The snail Ramon is invited to a carnival ball hosted by the forest guardian, but he is unsure how to dress up. While walking, he encounters a butterfly who mocks his plain shell. A wise old elf overhears Ramon's worries and paints his shell gold, transforming him into a "snail of gold". At the party, Ramon's costume impresses everyone while the butterfly had only relied on her natural beauty.
A clown in a circus was tired of always having to make others laugh when he was feeling sad. He decided to try other roles like lion tamer, trapeze artist, and strongman. However, he lacked the skills for these roles and his attempts at them only served to make the audience laugh more. After this, he accepted his role as a clown and continued making people laugh.
7. La gent li va negar. El rei va demanar vuit dies per poder plorar la seva filla. Un cop passats, el rei la va vestir i la va deixar davant de la cova, a prop del drac.
9. Però de sobte, quan el drac ja anava a menjar-se la princesa d’una sola queixalada, va aparèixer sobre un cavall blanc, amb la seva llança i el seu escut el cavaller St. Jordi, per salvar a la princesa de les urpes d’aquell drac.
13. De cop de la sang del drac en va sortir un roser amb unes roses que brillaven amb el sol. El cavaller St. Jordi en collir una i la va donar a la princesa en senyal d’amor.