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N A V A L E N G I N E E R S J O U R N A L December 2016 | Vol. 128 | No. 4
Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding 45
In Denmark, Flexibility is the Cornerstone of Naval Strategy 25
Modularity and Open Systems Architecture Applied to the Flexible Modular Warship 37
Evaluation of Current and Future Crew Sizes and Compositions: Two RCN Case Studies 53
A Detailed Analysis of Ideal Rankine Steam Cycle 59
Modification of Ship Air Wakes with Passive Flow Control 69
2 | December 2016 | No. 128-4 NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL
	9	Rebranding ASNEs Annual Meeting
Captain Rick White, USN (Ret.) discusses the new format and
program highlights for Technology, Systems  Ships 2017,
formerly ASNE Day.
	25	 In Denmark, Flexibility is the Cornerstone of Naval
Experts gathered in Baltimore in November to learn about the
challenges and opportunities made possible by naval ships built
with flexibility as a major design driver.
	29	 We are going to cut our teeth on DDG-1000!
The ZUMWALT-Class Destroyer
Edward Feege and Scott C. Truver
	37	 Modularity and Open Systems Architecture Applied to
the Flexible Modular Warship
Nickolas H. Guertin, PE,
CAPT Paul Van Benthem, USN (Ret.)
	5	Presidents Page
	7	Secretarys Notes
	12	 New Members
	14	Contributors
	16	 Committee Directory
	18	 Section Directory
	20	 Upcoming Events
	23	 Corporate Supporters
	52	 Code of Ethics
	112	 Advertising Rates
137	 Membership Application
NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL December 2016 | No. 128-4 | 3
	45	 Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in
U.S. Naval Shipbuilding
James E. Rogal, Abhay Tase, Raphael D. Lockett,
Philip C. Koenig
	53	 Evaluation of Current and Future Crew Sizes
and Compositions: Two RCN Case Studies
Dr. Renee Chow, Matthew Lamb, CPO1 Ghislain
Charest, CPO1 Daniel Labb辿
	59	 A Detailed Analysis of
Ideal Rankine Steam Cycle
Mehmet Turgay Pamuk
	69	 Modification of Ship Air Wakes with Passive
Flow Control
Nicholas R. LaSalle, Murray R. Snyder,
Hyung S. Kang, Chen Friedman
	81	 Human Factors Evaluation in Ship Design:
A Case Study on Offshore Supply Vessels
in the Norwegian Sea, Part 1: Theoretical
Background and Technical Constructs
Vincentius Rumawas, Bj淡rn Egil Asbj淡rnslett,
Christian A. Kl旦ckner
	97	 Diesel (ULSD, LSD, and HSD), Biodiesel,
Kerosene, and Military Jet Propellants (JP-5
and JP-8) Applications and Their Combustion
Visualization in a Single Cylinder Diesel
LCDR. Hyungmin Lee, ROKN,
CDR. Yeonhwan Jeong, ROKN
	107	 Small Access Machine (SAM): High Quality,
Safe, and Environmentally Friendly
Submarine Hull Cuts
Benjamin M. Blasen, Nicholas R. Lane
	113	 Mine Clearing Line Charge (Miclic)
Grounding and Bonding
William Barnes
	125	 Real-Time Non-Stationary Pattern
Classification Based on Covariance Analysis in
the Seaway Estimation Problem
Jonghyuk Lee, Milo邸 I. Doroslovaki
Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs
in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding
The nuclear powered attack submarine
Virginia while under construction.
Electric Boat Corporation of
Connecticut is the lead design authority
for the New Attack Submarine. The
building of the first Virginia-class
submarine started in 1998, four of
this class are currently scheduled for
construction, USS Virginia (SSN 774),
USS Texas (SSN 775), USS Hawaii (SSN
776) and USS North Carolina (SSN 777).
Virginia is scheduled to be commissioned in June 2004.
December 2016 | Vol. 128 | No. 4
N A V A L E N G I N E E R S J O U R N A L December 2016 | Vol. 128 | No. 4
Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding 45
In Denmark, Flexibility is the Cornerstone of Naval Strategy 25
Modularity and Open Systems Architecture Applied to the Flexible Modular Warship 37
Evaluation of Current and Future Crew Sizes and Compositions: Two RCN Case Studies 53
A Detailed Analysis of Ideal Rankine Steam Cycle 59
Modi鍖cation of Ship Air Wakes with Passive Flow Control 69
Correction: Distributed Lethality, Command and Control
Software Engineering, and Navy Laboratories by Kurt
Rothenhaus, Bill Bonwit, George Galdorisi and Anna Stang,
originally published in the June 2016 Naval Engineers Journal,
has been revised to include missing figures. The updated version
is available online through Ingenta Connect.
NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL December 2016 | No. 128-4 | 27
NSWCPD Experimenting with Augmented
Reality Technology to Improve Shipboard
Damage Control
By Joseph Battista, NSWCPD Public Affairs
he future of Sailors maneuvering through smoke-
filled compartments during damage control
scenarios aboard Navy ships could become a
lot clearer thanks to engineers at Naval Surface
Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD). They are
experimenting with creating a heads-up display (HUD) in
helmets using augmented reality (AR) technologythe inte-
gration of digital information within a users environment in
real time.
Sailors could someday don a helmet with a visor utilizing
AR technology allowing them to see clearly through smoke-
filled compartments, instantly access information about
potential hazards in the space, and find different routes to
traverse around dangerous situations.
Patrick Violante, electrical engineer, and James Case, me-
chanical engineer, both with Advanced Machinery Systems
Integration Branch, are working in their lab with Microsofts
HoloLens, augmented reality head-mounted smart glasses, to
figure it out. Ideally, they want a Sailor to walk into a smoky
compartment and have their HUD overlay a virtual 3-D mod-
el of the space on top of what they are actually seeing. The
technology allows the Sailor to clearly see what equipment
and obstacles are in the area, as well as see the smoke or fire
they are combatting.
There is a real shipboard application for this technology,
said Violante, who is part of the Navy Augmented Reality
Collaboration (NARC) Working Grouprepresentatives from
all the Navys systems commandswho share research and
ideas on implementing augmented reality technologies. We
were able to procure an early development kit of the Micro-
soft HoloLens here to learn its capabilities and try to develop
ideas on how it can be incorporated into our work.
Violante and Cases idea of a damage control HUD comes
from work NSWC Panama City is doing to create a HUD for
diving helmets.
We are definitely talking to them and getting ideas on
how we can incorporate the technology successfully, Violan-
te said.
The first stage of the project uses the current Advanced
Damage Control System (ADCS) to investigate creating
automated routes based on different events. They are
attempting to build an algorithm for finding safe routes to
Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia
Division purchased Microsofts HoloLens to test
integrating augmented reality technology with
their current endeavors in laser metrology, 3-D
printing modeling and printing, and virtual reality.
28 | December 2016 | No. 128-4 NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL
damage events and linking it with a 3-D representation of
the environment.
Violante and Case are in the early stages of their research.
They purchased the HoloLens in May and are in the midst of
setting up their research lab, which will combine the aug-
mented reality equipment, with their current endeavors in
laser metrology, 3-D modeling and printing, and virtual reality.
Case said their AR research also focuses on shipboard
maintenance. He demonstrated how a Sailor could use the
AR glasses. He held up a piece of paper with the word test
on it. When the viewer looks through the glasses at the pa-
per, other items such as an engine part and technical manual
He described how a Sailor working on a ship engine
could look at a specific component to get a technical manual
to display in the lens. A virtual 3-D scan of the item could
also appear showing the inner workings of the part.
As long as there is digitized version of the tech manual
or a 3-D scan for that part we could upload it into the system
and it would be available to the Sailor, said Case.
Communication between two HoloLenses is another
capability they recently tested. Violante said this ability
should allow an engineer in Philadelphia to see what a
Sailor is looking at on a ship and help walk them through
repairs by instructing them what to do or sending instruc-
tions, technical manuals or drawings directly to their AR
There are still a lot of hurdles to get through with cre-
ating a secure way to communicate between headsets, said
Violante. But I envision engineers no longer having to fly to
Japan to fix things on a ship.
Violante admits he only had rudimentary knowledge of
AR technology a year ago, but feels NSWCPD is up to par
with most other Warfare Centers and moving fast toward
accomplishing their goals of integrating AR with the com-
mands engineering work.
Research funds come from a Naval Innovative Science
and Engineering (NISE)/Section 219 program.
NSWCPD provides research, development, test and evalu-
ation, acquisition support, engineering, systems integration,
in-service engineering and fleet support with cyber security,
comprehensive logistics, and life-cycle savings through com-
monality for surface and undersea vehicle machinery, ship
systems, equipment and material.
A Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division employee looks at a 3-D printed ship part through Microsofts
HoloLens, their augmented reality head-mounted smart glasses, to test the capability of integrating digital information
with a users environment in real time. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)
NSWCPD Experimenting with Augmented Reality Technology to Improve Shipboard Damage Control

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NEJ December 2016

  • 1. N A V A L E N G I N E E R S J O U R N A L December 2016 | Vol. 128 | No. 4 www.navalengineers.org Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding 45 In Denmark, Flexibility is the Cornerstone of Naval Strategy 25 Modularity and Open Systems Architecture Applied to the Flexible Modular Warship 37 Evaluation of Current and Future Crew Sizes and Compositions: Two RCN Case Studies 53 A Detailed Analysis of Ideal Rankine Steam Cycle 59 Modification of Ship Air Wakes with Passive Flow Control 69
  • 2. 2 | December 2016 | No. 128-4 NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL FEATURES NEWS 9 Rebranding ASNEs Annual Meeting Captain Rick White, USN (Ret.) discusses the new format and program highlights for Technology, Systems Ships 2017, formerly ASNE Day. 25 In Denmark, Flexibility is the Cornerstone of Naval Strategy Experts gathered in Baltimore in November to learn about the challenges and opportunities made possible by naval ships built with flexibility as a major design driver. TECHNICAL ARTICLES 29 We are going to cut our teeth on DDG-1000! The ZUMWALT-Class Destroyer Edward Feege and Scott C. Truver 37 Modularity and Open Systems Architecture Applied to the Flexible Modular Warship Nickolas H. Guertin, PE, CAPT Paul Van Benthem, USN (Ret.) TABLE OF CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS 5 Presidents Page 7 Secretarys Notes 12 New Members 14 Contributors 16 Committee Directory 18 Section Directory 20 Upcoming Events 23 Corporate Supporters 52 Code of Ethics 112 Advertising Rates 137 Membership Application
  • 3. NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL December 2016 | No. 128-4 | 3 TECHNICAL PAPERS 45 Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding James E. Rogal, Abhay Tase, Raphael D. Lockett, Philip C. Koenig 53 Evaluation of Current and Future Crew Sizes and Compositions: Two RCN Case Studies Dr. Renee Chow, Matthew Lamb, CPO1 Ghislain Charest, CPO1 Daniel Labb辿 59 A Detailed Analysis of Ideal Rankine Steam Cycle Mehmet Turgay Pamuk 69 Modification of Ship Air Wakes with Passive Flow Control Nicholas R. LaSalle, Murray R. Snyder, Hyung S. Kang, Chen Friedman 81 Human Factors Evaluation in Ship Design: A Case Study on Offshore Supply Vessels in the Norwegian Sea, Part 1: Theoretical Background and Technical Constructs Vincentius Rumawas, Bj淡rn Egil Asbj淡rnslett, Christian A. Kl旦ckner 97 Diesel (ULSD, LSD, and HSD), Biodiesel, Kerosene, and Military Jet Propellants (JP-5 and JP-8) Applications and Their Combustion Visualization in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine LCDR. Hyungmin Lee, ROKN, CDR. Yeonhwan Jeong, ROKN 107 Small Access Machine (SAM): High Quality, Safe, and Environmentally Friendly Submarine Hull Cuts Benjamin M. Blasen, Nicholas R. Lane 113 Mine Clearing Line Charge (Miclic) Grounding and Bonding William Barnes 125 Real-Time Non-Stationary Pattern Classification Based on Covariance Analysis in the Seaway Estimation Problem Jonghyuk Lee, Milo邸 I. Doroslovaki ON THE COVER Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding The nuclear powered attack submarine Virginia while under construction. Electric Boat Corporation of Connecticut is the lead design authority for the New Attack Submarine. The building of the first Virginia-class submarine started in 1998, four of this class are currently scheduled for construction, USS Virginia (SSN 774), USS Texas (SSN 775), USS Hawaii (SSN 776) and USS North Carolina (SSN 777). Virginia is scheduled to be commissioned in June 2004. U.S. NAVY PHOTO. (RELEASED) December 2016 | Vol. 128 | No. 4 N A V A L E N G I N E E R S J O U R N A L December 2016 | Vol. 128 | No. 4 www.navalengineers.org Analyzing and Forecasting Overhead Costs in U.S. Naval Shipbuilding 45 In Denmark, Flexibility is the Cornerstone of Naval Strategy 25 Modularity and Open Systems Architecture Applied to the Flexible Modular Warship 37 Evaluation of Current and Future Crew Sizes and Compositions: Two RCN Case Studies 53 A Detailed Analysis of Ideal Rankine Steam Cycle 59 Modi鍖cation of Ship Air Wakes with Passive Flow Control 69 Correction: Distributed Lethality, Command and Control Software Engineering, and Navy Laboratories by Kurt Rothenhaus, Bill Bonwit, George Galdorisi and Anna Stang, originally published in the June 2016 Naval Engineers Journal, has been revised to include missing figures. The updated version is available online through Ingenta Connect.
  • 4. NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL December 2016 | No. 128-4 | 27 FEATURE NSWCPD Experimenting with Augmented Reality Technology to Improve Shipboard Damage Control By Joseph Battista, NSWCPD Public Affairs T he future of Sailors maneuvering through smoke- filled compartments during damage control scenarios aboard Navy ships could become a lot clearer thanks to engineers at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD). They are experimenting with creating a heads-up display (HUD) in helmets using augmented reality (AR) technologythe inte- gration of digital information within a users environment in real time. Sailors could someday don a helmet with a visor utilizing AR technology allowing them to see clearly through smoke- filled compartments, instantly access information about potential hazards in the space, and find different routes to traverse around dangerous situations. Patrick Violante, electrical engineer, and James Case, me- chanical engineer, both with Advanced Machinery Systems Integration Branch, are working in their lab with Microsofts HoloLens, augmented reality head-mounted smart glasses, to figure it out. Ideally, they want a Sailor to walk into a smoky compartment and have their HUD overlay a virtual 3-D mod- el of the space on top of what they are actually seeing. The technology allows the Sailor to clearly see what equipment and obstacles are in the area, as well as see the smoke or fire they are combatting. There is a real shipboard application for this technology, said Violante, who is part of the Navy Augmented Reality Collaboration (NARC) Working Grouprepresentatives from all the Navys systems commandswho share research and ideas on implementing augmented reality technologies. We were able to procure an early development kit of the Micro- soft HoloLens here to learn its capabilities and try to develop ideas on how it can be incorporated into our work. Violante and Cases idea of a damage control HUD comes from work NSWC Panama City is doing to create a HUD for diving helmets. We are definitely talking to them and getting ideas on how we can incorporate the technology successfully, Violan- te said. The first stage of the project uses the current Advanced Damage Control System (ADCS) to investigate creating automated routes based on different events. They are attempting to build an algorithm for finding safe routes to Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division purchased Microsofts HoloLens to test integrating augmented reality technology with their current endeavors in laser metrology, 3-D printing modeling and printing, and virtual reality.
  • 5. 28 | December 2016 | No. 128-4 NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL damage events and linking it with a 3-D representation of the environment. Violante and Case are in the early stages of their research. They purchased the HoloLens in May and are in the midst of setting up their research lab, which will combine the aug- mented reality equipment, with their current endeavors in laser metrology, 3-D modeling and printing, and virtual reality. Case said their AR research also focuses on shipboard maintenance. He demonstrated how a Sailor could use the AR glasses. He held up a piece of paper with the word test on it. When the viewer looks through the glasses at the pa- per, other items such as an engine part and technical manual appear. He described how a Sailor working on a ship engine could look at a specific component to get a technical manual to display in the lens. A virtual 3-D scan of the item could also appear showing the inner workings of the part. As long as there is digitized version of the tech manual or a 3-D scan for that part we could upload it into the system and it would be available to the Sailor, said Case. Communication between two HoloLenses is another capability they recently tested. Violante said this ability should allow an engineer in Philadelphia to see what a Sailor is looking at on a ship and help walk them through repairs by instructing them what to do or sending instruc- tions, technical manuals or drawings directly to their AR glasses. There are still a lot of hurdles to get through with cre- ating a secure way to communicate between headsets, said Violante. But I envision engineers no longer having to fly to Japan to fix things on a ship. Violante admits he only had rudimentary knowledge of AR technology a year ago, but feels NSWCPD is up to par with most other Warfare Centers and moving fast toward accomplishing their goals of integrating AR with the com- mands engineering work. Research funds come from a Naval Innovative Science and Engineering (NISE)/Section 219 program. NSWCPD provides research, development, test and evalu- ation, acquisition support, engineering, systems integration, in-service engineering and fleet support with cyber security, comprehensive logistics, and life-cycle savings through com- monality for surface and undersea vehicle machinery, ship systems, equipment and material. A Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division employee looks at a 3-D printed ship part through Microsofts HoloLens, their augmented reality head-mounted smart glasses, to test the capability of integrating digital information with a users environment in real time. (U.S. Navy photo/Released) NSWCPD Experimenting with Augmented Reality Technology to Improve Shipboard Damage Control