1) Many enslaved Africans brought to America were Muslims, speaking Arabic and maintaining aspects of their Islamic faith and culture secretly under slavery.
2) Figures like Kunte Kante and Ibrahima Abd ar-Rahman were Muslim slaves who worked to educate themselves and others despite the difficulties of slavery.
3) The Muslim faith and traditions of enslaved Africans influenced later music styles like the blues and banjo, and aspects of their culture and food remained, showing the perseverance of their identity over generations of slavery.
1) Many enslaved Africans brought to America were Muslims, speaking Arabic and maintaining aspects of their Islamic faith and culture secretly under slavery.
2) Figures like Kunte Kante and Ibrahima Abd ar-Rahman were Muslim slaves who worked to educate themselves and others despite the difficulties of slavery.
3) The Muslim faith and traditions of enslaved Africans influenced later music styles like the blues and banjo, and aspects of their culture and food remained, showing the perseverance of their identity over generations of slavery.
The snail Ramon is invited to a carnival ball hosted by the forest guardian, but he is unsure how to dress up. While walking, he encounters a butterfly who mocks his plain shell. A wise old elf overhears Ramon's worries and paints his shell gold, transforming him into a "snail of gold". At the party, Ramon's costume impresses everyone while the butterfly had only relied on her natural beauty.
A clown in a circus was tired of always having to make others laugh when he was feeling sad. He decided to try other roles like lion tamer, trapeze artist, and strongman. However, he lacked the skills for these roles and his attempts at them only served to make the audience laugh more. After this, he accepted his role as a clown and continued making people laugh.
2. Hola, nois i noies festejadors de totes les colles. Ha arribat el Carnaval, el dia que tot shi val.
3. Ara ja he arribat, la diversi坦 ha comen巽at i els deures shan acabat.
4. Jo Carnestoltes us dic, que amb quatre canvis de res els alumnes s坦n els reis i lescola un parad鱈s.
5. Esteu tots preparats per cridar i jugar? Aquesta setmana a lescola farem gresca i xerinola. Si us agrada treballar, us haureu daguantar.
6. El rei Carnestoltes proclama que comenci la festa aquesta setmana. Tothom sha de divertir, i aquestes consignes haureu de complir.
7. El dilluns , tothom anir amb la cara pintada . El dimarts , es portar un barret original . El dimecres , tots hauran de portar corbata . El dijous , tothom vindr amb pantalons de pijama .