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Statement of Academic Record
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University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
South Africa
Campus ID : GLDJAS005
Birthdate : 1993-04-28
Student Records Office
Name : Goldhill,Jason Scott
Telephone: (021) 650-3595
Fax : (021) 650-5714
- - - - - Beginning of Undergraduate Record - - - - -
Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies
Plan : Information Systems Specialisation
Course Description ResultCredits
ACC 1006F Financial Accounting 18 18 87 1
BUS 1036F Evidence-based Management 18 18 63 2-
ECO 1010F Microeconomics 18 18 79 1
INF 1002F Information Systems I 18 18 89 1
MAM 1010F Mathematics 1010 18 18 64 2-
ACC 2011S Financial Reporting I 18 18 76 1
ECO 1011S Macroeconomics 18 18 77 1
INF 1003S Commercial Programming 18 18 79 1
MAM 1012S Mathematics 1012 18 18 70 2+
STA 1000S Statistics 1000 18 18 79 1
Dean's Merit List
Academically eligible to continue
Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies
Plan : Information Systems Specialisation
Course Description ResultCredits
ECO 2003F Microeconomics II 18 18 72 2+
FTX 2020F Business Finance 18 18 75 1
INF 2008F Database Systems 18 18 64 2-
INF 2009F Systems Development A 18 18 55 3
STA 2020F Business Statistics 24 24 70 2+
CML 1004S Business Law I 18 18 63 2-
ECO 2004S Macroeconomics II 18 18 73 2+
INF 2010S I.T. Architecture 18 18 61 2-
INF 2011S Systems Development B 18 18 63 2-
Academically eligible to continue
Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies
Plan : Information Systems Specialisation
SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM
Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and
complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the
University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za
Statement of Academic Record
Page 2 of 3
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
South Africa
Campus ID : GLDJAS005
Birthdate : 1993-04-28
Student Records Office
Name : Goldhill,Jason Scott
Telephone: (021) 650-3595
Fax : (021) 650-5714
Course Description ResultCredits
INF 3003W Systems Development Project I 48 48 70 2+
BUS 2010F Marketing I 18 18 61 2-
BUS 3039F People Management 18 18 55 3
INF 3014F Electronic Commerce 18 18 54 3
BUS 2033S Professional Communication 18 18 70 2+
INF 3012S I.T. Applications 18 18 66 2-
PHI 2043S Business Ethics 18 18 73 2+
Academically eligible to continue
Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies
Plan : Information Systems Specialisation
Course Description ResultCredits
BUS 4050W Strategic Thinking 36 36 68 2-
INF 4024W IS Research Project 60 60 67 2-
INF 4027W System Development Project II 40 40 82 1
INF 4026F Application & Technical Dev. 20 20 70 2+
INF 4025S Information Systems Management 20 20 60 2-
Qualifies for award of degree/diploma
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Degree : Bachelor of Business Science
Confer Date : 2015-12-23
Plan : Information Systems
- - - - - Scholarships and Grants - - - - -
2012 Commerce Entrance Scholarship 10000.00
2013 Commerce Faculty Scholarship 6750.00
- - - - - Beginning of Professional Development Record - - - - -
2015 Continuing Education
Programme: Professional & Continuing Edu
EMS 2010CE Global debates local voices 0 0 PA PA
Grading Basis: Continuing Education
SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM
Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and
complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the
University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za
Statement of Academic Record
Page 3 of 3
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
South Africa
Campus ID : GLDJAS005
Birthdate : 1993-04-28
Student Records Office
Name : Goldhill,Jason Scott
Telephone: (021) 650-3595
Fax : (021) 650-5714
The conduct of the Student was satisfactory.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Transcript - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM
Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and
complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the
University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za
Every course described overleaf has a name and a corresponding code. Each code has eight characters as follows,
A A AInnnB, w here ;
AAA is the three alpha code of the department or unit
administering the course (or in the case of a Faculty-
administered course, of the Dean 's Office)
I indicates the academic level of the course
B the 'year portion ' indicator, or suffix, identifying the type of course and when it is offered
A 1st quarter course; B 2nd quarter course;
C 3rd quarter course; D 4th quarter course;
F 1st semester (half) course; H Half course taught over full year;
S 2nd semester (half) course; W Course taught over whole year;
J Summer Term session 1 courses; P Summer term session 2 courses;
U Summer Term course taught over full session; L Winter Term course;
M Multiterm (indicates course offerings that span multiple
X Special allocation;
Z Non-standard courses;
EWA Examination without attendance at lecture; SUP Supplementary examination in a course
Credit values for non-GSB undergraduate programmes are displayed only as from 2010 and for the Postgraduate programmes and
the GSB Undergraduate programmes, as from 2011.
5 The entry level of an undergraduate diploma or bachelors qualification
6 The intermediate level of an undergraduate diploma or bachelors qualification
7 The exit level for a general 3-year bachelors degree
8 The exit level for a professional 4-year bachelors, postgraduate diploma or honours
9 A master's degree
10 A doctoral degree
Note: Results for courses com pleted in the current year will remain PROV ISIONA L until confirmed at the end of the
A Pass
1 75 - 100% First Class
2+ 70 - 74% Second C lass, Division one
2- 60 - 69% Second Class, D iv ision two
3 50 - 59% Third C lass
PA Pass N o te that certain postgraduate courses are graded Pass or Fail only
U P Unclassified Pass A condoned pass or a supplementary examination written on academic grounds is
graded as an Unclassified Pass
SP Pass result obtained via a supplementary examination
B Fail
F 0 - 49% Fail
FS 0 - 49% Failed, but permitted to write supplem entary examination on academic ground s
SF Supplementary E xamination failed
A SF Failed, absent from supplementary examinatio n
SM Unclassified Fail, subminimum not met
C Other Results Symbols
D PR Duly Performed certificate refused i.e . not permitted to write the examination in the
A B Absent from the examination
D E Perm ission to write a deferred examination in this course on med ical, Religious,
po litica l or other good cause
O S Result not yet ava ilable
G IP G rade in progress - result expected in a subsequent te rm
L O A Leave of Absence
A T T Course attended
IN C Incom plete
E X A Excluded from Assessment
D Academic Concessions  granted on grounds of courses completed elsewhere or towards different qualifications at this
C R Cred it, but in general the student is not allowed to continue with further courses in the
s ubject;
E X Exemption, but in gene ral another course must be substituted for this course;
C X Credit and Exemption. The course is counted towards the qualification the student is
registered for and the student is permitted to proceed with further courses in the subject
E X C Credit excluded. Indicates that the course is not recognised towards the current programme.
Used where a student changes programme before graduation.
SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM
Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and
complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the
University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za

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Goldhill_Jason Scott

  • 1. UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN Statement of Academic Record Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (DELIVERED ELECTRONICALLY) University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 South Africa Campus ID : GLDJAS005 Birthdate : 1993-04-28 Student Records Office Name : Goldhill,Jason Scott Telephone: (021) 650-3595 Fax : (021) 650-5714 - - - - - Beginning of Undergraduate Record - - - - - 2012 Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies Plan : Information Systems Specialisation Course Description ResultCredits Earned Credits Taken ACC 1006F Financial Accounting 18 18 87 1 BUS 1036F Evidence-based Management 18 18 63 2- ECO 1010F Microeconomics 18 18 79 1 INF 1002F Information Systems I 18 18 89 1 MAM 1010F Mathematics 1010 18 18 64 2- ACC 2011S Financial Reporting I 18 18 76 1 ECO 1011S Macroeconomics 18 18 77 1 INF 1003S Commercial Programming 18 18 79 1 MAM 1012S Mathematics 1012 18 18 70 2+ STA 1000S Statistics 1000 18 18 79 1 Dean's Merit List Academically eligible to continue 2013 Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies Plan : Information Systems Specialisation Course Description ResultCredits Earned Credits Taken ECO 2003F Microeconomics II 18 18 72 2+ FTX 2020F Business Finance 18 18 75 1 INF 2008F Database Systems 18 18 64 2- INF 2009F Systems Development A 18 18 55 3 STA 2020F Business Statistics 24 24 70 2+ CML 1004S Business Law I 18 18 63 2- ECO 2004S Macroeconomics II 18 18 73 2+ INF 2010S I.T. Architecture 18 18 61 2- INF 2011S Systems Development B 18 18 63 2- Academically eligible to continue 2014 Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies Plan : Information Systems Specialisation SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za
  • 2. UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN Statement of Academic Record Page 2 of 3 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (DELIVERED ELECTRONICALLY) University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 South Africa Campus ID : GLDJAS005 Birthdate : 1993-04-28 Student Records Office Name : Goldhill,Jason Scott Telephone: (021) 650-3595 Fax : (021) 650-5714 Course Description ResultCredits Earned Credits Taken INF 3003W Systems Development Project I 48 48 70 2+ BUS 2010F Marketing I 18 18 61 2- BUS 3039F People Management 18 18 55 3 INF 3014F Electronic Commerce 18 18 54 3 BUS 2033S Professional Communication 18 18 70 2+ INF 3012S I.T. Applications 18 18 66 2- PHI 2043S Business Ethics 18 18 73 2+ Academically eligible to continue 2015 Programme: BBusSc in Management Studies Plan : Information Systems Specialisation Course Description ResultCredits Earned Credits Taken BUS 4050W Strategic Thinking 36 36 68 2- INF 4024W IS Research Project 60 60 67 2- INF 4027W System Development Project II 40 40 82 1 INF 4026F Application & Technical Dev. 20 20 70 2+ INF 4025S Information Systems Management 20 20 60 2- Qualifies for award of degree/diploma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Degree : Bachelor of Business Science Confer Date : 2015-12-23 Plan : Information Systems - - - - - Scholarships and Grants - - - - - 2012 Commerce Entrance Scholarship 10000.00 2013 Commerce Faculty Scholarship 6750.00 - - - - - Beginning of Professional Development Record - - - - - 2015 Continuing Education Programme: Professional & Continuing Edu EMS 2010CE Global debates local voices 0 0 PA PA Grading Basis: Continuing Education SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za
  • 3. UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN Statement of Academic Record Page 3 of 3 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (DELIVERED ELECTRONICALLY) University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 South Africa Campus ID : GLDJAS005 Birthdate : 1993-04-28 Student Records Office Name : Goldhill,Jason Scott Telephone: (021) 650-3595 Fax : (021) 650-5714 The conduct of the Student was satisfactory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of Transcript - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registrar SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za
  • 4. EXPLANATION OF CODES AND SYMBOLS USED 1 C OU R SE C OD ES Every course described overleaf has a name and a corresponding code. Each code has eight characters as follows, A A AInnnB, w here ; AAA is the three alpha code of the department or unit administering the course (or in the case of a Faculty- administered course, of the Dean 's Office) I indicates the academic level of the course B the 'year portion ' indicator, or suffix, identifying the type of course and when it is offered A 1st quarter course; B 2nd quarter course; C 3rd quarter course; D 4th quarter course; F 1st semester (half) course; H Half course taught over full year; S 2nd semester (half) course; W Course taught over whole year; J Summer Term session 1 courses; P Summer term session 2 courses; U Summer Term course taught over full session; L Winter Term course; M Multiterm (indicates course offerings that span multiple terms); X Special allocation; Z Non-standard courses; EWA Examination without attendance at lecture; SUP Supplementary examination in a course Credit values for non-GSB undergraduate programmes are displayed only as from 2010 and for the Postgraduate programmes and the GSB Undergraduate programmes, as from 2011. 2 HEQF COURSE LEVEL DEFINES WORK TYPICAL OF 5 The entry level of an undergraduate diploma or bachelors qualification 6 The intermediate level of an undergraduate diploma or bachelors qualification 7 The exit level for a general 3-year bachelors degree 8 The exit level for a professional 4-year bachelors, postgraduate diploma or honours qualification 9 A master's degree 10 A doctoral degree 3 R ESU LTS S Y M BO LS Note: Results for courses com pleted in the current year will remain PROV ISIONA L until confirmed at the end of the year. A Pass 1 75 - 100% First Class 2+ 70 - 74% Second C lass, Division one 2- 60 - 69% Second Class, D iv ision two 3 50 - 59% Third C lass PA Pass N o te that certain postgraduate courses are graded Pass or Fail only U P Unclassified Pass A condoned pass or a supplementary examination written on academic grounds is graded as an Unclassified Pass SP Pass result obtained via a supplementary examination B Fail F 0 - 49% Fail FS 0 - 49% Failed, but permitted to write supplem entary examination on academic ground s SF Supplementary E xamination failed A SF Failed, absent from supplementary examinatio n SM Unclassified Fail, subminimum not met C Other Results Symbols D PR Duly Performed certificate refused i.e . not permitted to write the examination in the course A B Absent from the examination D E Perm ission to write a deferred examination in this course on med ical, Religious, po litica l or other good cause O S Result not yet ava ilable G IP G rade in progress - result expected in a subsequent te rm L O A Leave of Absence A T T Course attended IN C Incom plete E X A Excluded from Assessment D Academic Concessions granted on grounds of courses completed elsewhere or towards different qualifications at this university C R Cred it, but in general the student is not allowed to continue with further courses in the s ubject; E X Exemption, but in gene ral another course must be substituted for this course; C X Credit and Exemption. The course is counted towards the qualification the student is registered for and the student is permitted to proceed with further courses in the subject E X C Credit excluded. Indicates that the course is not recognised towards the current programme. Used where a student changes programme before graduation. SR778BTIssued on 2016/06/15 at 12:01:12PM Please note that the Registrar's signature is embedded and no stamp is affixed after printing. This transcript is a true and complete record. The transcript is issued without erasure or additions. For verification of this transcript, please contact the University of Cape Town at reg-records@uct.ac.za