Managing plans.
7. Making Promotions for students.
8. Removing transferred students from the system.
9. Removing resigned teachers from the system and make them inactive.
10.Activating new teachers and make usernames and passwords for them.
11.Changing the Academic Year.
12.Activating the First semester.
13.Making Homerooms.
14.Assigning teachers to their classes on the system.
15.Assigning students to courses.
16.Linking new students to finger prints.
17.Uploading academic year calendar.
18.Preparing ministry and school certificates and printing them.
19.Assigning employees to specific roles.
 ICDL administrator :
1. Making a List of grade 7 & 8 students on the server for every new
academic year.
2. Updating groups on center manager constantly.
3. Adding new students on ICDL admin site.
4. Ordering skill cards for new students.
5. Ordering Real and Mock Exams.
6. Ordering Books.
7. Ordering Certificates for grade 8 students.
8. Booking sessions for Real exams during the year
9. Downloading mock and real exams when requested.
10.Arranging for summer courses for new / failing students.
 AIS parents' portal administrator :
1. Updating parents groups on the portal on a regular basis.
2. Updating teachers group on the portal
3. Generating users for parents and students in order to login AIS
4. Sending circulars to parents.
5. Sending assignments to students.
6. Updating portal's calendar.
 Destiny system administrator (library system).
1. Making promotions for students.
2. Adding new students.
3. Removing transferred students.
4. Adding new teachers.
5. Removing resigned teachers.
6. Making users for new students on Destiny and Britannica.
7. Updating Destinys home page on a regular basis.
 Ticketing system administrator (Support).
1. Submitting systems problems on Eskadenia ticketing system.
2. Following up with the support team in order to resolve all opened
3. Following up with the financial team to make sure that their problems
were solved.
 E-Systems research and development :
1. Searching for new systems that serve schools requirements upon
management request.
2. Making comparisons on different systems.
3. Prepare a demo and present it to management.
4. Administrating the new system.
 School / KG Website coordinator:
1. Uploading events pictures.
2. Uploading school's news and events.
3. Uploading school's newsletter.
4. Updating the Calendar on a monthly basis.
5. Updating marquee on a weekly basis.
6. Updating staff list every new academic year.
7. Updating pages on regular basis.
8. Updating banners on a yearly basis.
 Social Media coordinator:
1. Photo shooting AIS events
2. Facebook Page Administrator
3. Twitter Page administrator
4. You tube Channel Administrator
 Other Responsibilities:
1. Finding sponsors for some of after school Clubs.
2. Conducting trainings for Interactive White Boards usage to teachers
An ambitious young girl, fast learner, hard worker, decision maker, leader,
able to develop personal skills continuously.

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Hala CV

  • 1. H A L A H U S S A M A B U N A M O U S P.O.BOX 910454 AMMAN 11191 JORDAN PHONE +962 791420446 E-mail: halanamous@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE To attain a convenient position in a growing environment where I can utilize my experience to the maximum, participate in achieving the organizations goals and improving my knowledge and experience in Computer Information Systems. PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 12-September-1991 Place of Birth: Amman-Jordan Nationality: Jordanian Gender: Female Marital Status: Married. EDUCATION Bachelor Degree in Computer Information System Jordan University Jordan (GPA: 3.69 out of 4) Rating : Excellent 2009 - 2013 High School Certificate AL Orouba School -Amman, Jordan Information Management Stream GPA:96.6 Graduation Date: 2009 GRADUATION PROJECT: Online Examination System for schools Using Vb.net and SQL server.
  • 2. LANGUAGES Arabic: Fluent; Spoken and written. English: Fluent; Spoken and written. SKILLS Microsoft: Word, PowerPoint and outlook VB.Net : Very Good 3D MAX : Good Illustrator : Good C# : Good ASP.net: Basic Knowledge. TRAINING COURSES: Training at Umniah Telecommunication Company 1 July 2012 26 July 2012 Training at the IT Department at Umniah Telecommunication Company focusing on the basics of Oracle. Illustrator: From the University of Jordan September 2011 30 Hour Training Course focusing on using the different tools in Illustrator. ASP.net: From Microsoft Student Partner Tech Club February 2012 30 Hour Training Course focusing on the basics of ASP.net language for designing web pages.
  • 3. CAREER SUMMARY: - Asamiah International School (AIS) 15 June 2013 - Present Job Title : E-Systems supervisor and Social Media coordinator Job responsibilities : Eskadenia system administrator : 1. Adding new Programs. 2. Adding new Streams. 3. Making new Plans. 4. Adding new Courses. 5. Making complex courses. 6. Managing plans. 7. Making Promotions for students. 8. Removing transferred students from the system. 9. Removing resigned teachers from the system and make them inactive. 10.Activating new teachers and make usernames and passwords for them. 11.Changing the Academic Year. 12.Activating the First semester. 13.Making Homerooms. 14.Assigning teachers to their classes on the system. 15.Assigning students to courses. 16.Linking new students to finger prints. 17.Uploading academic year calendar. 18.Preparing ministry and school certificates and printing them. 19.Assigning employees to specific roles.
  • 4. ICDL administrator : 1. Making a List of grade 7 & 8 students on the server for every new academic year. 2. Updating groups on center manager constantly. 3. Adding new students on ICDL admin site. 4. Ordering skill cards for new students. 5. Ordering Real and Mock Exams. 6. Ordering Books. 7. Ordering Certificates for grade 8 students. 8. Booking sessions for Real exams during the year 9. Downloading mock and real exams when requested. 10.Arranging for summer courses for new / failing students. AIS parents' portal administrator : 1. Updating parents groups on the portal on a regular basis. 2. Updating teachers group on the portal 3. Generating users for parents and students in order to login AIS portal. 4. Sending circulars to parents. 5. Sending assignments to students. 6. Updating portal's calendar. Destiny system administrator (library system). 1. Making promotions for students. 2. Adding new students. 3. Removing transferred students. 4. Adding new teachers. 5. Removing resigned teachers. 6. Making users for new students on Destiny and Britannica. 7. Updating Destinys home page on a regular basis.
  • 5. Ticketing system administrator (Support). 1. Submitting systems problems on Eskadenia ticketing system. 2. Following up with the support team in order to resolve all opened tickets. 3. Following up with the financial team to make sure that their problems were solved. E-Systems research and development : 1. Searching for new systems that serve schools requirements upon management request. 2. Making comparisons on different systems. 3. Prepare a demo and present it to management. 4. Administrating the new system. School / KG Website coordinator: 1. Uploading events pictures. 2. Uploading school's news and events. 3. Uploading school's newsletter. 4. Updating the Calendar on a monthly basis. 5. Updating marquee on a weekly basis. 6. Updating staff list every new academic year. 7. Updating pages on regular basis. 8. Updating banners on a yearly basis. Social Media coordinator: 1. Photo shooting AIS events 2. Facebook Page Administrator 3. Twitter Page administrator 4. You tube Channel Administrator
  • 6. Other Responsibilities: 1. Finding sponsors for some of after school Clubs. 2. Conducting trainings for Interactive White Boards usage to teachers PERSONALITY An ambitious young girl, fast learner, hard worker, decision maker, leader, able to develop personal skills continuously.