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Richard Lee, Google Developer Expert for Firebase
Firebase & 快速打造 MVP
March 2023 @ GDSC NYCU
Google Developer Expert
? 在學創辦愛料理&INSIDE
? Google Developer Expert
? LINE API Expert
? 聯絡我:@dlackty
Richard Lee
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
哪些 Google 技術
可以快速幫助打造 惭痴笔?
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Firebase 百寶箱有很多?具
去找 Google Codelabs 范例抄
What Firebase can help you?
From build, to grow & enhance your app
? Develop
? Host your web app
? Store your data
? Enhance
? Make your app stable
? Analyze app usage
? Grow
? Remotely update UI or con
? Run A/B testing
Host your app
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Firebase Hosting
Super easy and fast hosting
? Backed by Google’s global network
? Suitable for all kind os front-end frameworks (Angular / React / Vue)
? Free custom domain & SSL support. Tra
c: 360 MB/day, $0.15/GB
? Need some backend logics?
? Integrate with Firebase Cloud Functions (Node.js)
? Integrate with Cloud Run (Docker-based environment)
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Store your data
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Cloud Firestore
If you know MongoDB, you know Firestore
? One of the best “serverless database” available in the world
? Support all major platforms across web & app
? Schema-free, store whatever you want
? Built-in o
ine support, and realtime sync between devices
? Integrate with other Firebase products well
import { collection, addDoc } from "firebase/firestore";
try {
const docRef = await addDoc(collection(db, "users"), {
first: "Ada",
last: "Lovelace",
born: 1815
console.log("Document written with ID: ", docRef.id);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error adding document: ", e);
Add data via Firestore
import { collection, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "users"));
Read data via Firestore
Make your app stable
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Firebase Crashlytics
Lightweight, realtime crash reporter
? The leading crash reporting service on Apple, Android, Flutter, and Unity
? Easy to integrate, takes less than 10 mins
? Receive realtime crash report via Email or Slack
? Try to keep 99% crash-free sessions
? Native integration with Android Studio & Google Play
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Analyze app usage
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Google Analytics (fka Firebase Analytics)
De-facto standard for app/web analytics
? Firebase’s Analytics product now becomes Google Analytics 4
? Google Analytics is the most used analytic app by internet professionals
? The legacy Google Analytics will be end-of-life on July 1, 2023
? You can analyze cross platforms usage and reduce duplications
? Powered by Google Signals
? Di
erent platform installed as “streams” of events into same GA property
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Remotely update UI or configs
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Firebase Remote Config
Change behaviors or UI without publishing an app update
? It works on native apps and also web!
? Basically it just a remotely fetched key-value dictionary
? With ability to provide di
erent value for di
erent kind of audiences
? We actually use it for “lightweight APIs”
? Banner / copywriting management for marketing
? Dynamically enable features for a speci
c period of time (e.g. LNY)
? Caution: The update might not be real-time. Be careful to add critical logics!
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Run A/B testing
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
Firebase A/B Testing
A/B testing for various Firebase features
? To use A/B testing, you need Google Analytics
? For measure and targeting
? Then Firebase A/B testing will help you
? Split targets into groups
? Run experiments with di
erent values
? Calculate the winning variant
 Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU
So many features covered in this session I know…
? The must haves
? Firebase Crashlytics - Try to make sure you have 99% crash-free sessions
? Google Analytics - De-facto standard for app/web analytics
? Nice to haves
? Firebase Remote Con
g - Save time APIs for marketing or testing
? Firebase A/B Testing - Easy way to do A/B testing right
? Others: Depends on your cases
What others Firebase can help you?
Some advanced use cases
? Firebase Messaging
? Send push messages
? Show in-app prompts
? Firebase Authentication
? Let user login with email / phone
? O
cial support Google / Facebook
? Community support LINE / ETH
? Firebase Test Lab
? Real devices on cloud for testing
? Firebase Dynamic Links
? Shortened URLs
? Deferred deep links to your app
? Firebase Extensions
? Pre-packaged solutions
Final remarks
As a student developer, please don’t miss some good things
? GitHub Student Developer Pack - Free domain / cloud / tools
? Google Summer of Code - Learn from open source experts
? Google Developer Student Club - Yes, this event
? Internship - The best chance to get into dream companies
? Graduate level courses - Make you di
erent than others

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博雅書苑 社教中心 Active Learning 自主學習計畫說明會 -蔡秀吉經驗分享簡報
博雅書苑 社教中心 Active Learning 自主學習計畫說明會 -蔡秀吉經驗分享簡報博雅書苑 社教中心 Active Learning 自主學習計畫說明會 -蔡秀吉經驗分享簡報
博雅書苑 社教中心 Active Learning 自主學習計畫說明會 -蔡秀吉經驗分享簡報
秀吉(Hsiu-Chi) 蔡(Tsai)

Firebase 基礎上手 |2小時由入門到精通 | GDSC NYCU

  • 1. Richard Lee, Google Developer Expert for Firebase Firebase & 快速打造 MVP March 2023 @ GDSC NYCU
  • 2. Google Developer Expert ? 在學創辦愛料理&INSIDE ? Google Developer Expert ? LINE API Expert ? 聯絡我:@dlackty Richard Lee
  • 9. What Firebase can help you? From build, to grow & enhance your app ? Develop ? Host your web app ? Store your data ? Enhance ? Make your app stable ? Analyze app usage ? Grow ? Remotely update UI or con fi gs ? Run A/B testing
  • 12. Firebase Hosting Super easy and fast hosting ? Backed by Google’s global network ? Suitable for all kind os front-end frameworks (Angular / React / Vue) ? Free custom domain & SSL support. Tra ffi c: 360 MB/day, $0.15/GB ? Need some backend logics? ? Integrate with Firebase Cloud Functions (Node.js) ? Integrate with Cloud Run (Docker-based environment)
  • 16. Cloud Firestore If you know MongoDB, you know Firestore ? One of the best “serverless database” available in the world ? Support all major platforms across web & app ? Schema-free, store whatever you want ? Built-in o ffl ine support, and realtime sync between devices ? Integrate with other Firebase products well
  • 17. import { collection, addDoc } from "firebase/firestore"; try { const docRef = await addDoc(collection(db, "users"), { first: "Ada", last: "Lovelace", born: 1815 }); console.log("Document written with ID: ", docRef.id); } catch (e) { console.error("Error adding document: ", e); } Add data via Firestore
  • 18. import { collection, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore"; const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "users")); querySnapshot.forEach((doc) = > { console.log(`${doc.id} = > ${doc.data()}`); }); Read data via Firestore
  • 19. Make your app stable
  • 21. Firebase Crashlytics Lightweight, realtime crash reporter ? The leading crash reporting service on Apple, Android, Flutter, and Unity ? Easy to integrate, takes less than 10 mins ? Receive realtime crash report via Email or Slack ? Try to keep 99% crash-free sessions ? Native integration with Android Studio & Google Play
  • 25. Google Analytics (fka Firebase Analytics) De-facto standard for app/web analytics ? Firebase’s Analytics product now becomes Google Analytics 4 ? Google Analytics is the most used analytic app by internet professionals ? The legacy Google Analytics will be end-of-life on July 1, 2023 ? You can analyze cross platforms usage and reduce duplications ? Powered by Google Signals ? Di ff erent platform installed as “streams” of events into same GA property
  • 29. Remotely update UI or configs
  • 31. Firebase Remote Config Change behaviors or UI without publishing an app update ? It works on native apps and also web! ? Basically it just a remotely fetched key-value dictionary ? With ability to provide di ff erent value for di ff erent kind of audiences ? We actually use it for “lightweight APIs” ? Banner / copywriting management for marketing ? Dynamically enable features for a speci fi c period of time (e.g. LNY) ? Caution: The update might not be real-time. Be careful to add critical logics!
  • 35. Firebase A/B Testing A/B testing for various Firebase features ? To use A/B testing, you need Google Analytics ? For measure and targeting ? Then Firebase A/B testing will help you ? Split targets into groups ? Run experiments with di ff erent values ? Calculate the winning variant
  • 37. Takeaways So many features covered in this session I know… ? The must haves ? Firebase Crashlytics - Try to make sure you have 99% crash-free sessions ? Google Analytics - De-facto standard for app/web analytics ? Nice to haves ? Firebase Remote Con fi g - Save time APIs for marketing or testing ? Firebase A/B Testing - Easy way to do A/B testing right ? Others: Depends on your cases
  • 38. What others Firebase can help you? Some advanced use cases ? Firebase Messaging ? Send push messages ? Show in-app prompts ? Firebase Authentication ? Let user login with email / phone ? O ffi cial support Google / Facebook ? Community support LINE / ETH ? Firebase Test Lab ? Real devices on cloud for testing ? Firebase Dynamic Links ? Shortened URLs ? Deferred deep links to your app ? Firebase Extensions ? Pre-packaged solutions
  • 39. Final remarks As a student developer, please don’t miss some good things ? GitHub Student Developer Pack - Free domain / cloud / tools ? Google Summer of Code - Learn from open source experts ? Google Developer Student Club - Yes, this event ? Internship - The best chance to get into dream companies ? Graduate level courses - Make you di ff erent than others
  • 40. Q&A