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Joseph Perkins
456 Greathouse Drive, Richmond KY
(859) 587-2866
Transylvania University
B.A. in Music Technology - May 2013, Minor in Philosophy -May 2013
IT Technician
Lexington Public Library C Lexington, KY [February 2016-Present]
? Primary point of contact for all IT related issues during late afternoon to evening hours
? Manage and provide support to all client and staff machines within all of the branches: Central,
Northside, Beaumont, Tates Creek,Eastside, and Village.
? Image and configure PACs and catalog machines for use in the branches.
o This includes BIOS configuration changes, adding machines to the LPL domain,
installing Sophos antivirus, installing deep freeze,and creating custom install scripts.
? Utilize multiple KVM switches to monitor configurations to more efficiently set up and configure
o This also holds true for performing DOD level, 7 pass, hard drive wiping
? Efficiently diagnose physical issues with machines, and if need be, return them to the office for
? Troubleshoot printer and coin box issues, most notably, toner cartridges and financial refunds due
to being shortchanged.
? Provide remote assistance to users and clients using computer virtualization along with active
directory and group policy.
Information Systems Help Desk Technician/Database Analyst
University ofKentucky- Lexington, KY [April 2015-Present]
? Four main areas of focus: web application technical support, reporting data and maintenance,
website optimization and troubleshooting, network administration technical assistance
? Working with PHI on a daily basis: encrypt and decrypt SSNs, names of clients receiving
treatment for mental illness, client progression status,and numerous other client identifiers.
? Provide technical assistance to users of the IMPACT Outcomes Management System and BPRS
web application which currently have over 500 combined active users.
? Keep a running log of every service related issue that arises, and logs resolutions to the problems
? Work with web developer in identifying and testing enhancements to the system.
? Attempt to break response fields in the web interface so as to ensure stability and
consistency throughout, preventing users from entering incorrect information and to
prevent hacking through the interface.
? Assist with the optimization and troubleshooting of the web interface that the users utilize to
interact with client information and settings.
? Provide prompt and diligent damage control so as to prevent sensitive PHI leak from reaching
external users.
? Compile numerous client surveys and convert them to the new survey format in Microsoft SQL
? Perform numerous queries on client information so as to ensure that their data is up to date and
? Install and set up numerous Dell servers,along with their respective rails, and CMAs
? Create and edit 300+ support logs over a 6 month time span
? When, and if the surveys take over 30 seconds to submit, I contact colleagues and immediate
supervisor to discuss possible solutions so as to ensure the reduction of these issues.
? Assists IPOP Network Administrator regarding hardware/software/network support, such as:
? Perform routine file search maintenance on local and network drives C Agent Ransack
? Inspect and report questionable IPaddresses requesting access to IPOP network
(hacking prevention).
? Perform monthly update of drug monograph, drug interaction, and patient education data
using Lexi-Data and database tables stored on an FTP server
? Assist in the setup, installation, and configuration of multiple UPSs for use within the
server room in the department.
? Removed multiple servers from rack and removed 125+ hard drives from the drive bays and
destroyed them.
? Utilized DBAN,and DOS based utility "killdisk" to do 3 pass hard drive wiping
? Configured numerous machines for use with UK employees.
? Installed Windows 8 from scratch,deleting any prior partitions or installations before
doing so
? Ensured drivers, updates, basic applications, and activation were complete
? Tested all basic hardware components, ensuring that the machine is fully functional
? Configured VPN software for UK employees so as to allow them to remote into their
work machine from home
? Ran cable from severaldifferent switches in server rack to additional servers and maintained its
appearance and safety
? Removed six servers with rails from a cabinet in the server room to prepare it for newer servers
and their installation.
? HIPAAcertified
Lead Computer Technician
Hartland Computer Repair & Campus Computer Repair - Lexington, KY [June 2014 C April 2015]
? Assists in the creation of a new location for computer repair on High Street - a subsidiary of
Hartland Computer Repair - Within months of opening, developed strong connections with 80+
customers, providing, top level customer service, quick turnaround, and tier I/tier II level
technical support for both customer issues and business issues
? Configures wireless routers or networks for new clients, setting up configurations with switches if
? Use ZOHO invoicing system to create contact info and running logs/invoices for customers.
? Virus removal, such as: Cryptowall, Cryptolocker, FBI Virus, Moneypak, Poweliks, etc.
? Use programs such as Virtual Box to operate Windows, Linux, or Apple platforms in an
environment that is not native to the host machine.
? Perform numerous hardware repairs, such as: Motherboard/CPU, RAM, HDD,WLAN, DC
Jacks,Inverters, Screens, Bezels, Bottom Bases,Keyboards,Fans, Power Supplies, CMOS
Batteries,Top Assemblies
? Format hard drives with Windows, OSX, and Linux,
Computer Technician/Computer Salesman
Device Pitstop(Laptop XChange) - Lexington, KY [June 2013 - July 2014]
? Reformats 2700+ hard drives, with fresh OS, drivers, and updates for customer machines
(business and consumer end), and store machines for sell.
? Completed 500+ LED/LCD screen replacements
? Replaced digitizers on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and iPhone 5S
? Performs thorough diagnostic on all computers, and provides solutions to fix detected issues
? Troubleshoot various customer issues and provide thorough diagnostics for Mac OSX (10.5 -
10.9), Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8
? Experience with all major laptop and desktop hardware replacements/repairs
? Transferring/Recovering Data (Basic and Advanced Level)
? Remote Login Assistance using Team Viewer
? Format hard drives, and perform factor resets on Android and iOS devices
? Hard Drive imaging and cloning for both Apple and PC (Using Fog and Clonezilla)
Information Technology Help Desk Assistant
Transylvania University- Lexington, KY [Jan. 2012-May 2013]
? Performed generaltier 1 support C Listening to the client's issues (students, faculty, staff) and
working to troubleshoot/solve in a timely and efficient manner
? Office Suite troubleshooting: formatting, forms, tables, spreadsheets, etc
? Installed prudent software and hardware to ensure better preventive maintenance
? Kept a running log of each client and the issue they were encountering for future reference
? Helped change/configure TCP/IP settings
? Utilize WS/FTP for file transfers to the web and web hosting
SQL Server 2014, C++, HTML5/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery, Max MSP/Jitter, Visual Studio 2012
Excellent nonverbal and verbal communication skills. Working closely with supervisors and co-workers
to achieve high quality technical assistance,and solutions to numerous inquiries regarding changes to
website interfaces. Extremely proficient in planning, time management, meeting and exceeding deadlines,
and multitasking. Occasionally come in for a couple hours on days off, if I noticed deadlines approaching
too soon, or if co-workers were overwhelmed with workload.
Assisted clients fill out proper paperwork that was then filed for reference. Prioritized computer issues by
importance. Took diagnostic notes on various issues when supervisor was not present and informed him
when he returned. Able to troubleshoot issues and discrepancies in inventory.
Mark Thacker C Director of Application Security C Heartland Payment Systems
Phone: (502) 472-3089; Email: N/A
Harry HughesCMental Health Data Mgmt. Assoc. Director (IPOP)C University of Kentucky
Phone: (859) 323-7120; Email: harry.hughes@uky.edu
David Boulden C Field Service Analyst C University of Kentucky
Phone: (859) 539 -7636; Email: N/A
Steve Hamrin C Owner C Hartland Computer Repair/Campus Computer Repair
Phone: (859) 536 - 4107; Email: computers@crosbydrive.com
John Thompson C Technology Help Desk Coordinator - Transylvania University
Phone: (859) 281-3593; Email: jlthompson@transy.edu

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Joseph Perkins Resume

  • 1. 1 Joseph Perkins josephperkins77@gmail.com 456 Greathouse Drive, Richmond KY (859) 587-2866 EDUCATION Transylvania University B.A. in Music Technology - May 2013, Minor in Philosophy -May 2013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE IT Technician Lexington Public Library C Lexington, KY [February 2016-Present] ? Primary point of contact for all IT related issues during late afternoon to evening hours ? Manage and provide support to all client and staff machines within all of the branches: Central, Northside, Beaumont, Tates Creek,Eastside, and Village. ? Image and configure PACs and catalog machines for use in the branches. o This includes BIOS configuration changes, adding machines to the LPL domain, installing Sophos antivirus, installing deep freeze,and creating custom install scripts. ? Utilize multiple KVM switches to monitor configurations to more efficiently set up and configure machines. o This also holds true for performing DOD level, 7 pass, hard drive wiping ? Efficiently diagnose physical issues with machines, and if need be, return them to the office for replacement. ? Troubleshoot printer and coin box issues, most notably, toner cartridges and financial refunds due to being shortchanged. ? Provide remote assistance to users and clients using computer virtualization along with active directory and group policy. Information Systems Help Desk Technician/Database Analyst University ofKentucky- Lexington, KY [April 2015-Present] ? Four main areas of focus: web application technical support, reporting data and maintenance, website optimization and troubleshooting, network administration technical assistance ? Working with PHI on a daily basis: encrypt and decrypt SSNs, names of clients receiving treatment for mental illness, client progression status,and numerous other client identifiers. ? Provide technical assistance to users of the IMPACT Outcomes Management System and BPRS web application which currently have over 500 combined active users. ? Keep a running log of every service related issue that arises, and logs resolutions to the problems ? Work with web developer in identifying and testing enhancements to the system. ? Attempt to break response fields in the web interface so as to ensure stability and consistency throughout, preventing users from entering incorrect information and to prevent hacking through the interface. ? Assist with the optimization and troubleshooting of the web interface that the users utilize to interact with client information and settings. ? Provide prompt and diligent damage control so as to prevent sensitive PHI leak from reaching external users. ? Compile numerous client surveys and convert them to the new survey format in Microsoft SQL ? Perform numerous queries on client information so as to ensure that their data is up to date and current ? Install and set up numerous Dell servers,along with their respective rails, and CMAs ? Create and edit 300+ support logs over a 6 month time span
  • 2. 2 ? When, and if the surveys take over 30 seconds to submit, I contact colleagues and immediate supervisor to discuss possible solutions so as to ensure the reduction of these issues. ? Assists IPOP Network Administrator regarding hardware/software/network support, such as: ? Perform routine file search maintenance on local and network drives C Agent Ransack ? Inspect and report questionable IPaddresses requesting access to IPOP network (hacking prevention). ? Perform monthly update of drug monograph, drug interaction, and patient education data using Lexi-Data and database tables stored on an FTP server ? Assist in the setup, installation, and configuration of multiple UPSs for use within the server room in the department. ? Removed multiple servers from rack and removed 125+ hard drives from the drive bays and destroyed them. ? Utilized DBAN,and DOS based utility "killdisk" to do 3 pass hard drive wiping ? Configured numerous machines for use with UK employees. ? Installed Windows 8 from scratch,deleting any prior partitions or installations before doing so ? Ensured drivers, updates, basic applications, and activation were complete ? Tested all basic hardware components, ensuring that the machine is fully functional ? Configured VPN software for UK employees so as to allow them to remote into their work machine from home ? Ran cable from severaldifferent switches in server rack to additional servers and maintained its appearance and safety ? Removed six servers with rails from a cabinet in the server room to prepare it for newer servers and their installation. ? HIPAAcertified Lead Computer Technician Hartland Computer Repair & Campus Computer Repair - Lexington, KY [June 2014 C April 2015] ? Assists in the creation of a new location for computer repair on High Street - a subsidiary of Hartland Computer Repair - Within months of opening, developed strong connections with 80+ customers, providing, top level customer service, quick turnaround, and tier I/tier II level technical support for both customer issues and business issues ? Configures wireless routers or networks for new clients, setting up configurations with switches if necessary ? Use ZOHO invoicing system to create contact info and running logs/invoices for customers. ? Virus removal, such as: Cryptowall, Cryptolocker, FBI Virus, Moneypak, Poweliks, etc. ? Use programs such as Virtual Box to operate Windows, Linux, or Apple platforms in an environment that is not native to the host machine. ? Perform numerous hardware repairs, such as: Motherboard/CPU, RAM, HDD,WLAN, DC Jacks,Inverters, Screens, Bezels, Bottom Bases,Keyboards,Fans, Power Supplies, CMOS Batteries,Top Assemblies ? Format hard drives with Windows, OSX, and Linux, Computer Technician/Computer Salesman Device Pitstop(Laptop XChange) - Lexington, KY [June 2013 - July 2014] ? Reformats 2700+ hard drives, with fresh OS, drivers, and updates for customer machines (business and consumer end), and store machines for sell. ? Completed 500+ LED/LCD screen replacements
  • 3. 3 ? Replaced digitizers on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and iPhone 5S ? Performs thorough diagnostic on all computers, and provides solutions to fix detected issues ? Troubleshoot various customer issues and provide thorough diagnostics for Mac OSX (10.5 - 10.9), Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8 ? Experience with all major laptop and desktop hardware replacements/repairs ? Transferring/Recovering Data (Basic and Advanced Level) ? Remote Login Assistance using Team Viewer ? Format hard drives, and perform factor resets on Android and iOS devices ? Hard Drive imaging and cloning for both Apple and PC (Using Fog and Clonezilla) Information Technology Help Desk Assistant Transylvania University- Lexington, KY [Jan. 2012-May 2013] ? Performed generaltier 1 support C Listening to the client's issues (students, faculty, staff) and working to troubleshoot/solve in a timely and efficient manner ? Office Suite troubleshooting: formatting, forms, tables, spreadsheets, etc ? Installed prudent software and hardware to ensure better preventive maintenance ? Kept a running log of each client and the issue they were encountering for future reference ? Helped change/configure TCP/IP settings ? Utilize WS/FTP for file transfers to the web and web hosting RELEVANT PROGRAMMING SKILLS: SQL Server 2014, C++, HTML5/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery, Max MSP/Jitter, Visual Studio 2012 LEADERSHIP/COMMUNICATION: Excellent nonverbal and verbal communication skills. Working closely with supervisors and co-workers to achieve high quality technical assistance,and solutions to numerous inquiries regarding changes to website interfaces. Extremely proficient in planning, time management, meeting and exceeding deadlines, and multitasking. Occasionally come in for a couple hours on days off, if I noticed deadlines approaching too soon, or if co-workers were overwhelmed with workload. ORGANIZATIONAL: Assisted clients fill out proper paperwork that was then filed for reference. Prioritized computer issues by importance. Took diagnostic notes on various issues when supervisor was not present and informed him when he returned. Able to troubleshoot issues and discrepancies in inventory. PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES: Mark Thacker C Director of Application Security C Heartland Payment Systems Phone: (502) 472-3089; Email: N/A Harry HughesCMental Health Data Mgmt. Assoc. Director (IPOP)C University of Kentucky Phone: (859) 323-7120; Email: harry.hughes@uky.edu David Boulden C Field Service Analyst C University of Kentucky Phone: (859) 539 -7636; Email: N/A Steve Hamrin C Owner C Hartland Computer Repair/Campus Computer Repair Phone: (859) 536 - 4107; Email: computers@crosbydrive.com John Thompson C Technology Help Desk Coordinator - Transylvania University Phone: (859) 281-3593; Email: jlthompson@transy.edu