探索 API 開發的挑戰與解決之道 | .NET Conf 2023 TaiwanAlan Tsai
相信大家對於為什麼要把服務 API 化的原因都清楚了,但是該怎麼開始呢?如果要走 API Design First 那怎麼可以產生出好持續維護的 OpenAPI (Swagger) 文件作為溝通的 Contract 呢?API 開發完上線之後怎麼能夠確保安全,以及出錯如何追蹤問題呢?如果只是單純的 DB 異動的 CRUD 需要建立後端 API 嗎?隨著 API 數量變多怎麼收攏所有有提供的 API 呢?
在這場,我們來看一下針對一些 API First 遇到的問題,微軟提供了那些解決方案給我們。
This conference was .NET CONF Taiwan in 2022/12/10.
LangChain is one of the most mainstream frameworks for developing large language model applications. Its ease of use and simplicity enable developers to quickly build product prototypes. Azure Machine Learning is currently one of the most mainstream tools for AI research and application development. It offers comprehensive features and is well integrated with the Python and AI ecosystem.
This talk will introduce the basic concepts of LangChain, including key components such as Model, Chain, and Retriever, and will use the capabilities of Azure Machine Learning as examples. Additionally, it will discuss how to integrate LangChain into Azure Machine Learning and Azure Open AI, allowing developers to leverage the advantages of Azure Machine Learning to rapidly develop large language model applications.
GDSC Czech Technical University in Prague
Event link: https://gdsc.community.dev/e/mj8kbd/
Share GDSC CTU’s community planning, operation model and content.
The GDSC Lead Alex Tsai(蔡秀吉) will share GDSC CTU’s community vision and planning, community operation model and content.
Next, GDSC Lead will explain what kind of competition the Google Developer Solution challenge is? And encourage everyone to participate in the Solution challenge.
Welcome to join GDSC CTU. If you have any ideas about Solution challenge, please contact Chapter directly.
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探索 API 開發的挑戰與解決之道 | .NET Conf 2023 TaiwanAlan Tsai
相信大家對於為什麼要把服務 API 化的原因都清楚了,但是該怎麼開始呢?如果要走 API Design First 那怎麼可以產生出好持續維護的 OpenAPI (Swagger) 文件作為溝通的 Contract 呢?API 開發完上線之後怎麼能夠確保安全,以及出錯如何追蹤問題呢?如果只是單純的 DB 異動的 CRUD 需要建立後端 API 嗎?隨著 API 數量變多怎麼收攏所有有提供的 API 呢?
在這場,我們來看一下針對一些 API First 遇到的問題,微軟提供了那些解決方案給我們。
This conference was .NET CONF Taiwan in 2022/12/10.
LangChain is one of the most mainstream frameworks for developing large language model applications. Its ease of use and simplicity enable developers to quickly build product prototypes. Azure Machine Learning is currently one of the most mainstream tools for AI research and application development. It offers comprehensive features and is well integrated with the Python and AI ecosystem.
This talk will introduce the basic concepts of LangChain, including key components such as Model, Chain, and Retriever, and will use the capabilities of Azure Machine Learning as examples. Additionally, it will discuss how to integrate LangChain into Azure Machine Learning and Azure Open AI, allowing developers to leverage the advantages of Azure Machine Learning to rapidly develop large language model applications.
GDSC Czech Technical University in Prague
Event link: https://gdsc.community.dev/e/mj8kbd/
Share GDSC CTU’s community planning, operation model and content.
The GDSC Lead Alex Tsai(蔡秀吉) will share GDSC CTU’s community vision and planning, community operation model and content.
Next, GDSC Lead will explain what kind of competition the Google Developer Solution challenge is? And encourage everyone to participate in the Solution challenge.
Welcome to join GDSC CTU. If you have any ideas about Solution challenge, please contact Chapter directly.
The Cloud-Native Solution of Integrate Satellite Ground Station System and Te...秀吉(Hsiu-Chi) 蔡(Tsai)
This document proposes a cloud-native solution to integrate satellite ground station systems and telecommunication network systems. It discusses how traditional ground stations are customized for different frequency bands, making development costly. Software-defined radio (SDR) allows ground stations to use more powerful and virtualized signal processing. Open RAN and 5G networks are also moving to cloud-native architectures using containers. The proposed solution envisions ground stations and base stations as services on a shared cloud platform. An orchestration system could automate deploying containerized network functions across private clouds for ground stations and networks, integrating these systems in a cloud-native way.
授權條款:Creative Commons BY 4.0 (CC授權標示:姓名標示)
本議程將簡介開放基站架構 (O-RAN),同時介紹實現 AI/ML Cloud Native O-RAN 相關的網路功能 (NFs) 和組件 (Components)。
除此之外,本議程也將講解 O-Cloud 平台自動化管理與編排的開源工具 (Nephio)。
Nephio 是基於 Kubernetes 的雲原生自動化管理工具,以雲原生的方法配置底層雲基礎設施 (NF Infra),以及用於 O-Cloud 平台的 NF Deployment 和 NF LCM,用以實現 RAN 的 Intent-Based Networking (IBN) 意圖自動化部屬,和零接觸管理 Zero touch network and Service Management (ZSM),來提高電信服務可靠性和運營敏捷性 ,同時降低電信基礎設施的維運成本。
議程主題:O-RAN in B5G/6G
Topics: O-RAN in B5G/6G
Speaker: 蔡秀吉
This session will provide an introduction to the Open Radio Acess Network(O-RAN) Architecture, as well as the Network Functions (NFs) and components associated with the implementation of the AI/ML Cloud Native O-RAN.
In addition, this session will also cover nephio, an open source tool for automating the management and scheduling of the O-Cloud platform.
Nephio is a Kubernetes-based cloud-native automation management tool that takes a cloud-native approach to provisioning the underlying cloud infrastructure (NF Infra), as well as NF Deployment and NF LCM for the O-Cloud platform, to achieve the Intent-Based Networking (IBN), and Zero Touch Management (ZSM). Improving service reliability and operational agility while reducing the cost of maintaining the telecom network infrastructure.
O-RAN 科普教育: https://o-ran.at.tw/
簡報下載 (Creative Commons BY 4.0):https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fU8gbCPMg1h5MO2aPNJs7rBZ2eDilxJZ?usp=drive_link
Case Studied on Federated learning Deployment in O-RAN
O-RAN 中部署聯邦學習的案例研究
國立清華大學 資訊工程學系 邱德泉教授 ACE LAB 蔡秀吉
Deep Learning for B5G Open Radio Access Network: Evolution, Survey, Case Studies, and Challenges
本演講將引領您以學習 Angular 前端技術為起點,並火力展示當下最熱門的 ChatGPT 作為輔助工具,示範如何透過 AI 工具提升個人技術能力。我們將深入探索 ChatGPT 的原理,並介紹實用的 AI 工具,讓您輕鬆掌握任何知識,拒做 AI 的奴隸!透過本演講,您將發現 AI 不再是一個陌生的存在,而是您的最佳學習夥伴。別錯過這個學習技術的絕佳機會!
World Engineering Day Hackathon
Water Cycle Radiation Monitoring System, By integrate Radioactivity Sensor and 5G Redcap model with Buoy. And build the O-RAN base station along the coast connect to buoys. To achieve the real time nuclear pollution warning.
9. What Firebase can help you?
From build, to grow & enhance your app
? Develop
? Host your web app
? Store your data
? Enhance
? Make your app stable
? Analyze app usage
? Grow
? Remotely update UI or con
? Run A/B testing
12. Firebase Hosting
Super easy and fast hosting
? Backed by Google’s global network
? Suitable for all kind os front-end frameworks (Angular / React / Vue)
? Free custom domain & SSL support. Tra
c: 360 MB/day, $0.15/GB
? Need some backend logics?
? Integrate with Firebase Cloud Functions (Node.js)
? Integrate with Cloud Run (Docker-based environment)
16. Cloud Firestore
If you know MongoDB, you know Firestore
? One of the best “serverless database” available in the world
? Support all major platforms across web & app
? Schema-free, store whatever you want
? Built-in o
ine support, and realtime sync between devices
? Integrate with other Firebase products well
17. import { collection, addDoc } from "firebase/firestore";
try {
const docRef = await addDoc(collection(db, "users"), {
first: "Ada",
last: "Lovelace",
born: 1815
console.log("Document written with ID: ", docRef.id);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error adding document: ", e);
Add data via Firestore
18. import { collection, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "users"));
Read data via Firestore
21. Firebase Crashlytics
Lightweight, realtime crash reporter
? The leading crash reporting service on Apple, Android, Flutter, and Unity
? Easy to integrate, takes less than 10 mins
? Receive realtime crash report via Email or Slack
? Try to keep 99% crash-free sessions
? Native integration with Android Studio & Google Play
25. Google Analytics (fka Firebase Analytics)
De-facto standard for app/web analytics
? Firebase’s Analytics product now becomes Google Analytics 4
? Google Analytics is the most used analytic app by internet professionals
? The legacy Google Analytics will be end-of-life on July 1, 2023
? You can analyze cross platforms usage and reduce duplications
? Powered by Google Signals
? Di
erent platform installed as “streams” of events into same GA property
31. Firebase Remote Config
Change behaviors or UI without publishing an app update
? It works on native apps and also web!
? Basically it just a remotely fetched key-value dictionary
? With ability to provide di
erent value for di
erent kind of audiences
? We actually use it for “lightweight APIs”
? Banner / copywriting management for marketing
? Dynamically enable features for a speci
c period of time (e.g. LNY)
? Caution: The update might not be real-time. Be careful to add critical logics!
35. Firebase A/B Testing
A/B testing for various Firebase features
? To use A/B testing, you need Google Analytics
? For measure and targeting
? Then Firebase A/B testing will help you
? Split targets into groups
? Run experiments with di
erent values
? Calculate the winning variant
37. Takeaways
So many features covered in this session I know…
? The must haves
? Firebase Crashlytics - Try to make sure you have 99% crash-free sessions
? Google Analytics - De-facto standard for app/web analytics
? Nice to haves
? Firebase Remote Con
g - Save time APIs for marketing or testing
? Firebase A/B Testing - Easy way to do A/B testing right
? Others: Depends on your cases
38. What others Firebase can help you?
Some advanced use cases
? Firebase Messaging
? Send push messages
? Show in-app prompts
? Firebase Authentication
? Let user login with email / phone
? O
cial support Google / Facebook
? Community support LINE / ETH
? Firebase Test Lab
? Real devices on cloud for testing
? Firebase Dynamic Links
? Shortened URLs
? Deferred deep links to your app
? Firebase Extensions
? Pre-packaged solutions
39. Final remarks
As a student developer, please don’t miss some good things
? GitHub Student Developer Pack - Free domain / cloud / tools
? Google Summer of Code - Learn from open source experts
? Google Developer Student Club - Yes, this event
? Internship - The best chance to get into dream companies
? Graduate level courses - Make you di
erent than others