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John Thomas McShane
a: 7284 Berwood Dr. Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 c: (513)-284-3117 h: (513)-561-4489 e: patchmaker@cinci.rr.com
Cobol Programming MVS/ISA Crystal reports QA EXCHANGE
CICS Citrix SQL QA Load
MVS/JCL Tiny Term Dream weaver Winframe
XPEDITER Batch TSO/ISPF-PDF MS FrontPage 98 / 20000
ROSCOE Cobol II Kronos Impromptu Web Reports
Aldus PageMaker 5.0/6.5 VSAM Putty Project Workbench
Rumba Windows 3.x Win 95/98/NT/XP Cobol VMware Service Manager
MS Office TCP/IP IDCAMS AS 400 Mainframe
Impromptu 6.0 / Web Reports Test Director ABEND-AID
Atari Mega Ste/TT030/falcon IBM Compatible PC Macintosh IBM 3090
Technical Support, Kroger BTC Blue Ash, OH July 2016 to present. Phone and email support for Kroger and all of it
subsidiary stores and distribution centers. Support the technicians working on hardware in the field, using the ticketing system.
VMware Service Manager. Track issues and escalate when needed; dispatch repair techs to fix hardware. Address network
errors with serial and network printers, network enabled department scales and vendor scanning devices used for product
receiving. Password resets, Time clocks, My E-schedule store scheduling software.
PROGRAMMER, Kid Nepro Productions, Cincinnati, 1989 - present. Design and program sounds for a large variety of
electronic musical instruments. Design and create customgraphics for company letterhead, disk labels, and newsletters. Provide
full customer support for all of our products via phone on-line and E-mail for PC and Atari. Assist in maintaining our web site
with new and updated software and demos.
Marksman Refurbishment Services Sharonville, OH. Dec 2015 to Jan 2016. Repaired laptop and desktop computers. Built
desktop computers from scratch. Tested all computer components, RAM, motherboards, external & internal hard drives, SSD
drives, laptops, notebooks,tablets,webcams, Bluetooth speakers,headphones and digital cameras for functionality and restored
them to factory condition for the end users and sellers. Digital Doc Cincinnati. computer and cell phone repair May 2015 to
Aug 2015. Repaired and refreshed and cleaned viruses from desktop and laptop computers and repaired smart phones and tablets
iPhones, and iPads.
SHORT TERM CONTRACT FOR IBM, Computer refresh & deployment, GAP Distribution Center July 2008.
Assembled new systems, networked them together, software setup and data restore for each systemaccording to each users
Page 2 of 3
profile. Documented all new and old hardware. Deployed the new hardware throughout the large facility. Tested each setup
before signing off on install, approximately 80 new PCs.
SALES & SUPPORT, GC, Cincinnati, December 2000  2008. Professional synthesizer, high tech audio and recording
equipment sales, installation and customer support. Product merchandising and promotion. CICS mainframe based sales system
and customer database support. A level certified in Keyboards and software, A level certified in Professional Audio.
PROGRAMMER/Analyst, AAGIS/AFG TD, Cincinnati, August 1998  April 2001. Managed project upgrading version
3.5 of Cognos Impromptu to version 6.0, moving from Winframe to Metaframe serverenvironment. Created new and completed
all testing of pre-existing reports in both versions of the program. Performed SQL quarries on the mainframe DB2 tables. Data
warehouse work for HR systems employee education reimbursement and grades tracking adding new tables and fields creating
the joins. Set up new users, their access security and customized training using the companys data in combination with the
Cognos training material. Created custom report temples with logos for each subsidiary nationwide and data filters for each
group and setup effective dating for all reports. Trained users in Impromptu as well as set up the Citrix ICA client software to
connect themto the Metaframe serverwhere Impromptu was installed. Worked with Impromptu Web Reports. Project consultant
to divisions for their upgrade and training that used Cognos Impromptu as well as Powerplay and the web -based version of
Y2K testing and certification of the mainframe system. CICS on-line systems. Recorded all users test input and created test
scripts with QA Hiperstation. Planned tests in both Test Director and QA test, used QA load for load testing as well as QA run
test execution. Maintained and modified user scripts with Hiperstation script editor and REXX processoras well as TSO/ISPF.
Wrote JCL for script playback. Planned Y2K tests in Test Director and QA Director. Edited and played-back user scripts with
QA Hiperstation. Saved off output and created documentation for records in QA Test and Test Director Instructed users on
Session Demo.
Managed the graphics creation for the Corporate HR web site. Created all of the Banners on each frame for every page
including the main page. Used Photo Studio, Photo Shop and FrontPage. Worked on team that created weekly on-line News
Magazine published on Company intranet, using FrontPage. Edited page content and inserted Photos and animation, set up all
hypertext links, and created customgraphics. Set up and created archives to previous issues with all links and pages. Edit ed
HTML code when needed to fix errors and modify page content. Worked with Macromedia Dream weaver to create page layouts
and develop basic framework for web sites, and Mainframe maintenance projects with COBOL, DB2 tables and SQL QMF.
Created new check images and company accounts,updated customer account information for the HR/Payroll dept. Maintained
and modified JCL and procs for the HRIS systemJobs. On-call support of all systems.
PROGRAMMER/Analyst/Consultant, COMPUWARE CORP., Cincinnati March 1998  July 1998. Recorded on-line
entry scripts from systemusers with Hiperstation. Played back recorded scripts and ran batch cycles to test Y2K compliant co de
changes.This included setting up systemrun dates with Xchange, editing and modifying scripts, creating and modifying JCL for
script replay. Other responsibilities included, setting up code line counters with QA XPEDITER for both CICS on-line systems
and running batch jobs for code coverage and documenting executed lines of code in MS Word docs. Acquired details for
business user use cases for tests and documented themin Test Director. Searched production Load Libraries and documented
all non-COBOL II programs in preparation for a future code conversion projects.
SERVICE & REPAIR SHOP MANAGER, Rogue Music, NY. 1988 - 1997. Evaluated all incoming used musical equipment
before purchase. Assisted in the design and implementation of a large customer and inventory data base (MS Access),Ordered
all supplies & parts, maintained all books, payments, correspondence & subcontracting. Managed a staff of 6 technicians.
Professional Keyboard sales and customer support, Professional Audio and recording equipment sales instillation and support,
High tech audio software sales instillation and customer support.
ASSISTANT ENGINEER, D&D Recording Studio, NY. 1987 - 1988. Set up, and breakdown of MIDI equipment,
synthesizers, MIDI sequences, drummachines and computers. Programming of synthesizers and signal processing equipment
using and Atari 1040ST Computer system. ASSISTANT ENGINEER & TAPE EDITOR, Nola Recording Studio, NY. 1986
- 1987. Assistant tech: The Howard Stern Syndicated Radio Show (Set up of mics, mix boards, and equipment), Edited 14
min. and 60 second spotsofThe Christopher Close-up Radio Programs. Assisted during commercial and demo sessions,Used
Macintosh and Yamaha CX5M computers programming the Yamaha DX7 Synthesizer.
Page 3 of 3
CHUBB INSTITUTE, NJ. Mainframe Computer Programming 1994-1996. Training included total design and
implementation of mainframe software and programs. Coursework included specifications, flow-charting the program, coding,
compiling, testing and debugging,and writing the JCL to run the programs. Projects included editing programs that passed data
to an order processing and inventory updating programs and concluding with an invoice-printing program, then writing JCL to
tie all three programs together in a systemrun. Working with both online CICS and batch systems.
ST. JOHNS UNIVERSITY, NY. Liberal Arts, 1981-1983.
Impromptu Administrator 6.0 Cognos
Mastering MS Access Development I.S. Research
Crystal Reports 7.0 Sarcom
Word advanced Sarcom
Access advanced Sarcom
Object oriented analysis and design AFG
Process Improvement AFG

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  • 1. John Thomas McShane a: 7284 Berwood Dr. Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 c: (513)-284-3117 h: (513)-561-4489 e: patchmaker@cinci.rr.com AREAS OF EXPERTISE LANGUAGES, TOOLS, OPERATING SYSTEMS Cobol Programming MVS/ISA Crystal reports QA EXCHANGE CICS Citrix SQL QA Load MVS/JCL Tiny Term Dream weaver Winframe XPEDITER Batch TSO/ISPF-PDF MS FrontPage 98 / 20000 ROSCOE Cobol II Kronos Impromptu Web Reports Aldus PageMaker 5.0/6.5 VSAM Putty Project Workbench QA Run FILE-AID/DB2 FILE-AID On-line CICS MS Access Rumba Windows 3.x Win 95/98/NT/XP Cobol VMware Service Manager MS Office TCP/IP IDCAMS AS 400 Mainframe QA Test MS Outlook HIPERSTATION, REXX Impromptu 6.0 / Web Reports Test Director ABEND-AID HARDWARE Atari Mega Ste/TT030/falcon IBM Compatible PC Macintosh IBM 3090 EXPERIENCE Technical Support, Kroger BTC Blue Ash, OH July 2016 to present. Phone and email support for Kroger and all of it subsidiary stores and distribution centers. Support the technicians working on hardware in the field, using the ticketing system. VMware Service Manager. Track issues and escalate when needed; dispatch repair techs to fix hardware. Address network errors with serial and network printers, network enabled department scales and vendor scanning devices used for product receiving. Password resets, Time clocks, My E-schedule store scheduling software. PROGRAMMER, Kid Nepro Productions, Cincinnati, 1989 - present. Design and program sounds for a large variety of electronic musical instruments. Design and create customgraphics for company letterhead, disk labels, and newsletters. Provide full customer support for all of our products via phone on-line and E-mail for PC and Atari. Assist in maintaining our web site with new and updated software and demos. Marksman Refurbishment Services Sharonville, OH. Dec 2015 to Jan 2016. Repaired laptop and desktop computers. Built desktop computers from scratch. Tested all computer components, RAM, motherboards, external & internal hard drives, SSD drives, laptops, notebooks,tablets,webcams, Bluetooth speakers,headphones and digital cameras for functionality and restored them to factory condition for the end users and sellers. Digital Doc Cincinnati. computer and cell phone repair May 2015 to Aug 2015. Repaired and refreshed and cleaned viruses from desktop and laptop computers and repaired smart phones and tablets iPhones, and iPads. SHORT TERM CONTRACT FOR IBM, Computer refresh & deployment, GAP Distribution Center July 2008. Assembled new systems, networked them together, software setup and data restore for each systemaccording to each users
  • 2. JOHN MCSHANE Page 2 of 3 profile. Documented all new and old hardware. Deployed the new hardware throughout the large facility. Tested each setup before signing off on install, approximately 80 new PCs. SALES & SUPPORT, GC, Cincinnati, December 2000 2008. Professional synthesizer, high tech audio and recording equipment sales, installation and customer support. Product merchandising and promotion. CICS mainframe based sales system and customer database support. A level certified in Keyboards and software, A level certified in Professional Audio. PROGRAMMER/Analyst, AAGIS/AFG TD, Cincinnati, August 1998 April 2001. Managed project upgrading version 3.5 of Cognos Impromptu to version 6.0, moving from Winframe to Metaframe serverenvironment. Created new and completed all testing of pre-existing reports in both versions of the program. Performed SQL quarries on the mainframe DB2 tables. Data warehouse work for HR systems employee education reimbursement and grades tracking adding new tables and fields creating the joins. Set up new users, their access security and customized training using the companys data in combination with the Cognos training material. Created custom report temples with logos for each subsidiary nationwide and data filters for each group and setup effective dating for all reports. Trained users in Impromptu as well as set up the Citrix ICA client software to connect themto the Metaframe serverwhere Impromptu was installed. Worked with Impromptu Web Reports. Project consultant to divisions for their upgrade and training that used Cognos Impromptu as well as Powerplay and the web -based version of impromptu. Y2K testing and certification of the mainframe system. CICS on-line systems. Recorded all users test input and created test scripts with QA Hiperstation. Planned tests in both Test Director and QA test, used QA load for load testing as well as QA run test execution. Maintained and modified user scripts with Hiperstation script editor and REXX processoras well as TSO/ISPF. Wrote JCL for script playback. Planned Y2K tests in Test Director and QA Director. Edited and played-back user scripts with QA Hiperstation. Saved off output and created documentation for records in QA Test and Test Director Instructed users on Session Demo. Managed the graphics creation for the Corporate HR web site. Created all of the Banners on each frame for every page including the main page. Used Photo Studio, Photo Shop and FrontPage. Worked on team that created weekly on-line News Magazine published on Company intranet, using FrontPage. Edited page content and inserted Photos and animation, set up all hypertext links, and created customgraphics. Set up and created archives to previous issues with all links and pages. Edit ed HTML code when needed to fix errors and modify page content. Worked with Macromedia Dream weaver to create page layouts and develop basic framework for web sites, and Mainframe maintenance projects with COBOL, DB2 tables and SQL QMF. Created new check images and company accounts,updated customer account information for the HR/Payroll dept. Maintained and modified JCL and procs for the HRIS systemJobs. On-call support of all systems. PROGRAMMER/Analyst/Consultant, COMPUWARE CORP., Cincinnati March 1998 July 1998. Recorded on-line entry scripts from systemusers with Hiperstation. Played back recorded scripts and ran batch cycles to test Y2K compliant co de changes.This included setting up systemrun dates with Xchange, editing and modifying scripts, creating and modifying JCL for script replay. Other responsibilities included, setting up code line counters with QA XPEDITER for both CICS on-line systems and running batch jobs for code coverage and documenting executed lines of code in MS Word docs. Acquired details for business user use cases for tests and documented themin Test Director. Searched production Load Libraries and documented all non-COBOL II programs in preparation for a future code conversion projects. SERVICE & REPAIR SHOP MANAGER, Rogue Music, NY. 1988 - 1997. Evaluated all incoming used musical equipment before purchase. Assisted in the design and implementation of a large customer and inventory data base (MS Access),Ordered all supplies & parts, maintained all books, payments, correspondence & subcontracting. Managed a staff of 6 technicians. Professional Keyboard sales and customer support, Professional Audio and recording equipment sales instillation and support, High tech audio software sales instillation and customer support. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, D&D Recording Studio, NY. 1987 - 1988. Set up, and breakdown of MIDI equipment, synthesizers, MIDI sequences, drummachines and computers. Programming of synthesizers and signal processing equipment using and Atari 1040ST Computer system. ASSISTANT ENGINEER & TAPE EDITOR, Nola Recording Studio, NY. 1986 - 1987. Assistant tech: The Howard Stern Syndicated Radio Show (Set up of mics, mix boards, and equipment), Edited 14 min. and 60 second spotsofThe Christopher Close-up Radio Programs. Assisted during commercial and demo sessions,Used Macintosh and Yamaha CX5M computers programming the Yamaha DX7 Synthesizer.
  • 3. JOHN MCSHANE Page 3 of 3 EDUCATION CHUBB INSTITUTE, NJ. Mainframe Computer Programming 1994-1996. Training included total design and implementation of mainframe software and programs. Coursework included specifications, flow-charting the program, coding, compiling, testing and debugging,and writing the JCL to run the programs. Projects included editing programs that passed data to an order processing and inventory updating programs and concluding with an invoice-printing program, then writing JCL to tie all three programs together in a systemrun. Working with both online CICS and batch systems. ST. JOHNS UNIVERSITY, NY. Liberal Arts, 1981-1983. ADDITIONAL TRAINING Impromptu Administrator 6.0 Cognos Mastering MS Access Development I.S. Research Crystal Reports 7.0 Sarcom Word advanced Sarcom Access advanced Sarcom Object oriented analysis and design AFG Process Improvement AFG