什麼是 .NET Standard?
.NET Standard 與 .NET Core 的曖昧關係
.NET today—reusing code
.NET tomorrow—reusing code
What's new in .NET Standard 2.0?
How does .NET Standard work?
Demo: .NET Standard Library vs. Class Library
Demo: .NET Portability Analyzer
Demo: Multi-Targeting with .NET Standard
Demo: .NET Standard 改寫包裝 EasyArchitect - 開發跨平台商業應用程式
This document discusses how Azure Bot Service provides a comprehensive framework for building conversational bots. It allows for extracting questions and answers from various data sources to create knowledge bases and multi-turn dialogs. The service also enables integrating bots with cognitive services for capabilities like entity extraction and with channels for deployment and analytics. It offers both no-code and code-based approaches to building bots along with tools for testing, deploying and improving models.
This document discusses using Azure Bot Service for developing chatbots. It mentions that Azure Bot Service provides tools for the entire bot development workflow using Bot Framework SDK in C# and JavaScript. It also discusses integrating bots with channels like LINE and embedding Web Chat into websites. Near the end, it provides some links to blog posts about Bot Framework V4 and the LUIS natural language understanding service.
This document discusses how Azure Bot Service provides a comprehensive framework for building conversational bots. It allows for extracting questions and answers from various data sources to create knowledge bases and multi-turn dialogs. The service also enables integrating bots with cognitive services for capabilities like entity extraction and with channels for deployment and analytics. It offers both no-code and code-based approaches to building bots along with tools for testing, deploying and improving models.
This document discusses using Azure Bot Service for developing chatbots. It mentions that Azure Bot Service provides tools for the entire bot development workflow using Bot Framework SDK in C# and JavaScript. It also discusses integrating bots with channels like LINE and embedding Web Chat into websites. Near the end, it provides some links to blog posts about Bot Framework V4 and the LUIS natural language understanding service.
AI and Machine Learning for .net developersIan Chen
This document provides an overview of the speaker's background and experience as well as an introduction to machine learning and how it can be used with .NET applications. The speaker has a master's degree in information education and has been a Microsoft MVP for 7 consecutive years. They discuss consuming pre-built AI models with Azure Cognitive Services and APIs or building custom machine learning models with ML.NET. Examples are provided of sentiment analysis, face detection, and building pipelines in ML.NET. Resources for learning more about artificial intelligence and machine learning in .NET are listed at the end.
This document discusses automating the mobile app lifecycle using HockeyApp and Xamarin Test Cloud. It covers building, testing, and distributing apps for platforms like iOS, Android, and UWP. Features include continuous integration, testing on real devices, submitting tests, signing and distributing builds, crash reporting and analytics, and using services like CodePush, Azure, and push notifications. It also mentions using Xamarin Live Player to test apps directly on a connected device from Visual Studio.
Xamarin allows developers to build native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows from a shared C# codebase. This allows sharing of code, resources, and APIs while still delivering fully native experiences. Developers can access 100% of the native APIs and build high performance mobile apps. Xamarin apps can also integrate with Azure services for user authentication, push notifications, offline sync, and consuming and building APIs.
This document discusses using Azure App Service to build a mobile app and website with an API backend. It describes the different types of apps that can be created in App Service, including Web Apps, Mobile Apps, API Apps and Logic Apps. It then provides steps to create an Azure API App using Visual Studio 2015 and publish it to App Service to easily build and consume cloud APIs.
This document discusses building a web application with ASP.NET MVC using Azure DocumentDB. It provides an overview of DocumentDB as a non-relational NoSQL document database in Azure that supports SQL queries and LINQ. It also shows code examples for connecting to a DocumentDB database and collection and querying documents using the DocumentClient.
This document discusses integrating Azure Logic Apps and API Apps for cross-platform app backends. It notes that full integration between Logic Apps and the new API Apps model is planned for early 2016. It also provides links about using Application Insights to monitor app performance and usage across various platforms, including mobile apps, and integrating it with Cordova apps.
Build mini - Windows 10 Dev & Cross platform DevIan Chen
This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation about Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Microsoft Edge, Visual Studio, and Cordova. It discusses UWP allowing developers to build apps that work across Windows 10 devices. It also summarizes that Edge is the new web browser replacing Internet Explorer, and has a new rendering engine. Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code are presented as tools for UWP and Cordova app development. Cordova is introduced as a tool for building cross-platform apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can be deployed to iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
22. 開發工具 – Visual Studio
Visual Studio Community
23. HTML 5 語法特徵
1 HTML 5
<!DOCTYPE html>
2 HTML 4
<!DOCTYPE html
1.0 Transitional//EN"
24. HTML 5 語法特徵
1 HTML 5
<meta charset=utf-8"/>
2 HTML 4
<meta http-
25. HTML 5 語法特徵
1 HTML 5
<link href=“"
rel="stylesheet" />
2 HTML 4
<link rel="stylesheet"
href=“……" >
26. HTML 5 語法特徵
1 HTML 5
2 HTML 4
src=“…….." >
40. Responsive Web Design
RWD 響應式網頁
? 在不同解析度下改變網頁頁面的排版佈置,
? 盡可能減少使用者為了瀏覽資訊,而進行
? Base on CSS3 Media queries
? The same HTML to all devices
? Bootstrap
Ethan Marcotte | 2011