れれ拘 壱碁┝ Entertainment for the millennialsJu 'Jude' Kim
Our goal is to empower content creators into powerful influencers with capacity to reach millions of millennials in socio-mobile spaces.
Based in Seoul, South Korea, Oskar Entertainment have the creators and media power to activate your marketing campaigns in both Korea and China.
Reach your audience, influence, then convert through Oskar Entertainments Influencer Marketing.
Entertainment for the Millennials!
れれ拘 壱碁┝ Entertainment for the millennialsJu 'Jude' Kim
Our goal is to empower content creators into powerful influencers with capacity to reach millions of millennials in socio-mobile spaces.
Based in Seoul, South Korea, Oskar Entertainment have the creators and media power to activate your marketing campaigns in both Korea and China.
Reach your audience, influence, then convert through Oskar Entertainments Influencer Marketing.
Entertainment for the Millennials!
11. 蟯螻 讀螳
襷れ 讀螳 螳 覦覯 蟯螻 Impression 襴
Video螳 豕螻 eCPM 螻牛 襷
AdColony video impression 讀 り鍵
蠑語 碁ロ螻 給:
1. Video 語 觜 讀
2. Video 伎る┝ 讀
3. 襷 危襴貅伎 SDK 螻
4. れ
"High-quality video ads only continue
to become more important in mobile
game monetization.
AdColony has been great to work with
in helping Pocket Gems implement
these in a way that lets us deliver the
best possible player experience.
- Ryan Maddux, Pocket Gems
14. Case Study 1: Placements 豢螳
2013 10, AdColony 襷れ 朱襴
危襴貅伎 video 伎る┝ 豢螳襯 蟆一 給.
觜 豐蠍一 Video 覯 1螳襦 觜るゼ 讌襷
企 2螳 伎る┝碁ゼ 螳 蠍磯 給.
一危 , 襷れ 螳 26% 給.
Update Released
15. Case Study 1: 襷れ vs DAU
朱襴 DAU螳 15% 譴讌襷,
DAU 觜 襷れ 49% 讀螳
蟆一 朱襴蟆 豌 襷れ
26% 讀朱 蠍 螻朱ゼ
螳碁 譯殊給.
Before After
16. Case Study 2: Placements 豺
AdColony レ 蟆 朱襴 譴 豌企 5M DAU襯 覲危螻 螻
牛 螳 螻覩狩螻 給. Video 蟯螻 覯殊 危襴貅伎
豺 讌襷 Social icon り骸 蠍壱 危 螳れ 給.
AdColony 蟷 螻覩 覃伎, 朱襴 覦襯 豺 video 覯殊 語
螻 蠏 蟆郁骸 襷れ 30% レ企朱 豌 螻朱ゼ 襴 給.
Earnings Before
Earnings After
Update Released
19. 旧 Video 語
Video 豌 螳レ 讀螳
れ video 蟆渚
Video 伎る┝ 豕
襷 video 豌 覲
Video 語 觜 讀螳
"Working with AdColony has been a really smooth process
and since we've integrated with them, they have helped us
record strong revenues through advertising.
- Baptiste Chardon, Ubisoft
AdColony really understands the needs and demands of the
game developer and is a close and trusted partner to Wooga.
- Jan Miczaika, Wooga