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Marsh Risk Consulting
Mass Tort and Complex Liability Practice

Insurance Coverage Explorer?

Managing current and historical insurance           on a secure, internet-accessible database platform that is
                                                    delivered and supported by insurance experts from Marsh
assets can be difficult, particularly if hundreds
                                                    Risk Consulting¡¯s (MRC¡¯s) Mass Tort and Complex Liability
of policies issued by dozens of insurers are        Practice.
involved. This difficulty is often compounded
                                                    ICE helps to protect organizations from the risk of
when merger and acquisition activity results
                                                    important policy documents being lost or destroyed. ICE
in multiple insurance programs being cobbled        organizes policy information, which users can access
together. If a company maintains its historical     through a range of different search criteria. It also allows
insurance policies in paper form, it not only       for advanced Boolean searches of policy images and data,
risks losing its only evidence of coverage, but     enabling one to find the ¡°needle in a haystack¡± out of
also may find itself searching through many         thousands of policies.
boxes of policies to locate a single item.
Even if policies are imaged, one may
still be left with the task of opening
hundreds of files with arcane file names
to locate a specific policy.
Business leaders frequently incur unwanted
costs as the result of the inefficient use of
resources attempting to trace policies. Even
worse, where policies are not found, businesses
can be exposed to significant losses that
otherwise would have been insured.

The Insurance Coverage Explorer?
Insurance Coverage Explorer (ICE) is a
unique, market-leading solution that enables
organizations to capture and access key
summary data concerning their insurance
assets as well as text-searchable images of the
policies and related documentation. It is built
Leadership, Knowledge, Solutions...

Most powerfully, ICE features color-coded, electronic,
and interactive coverage charts that MRC generates
from the policy data. The coverage charts can
be color-coded by insurer, by exclusions or policy
provision, by insurer solvency, and by the nature of
policy documentation. We can also depict prior limit
exhaustion or erosion.

The main features of MRC¡¯s ICE solution are:

?     the ability to store and classify a company¡¯s
      complete inventory of insurance coverage, and to
      search for key policy detail through text-searchable

?     secure internet-accessible delivery, enabling
      multinational companies to access, and MRC to
      update, policy information in real time;

?     decision support, including the ability to evaluate
      and present issues relative to insurer insolvency,
      limit erosion, or terms and conditions through
      electronic, interactive coverage charts that allow
      a user to right-click on any policy on a chart to                                             an organization to demonstrate the value of its
      access policy documentation and detail;                                                       insurance legacy portfolio and maximize the ability
?     insolvent and solvent scheme insurer reports; and                                             of its insurance program to offset current and future
?     corporate profiling, including divestitures and
      liability retention.                                                                          ICE not only strips inefficiency and uncertainty
The ICE solution is much more than a database. We                                                   out of our clients¡¯ operations, it also acts as an
provide advice to our clients on the scope of data                                                  important decision-making tool for all insurance-
collection to meet their individual requirements. Our                                               related challenges. For example, a client faced with
insurance experts then extract and capture key data                                                 legacy liabilities, retrospective premium adjustments,
for the database, ensuring data quality and freeing up                                              insurer insolvencies, or London market ¡°schemes of
management time for our clients.                                                                    arrangements¡± can locate applicable policies in seconds.
                                                                                                    Importantly, it can provide easy access to the current
ICE assists in maintaining a well-managed business                                                  insurance in the immediate aftermath of a major
from a corporate governance standpoint. It enables                                                  business interruption.

For More Information:
To learn more about ICE and related services, please visit www.marsh.com or contact your local Marsh representative.
You can also speak with:
James Dorion (Chicago)                                              (312) 627-6186                           james.f.dorion@marsh.com
Mass Tort and Complex
Liability Practice Leader
John Denton (New York)                                              (212) 948-2357                           john.denton@marsh.com
Michelle Curci Pingor (Cleveland)                                   (216) 937-1375                           michelle.m.pingor@marsh.com

The information contained in this publication provides only a general overview of subjects covered, is not intended to be taken as advice regarding any individual situation, and should not be
relied upon as such. Insureds should consult their insurance and legal advisors regarding specific coverage issues. All insurance coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the
applicable individual policies. Marsh cannot provide any assurance that insurance can be obtained for any particular client or for any particular risk.
Marsh is part of the family of MMC companies, including Guy Carpenter, Mercer, the Oliver Wyman Group (including Lippincott and NERA Economic Consulting).
Copyright ? 2010 Marsh Inc. All rights reserved. www.marsh.com

Compliance No. : MA9-10436

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Insurance Coverage Explorer Fact Sheet 122010

  • 1. Marsh Risk Consulting Mass Tort and Complex Liability Practice Insurance Coverage Explorer? Managing current and historical insurance on a secure, internet-accessible database platform that is delivered and supported by insurance experts from Marsh assets can be difficult, particularly if hundreds Risk Consulting¡¯s (MRC¡¯s) Mass Tort and Complex Liability of policies issued by dozens of insurers are Practice. involved. This difficulty is often compounded ICE helps to protect organizations from the risk of when merger and acquisition activity results important policy documents being lost or destroyed. ICE in multiple insurance programs being cobbled organizes policy information, which users can access together. If a company maintains its historical through a range of different search criteria. It also allows insurance policies in paper form, it not only for advanced Boolean searches of policy images and data, risks losing its only evidence of coverage, but enabling one to find the ¡°needle in a haystack¡± out of also may find itself searching through many thousands of policies. boxes of policies to locate a single item. Even if policies are imaged, one may still be left with the task of opening hundreds of files with arcane file names to locate a specific policy. Business leaders frequently incur unwanted costs as the result of the inefficient use of resources attempting to trace policies. Even worse, where policies are not found, businesses can be exposed to significant losses that otherwise would have been insured. The Insurance Coverage Explorer? Solution Insurance Coverage Explorer (ICE) is a unique, market-leading solution that enables organizations to capture and access key summary data concerning their insurance assets as well as text-searchable images of the policies and related documentation. It is built
  • 2. Leadership, Knowledge, Solutions... Worldwide. Most powerfully, ICE features color-coded, electronic, and interactive coverage charts that MRC generates from the policy data. The coverage charts can be color-coded by insurer, by exclusions or policy provision, by insurer solvency, and by the nature of policy documentation. We can also depict prior limit exhaustion or erosion. The main features of MRC¡¯s ICE solution are: ? the ability to store and classify a company¡¯s complete inventory of insurance coverage, and to search for key policy detail through text-searchable PDFs; ? secure internet-accessible delivery, enabling multinational companies to access, and MRC to update, policy information in real time; ? decision support, including the ability to evaluate and present issues relative to insurer insolvency, limit erosion, or terms and conditions through electronic, interactive coverage charts that allow a user to right-click on any policy on a chart to an organization to demonstrate the value of its access policy documentation and detail; insurance legacy portfolio and maximize the ability ? insolvent and solvent scheme insurer reports; and of its insurance program to offset current and future liabilities. ? corporate profiling, including divestitures and liability retention. ICE not only strips inefficiency and uncertainty The ICE solution is much more than a database. We out of our clients¡¯ operations, it also acts as an provide advice to our clients on the scope of data important decision-making tool for all insurance- collection to meet their individual requirements. Our related challenges. For example, a client faced with insurance experts then extract and capture key data legacy liabilities, retrospective premium adjustments, for the database, ensuring data quality and freeing up insurer insolvencies, or London market ¡°schemes of management time for our clients. arrangements¡± can locate applicable policies in seconds. Importantly, it can provide easy access to the current ICE assists in maintaining a well-managed business insurance in the immediate aftermath of a major from a corporate governance standpoint. It enables business interruption. For More Information: To learn more about ICE and related services, please visit www.marsh.com or contact your local Marsh representative. You can also speak with: James Dorion (Chicago) (312) 627-6186 james.f.dorion@marsh.com Mass Tort and Complex Liability Practice Leader John Denton (New York) (212) 948-2357 john.denton@marsh.com Michelle Curci Pingor (Cleveland) (216) 937-1375 michelle.m.pingor@marsh.com The information contained in this publication provides only a general overview of subjects covered, is not intended to be taken as advice regarding any individual situation, and should not be relied upon as such. Insureds should consult their insurance and legal advisors regarding specific coverage issues. All insurance coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the applicable individual policies. Marsh cannot provide any assurance that insurance can be obtained for any particular client or for any particular risk. Marsh is part of the family of MMC companies, including Guy Carpenter, Mercer, the Oliver Wyman Group (including Lippincott and NERA Economic Consulting). Copyright ? 2010 Marsh Inc. All rights reserved. www.marsh.com Compliance No. : MA9-10436